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Chapter 12

The Crystal Aerospace test area stretched for miles around, and its perimeter was defined by intermittent barbed wire. At the center of this inhospitable and barren landscape was a cement bunker half buried in the ground. Watchtowers surrounded the bunker, armed security guards paced up and down, scanning the horizon in all directions, and powerful searchlights illuminated the night sky.

Inside the bunker, a small group of military personnel, led by General Slocum, met with Badger's coordinator, the Crystal Aerospace project, and other employees.

"I think you're going to like this, General" said the coordinator, handing out binoculars to everyone present "The Badger robot is the ultimate super soldier. Take a look".

Through a long rectangular window, General Slocum and the others watched as a four-meter-tall robot approached an empty military truck. Raising its arms, the Badger fired several missiles from the shuttles embedded in each of its limbs and blew the truck to pieces.

"I see you have a good arsenal" said the general "But what about the armor?"

"He has passed all the tests we have subjected him to" explained the coordinator "he can receive any blow, as well as deliver a good thrashing left and right, general".

"I want to review the budget numbers" commented the general "But if what you say is true, I will sign the contract to finance your production tomorrow".

The project coordinator took General Slocum aside.

"What about his engagement to CinchCorp?" he asked.

"The only thing Abacus Cinch has done has been wasting our time and money to fulfill his wildest dreams" replied the general "Nothing would please me more than to give you your funds and ruin Cinch".

A small shrill sound coming from outside the bunker grew louder. The group ran to the window and could see how something broke the tranquility of the night sky.

"What's that?" asked a Crystal Aerospace technician.

"I don't know" replied the coordinator "But it's going in the direction of the Badger..."

The shrill sound outside turned into a deafening noise. Without warning, a missile rose from the sky and smashed the Badger.

The tower's security guards raised their weapons and unleashed a blast of fire, but they couldn't hit what they didn't see, and the ghastly form looming over them seemed to fade and then reappear again.

More missiles continued to fall from above, appearing as they razed the towers.

"What the hell is going on?" asked General Slocum, who was watching the massacre from inside the bunker.

His response came in the form of a roaring turbine engine, and another shrill, high-pitched sound as a missile headed toward the shelter.

"Oh no!" the general yelled as the bunker exploded into a great ball of bright orange flames.

A black form settled on the smoking ruins of the building as a horrible sly laugh faded into the night.

The weeks following Shining Armor's murder were the hardest of Twilight Sparkle's life. She spent a lot of time at home, with Cadance, helping her get through her tragedy, while she struggled with her own guilt for allowing this to happen.

One bright June morning came the moment that Twilight and her companions had longed for. Smiling students and their proud parents packed the outdoor amphitheater in preparation for Canterlot High's graduation ceremony. For Twilight and Cadance, being able to celebrate a special occasion was a small respite from so much pain, although the absence of Shining Armor left a bittersweet taste in such a joyous reunion.

After the typical speeches and the distribution of diplomas, the time-honored tradition of students throwing their caps into the air took place. The students erupted in joyous applause. Later, the group began to disperse and they went to reunite with their families.

As she scanned the crowd for Cadance, Twilight spotted Sunset, who was also searching for her mother.

"Hey, Sunset!" Twilight yelled cheerfully "We did it!"

"Sure you do" replied Sunset "And thanks in large part to you! So I have good news: my mother owns a building downtown that has a spare apartment. Says we can use it. Why do not you come with me to city?"

"I don't know" said Twilight, shrugging "I don't know if I can afford to pay the rent. I have to get a job first!"

"We'll come up with something" smiled Sunset.

Nearby, Cadance and Abacus Cinch walked through the crowd, searching for their respective students. Cadance recognized Cinch.

"Mrs. Cinch" she said, extending her right hand "I'm Cadance, Twilight's sister-in-law".

"Nice to meet you" said Cinch, shaking her hand affectionately "How is she? I can't find my daughter".

"There's Sunset" Cadance said, pointing over the heads of the people next to them.

Sunset pushed her way through the crowd, clutching her diploma with pride.

"Hey, mom!" she yelled, stopping next to Cinch. She wanted him to give her a motherly hug, but she knew better not to expect anything.

"You did it" Cinch said, offering her hand. "It's not the first time I've been wrong. Congratulations".

"Thank you" Sunset said, accepting her mother's firm hand shake.

"Congratulations, Sunset" said Cadance, hugging her lovingly.

"Look who's coming that way!" Cinch exclaimed upon seeing Twilight advancing towards them "The winner of the science award!".

Twilight finally caught up with the group, ready to hug Cadance.

"Here's our graduate" she said as she held her tight and smiled proudly "You were both so pretty up there..."

Cinch put her hand on Twilight's shoulder.

"I know you've had a very hard time" she said "If you ever need anything..."

"Thank you Mrs. Cinch" Twilight replied with a nod.

It wasn't the first time Sunset had the feeling that her mother was more fond of Twilight than she was. Averting her gaze from the emotional scene, she caught sight of Flash Sentry, shoving Trixie away, turning, and pushing his way through the crowd. Sunset looked back at Twilight and Cinch, then ran after Flash.

Back at home, Twilight walked up the stairs to her room. Cadance followed her, worried that once the day's celebrations were over, Twilight's sadness would be greater than ever.

Her door was ajar, so she knocked softly. He then he entered her room and sat next to her, on the edge of the bed.

"I've missed him so much today" Twilight said almost in a whisper, staring at the ground.

"I know" replied Cadance, taking Twilight's hand "I've missed him too. But he was there. I know. He would never have missed it".

Twilight raised her head and looked at the ceiling in exasperation.

"I wish I hadn't..."

"Twilight, don't start that again" Cadance cut her off.

"I can't stop thinking about the last thing I said to her" Twilight continued, her voice still haunted.

"Stop torturing yourself" Cadance said soothingly.

"He was trying to tell me something important and I ignored him" Twilight said, dropping her head back onto her chest.

"You loved him" said Cadance "And he loved you. He never doubted that you would become a great woman. He knew that great things are going to happen to you in life. You will not let him down" and then, squeezing his hand, she added "Not even me".

I got up gently and left Twilight lost in thought of her.

Left alone, Twilight opened the bottom drawer of her closet and pulled out the pink and purple suit and mask that she had been working on for days. The pink part of the suit (chest, shoulders, gloves, boots and mask) traversed by silver filaments, and in the center of the cobweb on the chest was a white spider. The mask had two white, oval-shaped pieces for the eyes, designed by Twilight to allow her to see without being recognized.

As she stared at the white spider on the suit, Twilight heard Shining Armor's voice in her mind:

"With great power comes great responsibility" said the warm and familiar voice "Remember, Twilight... Remember".

Author's Note:

After graduation, Twilight makes a decision