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Chapter 1

The old yellow school bus rattled through the bumpy streets of Canterlor City. The bus, looking like it had been running since before its passengers were born, carried thirty high school students.

Inside, the usual morning chaos reigned. Laughter, screams, jokes, songs, and a few undefined grunts filled the bus as they rumbled through the streets.

"Mmm..." sighed a student sinking his teeth into a sticky jelly-filled donut as a red glob and a cloud of powdered sugar fell onto his pants.

Another student drummed his pencils on his notebook, his eyes closed and his head shaking to the rhythm of the music pouring from his headphones.

"Hey Chips! Where's my homework?" screaming was heard from the bottom.

"I'm making them now!" was the sharp, forced response.

A handsome girl sat next to a handsome, blue-haired boy, and put his arm around her shoulders. She looked out the window and saw someone running alongside the bus, desperately trying to catch up.

"Hey, look!" the girl yelled "Sparkle missed the bus again! Or maybe she's just practicing to get on the track team!"

Everyone on the bus started laughing mockingly. All but the blue haired boy, who pulled his arm from his shoulder and stood up. He looked out the window and sighed deeply.

"Stop the bus!" he yelled at him, so the driver could hear him over the screams "He's been trying to reach us from Woodhaven Boulevard!"

Outside, seventeen-year-old Twilight Sparkle ran as fast as her slender legs would allow. She had missed the bus, as always, and she had been chasing him from seven streets back. Her sweat trickled down her forehead as she tried to keep her legs moving, her arms holding the books and glasses on the elusive bridge of her nose.

The bus stopped and her doors screeched open. Twilight slowed down the road to a trot, then to a normal pace.

Breathing hard, she stumbled up the stairs, limping from the pain in her calf.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she apologized, as she moved down the hall, tripping over her feet and tossing backpacks.

Twilight discovered a vacant spot with a girl, and their eyes met for a moment.

"Don't think for a second that you can sit here, nerd" the girl muttered, taking her books and taking her empty seat with them.

Twilight kept shuffling awkwardly down the hall, struggling to hold onto her books and trying to put her new glasses on top of her nose with her index finger. Busy searching for a place, she didn't see a big foot now getting in the way of her.

"Aahh!" Twilight moaned as she stumbled and fell headlong to the ground as her books shot out in all directions.

"Trixie Lunamoon!" the blue haired boy yelled at the girl sitting next to him "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Trixie replied, shrugging innocently.

"Don't tease me, Trixie" said the boy, standing up "I know you stepped foot to make Twilight trip".

"Come on Flash ..." Trixie pleaded "I would never do something like that."

Flash Sentry walked past Trixie into the hallway and began collecting Twilight's books.

She, still stunned, looked at him with her glasses hanging from one ear and smiled.

Author's Note:

The legend begins