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Chapter 13

For the next several weeks, the city of Canterlot City bustled with news of a strange figure in pink and purple who thwarted the action of the criminals as if it were a harassment and takedown team made up of a single woman. The most incredible stories dotted the city's newspapers and ran from word of mouth among taxi drivers, construction workers, and other citizens who made up the city's urban fabric.

A thief about to shoot a shopkeeper saw the gun ripped from his hand with a sticky filament of cobweb fired by a mysterious being.

Police officers who arrived at the scene of a jewelery robbery found the three robbers neatly tied inside a sack made of cobweb, hanging from a lamp.

A woman who had just had her purse stolen saw a pink and purple silhouette carry the rogue through the air as she returned her purse with a note that read: "COURTESY OF YOU FRIEND NEIGHBORHOOD, SPIDER-GIRL".

The police did not know what to think of this masked crusade. Some thought she was a heroine, others an unwanted vigilante.

In the offices of Canterlot City's largest tabloid newspaper, Pony New Network, editor Filthy Rich knew exactly what he thought of the so-called Spider-Girl.

"She is a criminal!" Filthy yelled at Applejack, her longtime editor-in-chief "A public threat! What's she doing on my front page?".

Filthy Rich turned the edition of her newspaper on her desk, discovering the headline: "WHO IS SPIDER-GIRL? THE COSTUME WOMAN SAVES FIRE VICTIMS". Next to the headline was a photograph of a building on fire, with a blurred figure climbing up the side of the building.

"She's news, boss," Applejack explained "She saved six people from being burned to death".

"She was probably the one who started the fire!" snapped Filthy Rich "Something's up and this disgusting character is already there. What does that tell you, huh?".

"That she's a hero," Applejack replied.

"So... why is she wearing a mask?" shouted Filthy Rich "What does he have to hide?".

A wide smile appeared on Applejack's face. After so many years, he knew the reactions of his boss perfectly. She saved her best argument for last.

"We have sold out all four editions of today's newspaper, Filthy" she said.

"Sold out?" Filthy Rich asked.

"Not one left" Applejack replied, savoring the moment.

"I want Spider-Girl on the front page tomorrow!" yelled Filthy Rich "And this time with a decent photo!".

"That's our real problem" Applejack explained "We can't take a good photo. Starlight Glimmer has been trying for weeks to get a picture of that type, but nobody manages to do more than see it fleetingly".

"What's wrong? Is she shy?" yelled Filthy Rich, unloading her fist on the table "Don't you want to be famous? Put an ad: "Reward offered in exchange for Spider-Girl pictures!". Surely someone will get a picture".

"Maybe she doesn't want to be famous, boss" suggested Applejack.

"I think it's great!" Filthy Rich reproached him "Then I will make her famous!".

Twilight Sparkle was running around the Everfree University's campus in Manehattan. Since college, it seemed that he was always late for everything: classes, appointments, dinners... Trying to combine the life of a student and a superhero, without forgetting to try to earn money, gave him the feeling that the day did not have enough hours.

As she bolted into the university's science building, her fingers quickly buttoned her shirt to hide the pink and purple suit she wore underneath.

"Professor Luna!" Twilight yelled upon seeing the dark blue-headed teacher walking down the hall.

"You're an hour late, Sparkle" said Professor Luna, sighing and shaking her head "Class is over. You have missed another class".

"I'm sorry" Twilight apologized "It won't happen..."

"Look, Twilight" Professor Luna continued "You have a great scientific mind, but you don't seem to be able to put your priorities in order. You have been late six times this semester".

"Professor Luna, please let me explain..." Twilight pleaded.

"This internship is paid" Professor Luna continued, ignoring Twilight's plea "Do you know how many first-year students have applied for it? Do you know how many would even do it for free?"

"Professor Luna, please" Twilight tried one last time "I need this job!"

Professor Luna put her hand on Twilight's shoulder.

"I like you, Twilight" she said with real affection "Come see me when you have matured a little".

Twilight slowly exited the science building and past campus, walking aimlessly through the streets of Manehattan. She was counting on that interim. Now she would have to find another way to earn money, another way to pay Sunset her share of her rent.

As they passed a dirty-looking coffee shop, Twilight saw a man rushing out of there, followed by a trail of screaming. It was Flash Sentry.

"Hey!" she called out to him, running to catch up with him.

"Get lost!" Flash yelled at her, not even bothering to look at her.

"Flash, it's me, Twilight" he yelled at her.

Flash stopped and turned.

"Hi, Twilight!" he said "How are you?"

"I just lost my job" said Twilight "I have to find another one. What about you?"

"I, mmm..." Flash hesitated "I'm going to audition".

"So now you act" said Twilight enthusiastically "It's fantastic!"

The cafeteria door slammed open and a huge woman ran after them. She was wearing an apron and a bunch of restaurant bills clutched in her beefy fist.

"Hey, Mr. Actor!" she yelled at Flash "You have six dollars left. Next time I'll take it out of your pay!"

Then she turned and went back into the cafeteria.

"It's a temp job..." Flash explained, unable to hide his embarrassment "A few extra dollars".

"There's nothing to be ashamed of" Twilight responded quickly "I've been fired from worse jobs than these!"

"Please don't tell Sunset" said Flash.

"Sunset?" Twilight asked, puzzled at the mention of her roommate.

"We're dating together" said Flash, puzzled "Didn't he tell you? Don't you live in the same apartment?"

"Uh... yeah, well..." Twilight said, trying to hide her surprise.

"I think she doesn't like the idea of him serving tables" Flash explained "She thinks he's unworthy of me".

"Well, Sunset has never lived with her feet in that place I call Earth" Twilight joked.

Flash laughed.

"How do you always make her feel better to me?" he asked, squeezing Twilight's hand "See you later".

"See ya" Twilight said "And don't worry. I won't tell Sunset anything".

"Thanks" he replied, then turned the corner and disappeared down the next block.

Twilight stopped and looked up at the sky, shaking her head. "Sunset and Flash, wow!" she told herself. She lowered her head and walked home.

Upon entering the spacious apartment she shared with Sunset Shimmer, Twilight saw her partner sitting at her desk, studying. Meanwhile, Abacus Cinch paced around the house and spoke on his cell phone. She saw Twilight enter and nodded at her without leaving her conversation, and she, at the same time, returned her greeting.

"Typical" Sunset said as Twilight flopped down on the couch "Mom comes to visit me and is on the phone all the time".

She then she noticed Twilight's expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I was late and Professor Luna fired me" Twilight explained.

"Were you late again?" Sunset asked "Really, I don't know what's wrong with you, Twilight. Can you tell where you go all the time?"

Twilight shrugged.

"Over there" mumbled herself. Her biggest concern was keeping her life as Spider-Girl a secret from those she loved.

Abacus Cinch finished talking on the phone and turned to Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle" she said "Maybe you can tell me who that mystery boy is, the one who's dating Sunset. She wants me to meet him. This is new!"

"Mom!" Sunset protested.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Cinch" Twilight said, staring at her roommate "Sunset hasn't told me about him".

"Hey mom: Twilight is looking for a job" said Sunset, glad she could change the subject "Why don't you get her one?"

"No, it's not necessary, Mrs. Cinch" Twilight replied quickly "Thank you, but don't worry. I'll find something".

"What kind of job are you looking for, Twilight?" Cinch asked.

"Actually, I'm thinking of something to do with photography," Twilight replied as she picked up an edition of Pony New Networks, which was folded on the coffee table. She had intended to browse the job postings, but the image on the front page of the newspaper stopped her in her tracks.

A crude drawing of Spider-Girl's masked face stared at her from the front page of the newspaper. Above it was read: "PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF WANTED! IS IT REALLY EXISTS SPIDER-GIRL? SHOW US. REWARD GIVEN IN CASH!".

Author's Note:

Aside from being famous, it seems like Twilight has found the perfect job for her.