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Chapter 19

Twilight ran out to find Flash sitting on the steps of a nearby house. He was crying. Twilight sat next to him and handed him a tissue.

"I'm sorry I acted like that" said Flash, wiping his tears and blowing his nose "I couldn't go on there. That deal brings back very bad memories".

"I understand" said Twilight "I've never seen Sunset like this. But I know she really loves you".

"Sometimes I wonder why I started dating her" said Flash, shaking his head "I guess because she asked me to. She told me he was very handsome in this suit. I thought it would make a good impression on his mother! How funny!"

"Well, the truth is that you look handsome in this suit" Twilight stated before she had a chance to think about what she had said.

Flash looked at her and smiled fondly.

"Thank you" he replied putting an arm around her shoulders "You look pretty too".

Her eyes met. Twilight had never been more in love with Flash. This was her great opportunity ... But she looked away. Another wasted opportunity.

Abacus Cinch knelt on the floor of his study, staring at the Black Goblin mask he held in his hands. The room was dark except for the small spotlight that came from a desk lamp, illuminating Cinch and his mask.

The mask began to speak, though it made no move. His voice sounded in Cinch's head, as if the Black Goblin was standing next to her.

"This changes everything..." said the mask "Spider-Girl is invincible. But Twilight Sparkle is only flesh and blood. We must destroy Sparkle. Then we will get rid of Spider-Girl".

"I can't" Cinch whimpered, responding to the mask "I've been like a mother to her. And she's been like a good daughter to me".

"She came to you, Cinch" continued the mask "A greedy and scheming orphan who has been playing with your heart, with your affection, leaving no room for Sunset... your true daughter and heiress!".

Cinch fixed her gaze on the mask.

"It's true!" she exclaimed "You're right. What have I done to Sunset, to my own daughter?"

"After everything you've done for Sparkle, and look how she pays you for it" she continued the mask "Facing you as Spider-Girl".

"What I can do?" Cinch asked.

"Teach her the meaning of loss and pain" was the reply from the mask "Make her suffer. Make her wish for death. And then grant her that wish".

"Yes" Cinch said, and a twisted smile spread across her mouth "But how?"

"The cunning warrior does not attack the body and neither does the mind" said Mask.

"TELL ME HOW!!" Cinch yelled.

"The heart, Cinch!" replied the mask "First we will attack his heart!".

Cadance missed her husband terribly. Now that Twilight was living on her own, her house seemed very large and empty. The nights were the hardest. It was easy to find reletivamente occupations during the day, keep distracted mind, being with friends... But as the day ended, the pain became more intense, and the gap Shining Armor's death had left in her life seemed to grow with the passage of time.

She put on her flannel pajamas, kissed the photo of Shining Armor on her nightstand. She then she knelt beside her bed and prayed.

"Celestia ours, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name..." he began with his hands joined and his elbows resting on the bed "...the kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread, forgive our offenses just as we forgive those who offend us. Do not let us fall into temptation and free us from..."

Without warning, the wall behind him was pulverized. Cadance fell to the ground, where she remained trembling.

Looking up, he saw the Black Goblin on his glider. A fine stream of foul black gas shot out, filling the room with a toxic cloud.

"Finish the sentence!" demanded the Black Goblin with his supernatural red eyes fixed on Cadance "Finish!!"

Cadance felt them pierce through her, burning her.

"Deliver us... from evil..." she stammered, praying. Then she passed out, overcome by the gas.

The Black Goblin laughed sarcastically, and her obnoxious laughter filled the house and flooded the quiet street of Ponyville.

Twilight ran down the hospital corridor, panicked, blocking any thoughts other than finding Cadance. When she got to her room, she stopped after a long skid.

Twilight watched as doctors and nurses fluttered around the bed. She worked her way through them all until she reached Cadance. She was asleep, hooked up to various machines, with tubes coming out of her nose and an intravenous line running into her arm.

"Cadance!" she yelled, and turning to a doctor, she asked "What happened? Will she be okay?"

"Please, miss" a nurse intervened, taking Twilight by the arm and leading her towards the door "Let the doctors work!"

Just before leaving the room, Twilight heard Cadance's wail. She turned to look at her, and he could hear her weakly muttering:

"Those eyes" she gasped "Those horrible red eyes!"

Later, a doctor covered her mouth with an oxygen mask.

Twilight came out into the lobby. The bedroom door closed behind her... and her eyes widened in terror as Cadance's words made sense to her.

"The Black Goblin" she murmured "She knows who I am! But how? How can she know?"

Thinking fast, unable to stay still in the hospital waiting room, Twilight came out to breathe the cold night air and began to walk at full speed. Barely noticing her, she was heading toward Cadance's house, the place she still considered her home.

She there she picked up a few things Cadance might need, and she headed back to the hospital.

This time when she entered the room, everything was quiet. Cadance was alone, sleeping peacefully, with the machines around her broadcasting her records at a constant rate. Twilight emptied the bag and placed Cadance's hairbrush, her pajamas, and other items in the drawers of the nightstand next to her bed. She also put one of her favorite photos, featuring herself, Cadance, and Shining Armor, on the nightstand next to Cadance's head.

Twilight dropped into an armchair next to the bed, and took Cadance's hand.

"I'm sorry" she said looking at the photo, thinking about the death of Shining Armor and that Cadance almost suffered the same fate, all because of her and for her life as Spider-Girl "I'm so sorry..."

She leaned down and kissed her forehead, brushing away a few tears.

The next afternoon, Flash was walking down the hospital corridor carrying a large bouquet of flowers. He found the right room, poked his head around the door, and saw Twilight, still sitting on the couch. She had a science book open on her lap, and there were several bags of fast food and empty coffee cups around the room. Flash smiled and knocked softly on the door. Twilight looked up.

"Can I enter?" he asked.

Twilight nodded. Flash approached her and put hers arms around her neck, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry" he said looking at the photos that were next to the bed. He leaned down to gently touch Cadance's forehead "Will she be okay?"

"I think so" said Twilight, showing in her voice her suffering and the night spent awake "This morning she woke up for a while. Thanks for coming".

"Who would want to do something like that to him?" asked Flash incredulous "Cadance is so loving, so kind ... Who could want to hurt her?"

"The Black Goblin" Twilight explained, choking as she spoke.

"But, why?" Flash asked, even more surprised "Why would I want to hurt her? Sorry, Twilight. You must ask yourself the same thing".

"It's okay" she said, looking up at Flash's face "What about you? Are you okay after the other night?"

"I'm sorry about what happened" he apologized "It just made things worse for everyone".

"Of course, you have the right to be angry" Twilight said softly "Did you call Sunset?"

"She called me, but I haven't answered her yet" Flash replied, separating from Twilight "The truth is that... I'm in love with another girl".

"Oh yeah?" Twilight said, her heart pounding. It could be possible?.

"At least I think so" said Flash "It's funny. She has saved my life twice and I have never seen her face".

"Ah, she..." Twilight said, secretly sympathetic, but also a bit disappointed.

"Do you think those horrible things they say about her are true?" Flash asked.

"No way" replied Twilight "I know her a little. I'm like the unofficial photograph of her. And none of that is true".

"How do you manage to find her?" Flash inquired.

"Wrong place at the right time, I guess" Twilight replied, shrugging.

"Have you ever talked to her?" Flash asked.

"Mmm... yeah" Twilight hesitated "She asked me once what you looked like".

"Really?" Flash was surprised "And what did you tell him?"

"I told him..." Twilight started "I told him...: Spider-Girl, the thing about Flash is that when you look into his eyes and he looks back at you smiling, you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and terrified. And you know the kind of woman you want to be. When you are with him, it is as if you reach the unattainable and you are not ready for it".

Twilight looked up and saw the tears falling from Flash's eyes.

"Did you tell him that?" Flash asked him.

"Uh ... something like that, yeah" Twilight replied.

Neither Twilight nor Flash noticed Cadance waking up.

Flash reached out and squeezed Twilight's hand. Her eyes met and Flash approached her.

At that moment, Sunset entered the room, carrying a bouquet of flowers for Cadance.

"Hello" she said, while the three of them blushed at the same time.

Flash released Twilight's hand quickly. Sunset looked at them both coldly.

"I have to go" she said, handing flowers to Twilight "I hope Cadance get well".

She then she turned and fled.

Author's Note:

Sunset seems to have gotten a bit of a competition out of it. What will she do now?:twilightoops: