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Chapter 6

Golden morning sunlight flooded Twilight Sparkle's room. She was lying on the ground, in the same position she had collapsed into the night before. She began to move slowly.

She raised her arms and lifted her head from the carpet. After swinging her legs and rising to a sitting position, Twilight's mind began to clear. With a deep sigh, she recalled the events of the previous day. She then she realized something: she felt better, much better!

Jumping to her feet, she verified that she actually felt much better than she had ever felt in her life. She put on her glasses and suddenly everything went blurry. "Eh?" she thought. "I don't normally see anything without my glasses" When he took them off, everything was crystal clear. She put them back on. With them, blurry; without them, perfect. She did not understand what was happening.

"How weird..." she murmured.

Now without his glasses, he looked at his watch. "Oh, no! I'm going to be late again! I have to hurry!". She took off the shirt he had slept in, and gasped as she looked at herself in the mirror.

There was Twilight Sparkle, who hadn't been to a gym in her entire life. It looked like someone had placed Twilight's head on the body of a famous supermodel.

"Wow!" she yelled "What's going on?"

There was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Twilight?" called Cadance "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Cadance!" she replied "I'm fine. I've never been better!"

"Are you feeling better than yesterday?" Cadance asked.

"Yes" Twilight replied, putting her glasses in a drawer "Incredibly better!".

Twilight hurriedly dressed, took the steps two at a time and, jumping over the railing, landed like an Olympic gymnast next to Shining Armor.

"Good morning" she said, stuffing a cupcake in her mouth "It's late. I have to go".

"We thought you were sick" Shining Armor commented.

"I was" Twilight replied, and she began to take two-handed food from all the plates that were on the table "But I feel much better already".

"Sit down, dear" Cadance begged her.

"I can't" Twilight replied, kissing her cheek "See you later."

"Don't forget you have to help me paint the kitchen after class" Shining Armor told him "Okay?"

"Sure, brother" Twilight said, smiling and taking more food "Do not start without me."

She hurried out the front door and glanced at her watch, hoping she still had time to catch up with Flash.

"What happened?" Cadance asked when the door closed on Twilight.

"I don't know ..." Shining Armor complained "But he just ate my bacon."

Twilight left the house just in time to see Flash Sentry leave his house. She paused for a moment in front of the door as a voice echoed out from inside Flash's house.

"I don't care what your mother says!" yelled a harsh voice "You're trash, and always will be! Just like her!"

Flash turned to look at his father for a moment.

"I have to go to class" he said, after which, he turned around to get away from there as soon as possible.

"Who is stopping you?" Mr. Sentry yelled at him.

"Leave him alone" said a weak voice from somewhere in the house.

"Am I talking to you?" yelled Mr. Sentry at his wife. And he slammed the door.

Flash crossed the street at full speed, trying, unsuccessfully, not to shed a single tear. A scene like this was pretty typical in the Sentry house. But the fact that it happened so often didn't make it any easier for him to digest.

Twilight was walking across the street, at the same time as Flash, but a little bit behind so he wouldn't see her. "Talk to him" she told herself, trying to muster the necessary confidence. "Come on, talk to him" It was then that she saw her tears. "No" she thought, "He'd be embarrassed if he knew I saw that private little family moment".

A car horn startled both Twilight and Flash. The convertible Trixie Lunamoon was driving pulled up next to Flash. His friends were in it. Flash quickly wiped away his tears and put a huge, happy smile on his face.

"Thanks for taking me" he said, and got into the car.

The convertible started up, and Twilight could hear the sound of Flash's carefree laughter over the noise of the engine.

As Twilight approached the bus stop, she noticed the bus pulling away.

"Not again!" she screamed herself, and ran off. Surprisingly, within seconds she had already reached him, and she hadn't even gasped.

As he reached for her arm to pound on the doors, hoping the waver would stop, Twilight's hand touched one of the posters that was attached to the side of the bus. The sign read, "GO WONDERCOLTS!" ​​The name used by the Cantelot High track team.

As Twilight touched the sign, the bus sped up and pulled out of the stop. But the sign stuck in the palm of her hand, torn from the vehicle that was now accelerating. "What's going on here?" Twilight wondered for the fourth or fifth time that morning as she dropped the sign.

The deafening sound of a horn startled her. Turning, she saw the nose of a huge truck just inches from her nose.

"WOW!" Twilight screeched, instinctively stepping aside.


The driver slammed on the brakes, knowing full well that he didn't have enough time to stop before hitting the girl. When the truck stopped, the driver rushed out of the cab. Hurrying to the front of the vehicle, he glanced at the grille of the truck. There was nothing there. Then she looked at the ground. There was no one there either. Taking off her cap and scratching her head, she got back into the truck and continued on her way.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes. She looked down and saw the street... ten stories below! And looking up, she realized that she was near the roof of a tall apartment building, pressed against a brick wall by the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet.

"I've jumped up to here" she thought "It's the only possible explanation. I've jumped up to here, and now I'm stuck to a wall!".

Twilight reached out for her and grabbed a thick metal pipe that ran the entire building from top to bottom. Hoping she could climb it to the roof, she twisted it like aluminum foil. After releasing the pipe, her Twilight fell onto the sidewalk, where she landed without a single scratch.

Landing and still in awe, but also very jubilant, Twilight ran to the institute.

Author's Note:

What you are happening to Twilight?:twilightoops: