• Published 19th Oct 2021
  • 24,848 Views, 1,800 Comments

Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 18 (the date)


“Is she looking to start a war?” asked my wife, looking over the latest changeling reports with pursed lips.

I was worrying my own bottom lip looking over them, “No, she is looking for something.”

“We all know WHO she is looking for.” Stated Shaded Wing.

“Well, she ain’t getting ‘im.” Shield threw the report she was reading on the table.

“Maybe not, but she may increase the number of ponies they are taking.” Shaded put his own report on the table, and I used my magic to pick it up.

“We are still giving them the bottled love from Patchwork, don’t we? Or has Spell Scroll finally made a breakthrough?” I asked nopony in particular, hoping to get an answer from one of my captains and their seconds.

“Not to our knowledge, your Highness.” Piped up Shadow Step. “But we have managed to finally get in contact with a rogue element of the changelings.”

“Did we now?” I was surprised, as I had no idea that they were even looking for it. Shaded Wing must have kept this to himself in case things go poorly and he has to take the fall for a failed mission. “And what did that rogue changeling say? I hope we at least offered them something.”

“Well, she was spooked, that’s for one.” Shaded now took a scroll from under his wing and presented it to me. I gave it a quick read while they were talking amongst themselves.

It seems that ‘Dragonfly’ almost managed to elude us in Manehattan, but they managed to corner her and properly talk to her. She was offered a substantial amount of love pills should she help us, both by being studied and compared to what we already know and by helping us produce more love for the trade-offs. That should take some pressure from Patch and help us further in gaining the changelings' trust.

That is, of course, unless Chrysalis does something stupid and causes an all-out war to break out by pushing things too far. Hopefully, she isn’t that stupid.

“… he got a date.”

“Who got a date, my love?” I asked my wife. Putting the scroll down I picked up another one and unfurled it (“Seems that Impulse isn’t keeping his muzzle shut as much as I hoped. At least he isn’t mentioning changelings so far.”)

“Patch. He got himself a date set up with a Sparkle.” My wife had a wide grin on her muzzle, and I was eager to flash one of my own. Sparkle household was indeed a good choice. What they may lack in size they certainly make up for it in connections. I do not remember in the last century when a Sparkle was far from the throne, in some way or another. The current head of the household Aurora Sparkle and her husband Perfect Service are responsible for over half the castle's maids.

“That is fantastic. Does anypony know when?” My wife shrugged and Shadow Step facehooved hard enough to be heard.

Shaded chuckled, “In two days, your Highness. They are going to a small, casual restaurant called Garden Nibble. A nice place; I took my wife there about a month ago.”

“Speaking off…” Started Shadow, looking at me with a frown, “Do we HAVE to have members of our team shadow Patchwork in the first place?”

“Yes, we do.” Was my Shields’ immediate response, she opened her mouth to continue but I was faster.

“I know you may think that there is no need to do so, but I do have my reasons for it, my dear.”

Shadow wanted to respond, but a quick shake of her captain’s head dissuaded her.

“Your Highness?” Came a hoarse voice from my right. It seems that Parchment is still a bit sick from his cold. Why he insists on working, I do not know.

“Yes, Parchment?” I started putting everything in order in front of me, as I had a good idea why he was interrupting us.

“Your three o’clock is coming up, I know you wanted to meet with Lord Pants today without exceptions.” Lord Silky Pants was indeed an important meeting today, and I had to attend it without fail.

I gave my small team their future assignments and left the meeting room. Hopefully, it will continue to just stay that way. I do not need a war room in my castle, nor do I want one.


I was sweating bullets.

I am currently standing near the indicated meeting spot, on the corner of the main street called, well, Mane Street, and the crossing street called Saddle Road.

Today I was going on a date with Twilight Velvet. I am of half a mind to act out and leave, or make the date go horrible, but… I’m just not that kind of person. I’ll go through this date, have a nice time, and then I’ll just tell her that…

“Ha, you’re the stallion that cost me my test!” Came a shout on my left, making me jump all the way to the top of the building I was under. She nearly scared the fur off of me.

“Hey, you okay up there?” She shouted at me again, and I was rethinking my decision of going down. But she did not look mad, quite the opposite. I was to tread carefully.

“I’m okay,” I shouted back, gliding down in slow, lazy circles.

It gave me a good few seconds to get my bearing and study her as I was gliding.

She looked exactly as I remember her from our impromptu meeting/accident three months ago. He grey fur is shiny, clean, and healthy and her mane and tail have been well tended to. Her blue eyes beheld nothing but mirth, and for a second I got lost in them. Shaking my head, I noticed her smirk.

Huffing I landed in front of her with a soft clop. “My apologies, I was very much lost in thought.”

“’My apologies’? This is a casual date, my dear, no need to be so formal.” She came up to me and gave me a quick and gentle hug. One that I returned without thinking. Ponies were much more physical than humans.

“Sorry.” I apologized again. “My friend probably already told you my name,” I cleared my throat, swallowing dry (‘she is very pretty’), “but I’d rather introduce myself still.” I took a step back and bowed quickly with a flourishing wing thrown to the side, being still cautious not to hit any passer-byes, “The name is Night Front, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I sensed quite a bit of amusement and curiosity from her, and she returned my cordial introduction with a much simpler one, a hoofshake.

“The name is Twilight Velvet, and the pleasure is all mine.” After our hoofshake, I waved her over with a wing and we took our time going to the restaurant, we still had some extra time.

“So, you mind if we talk while we get there, or do you wish to wait?” She asked me after a minute of silence.

“I don’t mind talking, just a fair warning I’m not familiar with any current topics.”

“Nothing like that silly,” she laughed, it was a very pleasing laugh, someone would be very happy with her, “tell me a bit about yourself, what do you like, what’s your favorite color, favorite food, stuff like that.”

“Well, I’m similar to Night Light, I like for everything to have its place, I like to read and learn, but I also like to exercise and do stuff with my hooves. My favorite colors are pink and blue, my favorite food is chocolate-chip cookies and sweet stuff like that.” That got me a giggle and I smiled in return. I nudged her with a wing, prompting her with it to go on herself.

“Well, if you must know, I really like to read and I’m hoping to be an editor one day, I also like exciting stuff, like rollercoaster rides. My favorite color is purple, and my favorite food is my mom’s carrot lasagne.”

“What’s your favorite game?” Came out of my mouth, unfiltered. I just about facehooved when Velvet got in my face and with a swift and merciless ‘boop’ tagged me.

“Tag, you’re it!” She giggled, galloping off towards the restaurant at full tilt.

I shook my head with a sigh, but I couldn’t find it in me to hide my toothy grin. Shaking my body to limber myself up, I opened my pegasus wings and rocketed in her direction. I would be more at ease with my own wings, but these will do.

I got high enough up to not threaten the local pegasi weather ponies, but still high enough for her not to spot me when she turned her head to pick out her pursuer. She stopped and turned around, and I chose that moment to land slightly behind her with a gentle clop of my hooves. There is no way she heard it from the evening din of the streets.

“Night Front?” She questioned, slowly turning around.

I slowly raised my right hoof, waiting for just the right moment, and when she fully turned towards me, I booped her back causing her to jump back and create a sound between a shriek of fright and a sneeze.

“Tag.” I droned lazily jumping into the air and gliding the last few meters to the restaurant itself. I had a shit-eating grin on my muzzle, and it only grew bigger at the groan that came behind me.

“That was horrible.” She groused standing next to me.

“Maybe, but it was fun. Table for two, on the name Night Front.” I told the pegasus receptionist at the front.

“Night, Night… Night Front, here. Welcome, both of you to our little restaurant. Follow me, please.” She told us with a smile, grabbing two menus from the desk with her yellow wings.

We walked to the table, absorbing the cheerful atmosphere of the restaurant. Both of us were just glancing over at everything, and I made note of the various ponies I saw, and I filed them in my brain for later practice.

“This is your table.” She stopped next to a velvet rose bush and put the menus on the table.

I immediately moved over and pulled the chair for Velvet getting a raised eyebrow from her and the receptionist, but that swiftly changed into a large grin from both.

“Thank you.” Velvet chirped as I sat down on my own seat.

“Please, help yourselves to the roses while you wait for a waiter, and please, enjoy your meals.”

We both thanked her and opened up the menus. And suddenly I was completely lost.

I was never a restaurant person; I preferred takeaway and then eat in the comfort of my own home. So now, not only did I not recognize most of the food here as it had different names. I also had to know what the appetizer is and what…

“Lost?” Asked a sweet voice from across the table.

“Yeah, kind of,” I scratched behind my head sheepishly. “Honestly, I’ve never been to a place like this before, so I am kind of out of my depth here.”

“Oh, right, Light did say that you are not from around here.”

“In more ways than one,” I grumbled.

“Okay then, how about,” she took my menu in her magic and placed it on the side, “I order for us since you have been such a gentlecolt so far.” She smiled and I have again found myself smiling back, feeling an awfully familiar and very scary feeling welling up inside me.”

Oh, stars above, I am so screwed’.

The food arrived not long after. I got a fruit salad as an appetizer and afterward a strange-looking salad that looked and tasted sweet called Garden Nectar Salad. All in all, I loved it.


“Yup, to his face and everything. He made us collectively run thirty laps in a full gallop as punishment.” I recounted Slow Wing's wonderful belching contest and its woeful ending.

“Why all of you? I mean, wouldn’t just punishing him be good enough?” Asked Velvet in between bites of our dessert.

“It’s how guard training works, makes you stronger as a team if you are treated as a collective… Also, we were all kind of taking part. I was the referee, for some reason.”

“Eww, colts.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Why were you the referee in the first place?”

“Because I didn’t want to take part and they needed one. Least, that’s what they told me.” I shrugged my wings putting the fork down after my last bite.

“Hmm, I think we are done here.” She suddenly said, absentmindedly looking around.

I suddenly got a pit in my stomach, and it must have shown because she got a panicked look on her face.

“NO, no-no-no, nothing like that,” She waved her hooves franticly. “Look around hun, we are the last ones here.”

I did look around, we were the very last people here, all the other tables were cleared and set, the restaurant was getting ready to close.

“Buck, I didn’t really notice.” I half-whispered.

“Neither did I, but I enjoyed myself, so that might be why.” She said with a smile and a giggle. The ceiling suddenly got very interesting.

“Shall we?” She asked after another giggle.

“Let's.” I wanted to honestly scream. What was I doing here?

We walked in silence for a few minutes after we said our happy goodbye to the restaurant staff (leaving a nice tip to boot). It gave me a good while to stew in my own thoughts, and to decide what I want to do now.

It wouldn’t do good to lie to myself and say that I did not enjoy myself, Tartarus, I had fun. But it wouldn’t work.

Velvet is supposed to end up with Night Light, they are supposed to be together and have two wonderful kids that would go and do amazing things. I was just a bug, in every sense of the word.

Something warm, and slightly damp on my cheek shook me out of my thoughts. Looking to the side I noticed Velvet with closed eyes being AWFULLY close to me. She pulled back with a large smile while I watched her incredulously trying to piece everything together without running to the hills like a maniac screaming.

“Thank you for today, Night Front. I had fun,” she tilted her head to the side adorably. “We should do this again sometimes, but something simpler.”

I nodded my head numbly. The tingle of her lips on my cheek was an ever-present feeling.

“Umm, picnic?” I asked.

“Sure, I’d love a picnic,” she hopped a few times with glee. “How about next Restday? Not tomorrow, but next week.”

“Sure,” I continued to act like an idiot, but it seems to work as she laughed (at me I think) gave me another peck on the left cheek, and then pranced away happily. I think she said goodbye, but I was far too lost to react appropriately.

Shaking my head violently I opened my wings, not caring if I hit someone, and rocketed out of there as fast as I could.

I wasn’t paying attention to where, or how long I was flying. I wasn’t even paying attention that I was back to my buggy self. All I wanted was to rant and rave at myself. How could I fuck this up so much? I was supposed to be only a stumbling block here, nothing else.

She was supposed to have a bad date, Light was supposed to break up with Sparkle and then Velvet and Light would get together and that would be it!

I landed at the front door of my room at the academy. I was still myself, but I knew for a fact that no one was around anyway to notice me. At least, I hoped.

Opening the door I entered our room, spotting Night Light in bed and fast asleep. I went and had myself an invigorating shower, brushed my fangs, and climbed into the bed. I wasn’t tired, but a nap would be welcome.

Closing my eyes, all I could see was that beaming smile, and those beautiful eyes. I was royally fucked.

Wait… Royalty?

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