• Published 19th Oct 2021
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Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 27 (ascension)


Eating the two love pills before entering the cocoon was easy, even though it took me over ten minutes to shake off the daze. Entering was a bit harder as my legs were wobbly. Once I entered the cocoon proper was when the fun part started.

First I noticed that my vision was tinted pink, then the rest of my body started to tingle at first pleasantly but then it started to become painful. Gritting my teeth, I tried to relax so that I could enter the molting stage. But I couldn’t.

A burning sensation started to well up in my chest and when it reached its peak I blanked out.

Opening my eyes, I noticed from my blurry vision that the only pony in front of me was Celestia. She was lying on her legs looking at me. I tried to move but my body felt numb all over and my head was feeling like it was swimming in molasses.

She suddenly got up and approached the cocoon with her horn lighting up with its golden glow. I felt an itch behind my ear and then I could hear her voice.

“A push she said… Maybe… No… but…” She muttered tilting her head left, then right before she frowned, “You can see me, my dear colt?” I nodded slowly, “I will try something, but it will be up to you to grasp it.”

The numbness then made way for warmth that was slowly spreading through me. Then it became hotter and hotter until it was almost unbearable. I could see the liquid around me start to bubble and shift as I moved to try and get away from the warmth.

Then the haze lifted from my mind for a moment and what she said reached me. I tried to grasp the heat around me both physically and magically only to realize that the heat was coming from me.

Focusing my senses, I grit my teeth and dived into my own core trying to find the source, my source. I noticed that the cocoon was glowing blue before everything went black.


Entering the cell area housing Patchwork, I let out a deep sigh. It has been almost a week since he entered the cocoon and so far there was no progress. I was hoping that something would happen on its own but at this point, I am certain that we made a mistake somewhere.

“…up to you to grasp it.” Celestia’s voice reached my ears causing them to twitch.

Making my way forward I stumbled as the temperature in the room suddenly shot up way past comfortable. I started panting and I cast a quick cooling down spell which barely did anything. Lifting my head up I noted that the two guards next to the cell door were drenched in sweat with the pegasus guard using his wings to fruitlessly cool himself down.

Reaching the cell, I was nearly blinded as a blue light exploded from the cocoon and I had to cover my eyes with my hooves closing my third eyelids for good measure.

Just as soon as the light came it dissipated and in the place of the cocoon was a large olive-green egg. Princess Celestia was sitting in front of it and her horn was glowing.

“What did you do?” I screeched in shock while rubbing the spots from my watery eyes.

“I gave him the push he needed,” She shrugged turning towards me.

“What?” I was confused. Chrysalis’s diary mentioned nothing about helping Endo ascend let alone giving him a ‘push’.

Celestia ‘hummed’ in thought looking up at the ceiling.

The moment I was able to see clearly I dashed past Celestia to the egg looking it over and tapping at random places that looked the weakest hoping for something to happen. I felt completely out of my depth at what to do.

“When Patchwork arrived to our world he was starving. Our fault entirely but what’s done is done.” Celestia looked at me, “Long story short I offered to feed him until he was satisfied as we had difficulties doing so with volunteers.”

Mantis told me the story, but I was a bit confused as to what it had to do with the situation here.

“I fed him several times until he was full,” She continued, “but it was on the last feeding that something happened. You see, as an alicorn, I have a unique magical core. Patchwork reached and took a small piece of that core whilst feeding and while my own core easily healed Patch kept the piece.” My eyes widened when I put the pieces together.

Celestia approached the egg, lifting a foreleg she ran her hoof across its surface.

“I originally thought that the piece he took would disappear as his body absorbed it, but his magic is a bit unique. It took that peace and made it its own, making him stronger. Over the two years I spent with him I noticed that his body and his magic were incredibly adaptive, able to use whatever challenges are thrown at him to grow stronger for it.”

“He became a prince through luck?” I muttered.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Celestia shook her head, “Something had to be there in the first place for him to grow into a prince. In either case, what I did today was to guide him to the right path. It was up to him to take it.” Lowering her hoof, she looked at me with a worried look on her face. “I’ll be honest, Dicty, I was afraid he would fail.”

Nodding my head, I looked at the egg, a testament to Patchwork’s success.

Now we just wait, I guess,’ I thought as I sat down.


I was standing in an area that was extremely familiar to me, as that episode was one of my favorites, even if it was flawed.

The star-filled field was massive and I could see no end to it. Streams of colorful energy and whisps of magic were constantly dancing around, appearing, and disappearing too swiftly for me to keep track of them.

Just as I was getting overwhelmed by visual stimuli I was grabbed into a tight hug by a mass of black chitin.

“My son. My darling nymph, you have no idea how proud I am of you.” Came a gleeful feminine voice from the wall of chitin that was crushing me.

“Air… Air!” I rasped.

Suddenly I was hooked under my arms and easily lifted into the air. Only then was I able to see who my assailant was while trying to catch my breath. My jaw hit the floor.

Chrysalis was standing in front of me on her hind legs, easily holding my weight and wearing a beaming, proud smile.

She looked different from the show. She was fuller, for the lack of a better word, like she was more than just bone and chitin. Her mane was straight and long but voluminous, almost reaching her hind legs. Her chitin looked healthy and full, gleaming in the light of the starfield.

I just hung there, held by her forelegs, my jaw open and my mind racing. She tilted her head to the side and frowned before gently putting me down.

“What is wrong my son? What is bothering you?” She looked around trying to spot what caused me to worry only to suddenly start laughing, “Of course, I almost forgot… No, wait, actually I did.” She laughed again and I could feel the starfield vibrate along as if it were laughing with her.

Shaking my head at her behavior I was able to finally see her in full.

She was tall, taller than Celestia by a full head. Her hair was a darker turquoise than mine and, as I previously noticed, was long covering nearly half her face with the way it fell. There was a long and curvy horn protruding between her locks that looked surprisingly fragile. The visible eye was green and full of warmth that made me feel fuzzy inside the longer I stared at it.

Her body was long and slender though, without the bulk Celestia had but the way her chitin moved told that she had plenty of power behind it. Her chitin was without any seams mine had, making her look less patchy and more like an actual changeling. Her midsection was fully green and segmented with the upper half being covered by bright green elytra that almost shimmered in the light of the astral field.

I must have zoned out as she cleared her throat to get my attention.

“My apologies, my dear. I have spent the last couple of days wandering this astral field waiting for you, I kind of lost myself in the moment.” She giggled again and I took a step back.

“Who, are you?”

“My dear, you are well aware of who I am,” there was a flash of fire and actual Chrysalis stood in front of me. She looked almost emaciated, with holes that have riddled her body. Only her mane and tail were spared, but even those looked limp and lifeless. Her eyes however shone with power, occasionally crackling with electricity. “This is who I actually am, my son… Or at least, what she made me.” She pointed to the right with her head.

Turning to where she pointed I spotted, far away from us, a sphere of pure black that flailed, squeaked and moved every which way trying to reach us. It looked like an unknown force was keeping it at bay though.

I took a tentative step towards it, but a large hoof on my shoulder stopped me.

“I wouldn’t approach it, my dearest. That thing is the very reason why you are here.” Chrysalis pulled me back and turned me away from the sphere.

Turning my senses to it I only sensed hatred, pure and unfiltered. Shaking my head, I looked towards the Chrysalis in front of me who again looked like a healthy changeling. I raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed sadly.

“A long, long time ago, when I was young and naive, a creature offered me help when I needed it. I took the offer and the creature, let it feed off of me, and help me.” The more she talked the more of the puzzle I was putting together and it wasn’t a pretty picture. “One day I woke up a passenger of my own body and I had to watch as that thing paraded me like a puppet.” She growled that last part and I watched as her features turned vicious and fierce as, what I assumed, her anger grew.

“You were possessed?” I whispered.

“I am possessed.” She sighed, her features softening, and she started walking away. Following her, I saw that the starfield started to shift and change. Slowly a path was being formed and we followed it.

Images started to show up, presenting my memories, sad to happy, proud, and embarrassed. She watched all of them with a smile, occasionally stopping to see a specific memory play out.

I watched as the memories of my old life passed us by, turning my head whenever I spotted a memory I particularly cherished… like when my uncle Jack and my dad helped me build my first pc. I was young then, but my dad still let me take a sip of his beer. It was disgusting. I smiled a teary smile watching that memory play out.

I felt a hoof on my shoulder and I was slowly and gently pulled into a hug, Chrysalis humming all the while letting me cry over what was lost.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. When I had enough I took one last look at the memories and with a deep shaky breath, I made a decision.

“How do I help you?” I croaked.

“Oh, my sweet nymph. After everything you have been through you still don’t even think twice before offering help.” She gave me one more hug before backing up slightly, “Unfortunately there is little you can do to help. Maybe if she was weaker and I had more energy I would be able to push her out of my body. But she feeds on hatred and anger. An antithesis to us changelings. You have no idea how many have died from hatred poisoning before she learned to control herself.” She lowered her head and we spent a minute in silence as she relived her memories and I contemplated what she told me.

As I was thinking I noticed that she has moved away and is looking at a particular memory, the last memory before I woke up in this place.

“Celestia had it right, you know.” Chrysalis spoke, “In order for a changeling to rise above they need a push from another, the rest is up to them.” She turned her head to me, “Same as I did for my Endo, she did for you. My two little princes. You would have been great friends.” She raised her hoof pointing it towards me and I felt like something was pulled out of me.

A small turquoise sphere with a star in the center shot out of my chest and into her waiting hoof. There was no pain, just surprise on my part. For a moment I thought that she tricked me, but it just didn’t add up.

“She cannot read my mind with any clarity, so she won’t know where you are or who, but she will know that a changeling ascended,” She looked at the sphere in her hoof as if it was the most precious thing in the universe, “Which means you have time, but not too much of it.” She raised her head and looked me in the eyes as she was slowly approaching me, “My son, you need to act fast, get stronger, challenge her rule, defeat her and save our race from centuries of pain and suffering.” Chrysalis stood in front of me and extended the hoof that held the sphere.

Extending my forelegs, I grabbed the sphere with my claws feeling a rush of power course through it and enter me in a torrent that caused me to curl into myself.

“Go now, my son. I recognize you as an ascendant. You are the spirit of changelings, OUR Spirit. I know you will succeed.” She looked at me with a smile as tears were pooling in her eyes.

I swore that that would not be the last time I see her.


It has been almost a month since Patch entered the cocoon, and I missed him dearly.

I have been visiting as much as I could hoping that he would be awake but it was all in vain.

In that time, I managed to make friends with the other two changelings as well as got to know Princess Celestia a little bit better.

I asked Dicty a few times if she knows how long this usually takes and the answer was always no. We even went through the notes she took several times trying to piece things together but that was also a dead end.

“I see you are here again, my dear.” My ears twitched as Princess Celestia entered the cell.

Lifting my head I smiled at her, “I got ahead on my studies so I have a few days of peace.”

“That is good to hear, but I am worried that you may be spending too much time here.” She folded her legs underneath her and laid down next to me. “I see you have been looking through Dicty’s notebook again.”

Said notebook was laying down in front of me, open at the last diary entry of Queen Chrysalis that simply said ‘goodbye’.

“Yes, I spoke to Mantis when I saw him a few days ago and he told me what their current Queen is like. It made me want to reread the diary. She was a good Queen.”

“Yes, she was. Hopefully, she will be again.” That got me to hike my eyebrows up but I didn’t question it. Maybe the Princess had a plan to help Chrysalis.

Igniting my horn, I closed the notebook and placed it at my side. I will return it to Dicty before I leave.

Neither of us spoke or moved much until I left an hour later. I hope he wakes up soon.


The crack of my cocoon reached my ears sooner than the light emanating from outside did. I tried to move to free myself but it felt like my whole body fell asleep. Soon enough I noticed that I barely made any progress and I started trashing trying to get out.

A thundering of hooves reached my ears as I managed to get my head out and through bleary eyes, I spotted a changeling standing in front of me along with three other white blobs.

“Get the princess!” Shouted what I recognized as Dicty. She then flew closer to me and started helping me get out. If this was what it was like to be born I was dearly hoping I won’t have to make a repeat.

We were about halfway through, with her constantly giving me encouragement when suddenly the whole cocoon was enveloped in a golden glow and effortlessly ripped open. I was then caught in that same glow before I even touched the floor and brought over to a wall of white feathers. There was an immediate outpouring of love flowing toward me and only then did I notice how incredibly hungry I was. I opened my mouth only to have a bottle of pure love shoved in and I started to greedily drink from both sources.

“Eat up, my colt, there is more where that came from.”

“I don’t… I don’t want to do that again,” I croaked feeling like my vocal cords weren’t used in days.

“You won’t,” said Dicty. She held a piece of the cocoon in her hooves and I noted that it looked like a piece of a shell. Looking at the cocoon itself it surprised me that it had the shape of an egg. It certainly did not start as one.

“How long was I out?” I asked no one in particular, grumbling at the pain in my throat.

“One month,” spoke Celestia from above me. Raising my head slightly I noted that was almost as tall as her. Which meant I grew quite a bit.

I blindly waved my hooves around looking for another bottle when one was placed into my left claw and I went back to guzzling it.

It took several bottles of love for me to be satisfied.

‘I finally look like an actual changeling,’ I tilted my head.

I was standing in front of a full-length mirror designed for Celestia and placed in her personal study. I wanted to see myself after Dicty made an offhand comment about my looks ‘finally fitting in’.

My chitin finally looked solid top to bottom. No more patchwork pieces here and there with all the moving parts that took forever to clean and oil. Just a solid piece of flexible chitin that came in several large segments and I was happy for the change.

Most of the other things stayed the same though; my horn was still short and stubby; I still had my claws and two antennae as well as two pairs of wings which were a bit shorter than usual but much stronger. I also still had that stubborn tuft of fur on my chest that I considered cutting at some point.

There was one more noticeable difference that separated me from the rest of the changelings. The leftover segmented chitin now ran the full length of my stomach and up to my neck. It was colored turquoise and woven together tighter to the point where I couldn’t even put my claws between the plates.

I was picking at my new plates when a grey ballistic missile hit me causing me to stumble but not fall.

“You’re awake!” Came a happy cheer from my assailant.

“Yea, I didn’t think it would take this long.” I hugged Velvet causing her to let out a squeak and I had to loosen up a bit. She raised her head, I had to lower mine somewhat and we touched noses before kissing.

“She visited almost every day.” Celestia was at the doorway, wearing a happy smile.

“What did you tell your parents?” I asked Velvet who was playing with my fluff.

“I told them that you were visiting your family.” Velvet hugged me again before moving away and sitting down.

“Y'all are gonna have ta’ tell ‘em at some point bug-colt,” Shield Strike entered the room behind Celestia. Approaching me I noted that I was looking just barely above her. “Although I can’t call ya a colt anymore.”

“As wonderful as it is to see you on your hooves, my dear, there is something we need to talk about.” Celestia looked at Velvet and I pulled her closer, letting the Princess know that she stays. Smiling, Celestia closed the door behind her and cast several spells in rapid succession before sitting down in front of me.

“Ya know ya have ta’ keep this to yerself, Velvet?” Asked Shield and Velvet nodded her head.

“Part and parcel since he revealed himself. I wish there weren’t so many secrets,” She looked at me and then back to Strike, “but I’m starting to understand the need for them.”

“Good. Hopefully, we will reach a time soon where such secrets won’t be necessary.” Celestia summoned Dicty’s notebook and opened it to a specific page before showing it to me.

I took the notebook in my magic and gave it a quick read, swiftly grasping at what she wanted me to see.

“Ye, Chrysalis is possessed, I know.” I nodded before returning the notebook to my… pseudo mother. Chrysalis called me her son directly though, and I’m not sure what to think about that.

“That didn’t take long, how’d you know?” Asked Shield as she dragged a large pillow over to lie down on it.

“When I was… changing… ascending? Anyway. As I was going through the change I ended up in a field of stars.” I started off. Celestia’s eyes immediately widened when I mentioned the field, which told me she knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Field of stars?” Asked Shield raising an eyebrow. Velvet as well had a questioning look but then shook her head.

“I’ll explain to you later, honey. Go on Patch.” Celestia gestured with a wing.

“So, as I came too Chrysalis showed herself. She told me she was possessed, she even showed me the damn thing that possessed her. A spirit of pure hatred that feeds of it.”

“She could have lied,” Shrugged Shield Strike.

“I thought so as well at the beginning, but it just doesn’t add up.” I shook my head, “After she got fully possessed she killed Endo, and this Chrysalis helped me ascend in the first place.”

“So where does that leave us?” Velvet was looking up, deep in thought. Lowering her head and looking at all three of us all I could do was shrug. I honestly did not think that anything changed. Chrysalis still needs to be stopped, maybe even saved.


My body hurt from the morning exercise, but there was still work to do.

Walking through the corridors of the ever-shifting castle I was making my way to the Queen’s quarters. Occasionally I would have to stop and wait for the wall to open or I would take an alternate route.

I was annoyed.

Over the past month, the Queen’s behavior has gotten worse and more worrisome as days went by. She would occasionally giggle or laugh a happy laugh (something that I have never seen), or she would scream and rage for hours. It made working with her almost impossible, especially if she would start whispering to herself completely ignoring everything that was happening around her.

Even worse, more and more drones and soldiers reported sick from hatred poisoning whenever they were close to her, or in her vicinity. Not that she noticed. In fact, the very idea that the queen could produce so much hatred was suspicious in the first place. It certainly raised my suspicions.

Treasonous thoughts aside, it was time to work… if she is even willing to work today. In all honesty, the hive has been functioning more effectively now that she all but gave up on it.

A scream of rage suddenly reached me and I started pounding my hooves and buzzing my wings to reach the Queen as fast as I could.

Reaching her bedroom, I noticed that the door was ajar, which was unbelievable as Queen Chrysalis made sure the door is always closed and locked. In all my years of service, I have never seen that door be anything but closed. There were also a dozen other changelings around it looking very confused.

I debated opening the door and checking on her when her voice reached me.

“Where is he, you wretched queen!?” The question caused me to tilt my head. I felt hatred slowly building up and I have done my best to shut down my senses. I could hear the other guards and drones slowly backing away from the door and I couldn’t blame them.

“He won’t escape me, oh no. I’ll find him… I’ll find him and when I do I’ll make sure that you watch as I slowly rip his carapace off bit by bit.” The venom in her voice was palpable.

“What?” There was a surprise in her voice, which was then immediately replaced with a growl, “You dare? You DARE!” She screamed and I started to slowly back away from the door.

Then I heard a laugh. It was a cheerful, lovely laugh and it caused me to freeze in my tracks at the sheer strangeness of it. I have never heard Queen Chrysalis sound so… happy. Then she spoke and my jaw fell open at how different it sounded.

“You will never find him, parasite.” I swallowed thickly and approached the door, “But he is coming, I know he is. And he will finally save my children from your accursed existence.”

I was shaking but I managed to peek through the crack. Chrysalis was growling and I spotted her sitting in front of a mirror. But there was noling else in the room. Who was she talking to? Who is this ling she is looking for, and why is ‘he’ so dangerous? Too many questions.

I slowly pulled my head back as she started growling like a wild animal and I beat a hasty retreat. The sound of a broken mirror and her feral scream was the last thing I heard from her.

She probably won’t be working today either.

Author's Note:

Wanted to upload art I commissioned but I'm utterly incompetent... I'll figure it out eventually...
EDIT: FINNALY. Thank you to Little Tigress

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