• Published 19th Oct 2021
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Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 19 (meeting the parent)


I watched Night Light as he was sorting out his schedule for the day, and the next week. He was very meticulous about it, as was his entire desk.

I looked to the desk next to him, noticing that I have done the same thing with mine, everything was in its place, everything was nice and sorted out. The only thing I did not like to do is schedules. A schedule can always be messed up, something can get in the way of it or muss it up beyond fixing.

Night Lights weekly did look pretty though, all nice and colorful.

I decided that I had enough pretending to be asleep and yawned loudly. Night Light turned around with a smile on his muzzle.

“Morning, bud. How did the date go?” I immediately wanted to throw my pillow at him.

“It went fine, I enjoyed myself, we have a next one on the next Restday.” I droned out without any emotion.

Night Light looked at me funny for a moment but then shrugged and went back to his schedule. “So, what’s the plan for today then?”

“You got something?” I asked him, using my wings to buzz myself into the toilet.

“Nah, nothing overly much, probably grab some of the ‘tals and go try to find something to do.” I heard him from the main room.

“Sounds like a busy day then.” I did my business and left the bathroom. Walking over to the wardrobe I opened it up, finding a fresh bag of cookies. Celestia always sent some, every day a fresh bag, without fail. That mare is insane sometimes.

“You wanna join us?”

“Nah, not today,” I offered some of the cookies to him, which he took with glee. “I got something planned out that I need to see through.” I have decided that I need to talk to Celestia or Shield Strike about this Velvet business. But I first need to see if I can reach them in the first place. Captain Strike sometimes visits the academy, so I have to check when and if she is in the office, or if Armored is.

“That’s a shame, you will be missed, but if you have something then that’s ok.” He folded his finished calendar for the week and placed it in one of the drawers. I remembered which one so I can mess it up a bit later. “I just hope whatever your plan is today goes well.”

“I hope so too. I need to check if the Captain or Vice-Captain are here today. Or someone I can trust.” I said munching on the fresh cookies. I need to pace myself, but they are so good.

“Oh dear, something important?”

“No, nothing much, but I need to talk to them nonetheless.” I tied the bag down and put it back in the wardrobe for later. I’m going to read up on some more magic before I go as it was too early to do anything.

Walking down the academy field as Night Front I was making my way to the only pony I could ask about the main office, Hard Tablet.

I spotted some of my teammates as they were just now going for breakfast (it was ten in the morning) and I waved back at them, but I didn’t stop for a chat like I usually do.

“Oi, Front, you going to the offices?” I heard a shout from Front Lance, a blue-colored pegasus with a white splotch of fur on his chest.

“Yeh, what ’cha need?” I yelled back.

“Can you check if I got a letter? I’ve been expecting it.”

“Sure thing.” He waved at me as a thank you and I nodded back at him, knowing he can see it.

Entering the office area, I decided to check on Lance’s letter first. I made a beeline to the postal section, and before I even asked what I need the mare at the desk shook her head.

“I heard ya all the way here, don ’cha know. There ain’t nothin’ for that colt, yet.”

“Thank you Postal Care, I’ll let him know that it’ll probably arrive later.”

“Mhm.” She nodded her head at me and continued scribbling on a parchment.

Postal Care was a wonderful mare. She is getting on in the years, but her hearing is still just as sharp as ever and her eyes couldn’t be tricked, I tried, it didn’t end well for me. Her lemon-green coat was getting duller due to the greys as did her much darker mane she kept in a bun. Her horn, however, was well-groomed and sharp and I got the feeling she would be good to go with this job for another decade at least.

“Care, do you know if Hard Tablet is in today?”

“It’s Restday young colt, other than me finishing up my work, there is almost nopony here today, don ‘cha know.”

“Well, dang, I completely forgot about that.” And I did. I was studying up lightning magic so I can improve upon my own trick. Completely missed that it was a day off for nearly everyone else. “Do you know if there is any way to reach either Captain Strike or Vice-Captain Saddle?”

“I can draft them a quick letter, but I don’t know if it’ll reach them. They are busy ponies.” She did not even raise her head from the parchment.

“I will write it up myself ma’am. I’ll just put in that it’s from the bug-colt, they will know who it is from.”

She raised her head along with a raised eyebrow, but I didn’t elaborate. I took the nearby quill and drafted a quick letter with my true name as the signature and gave it to her.

She took the letter, sealed it, and put it in the correct post box without even looking at it. I knew either Shield or Armored would get the letter, Postal Care always made sure of it. I thanked the old mare and left the post.

It would seem that my current plan was placed on hold… But what do I do about it when I stand in front of Celestia. Do I just tell her WHY I’m so worried in the first place? Do I play matchmaker between Night Light and Velvet (‘I will just ignore that pang of jealousy’) and ruin not only his loving relationship with Sparkle but also my friendship? How much should I tell her in the first place?

SO many questions.

I think I’m going to join the other colts. I changed my mind; I need a drink.

‘Why can’t I get even tipsy?’ I asked myself for the third time that night.

I was currently carrying a drunk Night Light (he lost a bet), draped over my back, as he was trying to explain to everyone we passed about how much he loves Bright Sparkle. It was both utterly adorable and disheartening, as it showed me just how high of a mountain this issue has become for me. He genuinely loves her, and I have to somehow muck it up. I’m such a bastard.

“Night Light, is that you?”

“Night Front?”

“There… there…there she is. My beauty-beaut-beau… My lovely mare.” Slurred Night while trying to get off of me.

“What’s gotten into him?” Asked, what I assumed was Bright Sparkle. She was a shade brighter than her sister, with her coat being almost white, but her mane and her eye color were the same.

Looking at them, it dawned on me that they were twins with me only being able to tell the difference because they were standing next to each other. Velvet favored her left, while Bright favored her right. Velvet was a shade darker, and she did not have a small beauty mark on her left cheek. Thank the stars they weren’t identical twins, otherwise, I would lose my mind.

It seemed to give Night Light a slight pause as it took him several seconds to recognize which is which, but then he beelined straight towards his mare. Or at least he tried to.

“He lost a bet, got smashed in the process.” I tried not to laugh at his attempts to ‘woo’ his mare again.

“He’s drunk!” Bright practically shrieked. Night wobbled for a split second, nearly falling before he got his balance back.

“No-no-no-no, honey, sweety-bright, I lost a bet, I had, had, had… I lost a bet.” Both me and Velvet were laughing at Brights’ face as she tried to process Night Lights blurbs. “Patch,” I froze, “Front… Night, tell her.”

“Yes, do tell.” Bright Sparkle scowled at me with venom in her voice.

“Wait, why aren’t you drunk?” Asked Velvet skeptically. She was looking me up and down and I felt like a deer in the headlights.

“No salt fer Front, only cider.” Came more of Nights’ slurring.

“You had no salt. But you let him get drunk on it.” Sparkle was in my face, obviously furious.

“Hey, hey, I told him it was a bad idea, I did not think he was such a lightweight,” I lifted my hooves trying to placate her. “He was already drunk of the first, and by the second salt lick he was like this…”

“Anypony gots soem water.” Gurgled Night Light. He looked like he was trying to chew his teeth.

Bright, Velvet, and myself were looking at him as he tried to eat his own mouth… or at least I think that’s what he did.

“We should get him some water,” suggested Velvet and Bright immediately started nosing her boyfriend in an unknown direction whilst throwing me dirty looks over her shoulder. Velvet and I were following behind.

“Your sister seems to… dislike me.”

“Dislike is such a strong word. More like, she is mildly miffed at you.” Velvet was walking awfully close to me. Close enough to touch and I was feeling both elated and horrified, the mixture of emotions was unpleasant.

“She does know that this is not my fault, right?” I asked.

“Brighty was always a very protective pony, and she cares for Night Light. You should hear how she talks about him; it’s sickeningly sweet sometimes.”

“Ditto, Night Light makes me want to stuff a pillow in my ears sometimes. Where are we going, by the way?” I was curious as I was just following them to make sure Night Light is fine.

“Probably our place, since it’s not far from here.” She guessed with a curious frown. “You know, you could meet my folks while we are there, get that over with.”

I suddenly had over twenty scenarios running through my head, all so improbably silly that I had to violently shake my head to dislodge them. Velvet was looking at me curiously all the while. There may be some benefit to this though. If her parents didn’t approve, it would remove me from this equation… But how do I fix Night Light then?

“Velvet, can you help me with this… No honey, not now.” Bright was struggling with Night Light while trying to open the door, and I decided to intervene.

Approaching the two of them, I got my head under Night’s barrel and, lifting my neck, I rolled him down to my withers. He was a bit green in the face, but otherwise, he didn’t protest other than a loud groan.

“Lead the way, ma’am.” Sparkle looked at me for a moment before shaking her head and entering her home. Velvet followed after with a snicker.

For wealthy members of the nobility, their home was rather simple. There were no oversized gardens, massive patios, or sculptures of any kind. The house wasn’t particularly large either for the area. It was for all intents and purposes a homey place.

Entering the house, I ended up in a long but wide hallway, where all three of us could comfortably stand without crowding each other. There was a lavish but unassuming carpet leading all the way down the corridor to a closed door.

The walls were lined with portraits and various paintings of family members and moments in their life. There was a large and very ornate vase not far down, and next to it was a lovely little drawer with a stand. Five doorways lined the corridor and other than the door at the very end, all were open.

“Mom, Dad, we’re back!” Bright called out.

“And we got guests,” added Velvet, and with the noises Night was making I was getting uncomfortable.

“Oh darlings, please don’t tell me you got another unfortunate soul here. You know what happened last time.” Out of the rightmost door came an older, but still incredibly beautiful unicorn mare in probably her late forties. Her coat was the same shade as Velvets, her mane and tail were bright red, however, with two streaks of both gold and orange going through them. She had hardly any greys and moved with the skill of someone I would peg for a gymnast, fluidly and with grace. “Oh dear, what happened to poor Night Light?” She asked worriedly.

“He lost a bet ma’am, and unfortunately our mates decided to salt him,” I told the mare, as she started fussing over Night Light.

“The poor stallion got salted.” From the first doorway on the right came a burly earth pony stallion in his early fifties, based on the streaks of grey and the wrinkles around his eyes. Nonetheless, he still looked like he took care of himself. His brown coat stood in dark contrast with the rest of his family, but his blue eyes gave away his connection to his daughters, as did his mane and tail, which were straight, neatly trimmed, and two-toned white and black. “Come now, let’s get him watered up. I have some painkillers that would also do the trick. Bring him over.”

I followed the large stallion through the house ending up in the bathroom where a tub was slowly being filled with water.

“Okay, now, ease him down… Gently, like that. There you go.” No sooner said than done, Night Light was draped over the side of the tub, with his head lolling over the inner section.

The moment the water hit his nose he started slurping greedily and in short order he looked like there was life in his body.

“Now, let’s leave him to get his bearing, why don’t the two of us chat while he’s here.” We left the bathroom and stood in the hallway leading to it, while also keeping an eye on Night Light so he doesn’t drown himself. There was a sudden retching sound and I saw him hunched over the toilet before he went back to drinking. “Just let him get this out of his system.”

Suddenly a hoof was extended towards me, and I gingerly returned the hoof bump.

“The name is Perfect Service and based on my daughter’s description you are Night Front, I’m guessing.” He was scanning me over with a critical eye, but I did not let him intimidate me. I knew the spiel, I had to go through it two times before.

“Good guess, sir. I’m Night Front, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Your daughter speaks highly of you.” I could sense the rest of the family members around the house, especially Velvet who was eavesdropping not far from us.

“The pleasure is all mine, young colt. My daughter was simply gushing about the date she had and the picnic that was planned,” Both of us heard a groan from the side and quick retreating hooves.

Service chuckled and we both looked over at Night Light who seems to have finally calmed down somewhat and was now just sitting with his head held low.

“I am going to be honest here, Night Front, I have little reason to like you, other than you both making my daughters happy.” He shifted a bit, making him look much larger and a slight shiver went down my spine. “But both you are hiding something, and if Night Light didn’t assure me that it’s nothing malicious I wouldn’t be here talking to you, and you wouldn’t be entering my house.” He visibly calmed down and sighed, “My daughters are my world for me, Vel wanted nothing more than to see you again the moment she came home last time, so all I ask is that you treat her right. Got it?”

I silently nodded my head, getting a similar nod in return.

“I have to ask though, sir, how did you know we are keeping a secret?” I asked somewhat scared that my actual identity was uncovered.

Perfect walked over to the bathroom and unplugged the bath, letting the water run out. He whispered something to Night getting a nod from my friend before he walked back to me.

“It came up during my chat with Night Light here. He got very uncomfortable talking about his friend, a little prodding and I got the admittance. But he’s a good friend; he told me nothing and other than swearing by everything he holds dear that none of it is bad, I got nothing else out of him.” He then smirked, “After chatting a bit with Captain Strike she assured me as well.”

My eyes bugged out for a second, and Service barked out a thunderous laugh.

“The look on your face. Hah!” I closed my jaw with a click. “I am responsible for over half of that castle’s staff young colt; you don’t think that I wouldn’t make friends with the captain of the guard.”

“It never crossed my mind.” Perfect Service is a very vocal member of the Noble Council of Equestria, fighting for the rights of service workers and the like. He made a fair number of enemies over the years if what Velvet told me is true. I did not even consider he would be this well connected.

“Thank you, Perfect, sir.” Came a hoarse voice from approaching Night Light. He was still swaying from side to side, but it was much better now. He also had some color returned to his cheeks.

“Nonsense. Everypony ends up in a similar situation at least once in a lifetime, you are just lucky you ran into my daughters, otherwise, your morning might have been far worse, let me tell you.” Perfect Service laughed again, before shaking his head. His eyes were a little misty, and by the emotions I sensed, he was reliving a nice memory.

“Now,” he turned to both me and Night Light, “normally I would send you both home, but I don’t think that Light here should just go out in this state.” Light opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it.

“We have training tomorrow morning, he should…”

“He will be there tomorrow, bright and early I can promise you that, but I cannot in good conscience just let him go in his inebriated state,” he assured me.

Thinking over it for a bit, we agreed with him, and Night Light decided to stay the night and arrive to the academy early in the morning. I chatted with Velvets’ father for a few minutes and was then ushered out by Velvet.

“You know, you could stay the night as well, the house is big enough,” she looked down bashfully while making small circles on the ground with her hoof.

I barked a short laugh, startling her slightly, “Sorry, sorry, I did not mean to scare you.” I approached her and gave her a gentle peck on the cheek. ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?’ “But that may be a bit too much too fast.” I smiled at her which got me a smile back. Her emotions were a mix of happiness, love, and infatuation. I even took a small sample in between breaths. It was rather intoxicating.

“Yeah, you are right. Still, the offer IS on the table.”

“Tell you what, Vel, give it a few more dates and I’ll take you up on that offer.” ‘You IDIOT! Stop that!’

“It’s a deal.” She offered me a hoof that I eagerly hoof bumped, sealing my fate.

I took a step back, and with a powerful flap launched myself into the air and towards the academy.

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