• Published 19th Oct 2021
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Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 55 (talking it out)


“I miss her…” I mumbled, loud enough to be heard.

My head is resting on Chrysalis’s back, on the small plate between her neck and elytra. We didn’t leave her room, opting to curl up in a corner while she was doing paperwork that Keratin brought over. We’ve been like this for almost an hour.

“Your mother, I’m guessing?” I told her that she should rest and eat/drink something, but she assured me that she feels fine. She also completely refused my help, snatching the parchments Keratin gave me out of my magic before I even managed to look at them, and any attempt of me to join her with work was humorously swatted to the side.

She did eat, after the small ling maid brought over several large pieces of fruit in a bowl and a resin glass full of undiluted love (I’m starting to realize that I had no idea how versatile resin is).

“Yes… her.”

“You do not sound very happy to admit it,” My left ear twitched at the sound of moving parchment and the door opening.

Lifting my head from its rather comfortable position I looked over my shoulder seeing four guards in regular armor entering the room with a large green bed frame.

“My apologies, your Highness,” spoke one of the guards, “but this is merely a temporary bed. They are making you a proper one as we speak.”

I saw Chrysalis raise her head before I placed my head back between her elytra and neck.

“There is no need for that, my dears,” I didn’t see her face, but I practically heard her smile, “a simple bed is perfectly fine for my needs.”

Four sets of hooves froze in, what I thought is, mid-step and a glance confirmed my guess.

“Umm…” I don’t remember seeing such confusion in a guard ever since I came to this world.

“Just put it in the same place the old one was, please,” she barely managed to hold in a giggle.

Closing my eyes I waited for the guards to leave before continuing our conversation in private. I wanted to get a few things off my chest.

I wasn’t happy to admit I missed my mother. I certainly missed my dad, my uncle, and aunts. I missed my friends, my two cousins, my grandparents… Tartarus, I even missed some of the patients from work. But on top of all of that, I missed my mother as well.

“She wasn’t a horrible mother…” I spoke up when the guards finally left and the door closed.

“Based on your voice, my dear, that does not sound like she was a good mother either,” I couldn’t find it in me to disagree.

“It feels like if I say it out loud that… I don’t know, it makes it more real,” I was clothed, I was fed, I had my toys and she made sure that had friends… but it never felt like there was love in it. Duty? Yes, but love? I’m still unsure.

She turned her head to look over her shoulder at me, “If any nymph has to question their mother’s love in the same way you do, even at your actual age, I would be considering removing that mare from them.”

“She read me bedtime stories,” I muttered.

“Well that just fixes EVERYTHING,” She snorted, rolled her eyes, and refocused back on the parchments.

I rolled my own eyes as well, but my eye roll was more at her reaction than her words. Actually, this is not the first time I had such a conversation… but not with someone with such a stance towards my mother. Even my father never called her a bad parent… but, the few times we spoke on the subject, he never said she was a good mom either.

“I’m guessing that all that,” I didn’t want to move so I tried to put more weight into the words than it was probably necessary, “is the reason why I got so attached to Celestia and Shield Strike… and you.”

That last part came out as more of a whisper, but by her body jerking slightly I understood she heard me.

“Do you… does it bother you?”

I shrugged as well as I could, “Not really. I like having someone like that in my life; someone that wants to show me unconditional love and kindness of a… real mom, I guess…

“I just think that for you, I’m more of a ‘replacement’ rather than anything else, for… you know,” I did not know how to say ‘dead son’ in any way that it would sound acceptable.

“Yes,” came the sigh after about a minute of silence, “and no.”

I waited patiently for her to continue. I did not want to force her into explaining herself, but I wanted her to at least confront this part of her if nothing else. If she freezes again, well, that one is on me.

“You remind me so much of him,” she finally spoke, “I am… stunned at the similarities. You look nothing alike, of course, but the way you think, the way you act… he never wanted to be a prince either. But when a situation called for it, he would be there for his changelings.

“He wanted to be a guard…” she continued, and I felt sadness wash over me in waves. It reminded me of the talk I had with Celestia about Sunset, “He wanted to find a nice mare, have a nice, small family and live a simple life for as long as possible.”

“Would you have let him?” I got up and moved until I stood in front of her before lying down with my legs under me. I am close enough that I wouldn’t need to strain much to poke her snout.

“Of course, I would,” She scoffed. “I did not have him so I could shackle him down with duties in the same way I was!” She waved her arms around for emphasis, the word shackle was a stumbling point though.

“The same with you…” She pointed at me, gently poking my nose with her right index claw, “Once I can stand on my own four… two? hooves again, I have no problem with you… leaving. I may just need some help until then. I have no intention of keeping you away from Velvet either. She is a wonderful mare, and I am glad that you found a partner like her,” She gifted me a beautiful smile, and I could see that she is genuinely happy for me.

“Thank you,” I smiled back, “and I’m looking forward to seeing her properly again when I go back to Canterlot.”

Just like that, happiness was gone, but not her smile. She tried to hide it, but she isn’t Celestia. She may be able to fool an average ling or a pony, but not me; especially since I was taught how to read equine body language.

“Chrysalis,” I pulled myself a bit closer and gently placed my left claw on her own, “I’m sorry, but I never…” I abandoned that line of thought; I need to be softer now. But I also need her to understand that, with her being here, I want more for myself and especially Velvet. I am not ready to cut those ties if there is an out.

“I know…” She whispered, sounding broken. It hurt to see her wilt in front of me like this, her ears droopy, eyes watery and her shoulders slouched.

Shuffling as close as I could I pulled her in a hug which she returned. I may not be a counselor or a psychiatrist, but I sure as Tartarus knew how to comfort a hurting soul. I lightly nuzzled the left side of her neck, just under her chin, as that was the highest I could reach right now.

“I am not just going to disappear out of your life, and I am not going to just cut you off,” I pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes, “There are ways to talk now over larger distances and I WILL visit regularly.”

“But you won’t stay here,” her voice cracked slightly at the word ‘stay’.

“I won’t be gone either, or forever,” that got her to perk slightly. Seeing an improvement in her posture I continued, “Like I said I’ll visit… I’ll certainly stay for longer than a few days, and, one day I’ll bring over grandfoals… or grandnymphs? Eh, also, you are free to come over to Equestria. We can see the sights, visit the towns…” I was pulled into another hug, and a long and loving nuzzle left some dampness on the side of my face. I couldn’t stop a small chuckle escape my lips, “I’m not going anywhere out of your reach, just because someone is away doesn’t mean they aren’t a part of your life. It’s just gonna take a while before I can confidently call you mom… you know.”

“As long as you let me pretend, I do not mind,” She whispered just barely enough for me to hear.

“You don’t have to pretend,” I whispered back before I managed to stop myself.

I really wish she could meet Celestia already,’ I mused for a moment walking out of the castle after a few more hours of talking and helping with work (I finally managed to convince her), and after a good meal (mostly raw fruits; I need to look into castle cooking).

Should I apologize to Dicty after all of this?’ I opened my wing plates and rose into the air with a loud buzz. The sight of changelings buzzing or walking around was a far better sight than the empty ghost town, ‘Nah, let her stew in it a bit. She shouldn’t have lied in the first place… she should have at least let me in on this stupid shit.’

Thankfully the flight wasn’t long with ‘my’ dome being just a minute's flight from the castle; I’m tired and a nap would sound nice… I should fully test the phone as well.

I aligned myself with the street and I would have come for an easy landing a few meters from the door, but there was someone sitting in front of it.

Sitting, technically, in front of my door (more, like to the right side of the door) is a large changeling stallion. He isn’t tall compared to someone like Ponera, but he is almost as wide in the shoulders as me. I had to check my clawed hooves for a moment because it seemed from my vantage point that his hooves are larger than mine.

Then I noticed that he is wearing armor. Something between the ‘standard’ changeling armor and the heavily plated nightmare that the larger changelings wore. Unlike the heavy armor, which was left to look rough intentionally (I’m guessing), this one is smooth, and, unlike the lighter one, this one is visibly thicker.

He is certainly an imposing sight, even with the size difference between us, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that he is familiar to me.

I need to talk to Chrysalis about how I should go about recognizing the other changelings beyond just looking at their elytra. There has to be more to it.

When I got close enough, however, something started to click into position, and, after a quick check of my memories, I remembered three changelings flying through the air, while being chased by Husk. He certainly fits the bill, given the armor, the stature… Thinking about it again, I could probably hazard a guess who this is even with that basic information.

“Captain Spine, correct?” I let myself drop to the ground almost like a rock and approached him with a canter.

“Yes Sir,” He stood up and saluted in a way that was eerily similar to the pony salute, a tap with the right hoof to the left side of his chest. Instead of a single strike, he quickly tapped twice and held his hoof there, “I wished to talk to you if you have a few moments to spare.”

“Umm, sure… at… ease?” I stumbled with my words. I was never saluted before so this was completely new.

Passing by him I opened the door with my magic while giving him a quick invitation to enter with my claws.

“C’mon in, we can talk inside,” I called him just for good measure.

Looking around the main room, the living room, I tried to spot my saddlebags. When I didn’t see them I approached the two chests on the other side of the room to the right popping them both open with a wave of my horn. I heard the door close just a few seconds later along with a couple of measured steps.

“Just give me a moment to check something,” I smiled when I spotted the saddlebags in the right chest.

A quick check and I confirmed that everything was accounted for, especially the phone, and I left the bags inside the chest closing the lid with a satisfying ‘thunk’.

“How do you feel? I heard that you were up, but I did not expect you to be in your armor already,” I turned around putting on a sympathetic smile.

“I feel fine, sir. I was told that I should rest, but I’ve been resting long enough,” He held himself straight, and almost ramrod stiff, but his voice betrayed him.

“No offense, captain, but you very much sound like you need some ACTUAL rest,” Taking a few steps closer until I was a comfortable distance away instead of the full room length, it became immediately obvious that he has no holes to speak of. He must be feeling like a brand-new changeling then.

“I don’t… disagree… sir,” the fact that he didn’t challenge me spoke volumes of his exhaustion, “but there is work to be done and, ultimately, I would like some answers. If you are willing to indulge me, that is, your Highness.”

He did not bow, but by his tone of voice, he may as well be pleading.

I chuckled, “While there is ‘work to be done’, captain, I think you will find that we have things well in hoof for now.”

He opened his mouth to protest, but I raised my claws to forestall him, “Captain, I am serious about this. A lot has happened in the last… fuck… it’s gonna be a month soon…” I dragged my claws down my face in exasperation.

“Anyway,” I shook the stray thoughts away, “you will need a fresh mind along with a fresh body. I can answer a few questions, but then I must insist, you need to rest. Believe me when I say, captain, that the type of healing you went through is not something that will leave an individual feeling ‘refreshed’; if you catch my meaning.”

I watched as the last of the fight left him, but I still wanted to drive the point home.

“I will make it an order if necessary, captain. I’m sure that even… mother,” He quirked an eye ridge but didn’t say anything otherwise, “would say something along the same line.”

“She… actually did,” He avoided looking me in the eye.

“Well, there you have it,” I made myself comfortable by lying down on my belly and folding my legs under me. “But, like I said, I do not mind answering a few questions. I owe you that much at the very least.”

He did not follow my example, actually flinching slightly when I lowered myself down.

“Right… yes… well…” It is actually adorable how awkward he looked when his, supposed, prince lowered himself in front of him. He shuffled uncomfortably on his hooves for a few more seconds before lying down in front of me; I smiled the entire time trying to copy Celestia and her patience.

“So, where do you want to begin?” I asked once he settled.

“I’m not so sure, sir. Scurry, my brother, managed to explain a few things to me, but it only left me with more questions.

“You obviously defeated the tyrant… Husk, and then the ponies came… The Queen woke up at some point, the ponies are helping us so that we can return all the podded creatures back home because Her Highness is able to comfortably feed us… I am… lost.”

“Well, you seem to have a decent grasp of the situation if nothing else,” I almost shrugged, but I kept myself in check. I don’t need him to jump to conclusions on my body language of all things.

“So that’s all true?” His stupefied expression told me that he did not exactly believe his brother’s explanation.

“Pretty much,” This time I did shrug.

“I… Well, it’s obvious that you won the confrontation…”

“And the rest is very much happening as well,” I nodded, “Chrysalis, and myself to an extent, can produce love. Although she can do on such as scale that I simply cannot compare, I am still very young for a changeling ascendant.”

“We… w-w-we don’t have to worry about love anymore?”

His face went through a whole set of emotions that I should have found sad if anything, but all I could feel was anger.

More than once, since I started fixing this whole situation, I had to give changelings some breathing room so that they could come to the realization that the tyrant is no more. It has made me furious every single time with how much she has taken from them over the centuries.

Shelter, the poor mare trying to protect her two nymphs, was burned into my memory in ways that have nothing to do with eidetic memory.

I saw her for a few seconds shortly after her group came back, but I did not need to give her more stress than necessary, so I stayed away.


Shaking myself out of my thoughts before I scratched the floor, again, I focused back on reality.

“Yeah, the love issues are taken care of. Originally I was planning on working together with Equestria and making sure that we have a steady supply of love, but with Queen Chrysalis’s proper return, our love issues are sorted for the foreseeable future.

“With that part sorted out,” I wiggled a little bit, making myself more comfortable, “it makes the pods unnecessary. I was trying to get rid of them even before this, but now… Well, it makes things easier.”

“What o you mean ‘trying to get rid of them’?” He frowned.

“We are returning them to their rightful home,” that got his eyes to widen, “hopefully without causing an incident. Or at the very least, they will believe that a change in changeling rule would make them amicable enough not to attack us.”

I am hoping that Celestia’s good words would help smooth things along. So many missing people returning at once? I know how most of the governments on Earth would react, and it isn’t good.

“There are also a lot of changes to the place, as you may have noticed. It is mostly up to the Queen, but we are trying to change a number of things, hopefully modernizing the changelings without overdoing it.”

“Where am I in this whole plan then? I saw Dicty walking around, is she my replacement?” His features softened slightly, but it is obvious that his mind was trying to chew through everything.

“No… At last, not that I know of,” She probably wants to go back to Manehattan at this point.

“I needed someone to cover for you since you were indisposed, and she stepped up. Not everyone listened,” I shrugged, “but most of them at the very least let her help. Something tells me she isn’t exactly liked.”

“She was supposed to be a new commander. My replacement as it was, and the queen wanted me to focus on training the troops in as large numbers as possible,” Now I was frowning. What kind of plans was Husk making?

“But then she ran away?”

“Yes…” He sighed, and I could practically see the weight set on his shoulders, “Didn’t know why, at the time, but… well…” Another even heavier sigh, “It doesn’t matter now. She put me back in command and that was it. At least now it kind of makes sense.”

I let his thoughts whirl for a few minutes in silence. I needed to go through a few more things as well, but I kind of wanted to call Velvet today.

“Anyway,” I shook him out of his thoughts. I stood up, opened the chest with my magic, and pulled the phone out of the bags, bringing it over to me in a cloud of controlled mana, “As I said, get some proper rest until tomorrow, and then we will sort you out. There is quite a bit of work that still needs to be done and I am going to need to go over a few things with you as well… Provided Chrysalis doesn’t need help with anything (‘Or help in general’). But if you ABSOLUTELY need to do something, I’d say, either find your brother, Scurry, or Spectrum and see if you can help them with something, or if they can properly bring you up to speed. Or maybe check with Dicty as well. I’m sure both of you have something to say to each other.”

“There is nothing to be said,” He stood up and shook himself, making the armor clink softly with the sharp movements, “but I will look around and see what I can do. I’ll take it easy though, sir.”

“Please do,” I nodded while looking through the device in my magic. I wanted to make absolutely sure that it isn’t damaged, “You just got out of the pod yourself,” I looked at him with a smirk, “No need to put yourself back in it so soon.”

He gave me a quick, jerky nod and then just stood there for about a minute. I could see him chewing on some words that he didn’t know how to give voice to.

“Go, Spine. We can talk things over in detail tomorrow;” I waved my claws towards the door, “you can also put everything on some parchment as well. It helps when you aren’t sure what to say.”

A few more seconds of silence and then another quick nod, “You are right sir, my apologies. Thank you for giving me your time… the former Queen would rarely if never spare some like this.”

“Well it’s a good thing I’m not her then,” I chuckled watching him lose a fight with a smirk that managed to escape him.

One salute and he was out the door.

“One more thing on the to-do pile,” I snorted scraping the floor with my left hind hoof.

With the phone still in my magic I made my way upstairs and into the room I shared with Velvet.

The large pink block with a screen taking over about seventy percent of the front, along with eight buttons (call end/start underneath the screen and a large button between them, four buttons on the side of the screen, and one large on /off button on the very top above the screen) may look primitive by my standards but considering that ponies have been working on it tirelessly for two years, it’s a miracle what they managed to achieve.

Hopping onto the bed the moment I entered the bedroom I turned on the phone and clicked the call button twice as Velvet was the only connection I could make. Then I made myself comfortable on my side and waited.

I vaguely remember the old days of phones and how long it took the younger me to send a message by clicking on the number keypad. I became better at it eventually, but it always annoyed me that it took seven clicks just to type out ‘bye’.

It was getting fairly late in the day, and she told me she would carry the phone with her at all times, and I KNEW that there would probably be some delay due to distance, but after five minutes of waiting I wanted to give up.

Just as I was about to stop the call and go grab something to eat, the screen flashed white for a second with green words ‘call accepted’ popping up. A moment later Velvet's beautiful face appeared and I was almost blinded by a brilliant smile.

“It works, it actually works!” She sang happily skipping in place while her phone stood still. I couldn’t see whether it was held in magic or not. “Mom, Dad! Look! LOOK!”

She all but threw the phone at them, and I could only laugh when I heard her father grunt in surprise as the screen was almost shoved into his mouth.

“Oh sweetie, I know you are happy, but I don’t think your father can see anything like that,” I heard her mother, Aurora, laugh in the background. The sound and the visuals weren’t as crisp as I was used to, there was a bit of static to it, but I did manage to hear and see them with little difficulty.

“How are you all doing?” I asked, “Any delay with my voice.”

“Sweet Celestia,” Velvet's father exclaimed looking at the phone with wide blue eyes, “I know you explained to us how it works, son, but never in my life did I imagine something like this.”

Velvet pulled the phone away from the brown earth-pony stallion and quickly pointed the screen at her mother who, while just as surprised (putting one hoof over her mouth in shock), still managed to give me a delightful little wave and a smile when she collected herself.

“We’re doing great,” Velvet's voice chimed in, and a second later her face showed up on my screen. I saw her move around the room and then sit next to her father on the red sofa with gold-painted details, “And there is a bit of a delay, but only by a few seconds.”

“Better than I expected,” far better than I hoped, “welcome to the future everyone, hope you like it,” I chuckled watching Velvet practically vibrate in her seat.

We tested the phone while I was there before leaving, but it's one thing to tell about long-distance communication, it’s entirely another to actually see it.

“I love the future,” I saw her father lean from the side, still watching in shock at the screen. Velvet moved the phone further away making the screen go fuzzy but I was able to see the entire sofa along with her mother who moved around it and hopped next to Velvet.

I wasn’t sure how long the battery would last (I did have the equipment in my bag to charge it, a single black wire connected to a gem that I could recharge; Zap said she wanted something that doesn’t rely on sockets), but I was sure that I could talk at length.

I already missed her, but I am still glad I could talk to Velvet like this.

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