• Published 19th Oct 2021
  • 24,896 Views, 1,800 Comments

Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 58 (preparing for politics)


‘If anypony ever thought that ruling a country, even after over a thousand years, is easy… Well, hopefully, they can take over, I need a break,’ I glared at the stack of parchments on my workstation.

I barely even had my breakfast before throwing myself at work. Barely even enough time to make my wife comfortable after her experiments from yesterday.

Taking a, rather large, gulp of wine from the tall wine glass on my desk, I wrote down a reminder on a sheet of parchment to look over the archives or ask Miss Dusty Writ to look into it…

Delegate, Celestia… Delegate’ I added my archivist’s name to the note and then resumed my glare at the documents.

“Ya’ know, ya’ will burn a hole in ‘em one day if ya’ keep this up?” My wife’s snarky comment got me only to glance in her direction but that is about it. She is lounging on a pile of pillows I put together for her comfort right in front of an empty fireplace. If I looked at her for longer I would get even more upset than I already am.

Her matted fur and currently muted colors are a direct result of experimentation in order to fix mms. When I gave the go-ahead for the funding of hers and Doctor Salve’s project I did not think they would immediately start. Though, in all honesty, after looking through the notes Thick Salve provided it made sense that they would start as soon as they did; he made good use of all that we have learned from Patchwork over the course of two years.

Should I feel bad that I hoped they would use somepony else?’ The intrusive thought made me shake my head before I glanced at my wife again, ‘I should… but…’

Biting my lower lip I refocused back to work. I needed to go over as much as I can so that my political visit to Badlands can go without issues… Especially since it has turned into such a titanic issue.

“Ya know I can help ya? Right?”

“No honey,” I sighed, “Doctor Salve was very specific that you need to rest as much as you can.”

She laughed, and if I looked up I would be able to see a small amount of blue mist leaving her mouth with every exhale. The burn tablets barely kept the worst of the illness at bay lately.

“I ain’t a foal, Sunny, a bit of parchmentwork ain’t gonna kill me,” I heard a soft grunt escape her lips and I looked up only to see her stand and move ever so slowly to me. Away from the warm pillows, around the desk, and right into my extended wing. The moment she made herself comfortable under my left wing, I closed it as gently as I could, which got me a nice reward in the form of a happy sigh and a kiss just above my jaw.

“There isn’t much you can do to help, love,” I gave her a long and loving nuzzle but getting back to work became secondary. Gazing down into her eyes, I let myself get lost in them for a moment before I managed to look away, “The nobles are just trying to go around me.”

“The Badlands thing again?” She reached out with her right hoof for the parchment and I used my own right hoof to stop it. Lifting her right hoof with my own I gave it a kiss right above her fetlock and then lowered it down. She frowned at my refusal to let her lift even a piece of parchment, but it did not dissuade me.

“Yes, they are bringing up an old, very old, land ownership deed.”

“We used to own Badlands?” She asked and I bit the inside of my cheek in thought.

“Not exactly owned. It’s a preserved piece of document that is even older than me,” Her eyes were wide with surprise. There aren’t many documents that can claim the same, “But yes, during the unification of the tribes Queen Platinum tried to expand the borders as far as she could, spurred by Commander Hurricane. They thought that with all three tribes living together now one day we would need more land to house everypony.”

Shield let out a snort, probably suppressing her laughter, “Seriously?”

“Oh yes. Technically, one-third of the Badlands belong to Equestria and the Crown,” I nodded sagely and continued ignoring her gasp of shock. “However, several years of failed attempts at prospecting later added an amendment on a separate document. We were present for that one, I should add, stating that the area had nothing worthwhile, and as such Platinum relinquished the lands to whoever wanted it… Nopony did,” I shrugged with my wings making Shield squirm under it.

“How did they even find that document then?” She reached out for my desk again only for me to intercept her with my hoof and repeat my previous action but kissing higher up her leg. She was frowning again, but it did not reach her eyes.

“I’m fairly certain that most of the larger and older houses have a copy of every land-owning deed. They used to wave them around like flags, just to lord it over everypony that didn’t acquiesce to their demands. Completely oblivious to the fact that just because my political power isn’t fully exercised anymore to such a degree (‘I don’t remember the last time I did something like that’) I can, at any point, remove that privilege from them. Platinum made absolutely sure that nopony could bully us around and start a civil or tribal war over lands and such.”

“It’s good to be a Princess, huh?” Her smile turned predatory for a moment and I had to agree. There are some nice benefits to being a Princess.

We stayed like that for a minute, her under my wing and nuzzling my neck as I considered the subject of politics.

While the explanation of the law at large is true, the current situation is nowhere near as simple as that.

The nobility, their groups, both parliamentary and private as well as private enterprises have been stalled as long as I could. Majorly, their ‘demands’ have been reasonable and I would approve most of them, but with the changelings situation being as uncompromising as it is, I couldn’t, in good conscience just let my ponies run loose. I do not think that Chrysalis or her people are gullible, or foolish to not see when somepony is trying to trick them but with so many of them…

A low grumble from under my wing got me to perk my ears and look at my Shield out of the corner of my eye. Smiling I sent a quick message to the kitchen for some of her favourite snacks before I stole a kiss. May as well take a break before going back to work.

“Parchment?” I glanced at my assistant, who is working on his own desk. We are using a dual office close to the throne room, one often utilized in situations like this, when we need to go over parchmentwork as fast as possible without involving other ponies.

I wanted to get as much work out of the way so that my trip to Badlands can go as smoothly as I can make it. While I knew that the ponies I will leave in charge during my absence would be able to handle most of the problems coming their way, the less they need to worry about, the better.

The afternoon sun illuminated the entire office making the gem lights useless.

“Yes, madam?” He didn’t raise his head, nor did I expect him. Two parchments did make their way to me, carried by his white magic, and placed on a small pile that I’m going through.

Picking up a copy of my weekly schedule I looked over it. I did not spot any new additions or meetings which confused me; King Truehorn is supposed to arrive in a couple of days and the representative of the Northern Griffon Provinces already made her nest in one of the guest rooms.

I was actually hoping to accompany Shield to her three o’clock mms tests today, but she asked me not to, and that scared me. Burying myself in work seemed like the only good distraction even if work was the major plan today… I should visit young Velvet and call Patch with her vobby.

Sighing I dropped the schedule from my magic without even looking where it fell, “Do we have an exact time of King Truehorn’s arrival?”

“No madam,” he answered immediately, “But we know that lady Sahara would be arriving tomorrow along with her brother, sir Ifferit.”

I sighed again, making me feel like a leaky balloon. I have been sighing a lot lately, so much so that my wife said she would start making a tally for it… My night captain stated that she should install a ‘sigh jar’ next to the throne.

Three parchments floated over to me, and I scanned quickly through them adding my own signature at the bottom along with a seal. We may not clear everything from the to-do pile, but we should be able to deal with a sizable chunk of it which isn’t really worth the headache I would develop by the end of the day.

“I expected her father to come…” I muttered more to myself, but Parchment spoke up.

“I will assume that they are making plans in case something goes wrong…” I opened my mouth to say that Abyssinians always plan like that but he continued, “Besides, I assumed that it is a test for the poor kits,” Parchment raised his head a looked at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, “after all, their mother already passed, and their father isn’t as young as he was.”

“Yes… Jasper is… not doing well. I should visit my friend these days, when all of this is finally dealt with,” Despite my slight annoyance at it I sighed again.

A sharp clicking sound of something hitting glass got me to look at Parchment, a jar with a single bit in it was gingerly placed on the table.

I did not sigh a fourth time, “Parchment…”

“Yes, madam?”

I eyed the jar for a few seconds before adding five more bits to it which got me a raised eyebrow.

“Advance payment,” lowering my head, I returned to work while trying to ignore my assistant’s small smirk.

Evening came and night fell.

Parchment and I finished the laborious work for today, Shield Strike is back home and sleeping off the effects of whatever tests they were running, and I am taking a long walk in the gardens after switching the celestial orbs. As ever, her moon still disagreed with me touching it, regardless of the centuries we have now spent together.

Looking up at the softly glowing moon I let my memories and emotions take over for a moment, but nowadays, my memories are looked over from a new light. I’ve yet to do anything with Husk, she is still in my vault, but I am not sure if I wish to do anything in the first place. I know what Patch would do… but there is still a part of me that thinks my original plan would eventually bear fruit. Maybe it’s finally time to sit down and rethink my approach while there is still time to plan.

“Well… It is unusual for the ruler of the day, to bask in the night,” Came a deep, raspy but still distinctly feminine voice from my left. I recognized her as the NGP representative.

Discretely dabbing at my eyes with a napkin, I turned my head to look at the griffon once I ensured that my face was dry.

Greta Talonpoint, the representative of the Northern Griffon Provinces. A collection of three griffon kingdoms that managed to survive the fall of Griffonstone, but only just. While the majestic crown city of Griffons still exists, its condition and the condition of the citizens that still occupy the region leave a lot to be desired.

The three kingdoms, surviving by beak and claw, managed some semblance of order and function in the beginning, but over time they managed to fight off the worst of their psychological vices. These days, they consider themselves separate from the main area of the old griffon kingdom, and though their combined numbers barely reach five hundred thousand everycreature considers them a separate entity. That is even considering the griffons of Equestria.

“Lady Greta,” I smiled and nodded my head in greeting, “If I may notice, you are not the type to be awake at this time either.”

The old hen joined me, circling around and sitting down on the grass on my right serving as a small reminder that the northern griffons prefer to keep their weaker side turned towards whom they consider allies. An interesting trait when more of them are in the same area.

Looking down at her, her standard brown plumage and fur did nothing to hide the muscle that she obviously still worked on, even in her older age.

Not the biggest of griffons, the only thing that did stand out on her are her bright blue piercing eyes that scowled at the moon hanging above us. Looking away from her scowling visage, I focused my sight on the countryside.

“I was about to go and rest, but then I noticed somecreature with white fur walking around the gardens. I wished to talk to you a bit before the others arrive, we will not have as much time then.”

“Oh?” A small twitch of my ears is all the reaction I allowed myself, “Anything in particular, you wish to speak about?” I could make a guess though.

The silence did not drag long, but it thankfully allowed me to think up several responses that she might find more acceptable than the truth.

“Look… Celestia,” a rather blunt beginning… I could feel myself frowning already, “we all know that since you announced your little pet project- “

“Neither he, nor his kind are a ‘project’ and certainly not ‘pets’, Greta,” I tried, but a bit of edge did slip through my lips.

“They aren’t ponies either. And his kind has assured that no love would exist between them and us,” She certainly did not keep the bite out of her voice.

“Led by a maniac whose sole purpose was hatred and destruction. The changelings are writing a new chapter in their lives and thus far I have seen nothing worth worrying about,” A remarkable species now that their tormentor has been removed from the equation. I am proud of what Patch has accomplished.

“That may be your opinion, Princess. My leaders do not see the same, and it makes me question the situation as well.”

“We can trust them…” I heard feathers fluffing and I looked down at her. She pointed her piercing eyes at me.

“You say that, but the only reason they haven’t been killed off is…” Her plumage is puffed up and she takes a deep breath to calm herself down. “There is a standing order, for the last several centuries, even before the collapse of Griffonstone, that stated all changelings are to be executed on sight. And while the populace has forgotten about their threat, you can be assured that the kings and those that work with them are aware of this order. I do not know about the minotaurs and Truehorn, but I was told, without any usual wordplay, if should I find any issues with my visit this order is to be further enforced.”

“You would attack them during the visit?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No,” she shook her head as her feathers straightened out, “but they will know of our opinion; the NGP will not welcome them.”

The new silence that fell between us felt oppressive, but not overly so. But not enough to prevent any questions.

“I thought that the provinces and the griffons, in general, had very little to do with changelings,” I sat down on the cool grass, “what with the sea separating our countries.”

“That is because we never let them. Their kind is sneaky, and their shapeshifting is impeccable, but they aren’t griffons,” She went silent for about a minute before speaking again. “Sixty-seven attempts over the last three hundred years. My king would have liked this information to not leave our kingdom, but I think you should know it. Sixty-seven, along with a confirmation of two hundred and fifteen killed changelings, we never let a single one leave and we noted down EVERY attempt they made, and where.”

“Not a single one?” Worry settled in my stomach. I knew that other races would never approach such a situation the way my ponies would, but I did not consider extermination to be an immediate option.

“Well, not entirely. I think about… what was it… a hundred or so years ago a changeling was sent back with a message for their ‘queen’. There have been no known incursions since,” She shrugged. “It’s not something that is widely known, as I said, other than the kings, their retainers, and their personal guards no other grif even knows of them. But the order is known and… well… I am here to deliver the warning, should it be required.”

“Will you not even give them a chance?” I did not wish to plead for Patchwork’s sake, but I will if necessary.

“They will get their chance,” She stood up and slowly made to leave, “but I wanted you to know how thin of ice they stood on. A warning, to one we consider an ally. Good night Celestia, may the north winds bring you a peaceful sleep.”

Lunch was dealt with, and my wife and I made our way to the train station to welcome the royal siblings and their entourage. While I initially wanted to walk to the train station, taking the carriage turned out to be a smart idea. The red, richly decorated, and plush, velvet interior along with its soft, cloud filled, benches allowed Shield to rest and focus on other comforts. And while she kept her opinions mostly to herself, there was little doubt in my mind that kicking Greta out of the castle, or even the country for that matter, is a very appealing idea. The string of curses my shield let out during breakfast told me that even indirectly threatening Patchwork would not be forgotten. I wasn’t one for holding grudges, but were I a lesser mare, Greta would be at the very least teleported to the nearest large body of water.

Shield Strike, lounging opposite of me on her right side, and her head lying on a cushion, let out another thundering grumble and I giggled causing her to grumble again, much more softly, and letting out a snort.

“Honey, we are going to greet Sahara and Ifferit… please calm down,” I cooed while standing up from my seat and taking a step towards her. My carriage allowed me such freedom of movement and I am always grateful for it.

“The kid shouldn’t be going through al’a this,” I lowered my head and nuzzled her neck.

“It isn’t all that bad, honey,” I laid down on the carriage floor, the soft carpet making the position quite comfortable, “it just means that Patch will have to be careful during our visit. And we both know that he is a smart colt. He will manage and have the two of us there along with him and Chrysalis. He will do fine, my love.” I kissed right under her left eye first, then gently trailing kisses down her face to her neck.

Sighing as she began to relax, I smiled and kissed her on the lips when she finally lifted her head and turned to face me.

“Can't let me fume, can't ya?”

“No, love, I cannot. You are nowhere near as pretty when you are angry,” I giggled at her mock hurt and laughed when she started playfully shoving me.

Not one to let others shove me around, even my own wife, I started pushing her back, barely even putting any strength into it. Shoving, and ducking between her hooves for a kiss, or a peck, a nuzzle, even a lick. More and more, all the while laughing like silly school fillies. An excellent way to have her relax… we still had at least twenty minutes until we reach the train station, more than enough time…

Her snickering and giggling only made my own embarrassment rise further than it already was. Having a bit of fun to blow off some steam? Sure, no problem. Going at it like savages and making the entire white carriage practically shake?

“Bucking filly… last time I let you have your way like this,” I muttered to myself. Shield must have heard me because her snickers turned into guffaws and her breath turned into blue mist.

She never leaked so much mana before these experiments, and while a dark pit settled in my stomach, I trusted Shield. My embarrassment changed into worry, but I kept it from showing on my face.

“We are here to welcome our friends and allies,” I gently chided my wife. It hardly did anything to stop her from still laughing, “We should at least attempt SOME level of decency.”

No way to clean ourselves, and only my magic kept the worst of it from assaulting the noses of those around us, we sat in a waiting area within the train station and railway section reserved for royal cars and any visiting dignitaries, separate from the main building by a large door and a pair of guards. I was told that the train would arrive in less than five minutes.

Other than four lavish, white, and gold benches with red pillows on them, the ten-barrel-in-length and twenty barrels in width room is surprisingly sparse, with three white doors on the right of the main entrance leading into a toilet, a safe deposit for items before transporting them to the castle and a corridor leading to the local restaurant connected to the train station.

We are sitting in front of one of the benches placed at the other end of the room, opposite the main door with the other doors on our left. There are about four barrels between us and the train tracks, so we are away from any danger and even then, is a golden railing there, just in case.

“What? We are decent?” My love stated with a snicker.

“We smell like beasts in heat,” I whispered that last part just loud enough for her to hear despite nopony being in this area of the station other than the two of us and the four guards that came with us.

“And ya’ made sure that we don’t knock them off’a their hooves,” She patted me gently on the cheek with her left forehoof while I glared down at her.

A loud, shrill whistle of a train coming into the station interrupted my rebuttal, but I would not let her smug attitude stand like this. Quickly swooping in while she turned to look at the train, I did the only ‘adult’ thing I could think of and licked at her ear, root to tip making her freeze in her tracks and sending a visible shiver down her spine. Some would consider my punishment foalish, but they did not know my wife as well as I do.

Swiftly pulling my head back and making myself more presentable with a burst of magic, I watched from the corner of my eye as her ears started vibrating slightly and her face twist into a grimace as she tried and almost failed to keep her tail from lifting. The murderous look she sent my way by the time the train came through the gate and stopped with a screech made the whole thing worth it.

Giving her a smug cheeky grin, I stood up and made my way to the leading car that housed the passengers and waited for the door to open.

“-telling you both,” came the loud bombastic voice that immediately recognized as the bull king Truehorn, “I cannot wait until we eventually get to smash these bugs into oblivion!” Truehorn let out a loud bombastic laugh and leaped out of the cart and made his way straight towards me.

I could hear my wife growl from where she stood, and I barely managed to keep my ears from pinning themselves to my head in frustration.

It’s never easy, isn’t it?’

Author's Note:

Apologies for the wait, it wasn't planned but it is what it is.

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