• Published 19th Oct 2021
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Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 50 (safe but not sound)


‘He’ll be back.’

“My Queen”

“Yes, dear Ponera?”

“Are you okay, your Highness?”

I lowered my head to look at the large changeling mare, “I am doing quite well my dear,” I added a smile, but I doubt it was convincing, even to myself.

Something was poking me at the back of my mind like there was something I needed to do…

He needs to come back.’

I forced myself back into reality, to the front of my mind. I had to focus, I had to…

“Keratin, what is next on the itinerary?” A distraction, that’s what I need. I knew Keratin was right next to me. His core made the identification easy.

‘Note to self, teach Patchwork (‘please come back’) how to better identify changelings.’

“Well, my Queen, you did say that Spine was doing better and that you wished to check up on him today. After that…” He looked through the scroll in front of him. I noticed that I started relying quite a bit on his timekeeping ability, “…a visit to the town center. You wanted to see how the pod situation is progressing.”

An assistant, Patch said, rather than an advisor. Two positions I never thought about before, when I was younger…


I dove right back into my mind. There was a leak that needed to be fixed. Fix the leak before she…

“My Queen?” Back to the front. I barely managed to seal the memory leak.

Looking down I could see Dictyoptera frowning at me while standing behind Ponera. The giant she-ling in front of me looked worried, and I could guess why.

“Yes, my dears? How long was I out this time? Miss Dicty, is everything all right?”

“You were out for about a minute,” Dictyoptera spoke up, pre-empting Ponera, “I was trying to find you, to deliver a report about the rare resources, ma’am.”

Diving through the earliest memories on the subject I easily found the request Patch made of her before he left (‘He will return, he promised…’). He asked miss Dicty to look into rare materials that could be gathered around the Badlands; gems, metals, anything, and everything we could use in a trade with ponies.

“Ah, yes. Tell me, did you manage to find something we could use?”

“Yes, and no. I asked around and looked through our maps; according to the workers there are several locations with gems and metals that we could use around the castle and near enough for an expedition,” She did not look happy for some reason.

“All I hear is a ‘yes’, my dear…” I felt my head tilt to the side, “I am not hearing a ‘no’ however.” I felt an itch in my back and had to open my elytra for a quick buzz with my wings (‘When was the last time I used them?’)

“Well… It’s a similar issue that has been repeating since we started this mess. Other than gold and some materials like iron everything that wasn’t recognized the workers deemed either useless or they ignored it,” She huffed in annoyance and I could feel my displeasure rise slightly. She was, of course, correct, it was a repeating issue, “We have to look deeper into it, ask the ponies what can be used and what they need, and… We need to ask for more details or check if the infiltrators have any deeper knowledge or information about it,” She lowered her head in exasperation.

(‘He will be back… and then what?’)

“I did not think we would…” I shook my head to refocus and dislodge some stray thoughts and emotions.

I felt the pull this time, to return to the safety of my mind. To make the wall stronger, impenetrable, no monster will ever…

He’s my son, he will come back… But then what?’

“See if Spectrum could get us some insights into it, or if some of the ponies are willing to help. The sooner we can set up a trade with the ponies, maybe even other races, the sooner we can stop relying on theft and stand on our own hooves,” I stomped my right hoof for good measure, with the new claws creating a strange feeling I have yet to get used to. How does Patchwork work with these?

(‘He will leave again… He has Velvet…’)

Miss Dicty nodded her head and, after a quick bow, she left to complete this arduous task. The three of us, Ponera, Keratin, and myself, continued down the road, on our way to check on Spine.

(‘Patch has a pony he loves… So why not a changeling, one that would give him a reason to stay?’)

I felt my ears perk up, and I did not notice when I started prancing, or laughing. My two companions had large smiles on their muzzles, and that is all I needed. Everything would be just perfect.


Dropping off Velvet at her home came with a promise that I will come back to see her before I leave. She is, after all, one of the main reasons I came back to Canterlot in the first place.

I also apologized to her parents (Bright was absolutely fuming, refusing to even talk to me), and they were, more or less, accepting. They weren’t happy with the situation by any means, but Aurora, Velvet’s mom, was just as loving and fussy as I hoped she would be, while her father, Perfect, was a bit standoff-ish. There were no particularly negative emotions involved throughout the whole meeting and thus, I counted it as a success.

I also wanted to drop by the academy before I left to say hi to Night Light, but, first Husk, then Little Zap.

The ornate white and gold carriage bounced every now and again on the cobblestone streets once we left the Sparkle residence and I sighed heavily sinking into the plush red pillow within an equally red and silky interior. The lap of luxury I never thought I would have the privilege to feel and I knew that there is a fresh bottle of wine in one of the two doors that would be switched for a fresh one after every trip.

On our way directly to the palace, on Celestia’s orders, I closed my eyes and leaned on the carriage window (blinds were pulled, I don’t want the ponies to see me). My right ear twitched when I heard Drop shuffle her wings right next to me, the resin orb with Husk safely tucked into her saddlebag.

I could also hear Celestia while she was sorting through some paperwork while I settled my thoughts, now that I could relax a bit with Velvet being safe and sound. I asked for a few minutes of peace.

I could feel a frown and a headache coming up.

I was worried… Worried about Chrysalis, worried about Husk and how Celestia would react, worried about my future with Velvet, about changelings, what to do when I go back there… Worried, worried, worried…

I could feel a feather gently caress my right cheek and I opened one of my eyes to see Celestia looking at me with a gentle smile on her muzzle and worry in her eyes. It dawned on me that it would be so easy to just call her ‘mom’, but not yet not now.

Throwing out an easy smirk to calm her worries I elbowed Drop and pointed at the saddlebags on her back. She immediately started fishing for the orb after a nod while I yawned widely.

Celestia also magicked her paperwork away and cleared her throat, “So, if I may ask again, Patch: why exactly did you bring Husk here? A complete answer this time, please.”

With Velvet not among us now, I was able to speak freely.

“Well, I did bring Husk here for safekeeping, that wasn’t a lie…” I watched as a completely black resin orb was taken out of the bag by an apprehensive Drop and offered to me.

I took the orb in my magic and offered it to Celestia who looked even less willing to hold it.

“Don’t worry,” I chuckled, “far as I know she is in complete stasis. At least, she never responded to any of my pokes and prods with magic.”

“That does not exactly fill me with confidence,” She muttered. She still ignited her horn and brought the orb close to her.

I could tell that she was using her magic to scan the thing, tilting her head left and right as if she were looking for any imperfections.

I focused intently on her emotions the whole time. I was concerned that Husk might pull one last trick, or that, for some banal reason, Celestia might drop the orb, break it, and Husk would be able to run away.

I could also see Drop tensing from the corner of my eye and I felt my own body follow suit, ready for an attack or worse.

“BO!” I did not expect Celestia to do that, and neither did Silent.

I jumped, hitting my head and my horn on the ceiling making me grab my aching head with my claws, and Drop let out an ear-piercing ‘screep’ and lunged forward.

My ears were ringing and my eyes were blurry from my horn scraping the solid wood above me, but I could just barely see Celestia laugh her ass off all the while she held a befuddled Silent Drop in her magic.

“Oh the two of you are absolutely adorable,” Celestia managed to wheeze between gasps, but I barely heard it.

“Mwap… Mwap…” I saw Archer do it, so hopefully, it works. I did smile when the ringing slowly started to recede.

“Was that really necessary?” I asked the still giggling alicorn while she was setting down an irate thestral next to me.

“Yes, yes it was,” one last giggle escaped her, “with how tense the two of you were I simply HAD to take the opportunity.”

Yep… A mom… I already feel like strangling her.’ I could have done without the concussion though.

“Well, she is most certainly in there,” She rolled the orb in her magic one more time, “and alive. Although how and why is not something I honestly care to know about.”

“I was hoping we would be able to study her,” I raised my right arm and sharply poked the orb with one of my claws.

“Study her?” By the surprise in her voice, I guessed that Celestia didn’t even consider the option. “Why in the world would we risk something like that?” Ah, maybe I was wrong.

“No risk no reward,” I shrugged, “I would leave it for the lings to study her, but her presence is dangerous to us in more ways than it is for you or your ponies. Plus, you guys have more ways of restraining her.”

Two sharp knocks on the door got all three of us to look at it as a muffled voice came from the outside.

“We have arrived at the castle, ma’am.”

Nodding her head, Celestia motioned for the two of us to follow as she opened the carriage door and hopped out.

Following out after her, with Drop right behind me, I noticed that we stood directly in front of the castle, within the perimeter. The thick air of magic surrounding the entire location made Husk’s hatred emission drop down to barely a noticeable trickle. I wondered just how many spells Celestia placed on this place over the centuries.

A sharp poke on my side made me jump lightly and I thanked Silent for shaking me out of my thoughts.

Celestia waited for us in front of the open gates of her castle, the vile orb still in her magic.

“What would we even gain from studying this creature, my dear?” She asked once I’d gotten close. She turned around and entered her home and I went after her with a light trot, she was still the taller of the two of us.

Parchment, her assistant joined us almost immediately, following almost a full two steps behind us and he held a clipboard firmly at his side in a strange-looking saddlebag. I guessed it was designed to hold the clipboard itself as it fits snugly without any wiggle.

I am ashamed to admit that I never actually acknowledged the helpful stallion as he would do his best to blend into his surroundings (with a camouflage spell of some sort I’m guessing) whenever he wasn’t needed.

I managed a quick study of his features ignoring his raised eyebrow until a loud clearing of throat shook me out of my curiosity. All I managed to get was grey fur, a darker mane, and a kind but stern face.

“I will not say that there would be no benefits in studying Husk, Patchwork…” Celestia stood in front of an unassuming wall next to the throne. After a burst of magic though a small section of the wall opened revealing a round hole in which she inserted her horn, “I do not think you understand how dangerous of a threat she is, for everyONE involved.”

“I’m sorry, but I fail to see the danger. If she can be contained in a way that allows for detailed examination and study the only ‘threat’ she could represent is if anyone is gullible enough to actually fall for her schemes,” I faintly remembered that this wall opened into a safe that kept the elements during Discords opening episode.

I felt my jaw drop when a massive surge of magic spread throughout the room while the wall started folding itself outwards revealing a large unassuming and unadorned brown double door.

“Maybe for you, my dear, but you need to remember, we are ponies. It is not as easy for us to ignore a cry for help or believe a white lie as it is for you,” She approached me and lowered her head nuzzling me just under my left ear. “I will keep her in a place where nopony would be able to reach for now though. And I will let you know IF I agree to your proposition of studying her.”

I nodded my head and watched as the double door opened with her magic revealing nothing but sheer darkness on the other side.

If nothing else, I comforted myself in the fact that nobody other than Discord would ever be able to find Husk. But I’ll be damned if I ever let her be in peace.

Note to self, perhaps I should find Discord’s statue at some point.’

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