• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,189 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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Once upon a time…

There were two worlds

Once united, but split apart

Until six valiant ponies and one courageous Avatar reignited the magic of friendship and made both of their worlds whole again.

“Bah! We already know that story!”

Discord closes the book, titled: The Little Pony Legend and tossed it over his shoulder. The draconequus was sitting on a loveseat in his private wing library, which was stocked with books. Some were floating about in mid-air, others were floating un a sea of gravy, and others were just flipping from one shelf to the next.

“How many times can a guy read the same old tale? I mean, fifteen volumes?! Not even the girl with the ladybug jumpsuit had that many books. But, whatever. It has been ages since I looked into my old friends.”

Discord sighs, his posture hunched and his ears dropped. “You know, there is a downside to being a semi-immortal spirit of chaos. You live long enough to see your best buds grow up but… you’ve also said goodbye so many times you begin to feel stale.”

Discord curls into his bed like a snake, sighing sadly. “Although, there is also a benefit to being an inter-dimensional being.” Discord uncurls and floats towards his books. “You see, these books aren’t just about Korra and the Mane Six. Oh, no. You didn’t think theirs was the only story worth hearing about, did you?” Discord levitated several books and had them spin around in a circle around him.

“Believe it or not, there isn’t just one place that has lost the magic of friendship. Much like the Magic Mirrors that took Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer into an alternate version of their world, there are many, many, many other versions of the same world! Some more alike than others, and some almost entirely different. Like this one for instance.”

Discord picks a book and when he opens it a chibi version of Pinkie Pie with huge hair pops out, prancing to the theme song of Pony Life.

It’s a sweet life

Still a little messy


Full of surprises

Discord screams and quickly closes the book. “Not that one! We never speak of that one! Although, I will admit it was kind of fun while it lasted.” The book opens again and a chibi-Fluttershy pops out with hearts in her eyes.

“Hello, Discord!”

Discord screams again and shoves the creepy chibi-Fluttershy back into the book.

“Get back in there you dirty minded knock off of my sweet, innocent—and happily married to Thorax with adorable triplets that call me Uncle Discord—Fluttershy!” Once the chibi-Fluttershy was gone, Discord made a shredder appear and shredded the book of Pony Life into it. Listening to the chibi-versions of the Mane Six screaming in agony.

“Not cannon.” He says. “So, now you get the gist of it. There are many dimensions out there, many different versions of the same story, and others not so similar… In fact. I do recall one story I haven’t gotten the chance to read as of yet.

Discord searches for the book, looking underneath his chair, his hat rack, his stairs, his kitchen sink, until he found the book right behind a potted Venus-flytrap.

“Aha! There you are! I should really catalog these things. But then it wouldn’t be chaotic, now would it?” Discord laughs to himself and sits back in his chair.

“Ah, yes! This. This is the one. Now, sit back kids as Discord reads to you the story of another Equestria. Not the one you know, but still just as familiar. Ahem…”

Many moons ago

In a different version ofEquestria

There lived three types of ponies

Earth ponies. Unicorn ponies. And Pegasus ponies.

But alongside these ponies existed a different kind of creature.

Yet, still very similar.

These beings were known as Elves.

What are elves, you may ask?

Well, think about the benders from Korra and Twilight’s story, only instead of the elements they were split into three types, much like the ponies were.

The Earth Elves, which were basically humans but with pointy ears.

The Mage Elves, born with magical stones on their foreheads in order to perform magic spells like the unicorns.

And the Fairy Elves, which had wings to fly across the sky.

And yes, they all had pointy ears.

For generations, ponies and elves lived together in friendship and love.

While the ponies in this world couldn’t change into anthro forms they could alter their size so that their elf friends could ride on their backs. Creating a symbiotic relationship that was stronger than any magic.

And yes, the land did have magic. It pulsed through the land and all was well.

So, basically, it was kinda boring for a while, but hey, to each their own.

And just like Korra and Twilight’s story, this Equestria had its own protectors.

The Paladins of Harmony

Valiant, noble and selfless knights that traveled the lands, protecting the innocent from danger.

Monsters, natural disasters, all that fun stuff.

But most importantly, they taught everyone the value of friendship and family.

Together, they kept the land beautiful and harmonious for many moons.


One fateful day…

When the Paladins of Harmony…

Broke apart.

And with it, so did the rest of their world.

Ponies and elves of all kinds started spreading lies about each other, and it didn’t take long for friendships to break. Families separated. It was a truly dark time for everyone.

The earth ponies and the earth elves stayed together, as did the unicorns and the mages, and the pegasi with the fairies. But the three groups remained separated from one another.

The Paladins of Harmony were no more.

But that’s not exactly where THIS story begins

Oh, no, no, no, no.

This story begins in a time long since the Paladins dispersed and their friendship broke apart.

In a small town village by the sea known as Maretime Bay.

Where a spunky little pony dreams of a better world of when the paladins may return and friendship will once again reign.

And a young little elf boy, alone and lost. Looking for a place to call home.

So I guess you could say that, much like the stories you’ve already come to know, this one begins with the powerful bond between a pony.

And a boy.

And of course…

The Magic of Friendship.