• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,189 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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Final Letter

Well, once again we’ve reached the end of another Little Pony Legend story.

Sadly, I regret to say that I don’t believe this is one of my strongest works. There are so many ways in which I could have really made it my own but… if I’m being honest, after a while it became a chore just to find the motivation to finish it. I didn’t want to leave the story incomplete, I owed you guys that much, but I can’t say it became easier as it went along.

In truth, I decided to make this story as an experiment. To see if I could really make one last Little Pony Legend story before I fully moved on with original works. While I am happy with how this turned out (in that I managed to finish it) I don’t consider it the official finale to the overall saga. I still consider Guardians of Harmony as the TRUE official ending, and this is more of a side-conclusion, since it’s only loosely connected to the LPL mythos.

I realized this when it came to me that I didn’t feel anything when I finished this. I half expected to feel the same whirlwind of emotions I felt when I first concluded the series back in 2017. I still recall the moment vividly. The realization that one of my longest running projects was coming to a close filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride, nostalgia, and a bit of sadness, yet at the same time a sense of joy that I managed to begin and complete something like this.

With A New Generation, it was… meh. I guess I’m just not the type of person to dig up old successes when I should have left them resting in peace. As sad as it is to hear for my longtime readers, my Little Pony Legend days are long behind me.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love My Little Pony and this story also started out as a tribute to the franchise as a whole. Heck, FiM is one of the basis inspirations for my original MystiKnights series, which is something I really want to focus on right now. I’m just not feeling as motivated to write fanfiction as much as I used to. And this time, I KNOW in my heart that I truly mean it.

With all of that said, I do hope the story managed to bring you all at least a little bit of entertainment and joy in these dark times, and I can’t thank you all enough for your support.

Merry Christmas.

Comments ( 9 )

We’ll just to make you feel better, I love this story!

This story is great! I do have to agree that the Next Generation was... meh since they used a bit of real-world inspiration for the movie. Did you plan on using the Miraculous characters for this piece?

Makes sense. I had dropped that show a while ago.

To tell you the truth, I love this story, this is the best, when you first posted it I read all your chapters on it as well if you Mlp legends stories as well, you did nothing wrong on them, you made them the best.

What you say may hold a ring of truth, that perhaps this wasn't your 'best' work when it comes to the LPL as a whole. But then again, even with all the hype and build-up, not 'everyone' cans ay that 'Generation 5' didn't have its best for project. If anything, it raised more questions than answers and plotwise it depends on what everyone was expecting (Though they neglect the talents of the actors, the style of the animation, and some of its songs, but it's just me nitpicking).

I for one rather enjoyed this project for what it was and it's not just stating that as a matter of loyalty. The effort put into this story did show even though it was, for the most part, following the story of the actual feature (But that is to be expected in projects like this). But it's the story within the story that truly shines, the effort put into it that truly shows. Of an elf trying to fit into a society only because he fears that what he truly is or who he discovers himself to be will forever affect how everyone views him despite the efforts to contribute to society. Not to mention the bond between him and a pony who served as a sister to him is a rather heart-touching moment. That despite their disagreements with one another, they still find a way to keep themselves together despite all the hoops and hurdles to get through to achieve whatever goal they seek to accomplish.

So all and all, even if this is to be the end so you can keep your mind occupied on the projects you truly feel most confident in, please note you do have fans who appreciate this project for what it was. It may not have gotten the numbers you were looking for, but it's more than enough to prove that out of the millions upon millions of users on this site, there's a select few who appreciate your efforts.

Perfect song for the end of a history:

Will you make a sequel based on "Tell your Tale" and "Make your Mark"?

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