• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,180 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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Chapter 1- A New Friend

Chapter 1: A New Friend

“No!” Sunny Starscout shouted.

Sprout took one of her figures and started using it to attack one of his own.

“They’re not supposed to fight. The paladins are friends, they’re supposed to get along, remember?”

“Boring!” Spout groaned.

Hitch Trailblazer snatched the action figure from Sprout’s hoof, handing it back to Sunny.

“Here you go, Sun,” He said, flashing a warm smile.

Somehow that little gift to Sunny always made her insides feel funny. Like swallowing a swarm of butterflies, and the way their wings tickled her.

“Thanks, Hitch.”

“You two are so gross!” He complained, sticking his tongue out.

Hitch narrowed his eyes at him, hoping he didn’t notice the way his face heated up. Once again, Sunny Starscout came to day-care with her cardboard Pegasus wings, which resulted in most of the other ponies and elves laughing at her. Even James Griffin, Sprout’s best elf-friend.

The only ones not laughing were Hitch and his elf friend, Hunk Garret. He was a chubby elf, almost always with some type of pastry in his hands or complaining about the daycare snacks. He often collected snacks and tried creating his own, which surprisingly proved quite a hit amongst the other kids.

“Ah Sunny, always want to play the same way,” James complained.

“But that’s how it was,” Sunny replied.

She jumped from her seat and pranced about the room, careful not to tumble over the blocks and toys amongst the other children.

“My dad told me that in the olden times all three pony and elf kinds used to be friends, and the paladins—”

“You’re wrong,” Sprout gagged again. “The paladins hated each other.”

“No they didn’t!”

“Yeah they did. They started saying bad stuff about each other and used their magic against each other. That’s what my mom says. That unicorns and mages zapped earth ponies and earth elves and fried them into a crisp. So the earth ponies and earth elves kicked their butts in an epic battle and if they ever tried to come back to Maretime Bay we’ll kick their butts again!”

Sunny’s face was already turning red with anger.

“Those are lies!” Sunny exclaimed.

“Hey, you guys, quit fighting or we’ll get in trouble,” Hitch stepped in between.

“Hitch, tell him!” Sunny faced Hitch.

“Well,” Hitch spoke hesitantly. “That is kind of what our teacher said in history class.”

But the moment he saw the hurt look on Sunny’s face, he felt his chest tighten.

“But we can play it your way, Sunny. I don’t mind.”

“Well I do!” Sprout argued. “It’s a boring game. Let’s play Pegasus barbecuing and fairy dilapidating instead.”

“Those are my toys!” Sunny cried out. “You can’t do that to them!”

Sunny tried swiping her toys away but Sprout just tossed one over his head and James caught it.

“Try and fly with those wings!” James taunted.

He ran around, waving the figurine in the air. Sunny chased after him, tears swelling in her eyes.

“Stop it, James! Stop it! Give it back! James!”

Hitch, thinking fast, knocked down a few toy blocks, tripping James and the figurine dropped from his hand landing upon the floor. Hitch picked it up, casually handing it back to Sunny.

“Thanks, Hitch.”

The head of the daycare, a kindly elderly elf woman, clapped her hands together signaling everyone’s attention.

“Alright, everyone. Time to clean up. Your parents should be here any minute.”


The daycare flooded with parents picking up their children. Sunny galloped towards her father, Argyle, while Sprout ran up to his mother, Phyllis Cloverleaf.

“Hey, sweetie. Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, Mom. We played unicorn frying brains!”

“That’s my brave boy,” Phyllis said proudly.

“I didn’t think it was a lot of fun,” Hitch spoke, walking with his parents. “Really hurt Sunny’s feelings.”

His eyes narrowed with disapproval towards Sprout, who stuck his tongue out in response.

“Sweetheart,” Phyllis sighed. “How many times have I told you not to play with that little pony?

“And why’s that Phyllis?” Argyle asked, overhearing the conversation.

Sunny hid behind her father, feeling her heart break over the pony’s choice of words.

“Because its bad enough your brainwashing your own daughter, we don’t need you doing the same to the rest of the children with your nonsense.”

“It’s called ‘research’, Phyllis. And, by the way, I leave all the brainwashing in Maretime Bay to you.”

“You’re an Earth pony, Argyle. You should really start acting like one… at least for her sake.”

And without another word, Phyllis led her son away leaving Sunny to rub her nose trying so hard not to cry. She felt a nudge upon her shoulder and turned toward Hitch, who’s hoof nestled upon her.

“Don’t listen to her,” Hitch spoke. “I think you’re awesome.”

Those were the only words he could say before his parents led him away. More than enough words to make Sunny’s insides feel warm inside, like a freshly baked cupcake.

“Who does he think he is? Talking to me like that!” Phyllis muttered to herself. “That pony is trouble.”

“Don’t worry, mom,” Sprout assured. “When I become sheriff, I’ll keep everybody in line.”

“Mm… ‘Sheriff’ Sprout. That does have a nice ring to it.”

Argyle led Sunny away from the daycare, but the whole walk he noticed how Sunny still looked crestfallen. Her ears drooped, as did her tail which dragged against the grass.

“What’s the matter, Sunny Bunny?”

“Sprout and everybody else still don’t believe me,” Sunny said quietly.

“Maybe one day they will. The important thing is that you stand up for what you believe in. Okay?”

Sunny looked toward her father. How his kind eyes and warm smile worked like magic, somehow seeping away all her sorrows.

“Well, when I grow up, I’m going to prove everybody that we’re right.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah! And someday both of us will meet unicorns, and pegasuses, and mages and fairies, and we’ll be best friends forever.”

“Well, I certainly can’t wait for that day. Who knows? It might be closer than we think.”


Sunny was so excited for dinner. Argyle was making her favorite: Mac n’ Cheese! But soon as they walked into their house, however, they were horrified.

The entire kitchen was ransacked! The winders were wide open, pots and pans scattered about, broken dishes amongst split teacups, and all their cabinets wide open. Cookie and cracker crumbs littered the counter, slices of bread removed from the icebox. Argyle kept Sunny behind him, as he cautiously approached the counter. His ears flicked, detecting the faint sound of breathing. When Argyle poked his head over the counter, he gasped.

Curled along the floor, his mouth covered in crumbs and stains of jelly from the open jar upon the counter, the rest dripping onto the floor, was a small elf boy. His skin was fair, his hair an ebony black, and his deep purple eyes filled with tears. The young elf looked up and squeaked in fright, covering his shaking head. He looked so skinny that his clothes practically hung off his frail body.

Sunny curiously studied the elf, her heart tightening at the sight of him. She slowly walked up to him, her hooves stepping on a few crackers.

“It’s okay,” She said softly. “We’re not going to hurt you.”

The elf boy uncurled himself, sobbing as he stared toward the kindly pony.

“I…” He stuttered. “I-I-I’m sorry. I was hungry; I didn’t mean to—”

“No, no, don’t you worry about that son,” Argyle said kindly.

He lifted a hoof toward the elf boy, who flinched upon contact.

“Gosh… you must’ve really been through something. Where are your parents?”

“My… my parents?”

“Yeah,” Sunny spoke up. “Your mom and dad.”

“I… don’t have a mom,” The elf boy confessed. “And my dad is…”

His eyes swelled with tears again and he curled up, burying his face deeply into his arms. Sunny pulled aside his bangs as he cried, catching sight of a bright, shiny red stone on the elf’s forehead. She gasped and jumped away. Once the elf boy realized what she’d seen, he quickly covered the jewel.

“Please, don’t hurt me! I know I’m a mage… but please don’t bite or trample me!”

“What? We won’t trample you,” Argyle assured.

He too noticed the stone, but unlike Sunny, he didn’t flinch. In fact, from the moment he saw the stone, a smile swept across his face. He wrapped a hoof around the boy’s shoulder, wiping away his tears with the other.

“What’s your name?”

“Keith. Keith Kogan.”

“Nice to meet you, Keith. My name’s Argyle, and that’s my daughter, Sunny.”

Sunny herself stared upon Keith with wide-eyed wonder. “Whoa… a real mage! Can you do magic? Make things float?”

“N-No,” Keith stuttered, almost in shame. “I don’t have magic.”

“You don’t?”

“Now Sunny, let’s not pester him,” Argyle suggested, rubbing the boy’s arms soothingly. “Why don’t you stick around for dinner? You must be starving.”

“Yeah! Daddy’s making mac n’ cheese!” Sunny pranced.

“Just tell us when you’re ready. No pressure.”

Keith sniffed, wiping away the snot with his long jacket sleeve. He smiled, feeling a sense of comfort for the first time in… who knows how long?


After dinner, Sunny was so excited to play with her new friend. She led him through the lighthouse, showing him drawings, of Pegasus ponies, unicorns and fairies.

“And look! That’s a mage, just like you.”

Sunny pointed toward the stick figure with pointy ears and a plastic jewel sticker she stuck along the forehead. Keith tilted his head. Aside from the jewel, the depiction wasn’t very accurate. The body was too thin’ the fingers looked more like garden rakes. Still, he was touched over how welcoming she and her father were.

“Oh, oh, Daddy, don’t forget!”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t,” Argyle called out.

“Don’t forget what?” Keith asked curiously.

“I’ll show you,” Sunny smiled.

The mare led Keith to her arts-and-crafts table, which was as messy as Keith expected it to be. Sunny searched until she found what she was looking for. A drawing of all six elf and pony races happily playing together.

“Read what it says!” Sunny insisted.

Keith held the drawing close to his face, reading the words aloud.

“Dear unicorns, pegasi, mages, and fairies, you have friends in Maretime Bay.”

“We’re going to send it,” Sunny excitedly pranced about.


To answer his question, Argyle revealed a paper lantern and together they tied the letter to the string. Lighting the lantern, they released it into the sky which already turned pink from the setting sun’s aura.

“Do you think they’ll find it?” Keith asked.

“Sure they will,” Argyle smiled, pulling Sunny and Keith close.


“Come on, Keith! You can sleep with me. Can he, Daddy?”

“If he’s okay with it,” Argyle chuckled.

Keith had never slept near anyone besides his dad before. But just by the way Sunny looked at him, so excitedly, he just couldn’t hurt her feelings and say ‘no’. He crawled into her bed, astounded over how soft it was. He laid his head upon the pillow, feeling like falling asleep right then and there… that is till Sunny shook his arm.

“Hey! Don’t fall asleep, yet! Daddy hasn’t told the story yet.”

“You want me to tell it again?” Argyle asked jokingly.

“Yeah! And Keith’s never heard it. Have you ever heard the story of the Paladins?”

“No?” Keith shook his head.

“Well then,” Argyle began. “Gather round, children. It’s story time.”

Sunny and Keith sat upright, with Sunny nestled close beside him. Her coat warmed him more so than the blankets and the ultra-soft mattress.

“Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, in ancient Equestria, there lived a very brave and beautiful—”

“Unicorn!” Sunny said.

“Yes,” Argyle chuckled. “Her name was Llamrei, and she was very bright.”

“As bright as the sun.”

“One day, she decided to travel through the swamp of despair to reach twilight meadow and bathe in the crystal lake. Many warned her not to go alone, but she didn’t listen. She was far too vain to believe some pony as intelligent and radiant as herself would need help from anyone. When she reached the swamp, Llamrei was immediately caught in the mucky goo!”

Both Sunny and Keith gasped, the former wrapped her hooves around Keith for protection. Even though she heard this story many times, it never failed to get an emotion out of her.

“She couldn’t get out. She cried for help, but no one could hear her. No one… except for a wandering earth elf.”


“Yes, his name was Arthur. An adventure elf in search of the crystal lake. When he heard Llamrei’s cries, he cleverly pulled out his rope, tied it around her neck and pulled her out from the bog. Llamrei was so grateful, she insisted on accompanying him to the crystal lake. Humbled by the ordeal, Arthur agreed and as a sign of respect she allowed him to ride on her back.

“And together, they arrived at the crystal lake where they met the legendary Maiden and her six Maiden Mares.”

Keith and Sunny listened with widened eyes and hanging jaws.

“The Maiden, so moved by the two new friends, requested they gather a group of valiant heroes representing the values of kindness, honesty, loyalty, selflessness, cleverness, and bravery. Arthur and Llamrei searched far and wide before stumbling upon a group of friends who perfectly suited the Maiden’s words.

“There was the fairy, Lancelot, and his Pegasus, Nimue. Their sisters, Morgana and Circe. The mage Guinevere and unicorn Titania. The earth elf, Bedivere, and earth pony, Perseus. When they returned to the crystal lake, the Maiden and her Mares dubbed them… the Paladins of Harmony!

“And from that day onward, the paladins embarked on many adventures, battling many foes, and making many friends along the way. Together, they taught the magic of friendship and how to live in harmony. Soon, Arthur and Llamrei became the first king and queen of both elves and ponies of all kinds. And they’d call this new land, Avalon, the capital of Equestria itself.”

“Whoa…” Keith gasped, in awe. “And where are the Paladins now?”

Almost immediately, Keith regretted asking upon seeing the saddened faces upon Sunny and Argyle.

“Well… not everyone was happy living with others. Legend says their most trusted advisor, Mordred, and his pony friend, Puck, started spreading rumors of the paladins behind their backs and used tricks to make them seem real. Eventually, those rumors spread toward the other ponies and elves, and before long, even the luminous city of Avalon crumbled to ruins. As for the Paladins… they just stopped being friends after that.”

“But, if they were lies, why didn’t anyone try telling the truth?” Keith asked.

“Sometimes, it’s easier to believe a lie than the truth. Which is why it’s my job as historian to always find that truth and share it with the world, so we never repeat our mistakes again.”

Argyle soon pulled out a music box in the shape of a carousel with a pony, unicorn and Pegasus figurine. Upon their backs were three elf types: earth elves, fairies, and mages.

“You finished it!” Sunny said excitedly.

“Pretty neat, huh?”

Argyle placed the carousel on Sunny’s nightshade, pressed a button, and the crystal above it lit up. Soon, its light filled the walls with images of the six races together in harmony.

“It’s beautiful!” Sunny spoke dreamily.

Keith too stood mesmerized by the sight. He’d only ever known his father and never much about the other ponies or elves, only that he’d stay away from them. He never told Keith ‘why’ he didn’t have magic like the old stories would say, only that his father promised to explain to Keith when he was older. He always suspected it was the gently way of saying he didn’t have magic, or perhaps was born defective.

But right now, as he laid back beside Sunny, who snuggled beside him, she yawned, and her eyelids dropped slowly.

“I’m so glad I have a new friend who can float stuff,” Sunny sighed. “We’ll have so much fun together, Keith… and one day, we’re all going to be friends again. Unicorns, pegasuses, and earth ponies, with mages and fairies and earth elves…”

Sunny’s eyes finally closed, as the little mare fell asleep beside Keith. Argyle tucked them both in, and he planted a kiss upon Sunny’s head.

“Sir,” Keith whispered, so as not to wake Sunny. “Will the other Earth ponies like me?”

Argyle looked mournfully, shaking his head in melancholy with a heavy sigh.

“Keith, why don’t we… keep this our little secret, okay? I’m afraid not every pony is ready to meet a real mage just yet.”


Keith hung his head low in response. His bangs shadowed his eyes and his tears. Argyle lifted his head with a single hoof, smiling warmly.

“But one day, we’ll change their minds. One step at a time. In the meantime, we will do our part. Hand in hoof and heart to heart.”

Keith felt a slight better, as Argyle switched off the carousel, and all the shadow shapes disappeared.

“Good night, Mr. Argyle.”

“Good night, Keith.”

Argyle closed the door behind him, as Keith wrapped an arm around the new pony friend beside him.

“Good night, Sunny.”

Author's Note:

Okay, so status update. I finally got myself a job, so I’m gonna be working from seven to three thirty, as of now anyway. So I’m going to have my writing limited to either free time at work, or during the weekend, like right now.

As you could probably tell, I’ve taken a lot of liberties with this retelling, not only with the inclusion of the VLD characters but also with the worldbuilding, mixing in some Arthurian Folklore with the world’s backstory. I’ve become obsessed with Arthurian legend as of late, I will admit! There is just something about it that makes me keep coming back for more. I finally understand why so many people love the stories so much, and why they have left such an impact on the world.

I based these Paladins of Harmony off of the knights of the round table, the fall of Camelot (here called Avalon to avoid confusion with Canterlot) so I hope you won’t mind the changes.

Man, it feels great to get back to my roots again! Really makes me acknowledge how much I have grown since my college days when I first started The Little Pony Legend. Hope to see you guys next time, God bless, *kiss, kiss*