• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,190 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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Hand in Hoof

Sunny and Hitch galloped as fast as their newly powerful hooves could carry them. They were just able to catch up to the mech, which currently stomped a few feet away. Suddenly, a voice from afar stopped them in their tracks.

“Pipp! Zipp!”

“Lance! Allura!”

“Mom?!” The group exclaimed. The four siblings soon spotted their mothers galloping towards them. They flew down to meet them halfway, and all the other Paladins stopped to join them. Amongst the queens were the Skyling guards. Breathing heavily, Queen Haven wiped the sweat drenched along her brow.

“Oh, my darlings! I’m so sorry about—wait! Were you just… flying?!”

“How?!” Rosalyn said. “I mean, it’s a miracle but… how?”

“We’ll explain later,” Zipp promised. “But right now, we need to stop that giant pony-elf machine from destroying Bridlewood!”

“And before you say anything,” Lance warned, pointing a finger. “There’s nothing you can say or do to stop us! We’re paladins now; saving elves and ponies are what we do! At least according to the job description!”

“Sorry mother,” Allura said. “But we really have to go!”

“No you’re not!” said Rosalyn assertively.

“Not… without us,” Haven declared, lifting her head high. Atop Haven’s back, Cloudpuff barked in agreement. The little cloud dog leapt onto Hunk’s lap with a yelp, licking his face rapidly.

“Mom, are you serious?” Pipp asked, surprised yet delighted.

“I might not like those JewelHorns,” Queen Haven replied, matter-of-factly. “But, if they really mean that much to you kids, I say… let’s go!”

The queens turned to their guards and they all saluted.

“Count us in!”

The Paladins cheered and galloped onward, now with an army of Skylings by their side. Though the road ahead still held some uncertainty, at least their numbers were increasing ever so steadily.


Alphabittle and Cronan led the search for Izzy Moonbow and Katie Holt. Given the elder unicorn’s injured leg, however, Cronan dared not ride him because of it, so instead they walked together side-by-side while the other mages road their respected unicorn companions. They all kept a sharp look out, turning their heads in every direction to catch a trace of the pair.

“Izzy! Izzy, please come back home!” Alphabittle shouted loudly. “You’ll get us all jinxed!”

“Hold on!” Cronan paused, pointing toward the distance. “I think I spot something.”

Squinting his eyes, Alphabittle could just make out an object in the distance. It didn’t resemble either Izzy or Katie… and certainly didn’t sound like them either. An eruption of horns blared so heavily all the birds flew away from the trees, wheels spun against the earth and steam pumped along with the crackling of electricity. Enough activity to startle all the JewelHorns, the lot of whom stood frozen in place while the mech inched ever closer.

Its glowing red windows burned brightly like irises; its robotic voice could be heard from miles around.

Target in range: Jewel-Horns. Initiate extraction sequence…

The JewelHorns screamed and ran, splitting off in separate directions. But the mech had already loaded the build in Splat-a-pult, shooting a wave of sticky green substance toward the panicking JewelHorns. The machine managed to capture at least five-to-seven innocent ponies and elves, while those still free rushed in trying to pull their companions out.

Among the captured few, Alphabittle found himself trying to tug his good hooves free from the sticky green goop but to no avail. He laid there helplessly on the ground, as the mech inched forward and its shadow cast over the old unicorn.


Cronan rushed to his best friend’s aid, trying to pry the sticky material off, only for his hands to get stuck. Soon the machine charged its magic-stealing weapon, ready to extract whatever magic it could find inside both the mage and unicorn. Cronan shielded his friend, expecting the worst, and the machine prepared to fire.


The pair looked up and soon noticed one of the Pegasus girls, the white one with pink swept-up hair, bucking the machine as hard as her hooves could strike. Her fairy companion jumped off her friend’s back and slashed against the metal surface with a sword gifted to her along with her new Paladin armor.

But even more astonishing than all of that… was that they were flying!

Soon Lance and Pipp swooped in, the former cutting Alphabittle free of the green goop.

“Quick! Get out of here!” Lance ordered.

Cronan and Alphabittle obeyed without argument, racing out of the way and to the aid of their fallen brothers and sisters. Suddenly, to their surprise, Izzy and Katie soon appeared, leaping over them from above. The pair galloped around the injured and captured, their horn and jewel glowed brightly. With their newfound magic powers, they pried the green goop off the other Jewel-Horns with ease.

“Hurry everyone!” Katie shouted. “Run!”

“Follow us!” Izzy called out.

All the Jewel-Horns heeded their calls without fail. Meanwhile, Hitch and Hunk led the other Skylings on foot (Since they couldn’t fly) directing them to where they needed to go.

“Help the injured!” Hunk ordered. “Lead them back to Maretime Bay! They’ll be safe there!”

With a salute, the fairies zoomed off to aid the others. The Mech fired its Splat-a-Pult against a wave of Jewel-Horns, the lot of whom tried to escape the flying globs of goop hurtling and crashing around them. The fairies and Pegasi rushed in, shoving the Jewel-Horns away from the impact. Even Queen Haven and Queen Rosalyn joined in on the action, pushing the many of the injured and the children away from the battlefield.

Alphabittle ran to shield his tiny armadillo friends, only to trip over his injured hoof. Cronan stopped mid-run and raced back to the aid of his friend.

“Cronan, look out!” Alphabittle shouted.

Cronan turned just as an incoming green blob flew toward him. Rosalyn and Haven quickly jumped in, pushing the pair out of the way, with Haven shielding the armadillos with her wing. Cronan, surprised beyond words, approached Rosalyn and helped her to her feet taking her hands like a gentleman.

“You… you saved us,” Cronan said in awe. “Thank you, M’Lady.”

“Oh, well…” Rosalyn blushed. “You’re quite welcome, good sir.”

Haven and Alphabittle, on the other hoof, looked as if they were about to barf.


Sunny and Hitch galloped towards the mech until at last they finally got close. They kicked against its surface with their newly powerful hooves. Though they managed to create a few dents, it wasn’t enough.

“It’s no use!” Hitch said. “It’s too strong!”

“We’d have to shut it down from the inside!” Hunk said.

“You’re the engineer,” Keith spoke. “Think you can hack it?”

“Me?! Oh, no, no, I’m not a hacker!”

“But I know somebody who is!”

Hunk turned as Izzy jumped into the fray, practically skipping across the field with Katie on her back. “Get me close enough and I can hijack its system to shut down its prime objective!” Katie instructed.

“I’ve got you guys!” Zipp swooped down, with Allura beside her. “Hop on!”

Katie and Hunk mounted onto Zipp’s back and she flew directly toward the mech.

“Good luck, Katie!” Izzy waved.

“You’ve got this, big guy!” Hitch cheered.

“Knock it in its place, sis!” Pipp said, with an air flip.

Zipp flew towards the side of the mech’s head where Hunk managed to jump in through the window… albeit ungracefully.

“The head should be where most of the wiring is placed,” Katie observed.

Zipp flew toward the head, and Katie jumped in. Shifting back, Zipp swooped in alongside her. Suddenly, the dashboard started shooting sparks everywhere sending Katie back.

“It’s overheating!” Katie declared.

“That’s good, right?” Zipp asked. “It’ll just give out?”

“Or it’ll generate a massive explosion the size of a mountain that’ll take all of Maretime Bay with it!”

“So… that’s a ‘no’ then?”

“Gah! I need to get closer to the operating system! It should be underneath the dashboard, but I can’t reach it—”

Zipp drew Katie’s knife from her pocket with her teeth and hurled it at the machine, right along the outline which bent upon impact and the lip went upwards. Katie went silent for a moment before speaking.

“Okay, that works too,”

Working together, Katie and Zip used the knife to pry the lid open. Beneath the dashboard were a bunch of wires and buttons. Grabbing the knife, Katie proceeded to yank off several wires controlling the Splat-a-Pults, causing the machine to cease fire.

Meanwhile, down below, Hunk managed to slip underneath the dashboard, having found a welding mask lying around (Thank goodness for Sprout’s inability to maintain a tidy workspace) and used it to shield his face from the static electricity. With a pair of rubber gloves (Again, thank Sprout’s uncleanliness), Hunk managed to put a halt to the wheels.

“Phew!” He sighed with relief, removing the mask.

Pressing the speaker button, Hunk proceeded to deliver the good news. “I managed to stop the mech!”

“Good work, Hunk!” Katie answered. “All that’s left is to remove that stupid bejeweled bazooka.”

“Already on it!” Zipp called out.

The feisty Pegasus flew forward in an effort to kick the weapon off. And then it all happened so suddenly. The weapon’s jewels exploded with sparks and aimed itself toward Zipp… detecting her magic. It shot a beam of energy toward her, forcing her to stay in place and the Pegasus screamed in agony.

“ZIPP!!!” Allura screamed.

She, along with Lance and Pipp, hurried to reach her. The weapon itself unleashed additional beams of energy toward the two fairies and Pegasus. Using their swords, Allura and Lance managed to deflect the beams in several directions. Lance caught one closing in on Pipp and with a raise of his arm summoned a shield to appear in her defense, deflecting the beam away.

“Whoa! Didn’t know I could do that!” Lance gasped.

All the while, Zipp screamed in pain as she could feel the energy slowly slipping away and found it very difficult to breathe. Seeing her twin in such excruciating pain, the fighter within Pipp ignited. Against Lance’s protests, she flew directly in line of the weapon’s beam. Though she could feel the weight of her wings again, her newfound flight slipping away, she fought through it to reach her sister. Once Pipp was close enough, she lunged for Zipp and wrapped her hooves (And wings) around her with a stiff tackle to the ground. Hitch and Sunny rushed to catch the two injured mares, while Allura and Lance quickly recovered Katie and Hunk from the machine en route to their friends’ aid.

Before their eyes, Zipp breathed heavily while Pipp kept her wings wrapped around her.

“Zipp! Are you okay?”

Zipp, steadying her breathing, could still feel the magic welling up inside her. Only now, it felt weaker than before. Yet, being with her sister right now made her feel stronger.

“I am now, sis…”

Pipp nearly cried as she held her sister in a bone crushing hug. For a moment, the Paladins relished in the safety of their friends… when suddenly the mech sprung to life again. Turning back, the Paladins gasped in shock as the mech’s wheels spun backwards with the Splat-a-pult twirling without any green goop to shoot.

“Where’s it going?” Sunny wondered.

“I—I don’t understand!” Hunk cried out, tugging his hair. “I was sure that I—”

“It’s the weapon!” Keith realized. “It’s ancient technology must be glitching the machine!”

“Urgh! So stupid!” Katie moaned. “We should’ve removed the weapon first! I thought for sure if I mere cut off its connection to the mainframe—”

But Katie couldn’t find it in her to finish that sentence. All at once, she could feel Izzy nuzzling her cheek with her muzzle. “It’s okay, Katie,” Izzy cooed. “You did your best.”

“Guys! It’s heading for Maretime Bay!” Lance pointed out.

“We have to stop it!” Zipp said, standing up.

Behind the Paladins, all the other Jewel-Horns and Skylings approached the heroes, joining together. Amongst the large assembly were Rosalyn and Haven, rushing toward Pipp and Zipp relieved to see the sisters alive and together. Even Alphabittle and Cronan stood amongst the pair, stepping forward with great determination.

“We’re with you, Paladins,” Alphabittle assured.

“All of us,” Cronan added.

Keith and Sunny are seeing this for themselves, and still they couldn’t believe it. Jewel-Horns and Skylings banded together for a common goal: To save the Earth Folk, with or without magic. Korra was right all along: This was how they would bring change to Equestria. Keith mounted upon Sunny’s back, taking the lead.

“All right, everyone!” Keith raised his hand, looking all the mor heroic. “Let’s move!”


All the Earth Folk gathered together to clean up all the banners and posters of Sprout, sweeping all the streets clean. Though night had since fallen over the town, its streetlights illuminated their path. Every now and again, passing ponies and elves gave Sprout questionable looks. He couldn’t tell if they were truly angry… or just disappointed. Either way, he wouldn’t blame them in the slightest.

As Sprout sat upon the bench, he threw away his dictator’s hat yet left only his green cape, which had nearly all the badges removed. His mother returned to him with some hot cocoa, taking a seat at the empty spot beside him. As Sprout took the cup, he took a glance upon his own reflection and sighed sadly.

“I don’t get it…” Sprout said, breaking the silence. “I had everything planned out. And somehow I’m still the screwup.”

“Sweetie… it’s not all your fault,” Phyllis sighed.

“What do you mean?”

“I was the one who pressured you into becoming sheriff; I made you and the entire town scared of other ponies and elves. All that just to keep my company afloat. I thought… I believed that I was doing the right thing. But after seeing what you became… what you were willing to do… Argyle was right all along. I ‘taught’ you into being scared of something you didn’t understand because I was terrified of anything happening to you or anyone else. I was wrong… and I’m sorry.”

Sprout say silently, breathing in every word his mother was saying. It seemed so easy to blame it all on his mother, but… who was he kidding? He played a part in this too. He allowed his fear and blind obedience toward his mother determine his choices rather than thinking for himself. Unlike Argyle, who let evidence and truth guide him, Phyllis and Sprout led the entire town through fear and paranoia. That was never meant to be the way to live, and now… all their choices nearly destroyed their home.

“I’m sorry too, mommy. Guess I wasn’t a very good sheriff, huh?”

“No… you weren’t,” Phyllis smiled, lifting his chin. “But you can be a better pony… we both can.”


“Maybe by actually listening for once.”

Sprout smiled and hugged his mother tearfully.

“I’m sorry too…”

The Earth ponies turned toward James, who sat on the very bench right next to them. “I’m sorry for ever listening to you crooks!” James remarked.

Mother and son glared toward James, and for the first time Sprout performed the most intelligent thing all night… hurling the still steaming cup of hot chocolate right on James’ shirt, and the elf screamed and hollered in pain crying:

“Hot! Hot! HOT!!!”

Just when it seemed all was at peace, the ground beneath their hooves and feet started to shake. Phyllis and Sprout clung to each other and Iverson, who had helped a few elves remove a fallen lamppost, ceased his action, and squinted one good eye towards something in the distance.

All the elves and ponies gasped upon seeing the mech itself coming their way again. Only the machine appeared to moving much faster, with one arm swinging around like crazy. The arm, which had the weapon strapped to it, fired laser beams left and right, up-and-down, and everywhere in between! Only now did Sprout fully realize the mistake he made building this thing (Or at least making the people build it).

Quickly, Iverson took command and began leading everyone to safety.

“Move out, folks!” He ordered.

Everyone obeyed, albeit while screaming. Sprout and Phyllis leapt from the bench, which was immediately crushed by the mech. Mother and son galloped away, but the machine had them in its sights.

Pony target detected!

The machine readied the weapon, the opening glowed as a ball of energy expanded. The mech took steady aim, ready to fire away.

“Mommy, look out!”

On instinct, Sprout pushed Phyllis out of the line of sight. Phyllis rolled onto the side of the street, catching a glimpse of her own son leading the machine away. Then to her horror, her son literally skid to a halt and stood before the machine.

“Sprout!” Phyllis screamed. “NOOO!!!”

“I created you!” Sprout shouted loudly. “I command you to stop!”

But the machine did not recognize his command and charged toward the pony. Sprout shrunk back but was ready to accept his fate… and his mistakes.

Just as the weapon fired, Sprout felt something shove him away from the line of fire and onto the sidewalk. Shaking his head, his ears still ringing, Sprout saw it was none other than Hitch who saved him.

“You okay?” He asked, concerned.

“Hitch? You saved me?”

“We’ll talk about that later. Right now, we need to get everyone to safety!”

As Hitch spoke, Sprout noticed Sunny and Keith leading a herd of Jewel-Horns and Skylings into Maretime Bay. Sprout always imagined he would be terrified if he ever saw Pegasi, unicorns, mages, and fairies with his own eyes. But instead of fear, he felt relief that this herd (Despite not having magic like the Paladins) galloped along. One by one, they guided all the innocent bystanders to safety. From a Pegasus guard scooping an Earth elf child from the falling debris to a mage and fairy leading a pair of Earth ponies from the weapon’s beams. Elves and ponies of different races band together helping each other, led by the Paladins who stood proud and brave (Even the usually cowardly Hunk).

And now… Sprout fully understood what Sunny had been fighting for all along. With or without magic, they were only stronger… together.

“Are you in… deputy?” Hitch offered a hoof.

Without hesitation, Sprout shook his old friend’s hoof. “I’m all in!” Sprout nodded, then whistled. “JAMES!!!”

James, still trying to clean the hot chocolate off his shirt, jerked his head up.


“Front and center, soldier!” Sprout demanded, stomping his hoof.

For the first time, James actually felt intimidated. Without much of a choice, he hurried towards him.

“Uh… sir yes sir?” He asked, uncertain. He screamed the moment Sprout shifted to his larger form and hoisted the elf onto his back without warning.

“What’s the plan, Sheriff?” Sprout asked.

“You built the mech, is there some way to disable the weapon?!” Hitch asked.

“I wish there was,” Sprout admitted regretfully. “We designed it to be near indestructible. Heck, we merely strapped that thing on. We didn’t know it would do any of that stuff, I swear!”

Rather than chastise Sprout for being so reckless, Hitch thought of a better idea. “Alright, you and James help the Skylings and JewelHorns bring the others to safety. Leave the mech to the Paladins.”

Sprout saluted with one hoof, and Hitch saluted back. Sprout galloped away, with a reluctant James screaming on his back, as the other Paladins caught up with Hitch.

“So, how do we stop that thing?” Zipp asked.

“We get too close, and it’ll suck us dry like raisins!” Hunk spoke.

“Our main target is the weapon,” Hitch explained. “We detach it from the arm, maybe it’ll shut down.”

“Worth a try,” Keith said, remounting Sunny. “Let’s do this, Paladins!”

“We’ve got your back, Keith!” Allura said, swinging her sword.

The Paladins and their ponies charged after the mech, their sights on the weapon itself. From a safe distance, Phyllis witnessed the whole thing. Inspired by her son’s newfound bravery and the valiance of the Paladins, she turned towards Iverson. He saluted her with a straight back and in seconds Phyllis shifted, allowing him onto her back. She threw her front hooves into the air before galloping ahead to join her son in aiding the others.


Due to Alphabittle’s condition, he ran in his full-grown form alongside Queen Haven. Both ponies had Rosalyn and Cronan riding along. Behind them were a band of Earth Folk, running and galloping behind them to safety. But the weapon appeared to have a mind of its own. Its glowing red eyes seemed to stare down toward everyone and whenever it spotted a pony or an elf running around it immediately shot at them. The mech itself was completely blind to all the destruction in its wake. Buildings crumbled, beams cut right through the concrete, and many homes and businesses alike completely destroyed.

“No pony or elf left behind!” A Pegasus guard declared.

He and his elf companion gathered another group of Earth Folk hiding beneath a piece of the building’s roof. With the help of the Jewel-Horns, they lifted the piece of concrete as best as they could.

“Quick!” The Fairy Guard called, extending his hand. “We need to get out of here!”

Without protest, a female elf accepted his hand. He helped her onto his partner’s back, while the other Jewel-Horns gathered the rest. Once everyone was out safely, they released the concrete and fell back. One child held onto a young unicorn for safety, all while ducking for cover from the machine’s beams.

Katie and Izzy jumped in between another beam and a family of Earth ponies. Through their combined magic, they generated a glowing transparent shield strong enough to deflect the beam. The beam itself struck the ocean, creating a small tidal wave that crashed against the shoreline.

“Get out of here!” Katie ordered, watching the family run off.

“It’s no use!” Lance groaned, swooping down. “We can’t get close enough to disable it!”

“If this keeps up, it’ll destroy the whole town!” Sunny observed.

“We have to steer it somewhere else!” Keith suggested. “Away from the crowd!”

“What about the sea?!” Izzy gasped.

She pointed one hoof, and the Paladins turned to her directions. Before their eyes was the ocean itself, the sun halfway set as dawn slowly turned into night.

“Izzy, that’s brilliant!” Sunny beamed.

“I have my moments.”


The mech’s rampage continued, its parts twitched from the static electricity. It seemed it wouldn’t stop at any time.

“Hey! Bolts for brains!”

The machine’s head twisted around, twitching slightly upon detecting two fairy lifeforms in its sight. Lance gave a mocking wink and finger point gesture, while Allura waved to it tauntingly.

“Over heeere!” She called out, almost flirtatiously.

The machine readied its weapon, and the siblings flew in the opposite direction once the beam came at them. By then, Pipp and Zipp appeared right behind it.

“Ooh… so close!” Pipp taunted.

“Try you lucky with us, if you can!” Zipp added, blowing a raspberry.

The machine unleashed another beam in response. Just like Lance and Allura, the Pegasi flew the opposite direction. Luckily, the beam didn’t hit anyone or anything this time. Pipp and Zipp called out toward the mechanical monster, with Lance and Allura joining in. Together, they zipped up and down, spinning sideways in the air. Lance even performed a moonwalk in mid-air just to beckon the machine to follow them.

And all the while, Lance and Pipp sung the chorus to their signature song. They danced in the air much like their concerts. Only this time, no wires were required to fly, and for once… the pair were free.

Glowin’ up, kinda love

Dip and slide, though the cut

Glowin’ up, kinda love

We say ‘Hi!’, you say, ‘What?’

Lance and Pipp made funny faces toward the machine as it gave chase, heading towards the edge of the very walkway where Izzy witnessed the ocean for the first time. And yet the mech never stopped firing its rays toward the pair. Keith and Sunny, with Hunk and Hitch at their side, raced side to side and kicked the mech to prevent it from straying.

“It’s working! It’s working!” Izzy shouted joyfully.

Izzy yelped when she tripped over a piece of debris from one of the buildings, and Katie was hurled off her friend’s back.

“Katie!” Izzy shouted.

Katie screamed as she slid towards the edge. Thankfully, she stopped halfway, her foot dangling in mid-air.

“I’m okay!”

The mech heard Katie’s voice and aimed its weapon at her. Izzy galloped ahead, levitating Katie onto her back and ran away. Only now the machine began firing… toward them!

“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” Izzy chanted.

She and Katie tried leaping away from the rays, but the weapon was now facing away from the ocean. Allura and Lance tried to get its attention again, but the machine wasn’t responding.


Keith and Sunny rushed to their friends’ aid, with Keith standing on Sunny’s back.

“Keith, what are you doing?!” She asked, shocked.

Keith didn’t answer; instead, he leapt as high as he could. Using the magic to levitate himself into the air, he flew between the incoming ray and his friends. The moment the beam had him in its grasp, Keith screamed in pain. The Paladins and their friends shouted his name, but Sunny stood in silence with tears in her eyes.


Lance and Allura did just as Pipp did with Zipp: Pushing Keith away from the beam, though not without feeling the sting of the magic stealing force. They rolled onto the ground, with everyone around them making sure they were alright. Hunk leapt off Hitch to check on his friend, who pressed one hand over his chest.

“Keith! Buddy, you alright?”

“I… could barely breathe…” Keith spoke, hoarse and raspy.

“It’s no use!” Katie said, deflated. “That thing’s relentless.”

No sooner after her words left her mouth, she ducked another beam from the machine’s weapon. Sunny looked up from the machine, then toward her brother, watching him trying to recuperate from the lack of oxygen. All at once, an idea so crazy and suicidal popped into her head. One of which should she suggest out loud that everyone would object. So… she didn’t.

Sunny stomped the ground so hard her hooves dug a tiny grater. Flaring her nostrils with a snorting sound, she galloped at full speed towards the mech. She jumped high into the air and was caught in the machine’s beam. She screamed as she felt both her magic and her very life force slowly drained.

“Sunny!!!” Keith called out.

Keith quickly got up and the Skylings prepared to push her out of the way.

“NO!!!” Sunny shouted, painfully. “Push… it… further… hurry!”

Keith didn’t understand at first, but the moment he and Hitch exchanged looks they knew what Sunny meant.

“Guys, push the mech into the sea!” Hitch ordered. “Quick, while it’s distracted!”

The Paladins hated leaving Sunny to be tortured this way. But they knew they had to act fast. So they pushed the machine back towards the ledge. Izzy and Katie used their magic to shove its lower half back, while it busily drained the last of Sunny’s magic.

“Hurry! She can’t keep this up much longer!” Katie called out.

Hunk helped Keith onto Hitch’s back. Channeling all the fury in his heart, Hitch bucked the mech so hard, massive dents formed shoving the machine back several feet. Sunny’s screams of agony rang in his ears, pushing him to continue his merciless kicking.

“Back off you hunk of junk!” Hitch shouted.

From above, the Skylings used their bodies to shove the machine back. Thus far, it was working! The mech neared the ledge, nearly tipping over.

“Lance! Get ready to grab Sunny!” Allura instructed.

“You got it, sis!” Lance nodded.

“Almost… there!” Keith groaned.

“It’s… too… heavy!” Hitch uttered, losing steam.

“Not for long!”

To everyone’s surprise, Sprout galloped with the entire town from Maretime Bay, the Jewel-Horns, and the Skylings. Together, they stormed toward the mech, shoving it until it rocked back-and-forth.

“It’s working!” Izzy shouted.

“Now, Lance!!!”

Allura and her brother rushed in and grabbed Sunny, pushing her wit all their might out of the beam. The machine stopped firing as it tipped over and fell off the ledge, taking the railings and half the boardwalk with it. From a safe distance, everyone witnessed the machine crashing into the sand as a rogue wave washed ashore. Damaged from the inside, the machine glowed and exploded into a spire of light, which stretched into the sky before disappearing. The mech was finally dead… but nobody, not even the ponies, cheered.

Keith jumped off Hitch and rushed towards his sister, who had shifted back into her smaller pony form in the arms of Lance and Allura. Her coloring dulled, her brain completely undone, and before Keith’s eyes… she wasn’t moving. Not even a motion could be seen in her closed eyes. Keith slid to his knees, scooping her up in his arms.

“Sunny?!” Keith called out. “Sun? C’mon, wake up! Please wake up!”

He gave her a gentle shake, but nothing happened. He pressed his ear against her chest and could barely hear a faint heartbeat.

“Come on, Sunny! I know you can do this. Don’t give up, now—you never give up!” Keith’s voice cracked.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, but he wasn’t alone. Allura wept on Lance’s shoulders, while Zipp wrapped a wing around Pipp. The two sisters cried against each other’s cheeks. And Izzy… she say on the ground, her eyes frozen open like she was paralyzed.

“Sunny…” Izzy gasped. “No… no, no, no, she… she can’t be…”

Katie wrapped her arms around Izzy, but the unicorn was far too stunned to react. Hunk hung his head as Hitch approached Sunny, his lower lip quivering.

“No! Sunny, please…” Hitch whimpered. “Please don’t leave me.”

He nuzzled his nose against her cheek, but her body felt cold against his warmth. Everybody else circled around the fallen Earth pony. From those who’ve known her for years, and those who only recently met her. They all mourned her inevitable death, a sacrifice from the bravest, most foolish pony willing to risk her own life for others.

Even Sprout, along with Phyllis, James, and Iverson stepped forward. The ponies and their elf companions were shocked and horrified by the sight.

“It’s all my fault…” Sprout spoke, hanging his head.

“No dear,” Phyllis shook her head. “It’s my fault. None of this would’ve happened if I—”


All heads faced Keith; his voice so cold it sent shivers down everyone’s backs. He lifted his head towards everyone. Even with tears in his eyes, he could clearly see what Sunny just accomplished: A sacrifice which brought elves and ponies, from all walks of life, together against a common enemy.

“It’s not just one person’s fault,” Keith continued. “We all had a part to play. Sunny sacrificed herself to save everyone… all ponies and elves. She believed we could all be friends again… she never stopped believing. In all of us… and in me.”

Tears landed upon her sleeping face until Keith turned away toward the Paladins gathered around him.

“The crystals may have brought us together, but it was never the crystals that needed to be united… it’s us. We can bring back everything that was lost, but it’s up to all of us. Now we have a choice: We can keep trusting in lies and fear, or we can choose friendship… we can choose love… that is the true magic.”

Every elf and pony turned toward one another. Perhaps this young mage was right all along. All the time being scared and spreading lies did nothing but erase magic from existence. It also turned them into fear-induced slaves willing to follow an ignorant pony to a battle not worth fighting. And because of that fear, they lost a very special pony… no, they lost two.

Phyllis and Iverson turned toward Alphabittle and Cronan, who in turn turned toward Rosalyn and Haven. Phyllis stepped closer towards the unicorn and offered her hoof.

She smiled… he smiled… and they shook hooves.

One by one, mages, fairies, Earth elves, Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike exchanged hands and hooves. Greeting one another, exchanging names, embracing the true spirit of friendship. For the first time in his life, Keith could feel that change in the air… a real change. A change of which he and his new friends would preserve for years to come, maybe even longer.

A cough alerted everyone’s heads, as they turned back slowly. Sunny’s eyes fluttered open, even though the irises were gravely pale.


“Shh…” Keith hushed, brushing her mane. “It’s okay, Sunny. I’m here…”

“Keith… I… I don’t feel so good…” Sunny groaned. “I think… I’m…”

“No! No, no, you’ll be okay, sis! We’ve done it! We brought everyone together, just like Dad always dreamed of.”

Sunny managed to turn her head slightly toward Hitch, though her vision was blurry.


“It’s okay,” Hitch smiled, nuzzling her cheek. “I’m here, too.”

“We all are, Sunny,” Zipp spoke softly.

She and everyone smiled, swarming her with their warmth and love. Though it was weak, Sunny managed to smile… till her eyes grew heavy again. Though she was still breathing, her friends could feel her strength fading. Prepared for the worst, Keith leaned his face against Sunny’s shoulder crying softly into it.

All of a sudden, the sky above began to shimmer and sparkle. Over the horizon, a rainbow appeared… except it was no ordinary rainbow. Arching across the sky, the rainbow itself appeared to be hurdling towards them. Not to mention, it didn’t include the typical colors one would see from a rainbow.

The colors consisted of violet, pink, white, orange, yellow, blue, and aquamarine.

Soon as the colors descended from above, seven figures emerged. Everybody, minus the Paladins, gasped as Korra and the Mares stepped from the rainbow and onto the pavement. Korra’s bare feet grazed the ground, as though she were walking on air. She knelt elegantly beside Keith, examining Sunny.

“She’s not gone yet,” Keith spoke shakily. “Please… don’t take her away…”

Korra cupped Keith’s cheek with her soft hands, soothing him. “I can’t make promises… but we’ll try.”

Korra nodded toward Twilight, and together they beckoned the Paladins (Politely of course) to step aside. Keith, reluctantly, handed Sunny to Korra and the woman cradled the pony in her arms, while the mares formed a circle around her. The moment Korra opened her mouth, a soothing melody filled the air…

It’s calling through the dark

It’s reeling in my heart

The sound of the pipes on the wind

The strains of the song

Carry me along

Sending me dancing again


From above and below

A sound soft and low

And the music’s flowing through me like before

Korra and Twilight:

And the song that we once knew

Brings me back to you

Pipes play within me once more

Korra and the Mares sang together in pitch perfect harmony. Their bodies glowed as sparkles rose from their manes and tails, the magic raining upon Sunny as Korra held her protectively in her arms with a motherly touch.

Korra and Mane Six:

Your songs are in my heart

They light the dark

So come give me your hand

Now and we’ll dance tonight

In the blazing light

And the years will fade away


Fade as you play


Play through the dark

Play in my heart!

The shimmer of light surrounded Sunny, restoring her natural color. Korra could feel her heartbeat steadying, her breathing returning to normal. When she opened her eyes, she gasped and inhaled deeply. The first thing Sunny saw were a pair of beautiful blue eyes and a kind smile. Her hair in a constant serene movement.

“Korra? What happened?”

“Seems Someone has given you another chance,” Korra replied.

“Who?” Sunny asked, confused.

Someone who always guided us… and will certainly guide you, too.” Korra gently set Sunny onto the ground, keeping her steady until the feeling returned to her hooves.


The mare turned as Keith rushed in, scooping her in his arms and squeezed her tightly.

“You’re back!” Keith cried. “You’re alright!”

“Yeah… I am!” She rasped. “Though probably not for much longer…”

“Oh… sorry!”

Keith loosed his grip so Sunny could properly hug him. The rest of the Paladins ambushed the siblings into a massive embrace. Korra too shared one, along with her mare friends of old.

“Thank you,” Keith smiled. “Thank you so much.”

Everyone else watched in awe toward the winged woman with round ears and moving ethereal white hair, matching the very movements as the manes of the six mares beside her.

“I don’t believe it…” Phyllis gasped. “Argyle was right!”

“The Maiden and the Mares are real!” Sprout shouted giddily.

Suddenly realizing whom he was speaking to, Sprout bowed dramatically, his nose practically plastered on the pavement. The deputy had now reverted back to his old childhood self. And everyone else followed his example, albeit slightly less exaggerated.

“Please…” Korra spoke. “No need to bow to us. We’re merely the messengers.”

At her words, strong and powerful yet soothing and motherly, everyone got back up. Everyone, both ponies and elves alike, waited anxiously to hear what she had to say.

“We’ve been watching your world for a very long time,” Korra began. “It’s been just as long since we’ve seen you all together in one place.”

Korra looked onwards toward the lighthouse, smiling with a wave of her hand. Something bright and sparkly emerged from the open window of the lighthouse, softly landing into her hand. The carousel Argyle made all those many years ago.

“Argyle was indeed a very wise pony,” Korra said. “But, even for him, some things tended to slip… right from under his nose.”

She turned the carousel sideways and pulled out the sparkly jewel creating the light and shape effect. The edges sparkled with rainbow colors… and all at once Keith and Sunny understood.

“There really was a third crystal!” Sunny gasped.

“And we’ve had it… this whole time?!” Keith tugged his hair. “Well… would you look at that!”

Korra merely chuckled before facing Alphabittle and Queen Haven.

“May I have your crystals, please?”

The ponies didn’t protest and gladly they handed her their respective jewels. Korra levitated the three gems above her head and called out so her voice could be heard from every corner of Equestria.

“These crystals were a gift from us to the original Paladins,” Korra called out. “But these were merely symbols of the unity between the clans. Let it be known: On this day, upon this soil, and before us, your kind, and the Paladins, do you swear to uphold the truth of what you witnessed today? To honor your history and each other? To always trust in the truth and not of false doctrine? But most of all… do you swear to love one another? Play your part? Hand in hoof and heart to heart?”

Every elf and pony held one hand and/or hoof over their hearts, bowing their heads respectively and all at once their replies echoed…


Korra turned toward the Paladins, who bowed their heads and placed their hands and hooves over their hearts.

“We swear!”

Upon their vows, the crystals glowed. The magic once lost now seeped into the stones, waiting to be released to the world.

“Well then…” Korra smiled. “Let’s get this party started!”

Korra hurled the three crystals into the air and all eyes watched them assume their positions: The Skyling crystal beneath, the Earth crystal in the center, and the Jewel-Horn crystal atop. In a flash, they converged together, the Earth crystal in the very heart of it all and the Jewel-Horn crystal between the tip of the wings. Together… they bore a striking resemblance to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself.

A burst of light expanded, and soon… the sky was alit with an aurora of color in multitudes!

Every elf and pony from all walks of life marveled toward the miracle that unfolded before them. All at once, something stirred inside of them. The Skyling’s wings glowed, as did the horns and jewels of every Jewel-Horn. The Earth Folk felt their hooves and bodies grow stronger, the urge to gallop along the wide-open plains like their ancestors. Even the Earth elves felt like skipping and running alongside their equine friends.

Phyllis and Iverson felt twenty years younger and Sprout much more confident. He laughed as he galloped ahead, his hooves glowing and leaving heart-shaped hoof prints. Flowers and plants suddenly sprouted between the lines of the flat cobblestones.

Queen Haven and Queen Rosalyn looked up as every Skyling took off toward the sky, while the Jewel-Horns fired sparks of magical aura into the air. And suddenly, the Queens gasped when their wings began to glow. Soon, they took off into the sky, with their children beside them, laughing… hugging… and finally able to fly.

Alphabittle’s injured hoof suddenly felt heavy against the sling. To his shock, he could move it… and run on all fours like a brand-new pony! Cronan laughed with childlike glee when he spun magical purple sparks along his fingertips. The two lifelong friends hugged, and for the first time felt whole again.

The beautiful colors spread all across Equestria, from Zephyr Heights to Bridlewood. Ponies and elves far and wide felt the ancient magic return to them. Skylings took to the skies, Jewel-Horns spread magic all around the Earth. Even the crystals glowed as the flora around sprung to life. It was as if the world itself was waking from a centuries old sleep.

But the miracles didn’t stop there…

Keith and Sunny noticed a stream of magical sparks around them, hoisting them into the air. The magic within them stirred, filling them with all the warmth they felt whenever they were with friends. The rest of the Paladins watched in astonishment as the golden energy wrapped around Sunny, around her body and upon her forehead.

The gold energy converged into the shape of golden feathered wings complete with a long, beautiful golden horn. The shiver dissolved, making the wings and horn solid. The wings matched Sunny’s coat, the feathers the same fuchsia and magenta hues as her mane which now hung loose and flowing, longer than before with rainbow streaks!

Keith’s hair received the similar treatment, with red, orange and gold hues along his bangs. From his back, fairy wings of matching color sprouted from his back. Together, brother and sister flapped their new wings and softly landed on the ground beside their friends.

“No… way!” Lance gaped, marveling Keith’s new wings.

“Check you guys out!” Zipp said.

Sunny and Keith examined their new wings, while Sunny tapped her new gold horn with white hues and swirling patterns adorned with stars.

“Now that’s a glow up!” Izzy smiled.

“You guys look just like Arthur and Llamrei!” Katie added.

Korra and the Mares approached the pair, walking gracefully like swans on a still lake.

“Did you do all this?” Sunny asked.

“No…” Twilight shook gracefully. “You both have proven yourselves worthy to carry the legacy of Arthur and Llamrei.”

“You both demonstrated the greatest example of friendship there is,” Korra continued, smiling serenely. “For there’s no greater love than he—or she—willing to give their life for their friends.”

Keith stood completely stunned, the new wings were one thing but… he wondered.

“Does… this mean we’re…”

“King and Queen?” Korra finished, chuckling softly. “Well… sort of. You may have your wings now, but Your journey has only just begun.”

“But still… me a king?” Keith said. “Don’t you think this is a little fast? I don’t even know the first thing about being king!”

The poor mage looked as though he could pass out any moment. Luckily, Lance linked his arm around him, drawing him into a sideways hug.

“No worries, buddy! I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

“You’re quite right, Lance,” Twilight said. “You won’t be doing it alone. For what are a King and Queen of friendship… without their friends?”

Keith turned towards Sunny, who smiled with reassurance like everyone else.“I’m still not sure about this,” Keith said. “What if I’m not ready?”

He hung his head so low his bangs nearly obscured his jewel. Korra lifted his chin so his eyes could meet hers.

“I was a lot like you once, Keith,” Korra reassured. “I wasn’t so sure of myself either when I got my wings.” She glanced at her own feathered appendages, “But trust me when I say that when the time comes, you’ll grow into them. No matter what happens, trust in the magic that you have with your friends. And if you’re ever in doubt, you can always come to us whenever you need to.”

Keith felt relieved and while still coming to terms of this new title, he felt comfort in her words. He hugged Korra, relishing in the maternal love he never got to experience.

“Thank you, Korra.”

“We promise,” Sunny vowed. “We’ll do our part to bring Avalon back, no matter how long it takes.”

“Oh, Sunny…” Twilight giggled, lifting her wing. “Look around you…”

And look she did. All around Sunny, elves and ponies stood side by side, playing and laughing. Even Cloudpuff took flight, playing with all the younger ponies and elf children. Haven happily chatted with Alphabittle and a few children, while Cronan presented a flower to Rosalyn, who blushed over the gesture.

Allura, Pipp, and Zipp giggled, while Lance felt sick to his stomach. Pipp playfully elbowed him in the stomach. And amongst them all, Twilight nuzzled Sunny’s cheek.

“You’ve already found it…” Twilight reassured.

“She’s right Sunny,” Hitch spoke, in admiration. “You really are amazing.”

“Well, we all did it,” Sunny replied, blushing. “Together…”

“I know… oh! You dropped this.” Hitch pulled out the piece of paper he found while he and Hunk searched for her. Sunny gasped, covering her mouth before she could scream from embarrassment. A page filled with doodles of herself and Hitch… surrounded by hearts and the two nuzzling noses.

“O—oh! That’s, uh… it’s not what it—I mean, it is, but—”

Hitch chuckled as he folded the piece of paper and put it away. “You asked me once if I still believed in your Dad’s stories,” Hitch reminded. “Truth is: There was only one thing I always believed in…”

Hitch moved closer to Sunny, placing a hoof upon her face.


Katie, Izzy, Zipp, Allura, and Pipp gushed over his words, even Keith and Hunk. And Sunny… she stood frozen in place.

“Hitch, I… I have no idea what to say…”

“You don’t have to say anything.”

Hitch suddenly leaned in and kissed her. Sunny, stunned at first, suddenly relaxed into it. Leaning further, she kissed him back, her wings flapping happily, as though she could walk on air right now.

Keith and Hunk high-fived while the girls squealed with joy. Lance wasted no time in snapping a pic to commemorate the moment.

“Now that’s a keeper,” Lance smirked.

Korra and the Mares all laughed, recalling their first kiss with their respected spouses.

“Sure brings back memories, eh, Rainbow?” Applejack asked, nudging her rainbow-maned friend.

“Sure does!”

“Zipp! Zipp!!!”

Hearing somebody call her name, Zipp looked up and gasped. A swarm of Pegasi and fairy guards swooped down, led by a certain gray-coated, blond-haired Pegasus with bright blue eyes. Only now, without his helmet, his untamed hair flew out in the open.

“Soren!” Zipp cried out, hugging him. “You’re here!”

“You were right! Magic is real! Never doubted you for a moment!”

“Oh really?” Zipp raised a brow.

“Okay… maybe a little. But you know… I’m a cynical guy.”

Zipp laughed and kissed Soren on the lips.

“Thank you for helping mom escape.

“Yes…” Queen Haven replied. “He truly is… a very nice young man. Guess there’s really no need to keep your… courtship a secret any longer.”

“Really?!” Zipp flapped her wings, happily. “Thanks, mom!”

Pipp held her hoof to her heart, happy for her sister. Sunny laughed, more for herself than any pony. So silly she felt for ever suspecting that Zipp had been interested in Hitch. Besides, it was now very, very clear he always harbored the same feelings for Sunny as she did for him.

“This is great!” Soren smiled. “Now we can double date with Callum and Rayla!”

“Oh, oh! I know!” Izzy clapped her hooves. “We should all celebrate! Let’s throw a party!”

“Aww… a pony after my own heart!” The pink mare smiled tearfully.

“Sadly, I’m afraid we must part now, darlings,” The white unicorn declared sadly.

“You’re not going to stay?” Sunny asked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be around. In the meantime…” Korra reassured, then reached into the feathers of her wings and pulled out a book with the image of a heart inside a six-pointed star. She levitated the book towards Sunny, who took it into her hooves.

“What is this?” She asked.

“A journal we kept in our lifetime.” Twilight explained. “Hopefully the lessons inside will guide you on your journey.”

Sunny held the book close to her heart. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“No… thank you, Sunny Starscout.”

Korra and the Mares welcomed the Paladins into a big group hug as the rainbow colors appeared over them again. The Maiden and Mares waved farewell before disappearing and the rainbow faded into the sky. But even as it passed, the Paladins could still see seven twinkling multicolored stars, each color corresponding with the respective Mare, and the Maiden herself.

“You did it, Sunny,” Keith smiled, wrapping his arm over his sister.

“We did it,” Sunny corrected. “Together…”

Sunny extended her hoof and Keith, along with everyone else, placed their hand and hooves toward the center before raising them up toward the sky.

Hand in hoof! And Heart to Heart!