• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,190 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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Chapter 2–Gonna Be Our Day

Chapter 2: Gonna Be Our Day

The alarm on Keith’s clock went off, and he angrily smashed it to the floor with his pillow. His hair was in shambles, raven strands stuck out in all directions. Meanwhile, a fully grown Sunny Starscout poked her head from behind his bed. She zipped back downwards, sneakily surrounding him like a shark about to devour its prey. She waited for just the right moment and…


Sunny jumped on his bed, bouncing up and down until Keith woke up with a scream.

“Sunny—what—did we—talk about—morning ambush?!” Keith asked, between jumps.

His mattress pressed against his back, knocking the wind out of him several times. He sought his chance and pushed Sunny off his bed, but the always cheerful Sunny was unfazed.

“Wake up, sleepy head. Don’t want to be late for today.”

Keith sat upright along the side of his bed. His great shirt and long blue pajama pants were all wrinkled, dark circles formed beneath his eyes.

“Right…” He yawned, stretching out. “What’s today again?”

Suddenly, he froze once he eventually remembered. He groaned and fell backward on the bed, his fingertips massaging his forehead particularly along the sides of his stone.

“Oh no… Sunny, please…”

“What? I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“Sunny, you know I love you. But do we have to go through this every year?”

“Come on, Keith. I actually have a plan this time.”

“Sunny!” Keith immediately stood from his bed; his voice rose briefly till he lowered it down again. “Please… I know you want to help and I appreciate it, I really do. But… wouldn’t it be nice if you’d trust me a little more too? Why do you think I joined the police force?”

“I know, I know…” Sunny sighed, rolling her eyes.

“To ease folks into the idea mages are like everyone else…” They spoke in unison.

“So… when exactly do you plan on telling Hitch that you’re a mage?”

“When the time is right.”

“But what if it’s never the right time? Dad always said you need to ‘make’ an opportunity rather than wait for one.”

“I know what I’m doing, Sunny. Look just… promise me you won’t do anything crazy today. I don’t want to have to escort you from the premises… again.”


“Promise!” Keith held out his pinkie finger.

“No… not the pinkie. Anything but the pinkie!”

Keith held his pinkie even higher until Sunny had no choice but to comply. She held out her hoof, since she had no pinkies, and tapped his with the edge of her hoof.

“I promise I will try not to do anything crazy.”

“Thank you,” Keith sighed. “Now get out. I need to change and I’m late enough as it is.”

“Fine,” Sunny smiled, trotting toward the door. “Come downstairs when you’re done. I made your favorite: Chocolate Chip Waffles.”

“You’re the best, Sunny!”

“I know!”

Sunny walked up the stairs of the lighthouse, which was littered with drawings and pictures of her foalhood. Pictures of herself, Keith and Argyle together, of mages riding atop unicorns, fairies flying with pegasi, and earth ponies galloping alongside elves, all chasing rainbows together and singing tunes. She gathered her materials and added the finishing touch to her latest project.

“Perfect!” She said.

Sunny proceeded to fold the cardboard before stuffing it into her saddlebag, which had the paladins’ emblem imprinted onto it. In which case, a six inch star with five additional stars surrounding it. The sash itself was decorated with buttons of swords, shields, and even a Paladin’s helmet. She soon gazed out the clear windows, toward the rising sun.


Good morning, sun

No time to chat, I gotta run

‘Cause I got places to be

Meanwhile, Keith adjusted his police badge and stared at himself in the mirror. Using a comb he adjusted his bangs so that they were just wide and thick enough to hide his jewel.


So much to do

Excited, yes and nervous, too

A change is starting with me

Keith stepped out of his room at the same time Sunny came down from the lighthouse upstairs. The waffles smelled heavenly. They scarfed them down like wild animals, throwing all table manners out the window. Once they were done, they wiped their faces, cleaned the dishes and…

Took a moment to stand before the picture of Argyle with his glasses and his pendant, with the paladins’ emblem carved out of the circular wood. Their father had passed away several years ago, leaving both of them orphans. But at least they had each other.


I never worry ‘bout upsetting carts

Hardened hearts

Keith and Sunny:

Or wonder “will I belong?”/Oh, will I finally belong?

The two stepped outside, Sunny putting on her helmet and roller skates. She tossed Keith his helmet with her hoof, which he caught with ease. The helmet helped keep his hair in place to hide his jewel.

Sunny then changed her size and he jumped on her back. Sunny rollerbladed down the path towards Maretime Bay, with Keith riding on her back, feeling the wind on his face as though he were riding on a gliding motorcycle.

Keith and Sunny:

I’ve heard it enough

I’m calling their bluff

We’ll never get lost in the grey

There’s something inside

Burns bigger than pride

Shines out of me lighting the way


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…

Sunny stopped by an ice cream truck and Keith tied the ends of a smoothie cart to her torso then climbed back on up and Sunny roller-bladed down the walkway of the shoreline. Sunny made some extra cash selling smoothies, which were the talk of the town.

But while they were minding their own business, a certain red pony by the name of Sprout spotted the two. He nudged his elf partner, James, and the two rode off after the two adopted siblings. The latter two completely unaware.


Hey there, Hello!

The friends we made the friends we know

Today they answer the call


“Patience, Sun…”

The two stopped by a couple of colts that were hitting on two piñatas, one the image of a stray looking Pegasus, and the other a unicorn. Keith grimaced as the ponies stuck the paper machete horses until candy came spilling out. Sunny sighed upon seeing the distraught look on Keith’s face.

Well, that was all going to change today…


Instead of “hide”

Instead of staying stuck inside

Instead of building your wall

Come on and party with us, join the band


We’ll all be singin’ the song

Sunny spotted a sad little filly with a lonely, boring old balloon. Being creative, Sunny grabbed an empty balloon and started twisting it into the shape of a unicorn pony. The little pony happily hugged it and showed it to her parents. Only to have them scream in terror.

Keith and Sunny:

I’ve heard it enough

I’m calling their bluff

We’ll never get lost in the grey

Sprout and James galloped after the two, with Sprout having stolen a skateboard from some random pony and used it to try and catch up with the other two. James wasn’t too happy about that, though he wasn’t very pleased with a lot of stuff Sprout did, but he was assigned to be his partner so what could he do?


Go big or go home


Get real or get gone


Get ready and raring to say!

Sprout skated right over a manhole cover which was lifted by a construction elf working down below. The poor pony and his rider were thrown into the air. Sunny and Keith still ignorant about it. Sunny started placing Herat stickers with pegasi with fairies and unicorns with mages imprinted onto them and placing them everywhere. Keith, not wanting to get into trouble, snatched as many as he could without Sunny noticing.


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will…

Keith watched sadly as they skated past several ponies that screamed in fear at the sight of what appeared to be a Pegasus, but in reality were just two kites, one with wings, passing by. The three foals apologized for the scare, but the grownups just grunted in annoyance.

Keith knew that changing their hearts was going to take along longer than Sunny wanted to admit.


Everyone’s afraid

Always judging

Never budging


Ain’t it time we made

The team?

The dream

Oooh, ohh, oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!

To try and cheer her brother up, they roller skated towards the movie theater, in front of a poster that depicted a Pegasus about to snatch innocent ponies like an eagle. Sunny drew a heart over it and made the Pegasus smile. Keith had to admit, it did make him smile a bit, even though Sunny had clearly vandalized public property. He tapped on her neck to go away quickly before anyone saw.

Though somebody did see. James and Sprout, who were panting over chasing after the two. They growled in annoyance seeing what Sunny did to the movie poster.

Keith and Sunny:

Let’s cross a new aisle

Let’s flash a new smile

Let’s sparkle right out of the grey

We’ll open our eyes

Sun starting to rise

And finally able to say


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will be…


Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Someday will…

Keith and Sunny:

Be our day

Sunny caught onto a monorail which dropped them right before Canterlogic. The building towered over them, nearly blocking the sun.

“Well, this is my stop.”

Keith jumped off Sunny’s back and she changed back to her pony size, right above Keith’s hip.

“Thanks for the ride, Sunny. See you after my shift.”

“Wait! Don’t you want to bring some smoothies? You officers can’t do your job dehydrated. Oh, I know! I’ll come inside with you, sell my merchandise, and earn a few bucks. I’m feeling pizza with extra, extra cheese tonight!”

Keith raised an eyebrow; she wasn’t fooling anyone.

“Not today, Starscout.”

Or in this case, any ‘pony’. The two siblings turned and jumped in surprise the moment that saw their childhood friend, Hitch Trailblazer (Technically ‘Sheriff’ Hitch Trailblazer), approach them. Following behind him were a pair of seagulls and a tiny crab with pans on their heads like helmets.

Over the years, Hitch had grown to be much more handsome than Sunny could ever imagine. Though she still did a pretty decent job hiding it.

“Morning, Sheriff Hitch,” She giggled. “I see you brought the whole squad along again.” She nodded her head toward the adorable trio beside her childhood friend.

“What is it with me and critters? I’m like a magnet to them! Guys, come on. Give Hitch a little space.”

So the critters did… by stepping back a couple feet. Not exactly what he meant.

“Officer Keith reporting for duty, sir!” Keith saluted.

“At ease, Keith,” Hitch saluted back.

“Well, I’ll let you boys do your job,” Sunny replied. “I’m off to sell some smoothies. You sure you don’t want to bring some with you?”

“Nice try, Sunny,” Hitch spoke before Keith could respond.

All the same, Keith’s clenched teeth and forced smile was his own subtle way of attempting to tell Sunny ‘Buzz off and don’t start something… again!’.

“Why Sheriff Hitch, I do declare I don’t have the slightest idea what you are talkin’ about,” Sunny said, adopting a southern bell accent.

“Don’t get all charming with me. Listen, I know that you’ve come up with some hair-brain scheme to sabotage the Canterlogic presentation today. Like you do every year, and every year I stop you.”

“Oh Hitch, if you wanted to spend more time with me all you had to do was ask,” Sunny replied, flirtatiously while batting her eyelashes.

Keith rolled his eyes, fighting the urge to puke out his waffles.

What is it with these two dancing around their obvious crush on each other?” Keith thought mentally. “I’ll never understand why ponies make romance so complicated!”

“Sunny, if you think I’m just gonna let you walk in—”

“Hey, Hiiiitch!” Sunny offered her hoof.

“Sunny, no.”

“Come on!”

“Sunny, I’m on duty.”

Sunny waved her hoof, waiting for him to comply. Fortunately, he did. Even though he tried acting grumpy about it, the two performed their signature hoof shake, complete with rhymes.

“Up high, down low, Hitch ya to a post, flip a Sunny side up and on a piece of toast!”

“Okay, okay…” Hitch chuckled.

“See, you still got it!”

Keith couldn’t fight the smile. Were they even aware he was still standing there? Probably not. It was then Keith finally noticed the arrival of James and Sprout, the pair gasping for air.

“Oh, hey James! Hi Sprout! You guys okay?”

“Oh, don’t play dumb with us, Kogan!” James groaned, leaning against the trash can. “Urgh… too tired for insults…”

Keith raised an eyebrow, having no idea what he was talking about.

“We did what you said, Hitch!” Sprout gasped, leaning against the same can. “She never left our sight… not even once…”

“Whoa, Sprout,” Sunny smirked. “Might wanna go easy on the cardio, huh?”

“That’s deputy Sprout to you!”

Keith pulled Sunny aside before she could skate past everyone and everypony into the Canterlogic building.

“Sunny, you need to listen to me. We can’t go through this again, okay?”

“Keith, I’m telling you there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Gee, where have I heard ‘that’ before?” Hitch asked sarcastically. “Oh, yeah! Last year… and the year before that… and the year before that… and the year before that. Sunny, listen to your brother. I really don’t want to have to arrest you and put you behind bars… ‘again’.”

“It was only for an hour,” Sunny pointed out. “You know it wouldn’t kill you guys to add some air freshener once in a while.”

“Actually, we got scented candles last week.”

“Ooh! Vanilla or sunflower?”

“It’s a blend of strawberry, cinnamon, and vanilla. It’s heavenly.”

“Then I actually won’t mind being arrested this time.”

Keith, now feeling very uncomfortable, stepped in to put an end to it “Okay… later Sunny, see you at home, love you, bye!”

“Bye, bye!” Sprout said tauntingly.

Sunny rolled her eyes and roller-skated away. Only for Sprout to snatch one of her smoothies without paying.

“Hey! That’s three bits!”

Hitch tossed her the bits from the pocket around his sash. Sunny graciously accepted it and waited till all the boys were inside the building. Along the way, James nudged Keith with his elbow.

“Twenty bits says she totally trashes the place again.”

“Knock it off, James!” Keith groaned. “Sunny may be a lot of things, but she promised me she’d behave. And when we make a promise about ‘anything’, we keep it.”

“I never lost a bet yet, Kogan. And it’s not going to start now.”