• Published 21st Sep 2021
  • 2,190 Views, 175 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: A New Generation - MaggiesHeartLove

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You Raise Me Up

Sunny Starscout took a tentative step towards the winged unicorn herself. In her hooves lies the lost notebook of which belonged to her late father.

“Excuse me, Great Mare?” Sunny began.

“Please child,” The mare smiled. “Call me, Twilight.”

“Twilight. Did you, by any chance, meet our father?”

Twilight examined the notebook closely. With the tip of her wings, Twilight caressed the star-shaped symbol on the cover.

“Yes… we did. But first, it is time you knew the truth about your world.”

Korra and the six mares stood in a circle. Their eyes closed, but once opened they were a pure glowing white. The ground, once again, began to quiver.

“Oh… not this again!” Hunk exclaimed. “Why couldn’t we ever get a ‘normal’ explanation?”

Fortunately, the trembling didn’t last very long. For what emerged from the circle was a large stone table, round like the sun itself, and in the very center lied the Star from the stain glass window, and from Argyle’s journal.

“What is this?” Hitch asked.

The ground ceased from shaking and Korra, Twilight and the others parted ways to showcase what laid before them.

“This is the Round Table,” Twilight explained. “It’s shape was to showcase how every paladin, elf and pony, were equal. All friends… all one.”

Keith and Sunny cautiously approached the table. Korra nodded, gently giving the young man an encouraging push. The table looked as if it had been carved out of crystal.

“Sure brings back memories, doesn’t it?” The rainbow-haired mare asked the golden-haired one with apples.

The question of which the latter nodded in agreement.

“I don’t understand,” Keith said. “Why show us this?”

Korra waved a single hand, and the flat surface of the table began to glow. A beam of light shot straight out, shocking everyone, and then a sphere hovered above the table, showcasing a young earth elf, not much older than Keith.

He was a bit short, not too athletically impressive, but had kind blue eyes and golden blond hair that shimmered in the sunlight. He had freckles dusting his cheeks and carried nothing but the clothes on his back and a single satchel. He appeared to be walking through a forest, in the dead of night.

Sunny and Keith compared the young elf’s likeness with that of the grown-up King Arthur statue.

“That’s him!” Sunny realized. “King Arthur!”

“Yes,” Twilight nodded. “Not much older than most of you when we first met him.”

Lance couldn’t resist whipping out his phone and began recording everything. None tried to stop him, for they were all too fixated on the magical display before them. A winged woman and her six beautiful mares showcased the actual history of the paladins! Words would only tarnish the majesty of this moment.

The next scene showed Arthur scouting a dark forest, followed by a girl’s voice.

Help! Somebody please, help me!”

Without hesitation, Arthur jumped at the fall, following the voice of the distressed girl. He stopped along the edge of a sticky, gooey, and bubbly bog. In the center was a white unicorn pony, struggling to break free from the good which dragged her downwards.

“You!” She demanded. “Get me out of here!”

Truth be told, it wasn’t the polite way to ask for help especially toward a complete stranger. But Arthur ignored her tone and cleverly found a means to rescue her. He tied some vines around a thick log and tossed it toward the unicorn.

“Catch it!”

The unicorn opened her mouth and caught the wood. The elf pulled with all his might until she was safely upon the shoreline with him. With his old rag, he proceeded to clear her fur of the sticky muck.

“Why didn’t you just use your magic?” Arthur asked.

“I had gunk on my horn!” The unicorn answered.

Despite the hostility, Arthur kindly wiped her horn free of the goop.

“There we are. One polished unicorn’s horn, good as new.”

“Thank you, kind sir. And now if you’ll excuse me.”

With her head held high, she prepared to make her way around the bog.

“I don’t think there’s any other way through the bog, ma’am,” Arthur said.

“And what do you know, elf?”

“True, I’m an elf. But this elf knows his way around a forest and trust me… unless you wish to get stuck there again, you’ll might want to reconsider taking a different route.”

“And why in Equestria would I listen to you?”

I saved your life, didn’t I? Of course, I don’t seek recognition, though you could bother to learn a thing or two about ‘manners’.”

The unicorn *HUMPH!* and flicked her tail… but inevitably gave in.

“Well… thank you… for saving me.”

“No problem,” Arthur replied cheerfully. “My name’s Arthur. What’s yours?”

“I am Lady Llamrei, the most gifted unicorn in all of Bridlewood.”

“Bridlewood? Whoa! I’ve never been there before.”

“Why doesn’t ‘that’ surprise me?” Llamrei muttered, under her breath.

“Coincidentally, I’m actually heading towards there right now. Perhaps I might accompany you.”

“Hmph! If you so wish.”

The image shifted and the following showcased the unlikely pair of friends coming across a large body of water. The water sparkled beneath the moonlight like diamonds. This… was the crystal lake itself.

A fog arose and from it emerged Korra and the rest of the mares.

“While Llamrei refused to admit it,” Korra explained. “We knew at an instant these two shared a unique bond.”

She turned towards Twilight, smiling warmly as though remembering a distant memory that warmed her heart like flames of a fireplace on a cold winter’s night.

As the scene played out, Llamrei and Arthur were in awe at the sight. Arthur was the first to bow before the Maiden and her mares, though Llamrei hesitated. Whether it was due to fear, surprise, or her own pride was a mystery still to this day. Regardless, she inevitably bowed her head, though her legs trembled.

“Please, no need to bow,” Korra spoke.

Even back then, her voice was serene and calming as it was now.

“We’re all friends here,” Twilight spoke.

Her mane constantly swayed as though she were floating underwater.

“Friends?!” Llamrei scoffed. “With all due respect, Madam, I don’t require ‘friends’.”

“I’ve heard that before,” Twilight snorted, rolling her eyes.

Korra moved closer towards Arthur and Llamrei, gracefully raising her hand and pointing two index fingers toward Arthur’s chest. Her eyes sparkled as she read what was within his soul.

“Arthur, you of all people bared witness to the darkness plaguing your world. And we’ve seen the lengths you’ll go to change it.”

“Yes!” Arthur nodded. “I’ve heard tales of you. About the benevolent Maiden and her six mares who guided lost souls in the past. But when our world needed you most, you disappeared.”

“We didn’t disappear, darling,” The white unicorn with the purple-and-lavender mane spoke.

“We just had others who needed our help,” The rainbow-haired blue Pegasus said.

“But we’re here now,” The yellow Pegasus with the pink mane stepped forward.

“Please, can you help us?” Arthur bowed before them. “Is there some way to unite the tribes? All pony and elf kinds refuse to cooperate with one another, and it’s tearing our land apart.”

“There’s only ‘one’ way to restore peace to the land,” Korra answered. “That is IF you’re willing to listen.”

“I am!”

“Hmph! I’m not!” Llamrei retorted, with her nose in the air. “Why should I care what happens to a bunch of Pegasi and Earth ponies anyway? Even less about the elves?”

Korra and her six mares stared at Llamrei with the same look one would receive from a disapproving mother. Their stares were enough to make Llamrei’s hubris shatter and she shrunk in their presence.

“Funny you say such things, Llamrei,” Korra stated. “Considering an elf saved your life when you couldn’t do so yourself.”

“It was a one-time thing!” Llamrei blushed in embarrassment.

“And what if it happened again?” Twilight asked, stomping her hoof on the ground. “If Arthur weren’t around, would you survive a second encounter with death?”

“I-I-I’m sure I’d have figured it out!” Llamrei insisted.

But it was no use. The crack in her voice did little to sell the illusion that she was confident in her own words. Korra raised an eyebrow… then smiled as though she came up with a rather sneaky idea.

“Well then… ladies, what do you all think? Are they up for the task?”

“Ooh, definitely!” Twilight replied.

All the other mares nodded in agreement.

“Yup-a-Rooney!” The pink mare with the curly mane said.

“Task?” Arthur asked. “What task?”

With a flick of her hand, Korra spun a beautiful gold-and-silver armor and hoisted Arthur into the air, enveloping him in magic dust. Before long, his rags were replaced with the most beautiful armor in the world.

Next came Llamrei. Twilight, with a wave of her horn, gave Llamrei a beautiful saddle-like armor to compliment Arthur’s.

“From this day forth, you two shall be known as Sir Arthur and Lady Llamrei: the first Paladins of Harmony,” Korra declared. “Together, you shall spread the magic of friendship throughout the land and restore what was once lost.”

“How can we do that?” Arthur asked.

“By seeking representatives from the other tribes to aid you. Those whose hearts are open to reach out and seek friendship beyond their borders. And should you succeed, you will prove you are ready for the next step.”

“What next step?” Llamrei asked.

But rather than answer, Korra and the Mares suddenly began to disappear one-by-one.

“Wait! What next step?! I didn’t sign up for this!”

“This will be good for you, Llamrei,” Twilight spoke, with a wink. “Trust me…”

And in a burst of light, Korra and the mares vanished.

Back in the present, Korra continuously waved her hand showcasing different events in time. One of which showed Arthur and Llamrei riding together through an open field.

“It took Llamrei time, but she ultimately accepted Arthur as her first true friend.”

To demonstrate, Korra showcased moments in which Arthur shared Llamrei his food, offered a listening ear, and continuously saving her life on their quests.

“Soon, Llamrei’s cold heart began to thaw,” Twilight explained. “And her friendship with Arthur grew stronger than any form of magic imaginable.

“As time passed, they ultimately sought the rest of the paladins. Some more accepting of the two, while others weren’t too keen on the idea. But through good deeds and selfless actions, they managed to forge the first group of paladins.”

Korra raised her hand and cast a light over the table.

“This round table became a symbol of what they stood for. Here, all ponies and elves were equal.”

“Without erasing what made them unique, of course,” The rainbow-maned mare chuckled.

They looked upon this one mare and it seemed as though she recalled something from the past. All the other mares laughed too, of which confused Keith, Sunny, and the others greatly.

“Before long, the Paladins of Harmony defeated many foes together, rescued and defended the innocent, and shared many lessons of friendship with the masses,” Korra continued. “Touching their heads and healing their internal scars, it was from these teachings they founded the kingdom of Avalon. And once Arthur and Llamrei proved themselves worthy, we bestowed upon them the greatest gift of all…”

The scene within the sphere revealed an elder Arthur, most likely in his mid-to-late twenties, and Llamrei, humbled and wiser, standing before Korra and the Mares. Through their combined magic, they bestowed Arthur a mage’s jewel and fairy wings, and Llamrei her own set of wings and glowing hooves.

Sunny and Hitch were surprised by this. It was then they noticed, in most of the images Korra had shown, there were Earth ponies whose hooves left glowing heart-shaped markings on the ground wherever they galloped.

Did… did Earth ponies have magic too? How had they never known this?

“I don’t understand,” Keith spoke. “You gave them wings?”

“Not ‘just’ wings, Keith,” Korra replied. “They became the embodiment of all three pony and elf races. Just like Twilight and I, long ago.”

Of which Korra and Twilight showcased their respected wings.

“But only when we proved we understood the true meaning of friendship. We became ‘alicorns’, and thus led our people to the new age of prosperity.”

“What happened to your people?” Sunny asked.

“They’re doing alright,” Twilight responded. “They still have their problems, but our descendants always managed to succeed no matter the odds. Because no matter how difficult it may seem, the magic of friendship can never truly be lost.”

“But we have lost it,” Keith stated. “Our world’s magic has disappeared… all of it.”

“Only because you’ve forgotten friendship,” Korra said. “True there is friendship within each race, but it is not enough. You have not only lost each other, but a piece of yourselves as a consequence.”

Everyone turned toward one another, taking what Korra said by heart. It all made sense now. When the tribes separated again, the magic slowly faded over time. They lost their identity because… they believed lies over the truth.

“But how did this happen?” Allura asked.

“Why did the tribes separate again?” Pipp asked.

Korra, Twilight, and the others gazed sadly upon these words. Korra waved her hand again, revealing the image of a sleazy looking elf and his pony companion.

Mordred and Loki…” Korra began, darkly. “Once loyal apprentices to the paladins, but their envy towards their teachers grew. When they didn’t get what they wished for, they turned on their teachers. Soon, they began spreading lies and soon one false tale lead to another, and another, and another, growing and spreading like weeds until eventually the populace were so engrossed it was difficult to believe anything else. Not even the paladins were spared…”

Keith, Sunny, and their friends watched in horror as Mordred and Loki continued spreading lies to the ears of anyone who’d listen. Friends turned against friends, brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, and so on and so forth. Before long, the once beautiful Avalon became darker and twisted.

Arthur and Llamrei tried to reel in the peace, but even their own friends turned against them.

“Once the paladins dispersed, so did the tribes. And Avalon… crumbled and withered, fading into myth.”

The sphere disappeared, and the room seemed to dim. Korra lifted her hands, showcasing the cave and all its wonders.

“This very temple is all that remains of a once glorious kingdom.”

As he looked around, the more Keith thought about it, the greater his anger grew.

“Then why didn’t you do anything?!” Keith asked, raising his voice. “You could’ve done something! You could’ve told everyone the truth! Helped the paladins as you did before! You could have…”

Keith paused for a moment, allowing stinging tears to fall from his eyes.

“You could have saved him…”

Korra knew how Keith referred to. She floated closer to him and cupped his face in her hands, wiping his tears with her thumb. He wanted to pull away then, but something in her touch felt… familiar. Like being embraced by a parent, as if she had a mother’s touch. And to which given what Twilight said of their descendants, she had to have been in her lifetime.

“We tried, Keith,” Korra spoke softly. “We really tried… but once everyone started believing these lies more than the truth, our words fell silent. Our voices only heard by those willing to listen. If their hearts are too closed… there isn’t much we could do. We are meant only to guide and teach, but we cannot decide one’s fate. That’s a choice they need to do on their own.”

“As for your father… we don’t control who lives and who dies. But rest assure, we were with him through it all. We couldn’t change his fate, only ease his spirit.”

She smiled warmly, rubbing her thumb against Keith’s cheek.

“And you deserve to know that both Argyle and Steve, your birth father, loved you more than anything in this whole world. Their legacy lives through you and your sister. Argyle himself told me to give you a message.”

“He did?” Keith gasped.

“That you were always meant to be his son. From the day you broke into his kitchen, he loved you… and that love never stopped. All he ever wanted was for you and Sunny to love and make friends, to show the world things ‘can’ be better. For everyone, and for the two of you.”

Hearing these words, Keith’s heart felt full. Argyle’s death was still painful, but… at least he didn’t die alone. He was amongst friends who kept their promise. They delivered the message and now Keith had the closure he needed.

“I’m so sorry, Dad… I’m sorry I never…”

Korra pulled the boy into a gentle embrace.

“It’s okay, Keith… he already knows. He’s ‘always’ known you loved him. There was never any doubt.”

Keith sobbed into Korra’s shoulder, and she rubbed his back. Sunny cried also, with Hitch comforting her. Korra wiped the boy’s tears and turned him towards his sister. Keith kneeled down and spread his arms wide open, permitting Sunny to gallop ahead and hump into them.

“I love you, sis.”

“I love you too, big brother.”

Twilight nuzzled Korra’s side, and she stroked the mare’s mane. The other mares surrounded Korra, nuzzling their noses against her cheek like they always did when they were alive.

Keith was happy to see Hitch join in the hug… then Hunk, then Lance, Pipp, Allura, Zipp, Katie, and Izzy. Keith never knew he could feel this way. Having so many friends, all different and unique in their own magical ways, embracing him and Sunny, comforting them in their hour of need.

If this was what true friendship was like, it was all the more devastating the world had forgotten it.

“So, what do we do now?” Hitch asked Korra and the Mares.

“Now… it’s your turn to complete what the paladins of old began,” Twilight declared.

“But how?” Zipp asked. “How can we get the people to listen to us?”

“She’s right,” Sunny sighed sadly. “I’ve tried for years, and still my plan to restore the magic didn’t work.”

“Ooh… you mean the plan to steal the crystals?” Twilight stated, rather sternly.

Sunny lowered her ears and blushed in embarrassment.

“Well… I…”

“Sweetie, did you truly think stealing magical artifacts would fix everything?”

“I thought it could restore the magic!” Sunny insisted.

“Even if they could, what made you think the other tribes would be friends after having their treasures stolen through deception and lies?”

Sunny turned to the others, and they all looked equally ashamed. Come to think of it… they hadn’t really thought their plan through.

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Sunny spoke, hanging her head. “The crystals didn’t work anyway. They never had…”

Twilight lifted Sunny’s chin with the tip of her wing. When the Earth pony looked up, she could see the mare smiling at her.

“The Crystals were ‘never’ the answer, Sunny Starscout. They were merely symbols we gave to Arthur and Llamrei to represent their friendship. But just now, you finally realized what the true magic is.”

Sunny’s eyes widened. Earlier, when she was at her lowest, her friends said they’d rather stay together than get their magic back. And that was when Sunny realized that friendship was all that needed to return, not just the magic.

“When we hit our lowest point,” Korra began. “We are open to the greatest change…”

Korra swayed across the water, her hair and the ends of her transparent dress billowing in imaginary wind. She opened her mouth; her angelic voice filled the cave.


When I was down and, oh my soul, so weary

When troubles came and my heart burdened be

Then, I was still and waiting in the silence

Until you came and sat a while with me

Korra cupped Twilight’s cheeks and pressed her forehead against hers, right above her horn. The other mares surrounded them, enveloping one another with a love that transcended even in death. Sunny turned toward Keith and suddenly felt the song touch her heart. She could feel exactly what Korra and the Mares truly meant.


You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

Keith felt the spirit of the song too. And suddenly, he could feel as though the magic of this place was in the very air they breathed.


You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas

Sunny and Keith:

I am strong

When I am on your shoulders

You raise me up

To more than I can be

Hitch and Hunk turned toward one another; their hearts filled with the same strength as the love for their friends. Allura and Zipp, Lance and Pipp, Katie and Izzy. And suddenly, they all looked towards one another. Earth folk, Skylings, Jewel-Horns, both elves and ponies, all coming together regardless of who had horns, wings, or jewels. In the end, they were all friends, and so long as they stood together, there was nothing they had to fear. Not of lies… not hate… not anything.

Hitch and Hunk:

You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

Katie and Izzy:

You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas

Allura and Zipp:

I am strong

When I am on your shoulders

Lance and Pipp:

You raise me up

To more than I can be

Keith and Sunny gathered around their friends, holding one another’s hand and hoof, remembering the promise they made to Argyle: They will play their part. Hand in hoof, and heart to heart…


You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas

I am strong

When I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be

Suddenly… something even stranger started to happen. Their feet and hooves lifted from the ground, and their bodies started to glow. Korra and the Mares watched with pride as armor materialized around the young elves and ponies. Armor in colors like red, blue, pink, green, and yellow, each matching their respective personalities. Every armor had gold or silver lining, along with a sword around their waists.

The ponies received the same armor as well, but more astonishing still… Zipp and Pipp’s wings started to glow as did Lance and Allura’s! Izzy’s horn glowed a bright pink and Katie’s jewel shimmered and sparkled. Keith felt his forehead burn, and the magic flowing through his system.

“WHOA!!!” Izzy gasped.

She excitedly watched her horn glow and felt a tingly sensation coursing through her too.

As for Sunny and Hitch, they felt something strange against their hooves. They glowed, as though they were made of pure gold. When they touched the ground, suddenly the surface felt alive as though the Earth was waking up for the first time. Not only that, but they had a sudden desire to gallop at top speed. And when they did, they moved much faster than they ever felt possible.

It was all true… Earth ponies truly had magic!

Even Hunk felt something different. For when he began to run, though he was never as fast as a pony on four legs, he felt nimbler, more athletic than he ever felt in his entire life.

Zipp and Pipp laughed as they flapped their wings and spun in mid-air!

“We’re actually flying!” Pipp cheered. “We’re really flying!”

Lance spun about, performing air flips like he used to whenever he used the wires. Only now, he could use his wings… his ‘actual’ wings!

“Now I know why you and Zipp wanted this so much, sis!” Lance cheered. “This… is… AWESOME!!! WOO-HOO!!!”

Laughing together, as though they were children again, Lance and Allura raced each other through the cave.

Katie felt something spark within her body and with a wave of her hand she levitated a rock and a pebble, making them jump and bound in the air. Izzy followed, making the rocks dance around in different shapes.

“This is so cool!” Katie smiled.

“We can do magic!” Izzy cheered, bouncing. “We can do magic!”

Sunny and Hitch laughed as they raced each other. It was unlike anything they ever felt in their lives. Running, flying, even levitating stuff for the first time! But it was only better because they got to share it with one another.

And through it all, Keith stood in the middle, watching everyone using their magic for the first time in generations. Slowly, he turned toward Korra.

“Did you do this?” He asked.

“We didn’t,” Korra slowly shook her head. “You did…”

“The magic of friendship resides in you now,” Twilight said. “It’s your turn to share it with others.”

Everyone stopped playing and gathered around Keith, looking toward Korra and the mares with concern.

“You truly think we can do it?” Hitch asked.

“Absolutely,” Korra said. “You’re Paladins of Harmony now. Go… and spread the good news.”

“Wait!” Sunny cried out. “Where will you go? What if we need you again?”

To which Twilight nuzzled against Sunny’s cheek.

“As long as you keep an open mind and an open heart, along with a humble, unselfish soul… we will ‘always’ be with you. No matter where you go, we’ll be there every step of the way.”

Twilight returned to Korra, permitting her a ride upon her back and in a burst of light Korra and the mares all disappeared.

“Um… how do we get out of here?” Hunk asked, killing the mood.

“Third pathway on the left,” The pink curly-haired mare spoke.

“Oh… thanks!”


Sure enough, the newly formed paladins eventually found their way back into the open forest. The ponies shifted to their larger forms, their best friends riding along their backs. True Allura and Lance could’ve flown but preferred to share this experience with Pipp and Zipp.

And as for Hunk, he never felt braver in his life. No longer shaking in fear anymore, he knew why Hitch was also so confident. Keith rode on Sunny while Katie rode on Izzy, both cheering and laughing over the fact they had magic again.

“So, what’s next you guys?” Izzy asked.

Keith and Sunny exchanged knowing looks. If they were going to restore the land and bring back Avalon, they must start from the beginning.

“Everyone!” Sunny declared. “We’re going to Maretime Bay!”

“Are you sure, Sunny?” Hitch asked.

“Yes Hitch,” Sunny nodded. “It’s as Korra said, we must spread the word. And… you were right before.”

“I was?”

“Yes Hitch. I need evidence to back-up my words… and we need it more than ever.”

Hitch smiled as his face flushed red, to which Sunny did too. Keith rolled his eyes and gave a light kick to the sides.

“Come on, sis. Let’s change some lives.”

Keith and Sunny:

Let’s cross a new aisle

Let’s flash a new smile

Let’s sparkle right out of the grey

We’ll open their eyes

Sun starting to rise

And finally able to say

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day


Gonna be our day

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day

Gonna be our day

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day

Gonna be our day

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day

Gonna be our day

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be our day

Keith and Sunny:

Be our day!


2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

Author's Note:

Song: You Raise me up by Josh Groban

This chapter was a serious nostalgia trio for me. It was good to revisit the old Mane Seven and see just how much they have grown over the years. A fun stroll down memory lane.

I hope you guys liked this chapter because things are about to get real next time!