• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 2,455 Views, 93 Comments

The Wayfaring Strangers - BiasedAmerican

2 Friends are summoned in the world of MLP. And one of them is too excited.

  • ...

Another Dimension

Author's Note:

Kill me. So if you see any grammatical errors, that was because me and hailstorm or otherwise known as aegishailstorm, messaged each other the script for this crossover, and I copy and pasted what we both came up with without it looping or crossing over each paragraph. So if you see anything out of the ordinary or if it repeats, please tell me so I can fix the issue. Oh, and I decided to post the crossover here for my sake, and he can do the same thing on his story so we don't mix people up by throwing them back and forth of story to story.

William hears two thuds in his backyard. "What in the name of-" William jumped up from the table in anger. He could hear yelling coming from the backyard. And quite a few... colorful slurs which he hadn't heard in a long time. He drew his M45A1, slung on his plate carrier and helmet, and crept towards the back door.

"You son of a bitch! I'm never trusting you any longer!" Tankery yelled. The voice was clearly male, though it was one he didn't recognize. As he approached a second voice came into pitch, As Soviet gets up, he sees the quiet kid staring at them. "Dude, it's a human, trust me on this." "What do you mean a huma-" Tankery was cut off by Soviet loudly yelling, "DUDE! WE KNOW YOU HAD YOUR PENIS RIPPED OFF SO STOP REMINDING ME!" "You bitch! I still have my-" "WE KNOW YOU HAVE AIDS, STOP TELLING US!" Soviet yelled, followed by a chuckle. "You meow mix motherfu-" Tankery sighed and said, "Fine, if you did see a human, where the hell are we?" "No idea, seems like a backyard. But wherever we are, just pull out our anti-anomaly weapons." Soviet said, then Soviet and Tankery both spawned 12 gauge shotguns.

"Damnit, how did they know that?" His question was answered a second later when he peaked out from behind the wall and looked through the sliding glass door and out into his backyard. From his vantage point he could see 2 humans. Clearly adolescents they were clad head to toe in fighting kit, and arguing with one another. He stayed silent, and kept on listening. He found himself chuckling at the obscenities' they were slinging back and forth. "Should I introduce myself?" He scratched his helmet. "This seems like a backyard."

"Well how do you know?" "Well... there's a barbeque right over there. And- look, over there!" One of them pointed over at the house, right at William, who stayed right where he was. He kept his gun hand out of sight, and holstered his sidearm, exchanging it for a P90. Just then, he saw something that made his blood run cold. One of them suggested they get out their, "Anti anomaly weapons." And almost as soon as they had said that, Remington 870 shotguns appeared in their arms. Which they kept at low ready. " I don't believe it, other people. With the same power's as me? Screw breakfast, my interest is piqued!" He brought his boot up and racked the slide on his subgun. He set a Kevlar shield in his right hand, and walked out from behind his cover. "Mornin', would y'all mind dropin' them shotguns?" he said in his best mock southern accent. They looked at one another, and laughed.

"Well howdy partner!" The 2 responded, William rolled his eyes, their swift change of tone worried him. The 2 of them continued, " Nice gun you got there. Uh, question, where are we?" Before he could respond, one of them started-up again, " Mind bending over-" He was cut of when his friend slapped him over the helmet. Causing him to groan in annoyance, the one who had slapped him gestured over at the dormant barbeque lying a few yards away. "What are you making?" They asked in excitement. William raised an eyebrow, " You're in Equestria. And I'm not currently barbequing anything, though I did a few months back." He slid open the door, and stepped out onto the patio. " And about the gun, thanks' for that compliment. It's been a while since I've seen another human. And it's been even longer since some creature complimented me." He still kept his gun trained on them. "Name's?"

" Are you kidding? Listen well you 2, you do not wanna get into a gunfight with me. Especially not at this hour. The whole time he been talking with the 2 miscreants from the safety of his bulletproof sliding glass door. He took the term, "Your home is your castle." Very seriously, " Why should we listen to you?" The other spoke up. " Hmmm... now that I thing about it... Because you 2 have the demeanor's of teenagers?" The way they bickered with one another reminded himself a little bit of his first journey to Equestria. " The hell did you just say to us?" William groaned. " Alright, let's try something else; Why are you here?" One of them raised their head's up.

"I'm Soviet, this over here's Tankery." William nodded, " Alright, you go by alias's, albeit strange one's, that's understandable. My names William. though sometimes I go by Hailstorm. Why are you here?" The one who went by Tankery spoke up, " God damnit, now we're stuck in this pony infested hell!" He stomped the ground as he said it, William grunted, " Hey, I'll have you know that I actually have certain fondness for those little equines, I've even had the pleasure of getting turned into one of them. And besides, this isn't hell. Tartarus is hell, this is just a warzone." The 2 of them backed up. " Wait, did you say you've been turned onto one of those monsters before?" Soviet asked in shock.

"Well, yes, we know we're in Equestria. We're just unsure weather or not if it's our Equestria. We're confused, and we need to know what, when, and where we landed." William nodded, " I see, question. Have you any prior knowledge regarding the TV show, My Little Pony?" Soviet blinked, "Well, yes, As a matter of fact, I do. Can't say the same for Tankery over here." William lowered his gun, just a little bit, " Oh, good. That makes everything easier, Well. Twilight's got her castle. King Sombra's back, and the school of friendship's a thing. And yes, I already took care of Cozy Glow. Don't ask about that last thing. And it's summer. Better?" The 2 lowered their gun's in turn, " Well, thanks for that." "At this point in the year it's a damn war crime to not have that barbeque going." Tankery murmured, William folded his arm's, " Well I would, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have anything to grill on it. And don't even think about putting those damned hayburgers on that thing!" He sighed, " Alright, listen. We'll continue this conversation later. I've got food waiting for me inside. And I haven't eaten yet. If I go inside, do I have your word that you won't break anything? Actually, come on inside. That way I can keep the both of you in my sight." He stepped inside, "Well? You coming or not?"

The two followed and Soviet asked, "Cozy Glow, haven't gotten to that part yet. But Sombra's back? Should be easy to deal with, since we can spawn weapon emplacements, no vehicles, sadly. But I'm now guessing this isn't our version of Equestria, but Flim & Flam or whatever their names are, exist here, correct?" William nodded, " Those retarded unicorn brother's that that wear those striped shirt's with the European accents? Yes they do, scared 'em shitless few month's ago, c'mon, food's getting cold. We can talk more inside." The 2 reluctantly followed him in.

"Uh, I just remembered I didn't actually cook anything... Oh well, coffee's ready." Cheerfully, he walked over to the coffee maker, and poured the now cold content's of the pot out into his favorite mug. And spun around, coming face to face with 2 disappointed humans. Soviet then asked William, "Well, they could quote on quote, invent, a tank for us, or at least an IFV. They just need to build the engine or other mechanical parts, and we could add the armaments. They are smart after all." Soviet explained. As he drank his cold coffee. "And this Sombra character... I have a feeling he'll come back again, so might as well get some armor to protect us." Tankery added. Soviet then stopped drinking his coffee and asked William, "Could you direct us to Princess Twilight? We'll need to figure out what we can do while we're stuck here."

" Screw it, I'll get something from the store. " Question, could the Equestrians... I don't know, invent a tank for us-" "Don't ever talk about stuff like that in the open, especially not in the presence of ponies." Tankery replied, "True true, but we could label it as a tractor. Worked for Germany, right?" "But why not?" Soviet asked as he tried to sit on William's couch, but he missed and fell down. "Don't mind him." said Tankery about Soviet falling down. " I like to keep 'em ignorant. It's as simple as that. ever heard the term, don't ask, don't tell?" They looked confused, but nodded anyway. "Could you direct us to princess Twilight? We'll need to figure out what we can do while we're stuck here." William rolled his head off to one side, and sat down. "Listen here and listen well. There is nothing you can do here. What I can help you with is getting home-" William froze when he heard a sudden knock at the front door. "Who's that?" William blinked, he almost didn't want to tell them, for fear of what they might to that uninvited alicorn if he opened that door. " It's a friend." "Fair enough." The both of then agreed. William stood up without responding, and walked over to the door. He pulled the door open, and stepped back, "Hey William, happy birthday!" A cheerful alicorn with white fur and a deep blue mane wiped his hooves on the doormat and stepped inside. Much to the bewilderment of both Soviet and Tankery, who were just now beginning to question William's sanity. " Uh... hi here?" Tankery waved nervously, Joey's gaze turned to the 2 other human's in the room, then back to William " You didn't tell me you were gonna have people over." William grunted, " They're human. what did you think?" Joey did his best to keep smiling, and turned to the 2 other's. "Hi, name's Joey. who are you?" For a few seconds, none of them said a word, then Soviet spoke up, "Hi.. uh.. I'm Soviet, this is my associate, Senor El Retardo."

"But question, why do you have such a human sounding name?" Soviet asked. " Well, I wasn't always one, used to be a human. That explains my name. Then I got pulled through a magical vortex and dumped into the Equestrian wilderness in the middle of the night. William found me, we got attacked by a manitcore. And I woke up a hospital a few hour's later with hooves, wing's and a horn. That's about as far as I'm going to go into my backstory." He paused for a moment, and took a step farther into the house, shutting the door behind him, "It's William's birthday today. that's why I came over." "I'm... well I was gonna say I was happy, but I've got these 2 to deal with. A the very least they're more tolerant of ponies than Preston was when he showed up." Joey groaned at the mention of that California deputy which they had found wandering aimlessly through the cold snow that winter. Who upon waking up to find a ponified William proceeded to barede the 2, at least until William calmed him down. "So," He clapped his hand's together, "I'm gonna go grab some food, and maybe a cake, Joey, you watch them." He turned back to Soviet and Tankery, "Don't go breaking anything 'round here, understand?" they nodded. "But what are your terms on stealing?" Soviet asked sarcastically. "Yes- wait, you're leaving us... with him?" Soviet pointed down at Joey, " Yes, I am. don't worry, he's trustworthy." William gave his warbelt a firm tug and headed upstairs' for his wallet. Leaving a very awkward silence hanging over the living room. "So uhm, not being human and having wings. What's that like?" Tankery spoke up to break the awkward silence.

Joey's ears perked up, "Oh, where do I start?" He scratched his head with his right hoof, " It's amazing, I thought it was a little strange at first, walking on 4 legs and all. But you get used to it after a while. A horn and telekinesis can be even more useful than hands. The wings let you go anywhere you want, any time, and they give you the ability to walk on clouds. The hooves remove the need for you to go scrounging around for shoes ever time you want to go out for a walk. And the fur keep's you warm and comfortable."

The 2 blinked, " Did you know that your friend shares the same opinion as you?" Joey chuckled. " After this winter? Indeed I did, I know for a definite fact that he loves flying under his own power. Even if he never talks about it in the open." " Uh, next question. Were either of you a brony or furry back on earth? I mean, you both share the same opinions regarding... all of this." Joey scowled, "No! Well, William always seems to have a certain understanding of this world that even I don't. But I wouldn't consider him a brony. I mean, it's not like he obsessed over it. Nor did we ever hear anything from him. And he has a deep hatred of furries. I was, and still am, neither." He said it with the upmost confidence. And the 2 listened intently as Joey went on and on about his life in Ponyville. "Hey, what's this?" Soviet looked at a picture hung on the wall, it was a photo of William in full battle armor, standing over the ruins of Canterlot with a light machine gun in hand. Although they didn't know that. " Heh, sit on down, you're in for quite a tale."

"Hey, what's this?" Soviet looked at a picture hung on the wall, it was a photo of William in full battle armor, standing over the ruins of Canterlot with a light machine gun in hand. Although they didn't know that. " Heh, sit on down, you're in for quite a tale. One of adventure, joy perseverance, and violence-" "Hey, I'm home, and I brought cake! And, other stuff." The front door swung open, and there stood William, with a paper grocery bag in his hand which made him look like a suburban 9 to 5 dad. As he turned to look into the house, he noticed the photo as well. "I was just about to start telling them your story, and how all... this, came to be." William rubbed his eyes and set the bag down on his kitchen countertop. "It's a long story, but one I'm willing to tell. You want food first?" They nodded.

"I was just about to start telling them your story, and how all... this, came to be." William rubbed his eyes and set the bag down on his kitchen countertop. "It's a long story, but one I'm willing to tell. You want food first?" Their response was unanimous. " Food, We're hungry." One very long conversation later... The 2 were speechless, as William got to recent times. "And that brings me to this morning, when I found you." Obviously, as was normal with William, he had left a lot of the sensitive stuff out. Mostly stuff about his alter ego and more... violent excursions. "Alrighty, I've given you my backstory. Now here's my question for you. How did you get here?" He asked as he downed another bite of his chocolate birthday cake. No candles, of course.

Soviet thought as William asked them, "Well truth be told, we have no idea. All we know is that Starlight from our 'dimension' supposedly made us time travel a few hours back. But somehow brought us here. I can confirm that they didn't know who or what humans are because, Twilight had no idea who or what humans are and asked tons of questions." Soviet explained. "But anyways, just curious, how old are you both?" Soviet asked, as Tankery and Joey were somehow sneaking past William to get a slice of cake.

" I'm 22 as of today, Joey's 21." He paused to take a sip from his water glass. "Huh, sounds just like mine, well, parts of it at least. I was alone on my first excursion. And I had to walk for far, far longer than you did. Didn't complain once." Joey flicked his ears, "Sure, sure, that's a lie from you if I ever heard one, which I have. Not often, bit it has happened." "Alright, but in all fairness, I was hungry, tired, and on edge for fear that a changeling or griffon or self help me a full grown dragon!" William froze, and turned around to look over at dinning table. Just in time to catch Tankery and Joey. " Well, it's my birthday. Can't eat it all by myself. Go on, help yourselves." They smiled, and practically dove into it out of hunger.

"Yes!" Tankery whispered in silence, all while he took at almost half of the entire cake as Joey looked on in confusion. A heavy sigh left Williams lungs, "That was for everyone." "You just ate an entire bakery less than two hours ago! What is wrong with you?!" Soviet cried out, much to the annoyance of Joey. " I'm sorry, you did what?" Tankery franticly nodded as he tore his way through the cake like a bat pony through a mango. " Ah fuck you!!!" Tankery shouted back, his voice muffled by the sound of chewing. " Hey, hey! Stop chewing and listen! You 2 are guests in my house, so you're going to carry yourselves with some sense of decency, got it?" William found it odd that he had managed to make it trough an entire conversation with a person as rude a this without so much as even setting his hand on his gun holster. But dismissed it. "Oh, I'm sorry." Tankery turned around, William winced at the horrendous sight. " Just finish it! And don't even think about touching the rest! Also, here's a napkin. actually, here's 3." William passed them over to Tankery. " The shit I go through in this world."

"Can 50. BMG down a dragon?" William thought about if for a moment, " The little ones, yes. But if you're talking about a full grown drake, then the only spot you'd be able to cause any dame to is the eyes. Nothing short of an RPG or Stinger is going through those scales."

"Fair enough. But back to the IFV plan, we could be the only people in this world that can create the weapons, just not the vehicles. We could bypass the rules of spawning things by making Flim and Flam make the engine, we'll figure out the hull and the weaponry. It could work." Soviet explained. "And does Twilight's school of friendship exist here? We could use the labor force on combining the hull, plus me and Tank can make a reason to teach welding and handling equipment while labeling our craft as a tractor." Soviet added, hopefully getting a green light from William. Meanwhile, William was standing there with, his jaw practically hit the ground. "Wait, did you- I'm sorry, you're planning on doing what?" The 2 nervously tabbed their fingers. " IFV? As in... Infantry Fighting Vehicle? That's your plan?" William got up and paced around his couch. "Yes." He turned back to them and held up his hand, " Problem is, this world just ain't made for that kind of vehicle . And as much as I'd like to go driving around Ponyville in 25 tons of pure democracy blasting Sabaton. It's just not practical, I mean, have you seen the mileage that those things have? Plus, look around, I don't see any gas stations!"

"We're in the world of magic, we could find a substitute for oil with Twilight and Starlight helping us, and it can and will prevent any hostiles from attacking Equestria. So imagine a dragon, we can't kill the thing without RPG's, but what about 25mm of pure freedom sabot rounds? And if we were to engage with the dragon, the armor alone could protect us." Soviet reasoned. William was unconvinced, " Listen, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I like it when some creature comes along and tries to destroy everything I hold dear. So then I can brutally send them to hell." "Well how about transportation then? We wouldn't have to walk miles and miles to get to where we're going. From what I heard, you guys spend most of your time walking." William furrowed his brow, " Well, I do. Joey usually just flies." The only expensive and dangerous tech would be controlled by only us. The Equestrians don't know what they are or how to make it, and I sure as hell know that Flim and Flam are too busy trying to beat Applejack in a contest, and they may not even know about what we're making because it would be too complex for them to handle." Soviet pleaded. William rubbed his eyes, " Listen I know these creatures, I've been around them longer than you have. They'll figure it out eventually. Trust me. If we're gonna do it, it's got to be in secret." The 2 looked at one another, " Alright." William glanced back at Joey, "I can trust that you won't tell any of your equestrian friends?" Joey swallowed another bite of cake. " Yep. My loyalty is to you."

"Then let's get started-" William cut Tankery off, " Cake first, APC later." Tankery then somehow unhinged his jaw and swallowed the huge piece he had on his plate. Everyone in the room was surprised and Soviet had a water gun filled with holy water aimed at Tankery. Tankery gave him a look of confusion , "What?" William looked over at them in concern, " Where did you get the holy water?" He said slowly.

"With the power of magic, just summoned it, I don't know how, but yes." Soviet answered.

William calmly folded his hands, "Yes how?"

"No idea." Soviet responded.

William blinked, " You know what? Y'all are from a different universe. I ain't gonna question it. Why did you draw it on your friend? He possessed ? Or are you just weirded out by the fact that he can open his mouth a little to wide for a 'normal' human?"

"He fucking unhinged the thing!" Soviet replied.

William laughed, " I'm aware of that, sir, have you ever been., or a currently under demonic influence?" Tankery finished his cake, "No." William shrugged, " That settles it. Stop trying to apply logic to stuff like this. Magic and the laws of reality are 2 very different things. You' don't know the true meaning of 'unhinged,' 'till you've seen a certain pink earth pony's jaw quite literally hit the floor. "

The 2 looked unconvinced. But William wasn't in a mood to explain any further. " Let's just... go find those damned twins, ok? And make it quick. It's still my birthday." Tankery, sarcastically said, "Well have you seen a raccoon fit in my a-" he was cut off as Soviet answered, "Yes, I'm guessing Pinkie Pie is some interdimensional cosmic being that should be considered as an SCP." Soviet replied.

William growled, " fucking degenerate. C'mon, let's see if we can get this thing built 'fore the sun goes down. Nice work on the SCP reference." William waved the 2 along.

"Hey, Joey, c'mon! I can't lock up until you're out as well!" The alicorn swallowed the rest of his food, and trotted off with them. "Open up!" William banged on the twins front door. " We need your help with something!" "And why should we help you?" Came a response. "Because I asked nicely!"