• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 2,455 Views, 93 Comments

The Wayfaring Strangers - BiasedAmerican

2 Friends are summoned in the world of MLP. And one of them is too excited.

  • ...

First Day of School?

It was almost midnight, and Luna was on the balcony working all night to keep Equestria free of nightmares. But more and more kept flooding in, and Soviet was witnessing Luna's seemingly endless night shift. Soviet walked up to Luna and looked at her since her eyes are closed to enter dreams. "Only if I can enter dreams..." Soviet muttered as he took a sip of coffee.

He thought to himself, "Shit, I gotta leave in 8 hours. I'll visit back here soon, hopefully. Probably on weekends. Ah, the school... I wonder if Starlight found that spell yet. Probably, probably not. But at least I'll be able to show Human history whenever is sub. Damn, I hated teachers but now I am one, kind of. How ironic. I'll probably find a documentary of the First World War. Or a movie. I'll probably ask Twilight if I can use the Crusaders as practice in case I sub, to see if those kids'll like the stuff I show them." He notices Luna's ear twitching whenever he thought to himself. "I wonder if she can hear me." Luna's head nodded. "Oh, hi Luna! Since you can hear and or see my thoughts, and not move since you're keeping people's dreams free of nightmare," Soviet then began to think and compliment things that made Luna blush. Soviet laughed and giving a "I told you so face". "See what happens when you enter a human teenager's mind?" He thought.

Luna broke from her trance and her eyes wide open, her jaw dropped. "You're a teenager?!" She screamed. "How old?!"

Soviet coverer his cough to clear his throat, "16." He slipped in his cough.

"16?!" She screamed, again. It didn't help her disbelief as he's close to Twilight's age. "And you're a teenager! The things I did to you.." she said as she's starting to realize that the age difference is incredibly noticable.

"Luckiest teenager I might add. And besides, where I'm from also known as Alaska. The age of consent is 16. And I'm considering staying here instead of going back to Earth because of you, the best, and hottest Princess in two worlds. And I'm considering making a unit or something similar to that. We can be part of your Guards, Luna. M.A.C.E. probably? So I can give myself a reason and organize reasons why I'm going to stay in Equestria. Tankery on the other hand, I think he wants to go back." Soviet explained.

"Aww, you think I'm hot?" She blushed. "And considering that you're considering staying here. Might as well officially be a part of our forces instead of relying on our approval too much. So I'll allow you and others you think are worthy to join this.. MACE. What does MACE mean anyways? And what is Alaska?" Luna asked.

"Military Assistance or Advisory Command Equestria. My grandfather was part of MACV for Vietnam, team 75. So, might as well be remnants of the US in this world. And Alaska is a state or region within the US." Soviet explained. "And yes, you are hot. That reminds me, how old are you?"

"More than 1 or 2 thousand years, I lost count" Luna answered.

Soviet spit out his coffee over the balcony as he made the most concerned and surprised face. "A thousand?! I don't think I should be getting the reaction that you just gave me." He looked down.

Luna chuckled and asked as she started checking Soviet, "Wait.. are you?"

Soviet laughed in a sarcastic manner, "Bahahaaha! Yeah..." Soviet said as he dragged his answer.

"It's not advisable to continue this, someone is going to find out." Luna suggested.

"That's IF, they find out. But what we have together doesn't matter to what other people think, at least we're happy. That's what matters." Soviet explained.

"True, I just hope it doesn't become a big deal." Luna worried.

8 hours later...

Soviet hugged Luna at the entrance of the Castle. "Alright, I'll see you when I can. But you always know how to visit me." Soviet winked.

"Yes yes, I'll see you very, very, soon." Luna replied. They broke up the hug after hugging for 5 minutes. "Alright, now go! You're going to miss the train!" She ushered Soviet.

"Yes ma'am." Soviet saluted as he ran to catch the train which leaves in about.... 5 minutes. As he started running, Luna lost sight of him because of his BDU uniform camouflage.

"It's strange how it's snowing, and Nightmare Night hasn't even arrived yet." Luna said to herself.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Tankery saw Starlight and drove up to her. She still got scared by it since she's still not used to being approached by the Bradley. Tankery stuck his head out, "Starlight, did Soviet mention anything about picking people up?" He asked.

"No, oh wait! He did mention the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're at the Apple farm waiting for Soviet, you can go pick them up and bring them at the School." She said in response.

Tankery looked around, "Yeah, I have no idea where that is. Mind helping?"

"Yeah sure, since walking takes longer to get to the school anyways." Starlight accepted. She got into the M3A3 and Tankery drove to Apple acres, with the guidance of Starlight.

They arrived at the front gate of the farm. It attracted the attention of the Apple family except Granny Smith, who was deep asleep. Big Macintosh approached the Bradley and Tankery stood up, "Hello.... Applejack's brother?" Tankery guessed.

"Yup." He responded.

"Can you get the Cutie Mark Crusaders up here? I'm supposed to be picking them up." Tankery asked.


"Thanks!" Tankery yelled as Big Mac ran to get the three crusaders.

A few minutes later, Tankery saw through his driver view that 3 very excited fillies are charging at him. He opened the hatch for them to get inside so they can start heading to the school.

Tankery looked to his right inside of the Bradley and saw a note, "Bring speakers and set it up at the school. Those ponies had their turn singing, now it's our turn. We're singing Disco in the panic room. See you there, fucktard. Oh, and it starts on the 3rd day of school."

The crowded opening of students all stared at the coming iron golem with it's loud growling. All of the students had the same question, are those the humans? As it approached the main bridge, students began to crowd around the Bradley.

Tankery stopped the Bradley as they arrived at the school. But it was crowded with students and a very worried Twilight approached the Bradley as Starlight and the Crusaders dismounted and entered the building. She knocked on the hatch, "Tankery?"

Tankery got on the speakers, "Jawohl?"

"I'm going to need you to park this on the side, because it's going to break the bridge." She ordered.

"That's what I was thinking too." Tankery revved the engine so the curious students that crowded around the Bradley moved away and quickly walked to the School.

"Yo tank." A voice came from the radio.

"Where the hell are you?" Tankery questioned.

"Inside the school, but I need you to guard the Bradley. Just in case." Soviet ordered.

"Fair enough." Tankery turned off the engine. Making the Bradley to look like a statue covered in snow. Which it is, kind of.

Soviet installed a PA system with the help of Twilight struggling with him to put them up. "Cutie Mark Crusaders... Will you come to the Counselor's Office?"

"Oh hey that's us!" Sweetie Belle excitingly said as they ran through the crowded hallways.

They knocked on the door, Soviet opened it and they were surprised to see a weirdly dressed Soviet.

Soviet was wearing a Halo 3 version of the UNSC marine but he was wearing yellow shades and a baclava. Entirely hiding his face. "Hey you three, come on in. I need help practicing." He said as he closed the door after them.

"Practice with..?" The trio asked in sync.

"Teaching. Because this is my first time." Soviet explained.

"Alright, so I got History here." Soviet said as he leaned on his desk.

The three groaned, "Boring!"

"Did I say pony history?" He asked. The three's curiosity peaked.

"So, I got 4 eras in Human history. First world war, Second world war, Cold war, and Modern. You guys choose, they're all interesting and about war. Since I haven't seen much about Equestrian warfare." Soviet explained.

They rubbed their chins but shrugged because they couldn't decide. Soviet pulled out a crystal which can project anything specific he thinks of.

They were tense when watching, they didn't blink, breathe, or move. Then three's jaws dropped when it ended. "What was that?!" The three said in unison as they were now extremely curious.

Soviet sighed. "After the Second World War, nuclear weapons have begun to take the mainstage of the world. The bomb that can destroy an entire city! Scientists have created what is known as the 100 second clock, which counts down how long Humanity will last until extinction via nuclear war. Thankfully the 3rd World War never came to pass, which would mean I wouldn't even be born if it had happen! And that was, what? 20-30 years ago since the Cold War ended? But back on track, the Cold War was between NATO and Warsaw Pact. They competed against each other for control on the world to gain the upper hand against one another. It engulfed the entire world, but no open conflict between powers happened. If you think it never went hot during that time period, almost every single nation was affected by it. The US and Vietnam in a 20 year long war with the US withdrawing with I think 2 million US soldiers took part in? But overall, there were more than almost 90 conflicts and civil wars taking place, with more than one occasion the world and humanity went extinct if one little mistake happened. I'll get into this in depth later, but this was when humanity advanced quickly because of the threat of war. My favorite saying is we fall down a step, and climb two more. Humanity isn't perfect, war is in our nature. But history makes us learn on the mistakes on our path so we won't be doomed to repeat it." Soviet stared off into space as he sat on his desk. "Later I'll be getting into each country's equipment soon."

The three found an incredibly depressing vibe from Soviet. Either he was practicing or being serious. The fact that whatever he's been using is what Humanity has been mass producing since years before his time. If one human can cause this much damage, what can an entire world do.. they thought.

"Maybe not tell the fillies how your world almost got destroyed?" Starlight entered.

"There you are! It was getting a bit boring in the school without you." Soviet sarcastically said. He pointed at the board, "That was a brief summarization of the Cold War." He said to the CMC's.

"Wait hold on, if the Cold War ended, doesn't that mean that your world is peaceful now?" Applebloom asked.

"No major conflicts, yes. But the threat of nuclear war is widespread. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent for war in my world, and the Atom bombs I told you before? Humanity has increased the size and lethality of it tenfold! So yes, there was and hopefully will still be a fragile peace between the global powers." Soviet explained.

"Hold on, you said that before the cold war there was a second something war? What happened?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Hmmm... Well Germany, Italy, and Japan decided to fight the Soviets, British, Americans, and a whole lot of countries. Germany surrender in 1945, Italy split up in 1943, and Japan surrendered due to the usage of nuclear weapons and an already oncoming Soviet invasion." He explained.

"Wait, the Americans and Soviets fought together?" Scootaloo asked.

"To fight a common enemy, yes. But relations quickly deteriorated once the peace treaties have been signed. Which then leads to the Cold War." He sighed.

"Oh and also! Twilight wanted me to tell you now that she had to distract you and Tankery from coming to the school because she liked your surprising the students idea. But it's more like the.... Almost 5th day of school? Probably 6th, I don't know because no one visits this office that much so I lose track of time." Starlight explained.

"Been there, but overall, she did that but at least I visited Luna. But now, I'm very late and I really don't care now. At least I'm here now." Soviet accepted. "Anyways, I heard you guys sang, for some reason. I'll give you a heads up, I'm going to sing later because, how many times have you guys sung?" Soviet asked.

"Uhm...." Starlight rubbed her chin.

"Exactly. Now, how old are these students anyways?" Soviet asked.

"Around 13, why?" She asked.

"Huh, I thought they'd be older. But just checking, so I know what's appropriate." Soviet explained.

"What song are you going to be singing anyways?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I can sing it now, if Starlight doesn't mind." Soviet said as he pulled out an electric guitar.

She was skeptical, "Sure.. just don't make it too loud."

"Thanks!" Soviet excitingly said. He put on his voice changer and cleared his throat. He took a deep breath. "Alright, ready?" Soviet asked the three who said yes with the widest smiles he's ever seen. Damn, these three are really interested. He thought.

Soviet began playing the guitar, he looked down to act like he's focused on it so he doesn't have to awkwardly look at something or someone.

Starlight looked with curiosity as she thought he would be playing full on rock, but no, it was.. interesting. Groovy, some might say *cough* *cough* Twilight.

As Soviet sang and played, the Crusaders clapped and joined in on the chorus since they were easy to remember and easy to sing.

Starlight started listening to the lyrics and she became skeptical, it sounded a bit depressing but but overall she enjoyed the song nonetheless. As the next part of the chorus was coming, she listened joyfully as she organized the office. She floated a desk to a chair in the corner as it would be Soviet's little corner to work in.

Meanwhile outside of the door, Smolder and Sandbar. Smolder pointed with her thumb, "What's happening in there?" She asked. Sandbar shrugged.

Soviet opened the door to see a surprised, shocked, eyes wide opened, and opened mouthed group. He recognized them all, except one. It was a pony, she seemed very nervous. "Hey, what are your names?" He asked.

"I-I'm Sandbar." He said nervously.

"I'm Sm- Smolder." She answered.

"I'm Gallus." He tried to keep his cool.

The most nervous pony said, "I'm Ocellu-"

She was cut off as an excited Hippogriff flew passed her. "Oh my gosh! Are you the strange creatures we've heard about?!" She screamed.

A surprised Soviet looked up at her as she hovered in front of him. "My reputation proceeds me." He answered.

She scratched her head, "What does that mean?"

"He means he is those strange creatures." Smolder answered.

"Oh my gosh! The heroes of Canterlot are here! In the school we go to!" She kept screaming. Soviet felt confused and nervous and approached Ocellus.

He whispered to her, "Meet me back here during lunch." She nodded but she became scared. She didn't know what to expect, the weapon that she feared the most just arranged a meeting with her.

"Anyways... I'll be waiting in the Counselor's Office until needed." He said as he awkwardly walked back into the room, he knows he's going to fall asleep. He's thinking of calling Tankery in to keep watch as him and Starlight rest or sleep if needed. "Unless any of you want to come in." He offered.

He closed the door as no one entered, he rested his feet on his desk and told the Crusaders, "I think someone may be needing your help at the clubhouse, go check. I heard Tankery mentioning this earlier." They were happy since they didn't get a job in a while so they rushed out of the school and he asked Starlight, "You know Ocellus?"

She didn't know what he was playing at, so she went along with him, "Uhm, yeah? The earth pony? What about her?"

He smirked behind his mask, "You do realize that she's a Changeling, right?"

Her jaw dropped as the chocolate she was drinking dropped. "She's a what?!" She banged on her desk. "How do you kno-"

"Her nervousness and the fact I saw her change into a pony at the gym before classes started. She wants to reform, and I know how to bring down the Changelings so we can just focus on the Griffons afterwards. Have you heard of any wedding about Twilight's older brother coming up?" He asked.

She rubbed her chin, "Uhm no? I didn't even know she had an older brother. And for Ocellus, please don't hurt her to get information out of her. If she wants to reform, then she'll be willingly to help end the coming war."

"I'm only going to ask her, nothing to harmful. If the wedding hasn't happened it. So that means it's still coming, keep watch on Twilight. If you hear screaming a lot, then that's her learning about it on that day. In fact, I need to prepare after this day of school. But I'll need to talk to Ocellus first." He explained.

She sat back down on her seat and rested her head on the desk. In a bored voice, "Okay then.. but it seems that this day is going to be uneventful. Might as well call her in, we're not going to be doing anything this week as far as I see." She checked her calendar.

Soviet pulled out a red telephone from under his desk and he dialed the number 1975.

Rainbow Dash and her class were playing dodgeball in the gym, and she had just gotten hit. "I'm out!" She grunted as she angrily hovered to sit on the bleachers. She sat near the same friend group that Soviet encountered not too long ago.

"Calling Ocellus to the Counselor's Office. Calling Ocellus to the Counselor's Office."

"Yeah, go ahead." Rainbow Dash cut off Ocellus as she was going to ask her to be excused. But her friends followed and Rainbow Dash flew in front of them and asked with her hands on her hips. "Where are you 5 going?"

"I don't trust those humans, especially since I'm a Griffon. So I can't trust them to be alone with our friend." Gallus explained.

"Yeah! We have to protect Ocellus just in case. We don't know what they're going to do." Sandbar added.

"Yeah, fair enough. If anything happens, run to me or headmare Twilight." Rainbow Dash allowed.

"What do you think it's about?" Sandbar asked the group.

"Yak don't know, Yak scared." Yona unhelpingly answered.

"But it's Ocellus, she's a pony. If anything, I'd thought that it would be Gallus being considered as unfriendly by those humans." Sandbar stated.

"Hey! Don't forget about me, just like Gallus, I had to run from my home to at least seek refuge here." Smolder reminded.

Ocellus opened the door at the office and saw that there was only one light coming from the middle of the room, and a menacing human covered in tan uniform and a formal hat and sunglasses. The group entered and closed the door. "So, why have you called us?" Gallus asked.

This is what Soviet was hoping for, exposing the truth and his game plan on ending the threat of the coming war to civilians, to make him and his goals look good. "I called you all here to answer me question." He said with a menacing grin. "What do you think Ocellus is?"

"Uhm.. a pony?" Gallus answered.

"So you don't even know she's a Changeling?" He replied.

The group gasped and looked at Ocellus who was now nervous and scared. She got out of her pony form and into her original changeling form.

"So what if pony friend changeling? Yak still like friend!" Yona stated.

"Oh that's not why I called Ocellus here just only for that, I called her here to ask her where Thorax is. And don't worry, I know you like it here and no one has to know this conversation existed, except Headmare Twilight. She might be a bit rough in accepting this but she'll get used to it, like me. They didn't mention this but I had a standown with her and the Royal Guard. And I was thought to be the enemy before! So I know what you'll be going through, sort of. But if anything happens, tell me what happens and I'll sort her out. You tell me where Thorax is, and I'll ensure your safety in this school. If anything happens, this office is a safe space for you and Starlight will make sure of that if I'm not here. Got it?" He explained.

Ocellus was surprised, she thought she would die because she's a Changeling, and the humans are well known for killing them since they first came here. So she accepted, "Thorax is near and basically in the Crystal Empire. He's coming here disguised as a pony since I'm the only one who escaped with him."

"Good, now head on over to Twilight. I'll find him, I need him to change the leadership in the Changeling empire. But the problem is the Griffons and the Dragons..." Soviet explained.

"The dragon king's daughter is willing to topple her father. She's been wanting to do that for a while since he's going to bring war to Equestria." Smolder added.

"Actually, that helps! Thanks, in return for helping me, I'll help you skip classes if you want me to. I'll even train whatever classes you guys end up with me how to use pistols and such." Soviet suggested. They all nodded and smiled but we're scared at the same time, because why would he be teaching them how to use a powerful weapon?

They all left the office confused, as Soviet ran out of the office with a strange set of binoculars. As Soviet reached a window on the 2nd floor and got a clear view of Ponyville with the snow melting. That also conveniently has a low heat nervous pony next to a very familiar M3A3. He got on the radio, "Get the pony near the Bradley, it's a Changeling. We need him." Tankery climbed on top of the Bradley and tackled the changeling. He pulled a pistol on the changeling and picked him up, pulling him into the Bradley. "Bring him to the school. We need him." The Bradley started moving to the school.

An hour later...

Twilight angrily walked through the hallways with Ocellus in her Changeling form and a curious Fluttershy following them. They found Soviet and Tankery escorting somepony as they were dressed in some white uniform.

"So that's why I need you to-" he was cut off as he gets lifted up in the air my magic. He started to freak out, "Wait what?! What's happening?!" He dropped his P90. Tankery saw what was happening and he simply pointed to Twilight which Soviet then saw her angry face moving towards him. He awkwardly waved and said, "Hi Twilight."

"You didn't tell me?! I'm the Princess of Friendship, and I knew that Changelings are capable of friendship but I didn't have the proof and that proof is in my school and you didn't tell me?! This could lead to peace between the Changelings and Equestria!" She screamed.

Soviet chuckled, "Yeah no, I already know that. That's why I'm going to make my friend here Thorax, the new leader of the Changelings to keep the peace. He'll reform them. I promise you that." He explained. He then looked behind Twilight and Ocellus and saw a confused Fluttershy. "Oh hi Fluttershy!" He said in a happy tone to make Fluttershy feel that they're friendly.

This cooled Twilight's temper and said, "Alright, but next time. Warn me, I can't have surprises like this. Oh, and Fluttershy is still kind of hurt from what you guys did." As she walked away.

Soviet felt awkward, and Fluttershy forgave them and wanted to give them a second chance. But Soviet didn't know this, and by the time he was back on the ground he immediately bolted to hug Fluttershy. "Uhm... Hi?" She awkwardly said as Soviet laid his head on her.

Soviet with a surprised face said to Tankery, "Dude, come on and hug her, it's freaking comfortable. Like I'm not joking." Tankery reluctantly hugged her and he began to let loose by at this point, cuddling her. "We're sorry, we didn't intend for you to get in harms way." Soviet apologized.

She chuckled, "Oh that's okay, of course you spooked me but I forgive you." She smiled.

"Floof." The two humans simply said.

Ocellus awkwardly walked backwards as she didn't know what to do in this situation.

Soviet got up and told Thorax, "You will be secretly inserted into the hive, but things will get complicated before that happens. Until then, Fluttershy, are you able to keep him hidden until then?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah sure. I don't see why not." She answered.

Tankery's heart melted as her voice was as cute as she was and he began to cuddle her even more. "Aww your so cute!" Which Soviet then hit the front of his helmet to get him to stop.

A few hours later, it was dark and Soviet, Thorax, and Tankery had a tea party with Fluttershy in her cottage. And the snow was melting.

"That was some very good tea." Soviet said as he put the cup down. He took a look around and saw Tankery asleep and so was Thorax.

"Huh, seems like everyone fell asleep." Fluttershy stated as she took another sip.

"Thanks for the tea Fluttershy, again, I apologize for what happened before and we appreciate your hospitality. That reminds me, you're one of the only souls in this world to ever see my face." Soviet said.

"No worries, and didn't Luna see your face too?" She asked.

Soviet blushed and scratched the back of his head, "Multiple times, yes."

"Sorry if that was a personal question..." She looked down in guilt. Soviet leaned and hugged her since they were on the same couch.

"Don't worry about it, I barely get mad most of the time. And funny thing with Luna if you want to hear about it?" Soviet asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. What is it?" She asked.

"Me and Luna are dating." Soviet said as he took a sip of tea. Fluttershy's jaw dropped as Soviet began to hug her again. He laughed, "Ah, your reactions are extremely cute." He said as he yawned. "Oh jeez, I'm falling aslee-" he fell asleep mid-sentence.

"You're dating Luna?!" She said as she saw an asleep Soviet sitting on the couch, not even lying down. She too yawned and fell asleep.

The next day...

It was the weekend, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, AJ, Rainbow, and Pinkie Pie began a picnic in a green field. And Fluttershy invited Soviet and Tankery.

Rarity with her summer hat sighed as she looked around her, "It's gorgeous out here, just gorgeous." Fluttershy also looked as she smiled. Everyone was enjoying and eating the food until an exhausted Spike stopped running and walked to them.

"Twi... Light. Let me just-" he began panting to catch his breath. He burped out a letter in which Soviet and Tankery jumped back out of fear. Making the group laugh at them.

Twilight read the letter aloud, "Dear Twilight, I am sure you are excited as well as I am for the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. Wedding?" She questioned. They all looked with curiosity as she continued, "I will be presiding over the ceremony. But I would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations of this occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you to prepare the bird choir to provide the music."

"Oh my goodness, what an honor." She smiled.

"Pinkie Pie, I can think no one more qualified than you to host the reception."

Pinkie Pie bounced towards Twilight cheered.

"Applejack, you will be in charge for the catering for the reception."

"Well colored me pleased as punch." Applejack accepted.

"Rainbow Dash, I would very much appreciate as you perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their 'I do's'." Rainbow Dash yawned until Twilight mentioned the sonic rainboom, which shocked everyone at the picnic.

"Yes!" She excitingly said.

"Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids." This left Rarity's mouth opened.

"Princess Celestia wants me to.." she began stammering. "Wedding dress. For a Canterlot wedding?" She began to stutter and fainted. With Fluttershy and Tankery checking to see if she's okay.

"Soviet, you and your associates will be honored guests for saving us. Making you the best stallions of the groom."

"Uhm.. what's that?" Tankery asked.

"Best man, but pony." Soviet explained. Which then Tankery nodded.

"And as for you Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of them all. Making sure everyone goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia." Twilight finished, but she kept searching the paper to see who's wedding it was. "But wait, I don't understand. Who's going to get married?"

Spike realized, "Oh! That's right, I was probably supposed to give you this first." Spike pulled out another note.

Twilight opened it and reads it aloud, "Princess Celestia cordially invited you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and.." she gasped. "My brother?"

"And.. it starts..." Soviet groaned.

Applejack approached Twilight and said, "Your brother's getting married? Congratulations Twilight. That's great news!" She shook her hoof.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, great news... That I got from a wedding invitation not from my brother, but a piece of paper. Thanks a lot, Shining Armor. I mean really? He couldn't tell me personally?" She levitated a sandwich and mimicked it as her brother.

"Hey Twilight, just thought you should know that I'm making a really big decision that changes everything. Oh nevermind! You'll hear about it when you get the invitation.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" She mocked. "Who in the hoof is that?" She huffed.

Fluttershy flew to her and asked, "Uhm Twilight? Are you okay?"

"Sorry, it's just that shining armor and I have always been so close. He's my BBBFF." They all looked in confusion until she explained it, "Big Brother Best Friends Forever." They all "Ohhh'd".

"Before I was sent here to learn about friendship, Shining Armor was the only thing close enough I had as a friend." She explained.

Soviet groaned and Tankery looked in confusion. "What?"

"She's going to sing. Might as well head to the train station now." Soviet explained. Which they then jogged back to town.

"By the way, Soviet?"


"Did you summon something in the library?"

"Yeah, yesterday. How did you know?"

"A dream, apparently."