• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 2,456 Views, 93 Comments

The Wayfaring Strangers - BiasedAmerican

2 Friends are summoned in the world of MLP. And one of them is too excited.

  • ...

The Escape

The entire room was paralyzed by shock and they all started to run out of fear, as the body of the dead guard fell down.

The guards outside of the room heard the gunshot and rushed in. Alex learned of this and immediately spawned a silencer and screwed it on as the Changelings rushed towards them. Tankery spawned a MP5SD and gunned a few down.

Alex finally screwed on the silencer and began firing on the Changelings. As the last of them dropped, they both ran outside into a hallway. They checked both sides of the hall. They both spawned radios and Alex blurted out, "We can't let them notify their higher-ups, make sure no one witnessed our little incursion."

Tankery thought of something, "We could try to gather them all into a kill zone." He suggested. "And plant bombs in the castle!" Alex added.

"You gather the guards to tell them that the spot outside will make them strong or some shit, do whatever! I'll plant the bombs." Alex yelled as he holstered his M16 and ran to plant the explosives.

Tankery sighed and muttered to himself, "And he always gets the fun jobs..."

A few minutes later...

"Okay everyone, just get into a circle. The spell will start soon." Tankery directed the large group of Changelings, Griffons, and Dragons.

Tankery looked at one of the many windows of the Castle, and saw gunfire. He called me in on the radio, "You okay in there?" He asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just still planting the bombs while I hold off against the bug bastards. How are things going on there?" Alex asked as he fired a few more rounds at incoming guards that saw him plant bombs.

"They're all in place. Waiting on you." He replied

Alex had just planted the last bomb, and he ran outside of the Castle, running towards Tankery as the huge crowd were wondering what he was running from.

The crowd started to get riled up to have the spell be put on them. I ran towards the treeline and so did Tankery. The crowd was getting worried on what was happening.

But just as they were starting to leave, multiple firey explosions erupted inside the castle. And just as they were stuck in fear, bullets zoomed by and started gunning down the group. The dragons were immune to the barrage as their scales protected them.

But as the .50 cal was ripping through the horde, it suddenly stopped firing. Alex called out to Tankery, "Shit this thing is out! Give me another mag!" He yelled.

Tankery rushed to give the M2 Browning another box of ammunition. As a bit annoying the posture of sitting down with the M2 Browning firing, it was satisfying to Alex, he was enjoying it so much that he started to laugh maniacally.

As Tankery yelled back, "Ready!" To Alex after loading the .50 Cal ammunition in the M2, he got back into a prone position with an MG-3 while wearing his 1980s Bundeswehr uniform.

Tankery noticed the Dragons flying straight at them, so he spawned a Panzerfaust-3, aiming at the nearest dragon, pressing the trigger.

As the rocket was heading towards him, they heard a faint but evergrowing whistle. The rocket was fast enough that the dragon couldn't even see the Anti-tank missile heading straight towards him. The dragon's body had a huge hole on the side, more than enough to kill it. The other two dragons couldn't take the sight of their dead brother's guts flying down to the ground as the body was still somewhat flying.

Tankery let out a loud cheer, as he returned to gunning down the ground troops.

The Changelings and Griffons we're all screaming in fear while running. But Alex let out a loud chuckle as he clicked a remote detonator, blowing up the remaining troops retreating.

The duo let out a loud "HOORAH!"

"We need to head to Equestria, these aren't the only armies waiting to attack them. This was only the portion, we need to hurry quickly. Let's head straight through the jungle to see what's on the other side. Hopefully a town." Alex states.

Alex made his M2 Browning disappear as did Tankery with his MG-3. They both bolted into the forest as what they left behind was a battlefield charred with dead bodies of what used to be a combined army.

As they went deeper into this dark forest, Tankery broke the awkward silence and asked Alex, "Hey Soviet, this remind you of anything?"

"I swear to God if you say Vietnam." He annoyingly replied.

"Yup!" He jokingly yelled.

"We need to rest, it's already getting dark. We need to find a river tomorrow." Alex ordered.

"Guess we'll stay in the trees? I mean, it does make use safer and giving us the high ground. Well you know, Obi Wan tactics always work." Tankery added.

"As an American, I resent that, but you're right, Obi Wan tactics are unbeatable." Alex jokingly replied.

As 2 hours pass, they were both fast asleep. No one could even see them, due to the fact that they were wearing camoflauge. Of course they were supposed to be taking turns keeping watch but both of them have up and slept.

But as they both had their dreams, they felt that something was watching them. Soviet (Alex), had a feeling that he knew who it was.

"God damnit, I'm back at the castle." Soviet woke up into the same room he escaped just hours earlier. He turned on his radio, "Tankery, do you read?" There was only static... "Tankery! Do you read? I'm back at the castle, there seems to be no damage, or any hostile troops." He exclaimed.

He raised his rifle, searching the castle and looking for an exit. But the full moon was up and the moon's light was shining through the tall windows in the long castle hallway. A figure of what he remembered of Cerberus appeared at the end of the hall. It immediately charged at Soviet, Soviet panicked and crouches on the floor, pulling out a LAW-72, and hastily aimed it at the head of the incoming beast.

He took a large breathe and pulled the red trigger on the top of the weapon. A shock was felt through his body as an explosion had made Cerberus's aggressive charge fall short, his body fell and was dragged by the speed, just stopping in front of Soviet.

Soviet pulled out an M1911 and aimed it directly towards the full moon. He used both hands to aim at the moon, he looked and stared carefully on the sights. He knew who was watching him. Soviet summoned a device that goes on his mouth, but distorts his voice. It made him speak, similar to what the Combine Soldiers sound like.

With the distorter ready, he spoke out. "Come out." He didn't expect the distorter to make him sound exactly like a Combine Soldier but it was a lot better than he expected. A large flash of light was seen soon after, waking Soviet up.

"Holy shit, that was weird..." He jumped up, confused, and noticed that he was still in the Everfree forest.