• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 2,455 Views, 93 Comments

The Wayfaring Strangers - BiasedAmerican

2 Friends are summoned in the world of MLP. And one of them is too excited.

  • ...

Goodbye, I guess

"Ahh..." William stretched as he pulled himself up out of his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he went for his curtains, throwing them open, and letting the morning sun in. He sighed as he looked out over the town he had inhabited for the past year. It was almost enough to make him forget the 2 gun toting imbeciles downstairs. One of whom, was a pegasus. "Damnit." He tapped his fist on the window sill as he heard the 2 yelling down stairs. Soviet and Tankery were their names. They had shown up yesterday morning on his birthday. And ever since had carried themselves with the maturity and discipline of 8 year old children.

"Hold on, hold on." He fixed his multicam BDU pajamas and opened up his bedroom door. Walking straight past his 'guests,' he didn't say a single word until he had downed a half glass of water. " So, how'd you sleep?" He asked them, putting the cup down on the granite kitchen top. " Terrible, someone," Soviet glared over at a groggy Tankery, "Wouldn't stop snoring." William rubbed his eyes. " Breakfast?"

"Yeah I'll have some." Soviet replied. " Me to." Tankery added. " Well? Get over here and help me. I'm not running a damn restaurant here!" They groaned and hobbled over to the kitchen. " Set the table. And help me with the pancakes, you've made them before, right?" He stared at the pegasus half his height, "Right?" Soviet shrugged. " Eh...."

"Nevermind. Just make the table." William grabbed a multicam apron from the cupboard, and set off making a half dozen pancakes. Just the way his parents had thought him. Alongside it, he set 3 hash browns. Regrettably, no bacon though. That was something that he would almost certainty have to remedy. " Had any weird dreams?" He asked as he poured the premixed batter into a bowl. " No. Why do you ask?"

"That kind of stuff usually happens your first night in Equestria. Don't know why, it just does." He gave the bowl a shake, then gently poured a portion of it's contents onto a pan, setting it to simmer on the stove as he did. At the same time, he also began working on the 3 hash browns. As he did, he pulled open his laptop and set some music to play.

" That's odd, usually Joey would've shown up at by this point." William shrugged, " No matter. " Here's the food." Pulled the final pancake out of the pan and divided them between 3 plates alongside the hash browns. " What do you say?" looked at him with blank stares. " Thank you."

" Good." They sat down, and began to hack away at their food. " can't believe I'm stuck baby sitting these 2." He shook his head as he shoved another bite into his mouth. Soviet swallowed another forkful of hashbrowns, the pegasus looked over at William, "So William, we must explain ourselves. Our idiocy and annoyance is what we use to find out who is our enemy and who's not. And if we do find said enemy, we'd be able to act dumb around them that they wouldn't expect us to sabotage them..." The 2 proceeded to go on a rant about why he, 'shouldn't send them back to their home world.' William bit his lip, " You sure that's not just the food talking?" He cleared the rest of his plate and set it off to the side. " You can put your plates in the sink when you're done, I'm not a maid. And please, do it gently."

"Well, you might as well use us while we're here." Soviet reasoned, William rolled his eyes, and snatched his empty plate up off the table. " I'll make use of you by teaching you how to fly. " He set it down in the sink, then spun back around and switched off the music playing on his laptop. " Alright, now, to the outskirts of Ponyville!"

"Why?" Tankery folded his arms as he leaned back against the living rooms southern wall. " You do want your friend to learn how to fly, right? Actually, don't answer." He jogged up the stairs, and came down half a minute later wearing a fully geared out plate carrier, battle belt, and ballistic helmet. " Well? get your boots on!" Tankery stumbled over to the door. William face palmed as the 2 franticly rushed around the room, getting their act together. " Er... Ready." They both stuttered out. "Good, c'mon, Joey's waiting for us." He unlocked the front door and jogged outside. Soviet and Tankery followed followed close behind. William stopped only to lock the door behind him.

"Joey!" William waved to his friend, who was currently flying loops around the park out of boredom. As soon as he noticed the 3, he set himself down and galloped over to them. " You 2, don't get yourselves into any trouble, I'm going to go change species. " Joey followed William into a patch of bushes just out of sight. Immediately afterwards, a flash of blue light shone through the trees. About a minute later, the light faded. And out stepped a tall brown pegasus. Wearing all the same kit that William had been. Soviet and Tankery were speechless as he trotted up to them, " So, what do you think?" Soviet blinked. "Uh-" William held a hoof up. " Let's get started. " Tankery, I'd recommend you find yourself a place to sit. We're gonna be here a while. "

"Ok." Rather than walking over to the nearest bench. A mere 5 yards away. He just sat down right where he was. " Alrighty then, that works just as well. " He bounded up into the air with a single wing flap. " First, you-" Soviet repeated William's wing flap. And shot up just as high as he ad, a good 12 feet off the ground. Unfortunately, that was all he was able to do. He franticly flapped again and again, just to stay in the air. "Joey, can you? He's embarrassing us."

"Since when have you been worried about being embarass-"
"Just, set him down!"
"Alright, alright." Joey grabbed Soviet by the mane and, 'gently', guided him back to the ground. " I don't know what happened! I just thought of being chased by border patrol and jumped!" Tankery gave his friend a thumbs up, "Good job!" He said, with an unhealthy amount of sarcasm.
William facehoofed, and flew down to eye level. " Did you just say border patrol? Ok. We're going to have to talk about that later. Joey, you teach him."

" It ain't my fault I'm Mexican! Alrighty Joey, what's next?" He slipped a modified fighter pilot helmet on over his head. " That doesn't matter. You 2 figure out the whole flying thing, I'm off to go harass some clouds. Because I can. I'll be back in about a half hour." William spun 90 degrees, and flew off northwest, towards the outskirts of Cloudsdale. Leaving Soviet, Joey, and Tankery behind. " Heh, reminds me of Tankery's father."

"#### you!" Tankery shouted back. Joey rolled his eyes, " Shall we?"

Exactly half an hour later...

"Alright guy's I'm back-" William froze in mid air and watched as a blue and turquoise blur shot past him. Well, it was more like stumbled past him, if swerving back and forth through the air at 90 miles an hour could even be considered, 'stumbling.' He shook his head, " Hey! Stop!" Joey flew up behind him, " He's progressing rather well, isn't he?" William rolled his eyes, " Sure. You ever thought of teaching him to fly straight?" He glanced down at the ground, far below, Tankery lay slumped against a tree, watching the trio with a pair of binoculars.

"Hah, you were right William, this is awesome!" He spun back around and hovered alongside William and Joey. " Glad you like it." William's ear twitched, " Told ta you'd warm up to it." He set himself down on the grassy field. " You can stop showing off now." Tankery murmured, " Hey, I'm not the one showing off," He pointed up at Soviet, who was currently attempting a lap around town. " He is."

"I'm hungry. Wanna grab something to eat?"
"Sure." Joey responded. The 2 waited for Soviet, who promptly agreed. Together the 4 walked across town to William's favorite dinner. Well, Equestrian dinner. There were a few back on earth that in his opinion, could never be beat. As they stepped through the door and sat down at William's usual spot, a both on the western side of the restaurant. They were greeted by the usual cheery waitress. A tanish unicorn mare with a red mane. Who, despite having served William and Joey multiple times in the past. Didn't recognize him due to his transformation. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"It's me, William. Remember? I usually come in here covered in blood that's usually not my own?" She looked worried, " Oh, William! Didn't recognize you. Uh, pray tell, when did you... get.." She made a circle in the air with her right hoof, directed at William, " Oh, my wings? Don't worry, it's temporary." She shrugged. "Alright, who are these 2?"

"Hi, I'm Tankery, this is my friend, Soviet." They both waved, " So, what'll it be? The usual?" William and Joey both nodded, "And for you 2?" Soviet blinked, and looked down at the menu which had been laid out for him on the table. " Uh, wait. What's a, 'hayburger?" Soviet looked up from his menu. William sighed in disappointment, " It's a hamburger, but with hay instead of meat. I'm not joking. I only tried it once. And I hated it, tried it again as a pony, still hated it. Get if you want, ruin your already degenerate level of decency, I couldn't care less." He turned back over to the waitress, " I'll have my regular. potato fries, not hay fries. Grilled cheese, and a glass of water. Joey? Soviet? Tankery?"

"Oh, I'll have the same. That, and a flower salad." While Joey was sure of what he wanted, Soviet and Tankery were still on the far side were still debating what they wanted. Mostly, they were going over the menu, and it's many, many unconventional options. " I'm sorry, did you say flower salad? Like, garden flower flower?" William nodded, " Yes. If you didn't already know that. Ponies can eat flowers, and yes, they can also eat grass, don't you dare go munching away on my lawn through." Soviet looked about ready to black out. " This is ###ing crazy, what am I doing with my life?"

"Really? After all the stuff I've told you and all the things you've witnessed in the past day and a half you've been here. Your... expanded 'palate,' is what get's you riled up?" It came back with their food. " Uh, sir, here's your food." William swiveled his head over to the waitress, at the same time, the food, which, up until now had been surrounded in a faint yellow aura, was suddenly engulfed in an emerald green one. Here's the money. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a half dozen bits. " Here, this ought to cover me and Joey, hey, idiot's when are you going to order?"

"Uh, we'll both have what William had." They answered at the same time. Not wanting to over complicate things. " Alright. " William passed 4 more bits over. " That ought to cover it for them." The waitress smiled and walked off. Soviet kept reading the menu over and over out of boredom, Tankery meanwhile, began petting him. " Stop." Soviet tried, and failed to ignore it, " Alright, you know the drill ." A Makarov appeared on the table before him, Tankery scowled at his friend, "#### you." They both laughed.

"Is there some reference here I'm not getting?" William whispered. It was at a time like this he wished he had a fist to clench. " You know, I happen to despise 9x18 ammunition." William growled under his breath, just as the waitress returned with Soviet and Tankery's food. "Here you go." Much to William's disgust they dug into it like wild animals. He wasn't going to complain though, as Joey had often pointed out that he ate his own food in nearly the same fashion. "Oh, it's a Soviet tradition. It's called the red flag, the failed commander who was being replaced must kill himself or his family due to the amount of shame said commander has." William knocked his fist against the table, " I'm part Ukrainian, my family has a rather... hostile relationship with Moscow. Plus, all you said is just another reason for why NATO, and all western countries. Are superior. But that's enough of politics, this is Equestria. And Earth is a whole dimension away!"

"Fair point."

"So, how's the Bradley going along?" William groaned, " It's not a Bradley, it's a Stryker IFV with 4 axles." Soviet raised an eyebrow, " Ok, it's all the same to me."

"We're going over the Flim and Flam's house to pick it up after this. Eat quick." They did not. They took all of 15 minutes finishing their food. And by the time they looked up from their clan plates, William and Joey were halfway across town, about to knock on the twins door. "Oh, oh ####." They both stood up and ran the whole quarter mile.

"William, why did you leave!?" Tankery cried out, " I got tired of waiting, help me!"
"With what? You can levitate things!" William shrugged, fair point, Joey?" The 2 of them lit their horns, and the piece of machinery lifted up off the ground. Oddly enough, though not entirely unexpected, the 2 unicorns which had made it for them had disappeared. Just to play it say, it was decided that they would take the long way back to William's house.

"So, what are you 2 going to do when you get back to your home?" William asked the duo. "Well our dimension of Equestria, I plan on visiting or might as well stay, because no taxes. And if you mean Earth, might as well continue what I was doing before this. I mean, my life is boring." Soviet answered. " Fine by me." William cracked his neck.

"You can stay in Equestria, I'm going home." Tankery folded his arms. " You can do whatever the hell you want, once you get back to your Equestria. That reminds me, Joey, could you go get Twilight to have a portal ready for these 2 by the time I get home?" His friend nodded, and hurried off in the opposite direction, taking flight after just 2 bounds. " You know Tankery, you should stay in your Equestria. Trust me, all you need is a reasonable cover story and no one will ever second guess you disappearing for years at a time. Tankery scratched his head, " It's really that easy?"
"Was for me." Tankery was silent as he pondered his decision, all the way back to the backyard. Soviet meanwhile, kept asking question after question. Mainly, how William was able to afford all the things he had. Namely, his house, and the exorbant amount of food. " Well, that's easy, I receive a check from the royal treasury on a monthly basis. Which I then convert to bits at the local bank. Curtesy of the royal sisters. Saving Equestria over and over again of my own accord may not have earned me much fame or notoriety, but it sure damn gave me financial security."

" And just hove much money are we talking about here?"
"Like I would ever tell you, hell, I haven't even told Joey the amount. I'm by no means 'rich,' but it's more than enough for me live life the way I want to live it. Fun fact, did you know there's no deductible on paycheck's in Equestria? Well, that's not true, it really depends on the area you live in..." William went on to turn the conversation into a lesson on the Equestrian financial system. Until at last, they crossed the unmarked barrier onto his property. Gently, he set the engine down on the pavement. " I suggest we get this thing put together before Twilight arrives."

"Hey, Tankery, aren't you part Scottish?" William raised an eyebrow. The question had taken him by surprise. " I'm not even going to ask for an explanation at this point."

"No, no I'm not." He responded. " So, you'll be able to set this thing up?"

"Yes, at least, I think I can."

"What do you mean by, 'you think?" Joey asked, he had just flown right up over William's house. " Twilight's taking care of something else. She'll be over here in a bit." William rolled his eyes. Usually, when Twilight said that, it meant she'd be gone half the day. But still, he had faith that she would show up in time. He landed on the grass just a few feet from them, and took a step towards the engine. "Mind if I watch you put it all together?"

"Sure." William glanced over at the other 2. " Ready?" They both nodded, and one enormous flash of light later, the massive 19 ton hull of a Stryker infantry fighting vehicle appeared on the back lawn. A few moments later, the engine went in. Completing it. "Oh hell yeah!" Soviet rushed to the drivers seat. I can't wait to try it out!" William held him back. "Hey stop, you may be a pegasus, but age restrictions still apply. And I just happen to be 22!" William gleefully trotted forward. Opened the rear hatch with a wave of his right hoof, and climbed into the driver's seat. " Well, it certainly feels right." He got up, and climbed out of the top, gliding down to the ground.

"William!" He swiveled his head to find himself face to face with Twilight. " Uh, what's this?" She gestured to the IFV before her, " Oh, don't worry about it. I need you to send these 2 back to their home dimension. Them and this thing."

"Well... ok, are you ready?" William looked over at Soviet and Tankery, who where whispering to each other about something. Though William couldn't make it out. Even with the improved hearing that equine ears afforded him. "Well, we suppose we are." William rushed inside, and came out a few moments later with an old M14 battle rifle slung over his shoulder. " This, is yours."

"So I guess this is goodbye?" Tankery asked. " William nodded, " Yes, go. Now."

"Can we ever come back-"


"Alright! Alright! Twilight lit her horn, and the 2 disappeared, leaving only a vague magical outline where their bodies had once been, gone alongside it was the Stryker. " Well, that was interesting." Joey murmured. " I'm going to miss them." They looked at one another and snickered. "Nah." Twilight just stood there, trying to discern what had just happened. " Is that all?" She asked, " Yes Twilight, thanks for the help." She smiled and teleported away. " I gotta learn how to do that." William blinked, and winced at the thought of Joey being able to follow him wherever. " Hey, want me to change you back now?" It had been a long day, and William wasn't yet ready to give it up. " Let's wait 'till tomorrow. " William spread his wings, and flew off into the horizon. Joey rolled his eyes, and flew after him, only to hear the words don't, " Stop following me!"

"Heh, and all is right in the world once again." Joey thought to himself.