• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 2,440 Views, 93 Comments

The Wayfaring Strangers - BiasedAmerican

2 Friends are summoned in the world of MLP. And one of them is too excited.

  • ...

Statue making

Elta was shocked from the gunshot, she was staying still with her eyes open, until Tankery did a slight slap on her face yelling, "Wake up! We gotta move!" He then quickly put a vest on her with an extending pistol from it. He then put on a helmet on her saying, "Okay, just look at the enemy and snap your fingers to fire the gun. What you're looking at, is what the gun is pointing, to, remember that." He explained.

Although Elta took offense to the slap, she couldn't get mad after him giving her a powerful tool. They heard yelling, "You two! Get over here!" Soviet yelled with a loud echo from the enormous structure that is the castle. Tankery ran over to Soviet standing near a door, firing, while Elta flew to Soviet.

"Shit!" Soviet said as he got tackled by a Changeling, "Wait! Wait!" Elta said as she was panicking and she remembered just then. "Oh right! Look and snap!" She said as she snapped her fingers, with a loud gunshot coming from above her back, making her flinch.

The bullet hit the Changeling's head. "Nice shot." Soviet complimented, he then moved the body off him and got up. "Everyone is held up in there." Soviet said as he pointed to the door he was looking through.

Tankery was stressed. He looked around the entire room and his breathing became faster and louder."Okay, we're in the middle of a war and we just went through another dimension full of fucking zombies! I can't take this shit, we can actually die! And we're supposed to be saving what was supposed to be a powerful kingdom, and if you were talking about how the Princesses' were powerful, guess who the fuck took them down!" He broke into tears. Elta was confused on what was happening, these two were the toughest from seeing what they could do, and since she now heard that they went through another dimension. She now saw the real them, they're just like her, they too can break under pressure.

Soviet felt what he was going through, so he tried to hold back his tears and he went to Tankery who was facing down and had his hands on his knees. Soviet walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, he went down to his eye level, pulled up his goggles onto his helmet, revealing his tearing eyes. Tankery looked upwards to him and saw that he was crying also, "Tank! I know that this is a lot I'm asking for, but we can't leave these people to die under tyranny! Look, the amounts of innocent people- ponies that could die if we don't stop Discord! And I know.. it's a lot this past week. But we can protect ourselves with guns! I can't just leave these innocent lives to die!" Soviet cried as he pointed out the window showing Canterlot.

"Well fuck them! Let's leave, we could die here! We cou- we could fight another day, we didn't have time to rest after seeing the fucking zombies!" Tankery cried.

"Look, I was there also. But we need to stay strong and get through this, if you'd want to get home, then help me. If you still think not, then go ahead. But you can't convince me to leave these people behind." Soviet got up and caught is breath. "No one is going to be left behind, and I'll have to die before I'll let someone be forgotten" he added as he grabbed his M16.

Tankery wiped his eyes after putting his goggles up on his helmet. He got up and nodded to Soviet. They both immediately hugged each other. "It's good to see you back." Soviet said.

"It's good to be back." Tankery responded.

They both stopped hugging and looked at Elta who was watching them, she her eyes open and she was smiling, she had the face where she would say "Awwww." The two became annoyed, and Soviet said, "Shut up, get over here. I have a plan."

Soviet took a breath and spoke, "Alright. Me and Tankery will be breaching and clearing the room. After freeing the Princesses', we'll turn Discord back to stone, while also killing any hostile changeling. Elta, you'll be covering the exit and making sure that people escape the castle safely. Got it?"

Elta and Tankery nodded, and Elta stood by the main doors to wait for any people they would free. The duo then ran towards the door where they were keeping the hostages, and they got to breaching positions outside the door. Tankery held out three fingers and counted down. Three... Two.... One... They barged through the door and they fell down a steep wall. They fell on their backs and landed on a what was supposed to be a staircase, but it was smoothed out into a slide as they slid down. They were both confused but they got their balance and got their feet facing down as they slid and both aimed their weapons up, scanning everywhere.

They both didn't speak, but nonetheless they saw the floor, they did they best to slow down by putting more friction when they were sliding but it was enough to safely land on their feet. They both looked forwards and discovered they were in the actual room they were supposed to enter, "Welcome, took you two long enough." Discord said in a loud voice.

Soviet took the chance to look around to find out where they are, it turns out, it's the actual room. The hostages were tied up, with Discord sitting on throne with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence. The two noticed that they were becoming surrounded by Changelings in their true form, and they both raised their weapons as they did the same.

"What the hell do you want from us!" Soviet yelled.

"Oh nothing.. just entertainment by seeing people in despair, oh, and also the friendship pact I signed with Chrysalis which Twilight wouldn't say that it's 'actual friendship'. I mean, there was a handshake and everything." Discord said sarcastically.

Tankery chuckled a bit, making him lower his weapon, and giving the Changelings have the chance to strike at them, which they did. The Changelings charged at the two but Soviet was already gunning then down when they thought of charging.

Soviet then charged to Discord and jumped over a stool, several steps, and then jumped over the last few steps, he raised his M16 and aimed it at Discord while in the air. The Princesses' were in awe at the effort they're taking to save them.

Discord teleported behind Soviet, and just as he was about to hit Soviet with his tail. Tankery jumped out on the side and hit Discord in the back of his head with his weapon's stock.

"Ow!" Discord yelled with his very sarcastic voice.

Soviet jumped from the throne to Discord, readied his weapon to break Discord's nose, Discord snapped his fingers. Teleporting Soviet in front of Tankery, causing the two to crash. The both groaned as they got up, and they both looked up as Discord spawned a giant cupcake to drop on the two. "Oh shit fucking run!" Tankery yelled as the two got up and sprinted away from the cupcake. The cupcake dropped onto Tankery, "Lucky bastard, but in more luckier because Luna was on me instead." Soviet jokingly thought to himself. And Soviet heard a muffled groan, "God fucking damnit."

While this was happening, Soviet came up with an idea. Soviet ran to the throne while dodging cupcakes being thrown at him, he spawned a grenade. He pulled the pin and threw it underhand to Discord. Discord caught them and taunted Soviet by inspecting the grenade longer than it should have exploded by now. "Interesting ball, let's play catch!" Discord sarcastically spoke.

While Discord was taunting Soviet, Soviet took the opportunity to free Celestia and Twilight. "Go free the rest and Tankery, I'll distract Discord." Soviet whispered to the two. They nodded and the two Princesses ran to the other hostages and started to untie them. Soviet raised his M16 and fired 4 rounds at Discord while running. Discord changed the bullets into birds that flew away. "Oh your cute bullets, I'll never understand why you humans are so stubborn." Discord stated.

"Yeah, it's just being human." Soviet answered.

While they were having a conversation, Tankery dug out of the cupcake and with only his torso sticking out, he'd use it as cover. He pulled out an MG-3 and started firing at Discord, as usual, Discord tried magic to stop the bullets but there were too much to handle so he dodged a bunch of them. Soviet took this chance to fire what's left in his magazine. He ran behind Discord as he was too busy to notice that half of all of the hostages were gone, and that the other human was behind him.

"Keep moving until you see the friendly Griffon!" Tankery yelled as the hostages ran out of the door behind him.

Soviet raised his weapon and aimed. He pulled the trigger and unleashed 26 rounds of NATO 5.56mm. Discord didn't have time to react, his torso, arms, and wings were now slightly damaged by Discord's attempt to stop the bullets from Soviet's spray.

Discord was pre-occupied and Soviet noticed this, he looked over to Twilight who had just freed the remaining elements of Harmony, he yelled, "Twilight! It would be a good time to turn this guy to stone!" He yelled as he reloaded his weapon and dodged Discord's cupcakes.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence charged their hornes. At their surprise, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow-Dash, and Pinkie Pie stood beside Twilight and said.

"You didn't think y'all would be having all the fun?" Applejack states.

"Darling, even I need a bit of excitement in my life." Rarity said as she charged her horn.

"Yeah me too!......... Wait what's happening?" Pinkie asked.

Now, the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses' were emitting colors and a beam came from them. The beams combined into one and was fired at Discord. Discord let out a scream as he tried to use his arm to block the beam, but a bright light engulfed the room in white.

As the light faded away, everything was the same, except the distinct statue of a stand Discord. Soviet let out a huge sigh as he let out a "Yes." While sitting on the ground with his back resting on the wall. He looked around the room to see a confused and shocked population that had been freed during the fight.

Tankery climbed out of the cupcake and fell down on the floor. He got up and was surprised to be faced with dozens of stares. Soviet walked up to Celestia. "Celestia, Luna, Twilight. It's good to have you guys back." Soviet said as holstered his weapon while walking towards them.

Cadence whispered to Twilight, "Uhmm... Who is this and what are they?"

Soviet overheard and answered, "I'm Soviet, and I'm a human. I, for some reason, can summon any weaponry and or items. It's good to see that you're okay, Princess Cadence. And my friend over there, is Tankery." Soviet pointed to the cupcake with a bipedal creature standing next to it, picking a big piece and inspecting it by taking a bite.

"Well Soviet, I think I speak for everyone here, I thank you for saving us. Equestria is now in your debt. And wait, how did you know my name?" Cadence asked.

"Don't worry about it." Soviet responded immediately. "Anyways, you'd want to alert your military about the incident and that Ponyville is fully populated by Changelings." Soviet suggested.

"Will do." Celestia interrupted. Followed by congratulations and thanks.

Luna walked by Soviet and chuckled, "Not the first time you've impressed me." She could see Soviet's blush through his goggles and balaclava as he became still as a statue, Luna then walked around the castle to find guards to escort her to her room and to secure the castle. And he looked over to Celestia. She had a very shocked look with her eyes and jaw wide open while being perfectly still. Twilight was trying to break Celestia's suddenly halt of movement by waving her hoof in front of her.

Celestia broke out of that trance and immediately gave Soviet the stink eye while walking away to follow Luna to question her. Soviet leaned forwards while looking at the left, seeing them as they walk out. Twilight was confused until Soviet tilted his head a little and she noticed what he was doing now.

"Hey!" Twilight barked. Soviet was surprised and immediately stood straight up and looked forwards. He looked at her. "Yes?"

"Thanks for saving us, I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for you two." Twilight thanked.

"Oh, thanks, it was nothing." Soviet chuckled.

"I know what you did with Luna." Twilight smirked.

"Oh.. that, uhm... Yeah I don't know what to say, it was my first time I might add." Soviet responded.

"Well, show us your face, only Luna has seen it." Twilight asked. Soviet chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his helmet, acting as if it were his head he was scratching.

Soviet looked right to left and looked back down to Twilight, "Yeah yeah, just don't tell anyone."

Twilight laughed a bit and said "Sure, but no promises."

"Alright, let's gather the others and we'll get back to Ponyville to clear up things." Soviet said.

"True, let's get going, shall we?" She asked. The two walked up behind Tankery, who was still 'inspecting' the cupcake. Soviet grabbed the back of his vest and pulled him to gather the rest of the elements, including Starlight and Elta to catch the train to ponyville.

As the group arrived at the gates of the Castle, they opened the doors to what Soviet and Tankery had forgotten, with everyone else's eyes and mouths wide open to this surprise. It was the M3A3 Bradley Soviet had requested from Flim & Flam.

"Why hello you two! We'll be heading back to our house, enjoy your present and we hope it comes it handy!" Flim yelled from down the giant staircase.

"It'll have room for you all, and it was complex to make, but nonetheless, here it is!" Flam stated.

"Thanks you two, stay safe!" Soviet yelled as the duo walked away. As the group arrived at the metal behemoth, they were surrounding it and walking around it in awe, with Twilight studying it the most. Soviet stood behind the Bradley and said, "Alright, everyone in." As he pounded his hand onto a button next to the door. The door opened automatically, causing ponies and griffon to jump in fear. "Alright, let's get going." Soviet said as he lowered his posture to walk inside the Bradley.

"I call dibs on the turret!" Tankery said as he followed Soviet.

As the group got it, they were surprised how it was able to fit all of them, but there was a question that was bugging them all. "What is this thing?" They all asked Soviet and Tankery.

"It's an Infantry Fighting Vehicle from the United States. It's main role is to support infantry and is fully capable of fighting tanks with it's anti-tank guided missiles. And is more than capable to ripping infantry and light vehicles to shreds with it's 25mm auto-cannon!" Tankery yelled as the entire vehicle was filled with loud noises from the engine. Tankery got on the comms as he and Soviet put on headsets to hear each other, and with Soviet's special request, more headsets were provided to the passengers in the back, which they put on. "Alright, let's get her moving." Tankery said, surprising the ponies as they heard his voice clearly on these small big pads that go on their heads.