• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,764 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

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Chapter 15: For My Future

Forbidden Fruit

By NocturneD

It has been only a week since I left the doctors office with the news of my sudden pregnancy. I...Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the avatar of love... A mother... Hey it was going to happen someday. Tee heh... Sorry I'm all giddy about this. I'm going to have a miniature version of myself to take care of. Though the only bad thing about this sadly... Is that I did not tell the father yet. Or at least the potential father.

Unfortunately. Big Macintosh was out out of town for the past few days before I could say anything. Idly waiting for his return. Apple Jack said something about him returning in a few days after visiting some relatives in Appleloosa. At this point I rehearsed over and over again how I was going to tell him. I practiced in front of a mirror for a few moments.

"Macintosh... I don't know how to tell you this but... that night we shared we agreed to never talk about ever again... Well..." I formed a weak smile, "Because of that I'm..." I frowned, "No... that won't work."

I gave it another take. I whipped up some tears, "Macintosh... That night we shared in the barn. Because of that, I think I might be pregnant." No... I already know I'm pregnant why would I say I think?

Again I tried, this time with a serious face. "Macintosh. I'm carrying your baby. I would appreciate it if you were to help raise it..." No. Sounds too business like. All that was missing was my hair up in a bun, some glasses and a pant suit and it would be perfect.

Another try, this time to work it up. "BIG MAC YOUZ MAH BABEH'S DADDEH!" Okay maybe I worked it up too much. I have been watching too much Maury Povich after the first few weeks of my divorce and it was just common to hear that on the show.

Though the thought of the the potential father not actually being the father is what scares me. There is Shining Armor who could possibly be the father but we parted ways as expected after the divorce. Only way of us ever talking is in just short conversations, he is busy with his own life now. I am with mine. But I wonder... If he heard about this would he come back? Oh... I apologize. Yes I'm done with him but the idea could be a possibility. Then again, what would happen if I was still with Shining Armor and the baby belong to Big Mac? Or the other way around? Oh curse my stupid life.

I looked in the mirror one last time. "Big Macintosh... We need to talk. About that night. You were a true gentle colt and made me feel happy. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in anyway. I'm sorry I messed up your life. But... I know you are trying to rebuild your reputation... But I want to be there to show that we can overcome their judgment because... Big Mac... I'm pregnant." I sighed. That was as close as I felt okay with. Still it was going to take a lot of courage to tell him.

The rest of the day I was attending to my library duties trying to keep myself busy. At times I would catch myself reading a book or two to help pass the time. Some of them were pretty good, others were awful. Romance novels. Fairy tales. Science Fiction. Murder mystery. I read one or two of each category and yet still I feel bored. I really had to hand it to Twilight. She really had pride in this place to stay for as long as she did. Just another boring day. I let Spike go play with his Ponybox and shoot zombies. I would watch from time to time to make sure Spike was not getting the wrong idea for him just to imitate this later. But Twilight already pounded that into his brain of what is real and what's not.

Days passed. I was still sick sometimes in the morning and it was starting to be a routine. Sometimes its worse, sometimes its light enough that I don't have to stay in bed for awhile. Still I tried to think of what I wanted to say to Macintosh. The more I waited, the more confident I got. In my mind that is. So Spike and I bonded and did some of our own little adventures with Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. And boy it was fun getting out of the library to enjoy the neighboring towns. I bought a few things for the library, mish mosh nothing too worth wild. I helped around town doing small errands and noticed a change around Ponyville. I was not being hissed at nor the ponies hanging their noses up high to ignore me in disgust. Things were starting look alright. And soon, little fillies and colts started coming to the library to sit down and relax or just curl up with a good book after school. I welcomed it. Soon my donuts were not being wasted by throwing them in the fridge and expecting them to be good the next day. Finally, the library was picking up some business, even if it was from the children. They understood how the library works, borrow a few books and bring them back in a couple weeks. Computers are for educational purposes only.

Another few days passed... Parents started to notice their kids spending a lot of their free time down at the library. All they see of course is the sight of their children willing to put down a video game for once and enjoy reading. I enjoyed what became of the library now a days, felt like a day care sometimes where I would interact with them. I would let them ask me about what its like being a princess, tell them stories. It was fun. The grown ups started to come in one at a time every day. Sitting down and reading a book. The coffee went fast, though some complained that it was bad tasting.

Another couple of days later. The library finally became what it should have. Ponies checked out books. Ponies reading to themselves. Checking resources on the computer. Children gathered onto the carpet and loved when I read to them. The mayor even came in herself to see the transformation. She was taken back by the amount of ponies coming in and out. Spike thank goodness knew how to hustle. I found myself multitasking even though don't expect me to fix the printer. I have no flipping idea how to operate that.

"It just needs more color ink." Spike said. "It can still print in black and white."

I stared at it blankly, "Oh..." I raised my head, "If any pony needs to print something. Is it okay that the ink is just black?"

"It's fine." Some said.

"Don't mind." Another few replied.

"Alright let's try this out." I said to myself. I pressed the reset button. It started making noises, grinding sounds. "Oh that does not sound good."

"It's working. Printers just have try again." Spike insisted. Then the printer started to release smoke. "Or maybe it's broken."

I sighed. "Great." I got every pony's attention, "I'm sorry every pony but the printer is broken. If you got something to print then it is going to have to wait until further notice." I only heard a few moans and I apologized again.

I finally announced closing time. I saw the disappointment on the children's faces as they knew it was Saturday. I would not be open Sunday or Monday. Some ponies got up and left, while others still waited in line as I checked them out. The books... Perv. Not bad for today. The mayor was monitoring my progress for the day. Walked up to me once the last pony walked out the door with a satisfactory smile. Phew...

"Well princess Mi Amore you really did wonders for the town library." The mayor smiled.

I sighed then smiled, "It was interesting really. Started off pretty slow but once Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and their class mates started coming in here then it picked up a little for a little hang out after school."

"Well what better place for children to hang out than some dark alleyway." The mayor rolled her eyes then laughed. "I do say, keep this up princess. You're already popular with the little ones."

"Oh reading time is so fun with them listening to every word." I smiled.

"Well." She giggled, "It's not everyday that a princess can read you a story." She lowered her glasses and smirked, "And today's story was quite fitting. The children just love you. You help others when they ask for help and you do it with grace. Your aunt must be proud to help raise a fine mare."

I giggled, "Oh please mayor you're flattering me."

"My apologies." She chuckled. "But I have heard lately you have been feeling unwell during the morning hours."

"Oh. Yes. Think I caught a bug or something." I smirked.

"Oh is that it?" She nodded. "Alright. Well I hope you get better soon as I should be leaving."

I bid a good night. The clock showed that it was five forty three. Gee. Better get dinner started. The rest of the day was pretty much the same as before. Spike and I talked. Made plans for the weekend. Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie came in saying they were going to throw a little last minute welcome home party for Big Macintosh for tomorrow. My face burned once I heard his name and I accepted their invitation. Finally I could have two days off.

And so here I am... It's seven twenty eight at night. Attending a party for Big Mac. I came early to help set up. I hung the banner, placed the tables and had enough streamers. I brought a quick little gift for him, wished I had more time to consider a better present. But this will have to do. Let alone I wonder if today I should tell him. No. No. I will tell him. I'll corner him and separate him from the group just to give him the news.

Just then. Pinkie Pie announced that Big Mac was coming. Apple Jack was leading him back to the barn with a fake excuse. There were a lot of friends of the Apple family here, despite the absence of Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. I hid behind a stack of hay and had Spike between my legs. Not remotely what I mean.

Suddenly the barn door opened. We tensed up.

"Alright sis what's this big repair you need done in the ba..." Big Mac asked his sister completely paying attention to her and not the barn.

"SURPRISE!" We all got out of our spots and shouted with glee.

Big Mac dropped the piece of hay he had in his mouth. He took one look at us. And rubbed the back of head and smiled, "Well shucks. Did not think you all miss me that much."

"Oh we did." Apple Jack hugged him. "But you know Pinkie. She wants to throw a party for anything."

"I don't throw parties for everything." Pinkie gasped.

"You threw a party once for the city putting up a new stop sign down in pony avenue!" One of the guests shouted.

"Come on! New stop sign! It's shiny." Pinkie defended herself, "Besides it was not a big one."

"Five cakes not enough for the occasion then?" Apple Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come on it's a party!" Pinkie shouted with glee and farted out streamers. I wish I was making that up. It was awkward for the first minute but every pony eventually came around. Since Big Mac was the pony of the hour, I distant myself away from him just for him to enjoy himself.

Desserts of all kind. Little sandwiches cut up and placed on a platter, I made these myself and they went like hot cakes. Apple juice and drink were provided. Apple cider. I froze. I frowned at the cursed beverage that started it all. I hated the stuff. Because of it, my life ended. No longer did I have the comfort of believing Shining Armor was proud to be my husband. I really hated myself what I had to do to get to this point. I was supposed to be the princess of love. But in a way, I was no better than Chrysalis. Love was supposed to be a special thing. But... I had to throw it away because of one mistake... Did I miss Shining Armor? Well... Yes, he was so nice to me and was one of the first ponies to invite me into his group of friends. But... Sadly I had to have my way. I was in love with him since my teenage years. I wanted him and used an affection spell which came off too strong. Until it wore off, he was making good money, had high honors and had respect. But... It was too obvious to him. He wanted to leave but the years passed him by and lost the respect of his friends for his abandonment of his former fiance Rain. I'm sorry... He would come to my rescue and defend me from insults to physical harm. He was perfect. I had a lot of hurt towards me and he was there to pick me up. No matter how busy he was. But I threw it all away... Now I'm pregnant with some other pony's baby... Too afraid to be judged. Sure I got some stuff looking up for me finally but what if this breaks out?

"You alright sugar cube?" That voice belonged to Appel Jack. She had her hoof on my shoulder.

I looked at her, surprised, "Oh... Yeah. Just..."

Apple Jack shook her head but smiled, "Hey... if anything is bothering ya I'm willing to be a listenin ear."

"I'm... I'm fine Apple Jack thank you." I looked at her.

She grabbed a napkin and wiped my eyes, "Well you might be but your tears say a different story."

"Oh my... did any pony see?" I whispered trying to cover my face.

"I have no idea sugar cube. But if you want to step outside to clear your head I'm willing to tag along." She smiled. Something about Apple Jack that makes her a saint. I managed a smile, "Thank you Apple Jack but I think I'll be okay by myself... I... have something to tell Big Mac though if you can send him out... I mean..." I rubbed the back of my head, "If its not any trouble..."

She raised an eyebrow. "Something with mah big brother huh?" She started to chuckle, "You want seconds huh?"

I gasped. "No... No... I mean... uh..."

With a warm smile, "It's alright. It's just fun seeing you blush like that when you mention my brother." She took off her signature hat to dust it off, "I'll send him out when he's free."

I nodded and thanked her. I told Spike as he played with the cutie mark crusaders I was going to go out and get some fresh air. A good thirty minutes passed as Spike or Fluttershy would check up on me. Offered to get me food or wanted anything. Both such dears. But more and more, the thought ate away at me. I wanted to tell him but another half of me just wants to run away and cry. My temptation was leaning on the latter. I had no idea how he would react or would he deny himself of ever being with me? Say I'm a liar? No that's stupid. There are pictures to prove that. The more I waited, the more I let pass me by. I saw some of the guests leave happily. Their children bouncing happily, guess they had some of Pinkie's double fudge cake. Heh. Just seeing kids like that just makes me smile. I miss those days when I used to babysit.

Not too soon... I heard a voice.

"My sis said you wanted to see me princess?"

His voice. My eyes bulged. My voice got panicky.

I turned around to look at him. Big Mac just stared at me. Looking at me with his big eyes. Chewing on that hay strip as usual.

"Oh yes... Macintosh. Please." I told him. I patted down a seat for him.

Quickly he sat himself down. "Is everything alright princess?"

I shook my head, "Please don't call me princess... I feel far from that."

He just scratched his head, "Alright then. So what's up?"

I sighed. Took a deep breath and try not to let my twisting stomach try to screw me out of telling him the news. "Macintosh Apple. I just wanted to say... it was an honor meeting you weeks ago. You really care for your family and always helpful."

"Well shucks." He grinned.

"I just want to... well. I just want to tell you that the night we shared in the barn." I tried to say.

He quickly jumped in, "I'm still sorry..."

"No Big Mac it was not your fault... It was...mine." I tried to tell him.

"Princess, really I am. I really screwed your chances over." He muttered.

"Macintosh it's my fault. I had a life but threw it all away because I could not hold my liquor! I flirted with you, basically trapped you because you were a gentle colt. I was upset for quite some time about my husband. You were everything he used to be. Nice. Kind. Considerate. Generous. My life is screwed up ever since I cheated on him!" I raised my voice. "I really loved him but I was not proud of what I did. Sometimes I wished I could go back in time just to tell myself not to go to that party! I made it bad for you! I made it bad for me!"

Big Mac just chewed on his straw piece.

"I knew you were getting hissed at by the ponies here. I was also being treated like a pariah back in Canterlot. I can't even imagine what the ponies in the Crystal Kingdom think!" I shouted.

"Princess...?" He chewed still, "What's this really about? Do you want to go back to Shining Armor? Do you want to redeem yourself? Or you just unhappy as a whole?"

I breathed through my teeth. I know I said I was over Shining Armor but it still left a piece in me. But I had to say it. "I'm pregnant..."

The straw piece came out of his mouth and hit the dirty ground.

I frowned, "Yes I'm pregnant. You heard right."

The shock on his face. I could relate. It was a full minute until he asked. "Is... it?"

Now comes the hard part. Lie, say it is and hope it is. Or the truth. "I...don't know..."

He raised an eyebrow. "No idea?"

"No. I just don't know. It could be you. Or it could Shining Armor's." I don't know what got over me. "I... just...don't know..." I started to cry. "I want my old life back! I hate myself! Back then every pony admired me no matter what. Now I'm working in some library. All because I got drunk and had relations with you!"

He let me cry for a full minute. Just staring at me blankly, he pulled out a hankerchief and cleaned my face. He backed away. I had my little rant fest. Now... I was going to let him have his.

"Cadence?" He frowned.

... I just kept heaving.

"Where to start?" He pondered.

He let out a deep sigh.

"Let me tell you something about how life works." He narrowed his eyes, "Sure you were the most beautiful thing on that day. Twilight talked highly about you and I'm sure you were everything that you were. You were a great foal sitter. You were even a great princess I heard... You grew into something all the mares in Equestria wished they could be and have. You had beauty. Wealth. But that did not make you. It was love and care. I heard stories that you visit sick kids in the hospital. Twilight and the girls said that nothing bothered you. The ponies loved you. They loved you. You really cared for every pony. You cared what ponies had to say." He frowned, "But somewhere along the line you changed. You stopped being you. You let ponies stick their hoof in your face and tell you you're no good; and when things got hard you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know."

He kicked some dirt away from his proximity. "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or no pony is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." He explained, then raised his own voice at me again. I started to get scared. "That's how winning is done!"

"Now if you know what you're worth than go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing your hoof sayin' you ain't what you wanna be because of him or her or any pony!" He threw his arms up in the air to prove a point. He shouted, "Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!"

Shaking his head, "Until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life."

I only cried harder. He was right. I was too busy wallowing in the past to realize that things are trying to get better in the present. I always had help that was willing to make my life better. I did not factor in Spike at all, the would-be son if I continued living like this.

He took a big sigh, "I'm sorry Cadence... but I just had to say something."

I mumbled some stuff here and there. Said I was sorry for being so inconsiderate and not thinking straight. I was only thinking of my own past and could not get over it. Just then. He took a few steps forward and pulled me into a hug.

"I always thought you were great. Ever since I met you that night." He looked into my eyes. "The stories I heard about you were my inspiration to start taking up art again. So you had a bad night. Got divorced and making a new life for yourself..." He frowned, "And you needed help. So what?"

"I'm sorry.. this escalated into something that should not have." I apologized. Still I was a mess. He wiped my face again.

He smiled, I smiled. Cheesy I know. But Big Mac lived up to his name in other ways. Not just size but with his heart. His nobility. My heart beat faster and faster. I... I...

"If the baby is mine then yeah I'll hold up my responsibility." He answered quickly

With the moon above us... I... Really...

Our faces met closer and closer... I... I...

"I... like you really I do..." Big Mac admitted.

"But... what if it's not yours?" I asked, worry was still in my thoughts.

Big Mac formed sad eyes. "Well... We'll cross that road when we get to it. But if its not mine, then... I'd still like to help until you get yourself back together." He lowered his head, "I don't want to keep you from living the life you want."

Call it cheesy but...I put my hoofs on his cheeks to adjust his head to my face. Our lips met. Under aunt Luna's full moon. It was bliss. Like time stood still and fireworks shot off in the distance. Like the world was made for just us.

"Say..." I rubbed his chest, "That was a nice little thing you said back there. You come up with it?"

"Nope..." He smirked, "I heard Rocky Balboa say it."

Sounded like a great movie.

But I pulled him back in for another kiss. We both giggled. I just loved him, he was like a big teddy bear that you could hug. "Come on..." I lowered my voice, "Give Cadence some lovin."

Cheesy Scale is running up to 100 when it only was supposed to go 10... Heh. In retrospect this chapter did seem kinda fast paced.