• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,769 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

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Chapter 18: You Do?

Forbidden Fruit

By NocturneD

And once again... I was put under fire by both sides after what I pulled. I had the results in my possession. Even held it up, prepared to open. But what I wanted, I wanted one of them to stand up and tell me to stop. Hug me and say it does not matter if Almata was not their son, they wanted to be with me. Provide for me. Love me. Do anything for me. Alas, I had every pony on edge... Waiting... Neither stallion stood up. Shining Armor just sat there patiently but I could sense the fear in him as his pupils shook. Big Macintosh... Just hung his head and pushed his chair out slightly, ready to leave in defeat. Almost like he figured his chances were not good, thinking I was persuaded to go back to my former glamorous life. Thinking I would just take another shot of living as an uptown girl in a white bread world.

I was saddened by this. Big Mac heartbroken, almost like he knew I would jump at the chance to regain my former glory and just drop whatever I learned. I rebuilt my life among the regular ponies, no they are not regular. I take that back, they are my friends. I earned their trust back, no more hissing. Just a happy hello and a hug.

Thinking back to what I learned in Ponyville. That the ponies there work together. Like a group. No more like a huge group of friends. Maybe family. Almost like we make one big body. I'm just another brick in the wall. And they don't care. If I'm sad, I would be treated like a regular pony. If I get invited to a party, I try to make it and not stay locked up. I get asked for help, I go and try my best. I just loved. I was welcomed when walk into a small business like the Sugar Cube Corner. And you know what? It felt great. I only had the Apple family along with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's support. Soon those numbers started to increase and go up. I dined in on regular food and went to regular events. Hey I learned how to cook properly thanks to Spike and Pinkie. Back then Shining would always try to say he's not hungry or try to sneak food because it was that bad back then. After remembering what I have learned and been through...

This is where I have to decide. I got between Shining Armor, if I go with him I can go back to living in Canterlot and resume our lives together like nothing happened. Well, more like a marriage that looks like it got put back together with duct tape. I will live with him again, he will have more free time because he wants to jump start his career on teaching. We will have a child to take care of together plus the new baby but only if its his. That's what's breaking this perfect opportunity. I like Sprite I really do, but if Almata is not his? Then we would have a child together, then another one that is not born from me. How is that fair? He helped flush out huge changeling forces from Equestria with the militia he helped form and still going til this very day. Just so now my new home would now suffer a supposed cave in where the town could sink into the ground and all of us snatched away. If I had to give Shining any credibility... It's that his passion to protect his homeland is strong but he thought of me during those lonely nights. I don't know what went on between him and Rarity is that I sort of feel bad now.

Then there is Big Macintosh. The reason why I'm even in Ponyville... No, it was not his fault. It was mine... I was so unhappy, I could not hold my liquor. Let alone control myself. He was so shy and wanted to keep to himself when I met him, I never would have known that there was an artist's dream dwelling in his passion. He really is a saint in helping any pony that needs help. He really hates the weak being on the wrong end of the stick. Though he's a gentle giant, sometimes he can act like a no pony sometimes. Just quietly sit in the back and not say anything, sure he's a pony of a few words. But there is so much more to him that I learned. He helps his family with their farm, willing to lend a hoof, volunteers on most occasions, gentle... passionate when he sets his mind to anything. Willing to give things up for the greater cause. Wise... Though he's quiet, he always in good spirits. But what he did for me, I will never forget. Told me to stop beating myself up and think of myself as starting a new beginning. He even said he'll help me while I come to a decision what I want to do...


Then there is the third option. I just go back home to the Crystal Kingdom with Almata. Leaving my friends behind and resume royalty. Assume my position as one of the new rulers of the kingdom... Will always be busy deciding on royal matters... Endless speeches... Parties almost every week... Almata... growing up alone in his room... Mommy too busy to spend any time with him... Sure he'll have grandma with him, but to have her be the mother role in his life and not me?


Why is this so hard?


No... I'm making a fourth option for myself... I want to be there for Almata. I know if I pick one side, the other will just rile up and hate me again. I really enjoyed their hospitality. Please... Every pony thank you for all what you done. I really learned a lot and liked Ponyville for its hospitality. I might have reigned in Canterlot since I was a little filly but I came to love this town like it was my home all along.

And so.. I lit the envelope on fire. They all gasped, watched as the envelope fell into the trash can I had near me and let it continue burning. I put no effort into saving it. My aunt Celestia stared at me with confused and shocked eyes, wondering if I went insane. I admit, maybe it I was rash about the results. I was yelled at by some of the members of both sides, saying I went crazy. But I did not care.

I just said. "I was proposed to by both Armor and Mac. I will come to a decision when I'm up to it. Good day every pony." I went back to my room. I hated seeing the disappointed faces, them counting on the baby being part of their family. No surprise, my aunt came in to talk about my rash decision saying it was disrespectful and just get it over or else my conscience was going to eat at me.

"No aunt Celestia. This time, I know what I want." I said to her.

Her face, not very in the best of moods, "Young lady. This is far beyond I would expect from you."

I just crossed my arms and sat on my bed. Only had one more day in this hellhole anyway. "Yeah well. Tell both families I'm not ready for a decision."

"Is that what this is about?" She asked. Her hoof tapping the floor again and again.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I summoned my suitcase and started packing so I could get a good head start tomorrow. "All I'm worried about is my baby boy."

"Cadence..." Celestia stopped. "Why try to deny something precious and joyous to either family?"

I froze after I put my last shirt in the briefcase. Was a good question, but I answered, "I'm in a no-win situation..."

"A no win situation?" She repeated, "You got two proposals. You can go bac..."

"That's enough Tia..." I heard my grandma finally come into my rescue.

"Oh... mother." Aunt Celestia turned around, "I thought you got your visitation out of the way already?"

"I'm going to take every chance I can to see my little Mi Amore." Grandma stepped further in. She walked up to my bed and started helping me with my briefcase.

"Mother..." Celestia grunted. "We were in the middle of discussing Cadence's choice."

"Tia" Grandma locked her eyes dead onto aunt Celestia. "Mi Amore is an adult now. She can make her own decisions."

"It's not that she can't make her own decisions mother." Celestia scoffed, "She is missing an opportunity."

"To what exactly?" Grandma asked sternly. "What could she possibly be missing?"

Celestia turned her head. Her lip trembling and looked embarrassed. "I don't want her making the same mistake I did back then."

"What mistake?" I asked.

Celestia sighed, "I was married myself eons ago when Equestria was still young... But when duty called for my decisions and actions, I did not have time for my husband even if we were off and on again..."

I just sat there and listened. "Even when my own son was born I could not be happy. What was something I thought could save my marriage just ended up me sitting back on my thrown." Her saddened expression furthered, "Sleipnir took Gigawatt and raised him. I missed a lot in my own son's life and I somehow get this weird feeling that he hates me."

"Honey..." My grandma approached Celestia. "I've been watching Gigawatt his whole life, like every other child that graced the kingdom's halls. He grew into a nice young stallion... He does not hate you, neither does Sleipnir or... professor whatever he goes by these days." She smiled, "And I have good news Celestia."

Aunt Celestia dried her tears, "And what's that?"

"He's getting married to a very special mare next year." Grandma said proudly. "One of my students. You remember Aquamarie right?"

With all of these proposals lately. Twilight getting married to Ghendi, my cousin Watt was getting married to Aquamarie. Then there's me, I used to be happy where I was on my status but now it was getting lonely. I just swallowed my pride and sat there. Aunt Celestia and grandma Io finally started to connect after years of fallout between themselves. Io always had that thing where she could turn an argument into what would seem like a friendly chat and both sides would come out happy. Celestia turned to me and apologized for putting the thought of a rushed decision in my head, it was my choice all along and always will be. Celestia just wanted me to be happy and not turn out like her where she failed. Failed to divide herself between her duties and family... Which... sort of reminds me of myself and Shining Armor back then... But my decision huh? Why do all these things happening always spiking me to choose one side over the other. Grandma said I should sleep on it, Celestia finally calmed down and said she will honor my decision. Guess she was still a bit sore about the paper burning huh? No matter, I'll live with it. Celestia asked if it was alright for Twilight to resume her old position in the library. For what I just pulled, I hardly find this request going to go well even if I say yes.

But... Maybe Twilight learned a few things? Celestia proposed that Twilight wanted to perfect herself and would be honored if she had my help. Great... Just great... Oh no don't get me wrong. I love Twilight still like a little sister, it's just been a little hazy with her over the past year that I wonder if she is still a bit mad.


Whatever. At least I will get some help in the library since I'm going to be going back and forth between managing a library and a baby. I told them I would let her move back in but I also warned them if she starts trouble I want her out. I'm not putting my baby let alone Spike at risk if Twilight ever throws one of her atomic tantrums she had when she was little. I hope Ghendi knows what he's getting into...

The next day I finally went back to the library with my baby who slept like an angel on the ride over. Once I arrived, I was greeted by many friends I made in Ponyville in front of the library. Well, there goes one plan I had. Thank you Pinkie the welcome home party is very inviting. Next time forget the Pinkie cannon, little Almata's ears are going to bleed if you blow that off next to us one more time. I put down the carrier Almata was in where I check one side of his head then the next. Call it stupid why I did that but when you are a new mom you have to take chances.

Every pony had a chance to hold and play with Almata. I was given many gifts ranging from more baby things to food. Oh good, I don't have to cook for maybe a couple of days. Twilight was welcomed back too and had some of her stuff brought in, just measly books and some more clothes. To her amazement, the library did undergo a pretty lengthy change. Almost where she was stepping into her own house in an alternate world. The inside was completely redone and more shelves put in, I had a taste for modern day furniture and took advantage of corner shelves and updating the computers. She remained quiet. The library she remembered was long gone.

Big Mac was pretty quiet too. He welcomed me back of course and carried Almata into the library, but... inside I knew he was hurting. He just kept his plain look and told me he was going to check on the electrical wiring downstairs again. Not without before he made little cutesy talk with the baby. Almata cooed and smiled at the large stallion in front of him. Mac did not act cold towards me, just rather quiet. Think he convinced himself he had no chance with me when Shining Armor beat him to the punch of asking to marry me. Sent him down a path of uncertainty.

I carried Almata all around the room letting other ponies to see him. Then there was granny Smith who sat in the rocking chair I saved incase she ever came over. She comes quite a bit ever since I met her. Always sit down and read the paper after doing some shopping in town. We would have nice little chats and have coffee. Sometimes she would take my spot and take over reading time to the children if I offered. She was a such a sweet heart. I stopped in front of her and asked if she would like to hold Alamta. She could not pass up the chance and held out her shaking arms. I carefully placed my baby in her arms as she pulled him closer. He looked up as his little lips smacked together. Granny Smith just smiled down at him as she slowly rocked back and forth.

"I missed this... Honestly I did." Granny said quietly. Too absorbed into the moment and who could not blame her. Every pony watched in awe, seeing an old pony rocking a newborn. Tender. Sweet.

The party ended finally. Little Almata had quite a day now. Didn't you now? Sorry, sorry. Baby talk. Every pony left wishing me luck, the girls stayed to clean up the mess and said their goodbyes. Twilight said she was going to go to bed early and sleep in Spike's bed with him since I pretty much took hers. Big Mac just slowly walked up to me and slowly extended his neck to give me a kiss on the cheek. He sighed sadly and walked away into the night.

So the next few days... Were chaos.

Books were unorganized and not tagged. Let alone I had some pretty late returns that had funds that still needed to be paid. Computers were reading errors, printer was spewing out pages of tasteless material instead of educational stuff let alone a young pony kept pressing print a million times. Donuts dropped on the floor, coffee spilled everywhere. Books just lying everywhere. My baby was crying that he was either hungry or needed a change. Twilight was trying to get the hang of a few things but persisted she run it like she used to. I told her old ways were not going to cut it and she objected to it. I told her it was my way or the high way because I was her boss as long as I was running this library. I was the reason ponies started coming in! NOT SITTING IN THIS LIBRARY BY MYSELF AND LOCKED UP LIKE A GOON! I TRIED ATLEAST! I was getting stressed way too easily. Just then Spike made the microwave explode after forgetting to take out the foil from the wrapped cheese steaks. I quickly got the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. I gave Spike a cold stare. I told him many times not to put metal in and take the foil off if he was going to cook by himself.

Oh good... One of the computers got a porn virus on it and I can't get rid of any of it. I threw out the little pervert who did this and told him I will bill him later. Stupid... STUPID piece of shit. Oh great. Now the copy machine is broken and the business pony was getting pissed at me because it broke on his turn. I checked for the paper, plenty of that in there. I checked the ink, plenty of that as well. Oh don't tell me its a paper jam... PLEASE! I banged on it a couple of times. He wanted his bit refunded if I could not get it to work, I tossed him his bit and apologized for the implication. You would think that would settle it, no. He had some fine choice words for me... Saying how this place used to be professional and now I can't handle anything. I told him I was having a bad day, but yet he went on saying he saw better businesses. I told him to just buck off and go elsewhere if he's going to basically slap me in the face and tell me how to run my library. I DON'T KNOW HOW SOME OF THESE THINGS WORK ALRIGHT?! Spike was hiding in the back, he did not like it when I got mad. I never got seriously mad at him, maybe a scolding here or two but at this level he probably thought I was going to release a giant super nova bomb myself. Twilight took my place and tried to organize, she did it slowly but effectively. She apologized to the customers that we were behind and I was stressed because I just had a baby. I just let that one slide. I called Big Mac to come in earlier to help fix the stuff. Slowly he came walking in with his tools and went to work when I pointed out something.

I was so stressed. I even walked upstairs and slammed the door to the bedroom. I was just going to give Almata my attention now. I checked everything what could be wrong with him. He was not hungry. He did not need changing. I rocked him back and forth. Sang him a lullaby. Until I noticed something... For not having an idea what he was crying about I took his temperature... Then noticed he was a little pale. I pulled out the thermometer and read it... "109.4... Oh my... No..."


I panicked and started to cry. Knocking over the toys and other furniture as I held him close. My baby had a fever! NO!


I forced open the door and screamed.


"Why?" Twilight's eyes widen.

"MY BABY HAS A FEVER AND IS BURNING UP!" I held Almata close while I flew down the stairs.

That's when Big Mac took notice. Stopped whatever he was doing and inspected the baby himself. He also noticed the signs as he felt the baby's forehead. He looked right up at me and said we had to go now.

So here there I was again.. In the same hospital... Again.. Where I experience so much joy for the first time now it might be a place where I might have my world shattered. Big Mac and I waited... And waited... And waited... I had my face buried in his chest crying again. All he could do was pat my back and tell me some calming words.

Just then the doctor came out. A tall brown earth pony with slick orange hair and glasses. "Miss Cadence?"

I stood up immediately as my lip quivered and hiccuping, "Yes?"

"Almata is going to be fine..." He said with a smile.

I sighed in relief but the tears kept on coming. "What was wrong with him?

"He had a fever like you said... But princess." He looked at me, sternly, "I understand that you're a new mother and all. It's also pretty common for a parent to think this could be fatal and get them all jumpy. But I assure you, he is fine. Matter of fact its just Almata's body fighting the bacteria or infection he might have gotten over the course of a few days."

"Wha... What?" I asked. "An infection?" By this time Big Mac walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Or it could possibly be that maybe the temperature in your house is not right for a baby. Too hot. Too cold. Maybe your baby is dressed in a lot of clothing and its too hot. It can be a number of things." He explained. "You could give your baby Tylenol but since Almata was just over last week it would be strongly recommended you give him very very low doses."

In the next twenty minutes. The nurse brought out Almata again to me and we went home. I was scared. I had no idea what to do as I just panicked over and over thinking that my baby could die. He was so peaceful now. Big Mac dropped us off and made sure we were okay for the rest of the night, giving Almata a kiss on his little forehead and saying goodbye. I told him a gracious but tearful thank you and kissed him on the cheek. He just walked off into the night again. Twilight closed down the library for the night. Her and Spike went to bed... I found myself hovering over the crib, worrying about Almata. I had rash thoughts that he could die just so easily.

Only thing I could do is just hum right now. Only one tune comes to mind as my baby stirred a little in his sleep, for the months I carried in him. He was my renewed hope to show that life was not always so bad and did not feel like it was the end of the world when I divorced. He was my little unicorn, the father... I did not care for who it was, only thing I ever wanted was some pony to proclaim their love for me and do anything, nothing else mattered because of this little unicorn. A lot of ponies did throw out theories that I somehow fused both Big Macintosh's and Shining Armor's DNA and somehow made a baby. Crazy huh? The green eyes and red fur of Macintosh, the blue hair and horn of Shining, it seemed like an eye opener that they went back to review their family history on genetics. At this point... who cares? Sorry, if you do then just keep guessing.

Almata stirred again in his crib, I never moved an inch. He just held onto my hoof with his smaller ones, not wanting me to leave. I didn't want to leave either. Poor little guy, he is joyous with few ponies in this town while being scared of others. Trusted me being his protector while everything else was scary. Could not blame him, I saw the world as a dark scary place back then too. I was so scared when I first entered the hospital, I thought he was going to die. And if he did, my hope would have burned out. Sending me back into a deep depression, almost to the point to commit suicide. I just couldn't handle the thought of something growing inside of myself then finally comes out to only die a few days later. I kept rubbing his little cheek until he went to sleep... Soon, I was singing to help sooth him, to have good dreams.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark.
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

Almata finally went to sleep, in hope to have his very few pleasant dreams. My tears dribbled down my cheeks and plopped onto his own little chubby cheeks. Slowly I wiped them off

The next few days... Big Macintosh paid me another visit. Still quiet but looked he was at wits end, I knew what was eating at him. Twilight and Spike were busy arranging books again while Pinkie and Fluttershy helped along with Twilight's fiance paying a visit to Almata and drop off a gift, sweet of him to do so and appreciate it. Rainbow Dash brought her niece again to read another book, I was just in the middle of giving her, her first library card when Macintosh came in. Along with a few other ponies wanting to check out books, I handed over business to Twilight again until I had this dealt with.

Then he said something I'm was to regret, "I came to say goodbye Cadence."

"What?" My eyes widened, my heart stopped, "Why? Where you going?"

"Appleloosa I think." He sighed.

"Out there?" I asked.

"Yeah. I got some family who might need help out there." He said.

"Well..." I asked, "How... How long will you be gone?"

His eyes wandered... "Forever I think..." He gave out a huge sigh then lifted a huge suitcase to his side.

"What? Why?" I practically stood up from my chair.

He sighed, " Oh... I feel foolish." He rubbed his head while walking towards me. "That night when I proposed to you. It was very kind of you not to laugh in my face."

"Why would I do that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh come on.. There's no comparison to me and Shining Armor. It's like getting a proposal from a Ponny Depp then another one from Naponyian Dynamite."

"Macintosh. Don't feel so hard on yourself I took your proposal very seriously." I assured him.

His eyes looked at me, still he felt a bit depressed, "You did?"

"Sure I did." I nodded, oh please don't tell me you're convinced Big Mac.

He sighed, "Thank you Cadence. I'll savor this when I'm helping plowing dirt in Appleloosa." He turned around and was about to walk out the door.

"Macintosh listen." I walked off after him.

He turned around to stop me, "No... Shining Armor is the special pony for you. With him you'll live a glamorous life and won't have to worry about getting your hoofs dirty. You can live like you always wanted to back then."

"Mac?" I pleaded, I wanted him to listen.

"What can I possibly offer you?" His voice started to get shaky, almost like he wanted to cry. "A life of nothing but apples twenty four seven? Living on a farm?"

"But..." I asked, "How can you just leave I thought you said you loved me?" Even my voice started to get shaky.

He took one long look at me. "I do love you." He paused, "I adore you. I worship the rain that waters the grass that you walk on." He sniffed, "All I ever wanted to do was to make you happy. And looking around here, I can tell you're not happy." He tried to hide his face, "Well only way I can believe that is if I can step aside and let you go back home to Canterlot." He started to walk back out the door. He turned around again, "When you go back to Canterlot. Do me a favor..." He looked down sadly, "Remember me..."

I started to tear up again. Bewildered. Why would he even consider this? "MAC WAIT! YOU JUST CAN'T LEAVE!"

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because.." I shook my head. "Because I can't imagine my life without you. You really helped me in my time of need and... Al really needs a dad."

He froze. "What are you trying to say?"

"I.. I..." Come on Cadence you can do it. "I love you and... I WANT TO MARRY YOU!"

The ponies watching us kept their eyes on us. Like this was one big soap opera.

"You do?" He asked, walking back up to me.

I nodded my head. Tears flowing from my eyes. "Yes. Yes I do..."

Slowly he took my hoofs with his. Leaned up to each other. Looked each other in the eye. I saw love. I saw my life right here. Finally happy and we kissed to seal the deal. There was a lot more feeling into this. Suddenly I heard clopping and cheering from around us and even ponies outside pried in to see what the big commotion was about.

Especially from Pinkie who was clopping louder than any pony, crying as she shouted, "Way to go Cadence way to go!"

Note: i might want to go back and redo the ending a little bit as it comes off pretty corny, originally there was supposed to be more drama in Mac deciding to leave and we know why. Cadence dicking around and not knowing what she wants or maybe it was something else? just one more chapter guys. Also, the Hush baby song, think it really fits well. While if anyone gets the reference to the drama between Mac and Cadence in the end, its almost word from word from Family Matters on Steve proposing to Laura. God I miss that show. Also I've been told that horse temperatures are way higher than humans, makes sense but I have no idea what would be dangerous for a foal so please excuse that.