• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,764 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

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Chapter 7

Forbidden Fruit

By NocturneD

I really hated being put in the spot light when unfortunate things happen. Such as this. Staring down at the official parchment that would officially now and void my marriage. My aunt slid a feather along with some ink in between me and Shining Armor. Sweat beaded from my forehead. My heart beat sounded like iron pounding on metal. My eyes wandered. I looked at Shining Armor who held the parchment to his face and read it to himself. Slowly bobbing his head as if he was pleased with what the legal inscription was saying. Just before all this, Big Mac said some inspiring words to us that we should try to work this out if we wanted to. Telling us to remember what brought us together in the first place. Only problem, Shining Armor stared at him with a confused look, I was enthralled by Big Mac's words and taken in.

Now. Before I go on I want to clear the air. I am the princess of love. You all should know that by now. I make love and passion happen in between two ponies with my magic. As far as I can remember I can always do this but under the laws of nature I was supposed to hold back and let things unravel themselves. My ability seems harmless but used incorrectly then there would be problems. You might be wondering. How can a love spell be used incorrectly? Easy. A pony who wishes for attention from they pony they want or performing the attraction spell on one pony then would somehow attract other ponies regardless of gender. In short if you remember Twilight Sparkle performing an attraction spell on her Smarty Pants doll then that's what is. Regardless, that was one of the affection spells she knew.

Wondering where I'm going with this right? Well. I won't hide it any longer. Shining Armor and I... well there was some truth of him saying we rushed into marriage as we were only going out for two years until he popped the question for me to marry him. I don't want to say it but. I have put an attraction spell on him for him to worship me. To want me. To work for me. You're probably angry with me now. That or surprised. *Sigh* I knew Shining Armor through foal sitting Twilight when she was younger but him and I were never. Well close. He had his friends while I stay at the castle spring and summer so I never really made a lot of friends except for the children I foal sit. But it could get really boring being friends with ponies half your age. Foal sitting had its perks of getting to know more ponies in Canterlot and make an image for yourself. And getting to watch the families television sets was fun too. But I did it, earning the respect of most families in Canterlot by just watching their kids as they went out.

Twilight Sparkle was an interesting case. She was a sweet heart but yet had her problems. So many problems. Too many to name right off the bat. She was so shy when we first met hiding behind her mother's legs and it was adorable. But little did I know what kind of little terror she would be later. She reads a lot of books, nothing wrong with that. But how she acted is what my aunt Celestia warned me about. She would have surges every now and then with her power going haywire at random times. If she were to ever to have such a thing I was to perform a certain spell so it would nullify her condition until her parents came home to perform the rest of the spell. Think of it like having a huge jar of water bigger than myself right now. Filled up with water that is practically spilling out. Take cup after cup of pour it out. You can't risk pouring the jar by tipping it over or else it would break meaning Twilight herself would be physically harmed. Only her parents have access to spells that would drain her flooding power.

Where is this even going? Well, just earlier you heard our argument saying I was a bad foal sitter and I called her the worst foal ever. True. So true. Whenever she would get angry or throw a tantrum her power would increase and because she was so young back then her body could not take that much power. There were times I had to perform such a spell to ease her tension would result in her sleeping. This is why every pony is telling her to calm herself down so she does not have another meltdown. How could a child like her have so much power growing inside of her ready to explode out of her? So to make Twilight's story shorter. She would throw temper tantrums every time I would tell her to stop enjoying herself so she could do what her parents instructed me to do for her. Simple enough. Until she got to the point where she started hurling dinner plates at me when I told her no more ice cream. Told her it was too late for snacks, she would wail. Told her to take a bath, she would...She would run outside and cover herself in mud. Then I had to chase her around outside and then she ran inside dripping wet mud all over the carpet. Either her parents baby her or they don't teach her certain things. Ugh. If she ever acted out of line I have to put her in time out in the corner. Which should be easy but during her temper tantrums she would blow up a wall or two. If I had to, I was told to give her a smack on the butt in which they meant only one little slap. I held her down one time and gave her ten slaps which really did not look good later when her parents got home. So probably around that time I stopped foal sitting for Twilight as shew as just too much to work with and almost made me quit entirely. It was not fun foal sitting a nuclear bomb.

Shining Armor would buzz in and out sometimes when I would foal sit for Twilight. She would be even disobedient in front of him until he would tell her to stop. For some reason she would listen to him and not me. Like I said he and I were not very close back then, only maybe talked once or twice on how to handle Twilight if I wanted to be friendly with her. Secretly hoof shakes and songs seemed to work. Then he would go off to do whatever with his friends. The longer I foal sit Twilight the more I kind of developed a crush on him. That was the only thing worth watching Twilight for. So I could catch glimpses of Shining Armor. But the sad part of this little story is that he already had a girlfriend named Rain who was a blue pegasus with white hair. She was one of those girls that liked to hang around with mostly males rather than females because she gets them. So in other words, a tomboy. They would do everything together. Go out to eat. Play games at the arcade. Go to the movies. That was everything I wanted, to be out having fun.

From year to year I would come back to Canterlot to do the same thing but would grow a bit older. Twilight would go on to be my aunt's protege, however that worked I out I don't want to know. Shining Armor would be set himself up wanting to be a teacher like his parents and still be with Rain. I grown jealous over Rain even if I managed to talk to her once. She had nearly no faults, she took jokes kindly and would wave insults off. Nothing bothered her. She was an athlete and would go on to work with the Wonder Bolts. Something that Shining Armor did not care for now. I watched her in action, she was great. Almost too great. Shining Armor would always go to her shows and would greet her at the end with roses. Oh how envious I was. How come I could not score a stallion like that? I had my share of suitors but they were all so lame. Shining Armor, though not interested in me back then. I wanted... I wanted him bad. But Rain... she was in the way.

So two years before we were married I put the affection spell on Shining Armor and made sure he saw me. And it worked. He worshiped me and everything and joined the guard just to see me. He would talk less and less to Rain and how devastated when Shining Armor broke off their engagement to propose to me. I got my knight in Shining Armor. Rain would still go on shows and then thought about teaching flying at some school. A lot of ponies gave cold stares to Shining Armor once that happened, but he did not care. He would have me. And only me. It made it easier to understand him finally as the more I took in the more and more I fell in love with him. Though... I guessed that the affection spell might have ran dry once Chrysalis started using Shining Armor for her own little mind game, it must have over written or canceled my spell. I was going to take it off earlier in our relationship as I did not want to make it seem like it was a crutch but... it did. I wanted to test our relationship for real. Our relationship was being held up by supports that were breaking. Even with the crutches I still managed to betray him because he became so dull.

Maybe... Just maybe I could somehow use the affection spell one more... No. That would not be right. Was our love even for real? Did at that point after the wedding, Shining Armor started to realize what was the point of being married? He joined up because of me. He rose through the ranks quickly because of me as there would be no way he would get up to Captain that fast without a little help. It must feel like to him waking up one day to find out you have a family suddenly when the last time you remembered you were just a single pony enjoying life. You had a tricked out carriage before now replaced by a full family carriage. No kids, now have two or three.

So here we are again. Looking at the parchment. Shining Armor reading the contents to himself. He put down the parchment and looked at me while my aunt asked us who was going to sign first. Big Macintosh was still watching us even though he was excused earlier. Shining Armor looked back from the parchment back to me, then back to the parchment in his head weighing the options. He breathed through his teeth and let out a deep sigh.

"Do you want to talk about this first before we do anything?" He asked. But I knew he wanted to sign it. Get his life back.

For my chance to make my knight in Shining Armor to take me back of course.

"Um..." I tried my tears from earlier, "If it would help then yes."

Celestia both looked at us and smiled, "It might be a difficult road for you two but hopefully you two can reach a solution. Whether you do separate or not I want you two to live your lives out the way you want."

"But what about the photographers trying to follow us around?" I asked.

Celestia frowned, "You do know they're only in it for the money? They find one big thing and try to stomp the life out of it until they find the next big thing to ruin. Eventually you will yesterdays news. We got ponies sick of hearing about the royal wedding."

"But..." I wanted to stand up and say how dare they think that is old news.

"Cadence. It happened in the past. You had your moment in the sun, you can only make something so special last for awhile." Celestia said sternly. "If you two would like to sleep on it tonight then you're welcomed to stay but I want you two to talk about it tomorrow as the paper will always be here if you two decide. I'm sure the tabloids outside the castle are just waiting if you leave."

At this point Big Mac excused himself and once again apologized for any misfortune. Celestia offered him to stay for the night as well because of the long trip home. He opened the doors to find his sister and her friends waiting. Twilight was no where in sight. Spike on the other hand was twiddling his fingers in a worrisome fashion. Almost like... something happened. Or going to happen. Still I saw Rarity making googly eyes at Shining Armor, he only chuckled and smiled back. Now that really rustled my jimmies.

What would come next later that night would scar me.