• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,769 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

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Chapter 3

Forbidden Fruit - By NocturneD

Here's the audio for chapter 3, just sit back and listen or just read along if you want.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JiYJez8UUA8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

My aunt requested my presence at the castle hours ago by letter as well as a reply. What did I do? I just tossed the parchment onto the table and sat alone in the living room. Well, what is left of it after Shining Armor took some couches and chairs, some end tables and whatever. Reason why I let him take them, well most of that stuff was registered from our wedding and bought from his side of the family. Maybe he was going to give it back. I don't know I can't think.

My emotions were getting the better of me as I sat there and leaned up against the one sofa that Shining Armor did not take. Looking through the photo album I admit was not the best for the situation. Pictures of us being happy, hoping to have a bright future together. Pictures of us having fun. Of us hugging, kissing, looking into each others eyes. Wearing silly hats, eating cotton candy, all the fun stuff and sadly. Nothing could repair this or even if I could I would have to go to him crawling and begging for forgiveness. But no, I was the last pony he wanted to see.

I thought going outside would would do me some good. Though news does travel far and wide quickly as some ponies whispered to their friends as I walked past them, other ponies just kept to themselves. But there were a few ponies felt that they needed to shout insults my way. Saying, "I hoped I enjoyed having a multimillion bit wedding just to go to waste of everypony's time". Thank Celestia those ponies were far and in between. Shops still served me and did not care about the whole affair. Some ponies just did not care and surprisingly, they did not care who I was. Guess I'm just another celebrity in their midst that had their moment of fame. Oh how I remembered a year ago that little ponies would come running up to me offering me flowers and hugs. Just to get close to a princess and still some young ponies would wave. I would weakly wave back to them and put on a pretend smile, oh how much my soul was hurting right now. The paparazzi did not go without their annoyances of getting pictures of me while I was trying to eat. I was trying to buy myself a pair of sunglasses to shield my eyes from the tears that this whole mess formed. Even that was hard and had flashes here and there. Trying to buy a drink. Flashes. Trying to sit alone in the park. Flashes. Not too soon after that a field reporter tried to ask for an interview. I was on my last nerve and shouted at her. Big mistake, more flashes.

I could not have a moment to myself without some stupid bright flash. I told them please leave me alone I wanted to be left in peace. Not even that. I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the annoyance. Maybe it was me feeling desperate. But I managed to snag one of the cameras and smashed it on the ground. Then tried to wrestle another away with my magic. Oh what a fine day it was. Soon pictures of me all stressed out were being uploaded on camera phones. And so... I just ran home, crying and defeated. What was I supposed to do from now on? Hide in my house until I'm no longer the talk of the town?

Just then another royal letter appeared in front of my face. I sighed in relief. Hopefully aunt Celestia could calm the situation, at least make the paparazzi go away. I did not respond to her last letter but knew this one had to be urgent. I unrolled the parchment and read to myself.

Dear Cadance,

I request your presence at the royal palace tonight to discuss some things. I already sent one of my chariots to your home. Bring a change of clothes and any of your necessities you might need for the next few days.

Love Princess Celestia.

Maybe this was aunt Celestia's way of telling me to stay at the castle for a few days to avoid the angry ponies? Later that night, the flying chariot did come and I brought my luggage with me. Maybe a few days away from home will do me some good. The ride was not long and had one of the guards carry my bag. Though, coming back to the castle was a bit uneasy. I mean, the whole fairy tale wedding that I wanted since I was a little girl was held here. It just gave me a stabbing feeling in the heart just thinking about it. The guards were quiet, though you might be thinking they're supposed to be. But usually say "Yes ma'am or no ma'am. My apologies. Here you are." None of that. Almost like they have been told to not even talk to me. The guard brought my bag through the front door while the other guard finally said he will take it to my room set up while Celestia was waiting in her study.

Hopefully seeing a familiar face will calm me. I walked the rest of the way to Celestia's study area and knocked on the door. All I heard was an almost uncaring tone, "Come in." She said.

I opened the door and stood in the doorway, I meekly said hello. Celestia was reading over a book I could not tell what it was because of how dim the room was. Only the fireplace was giving off a light source. She looked up and gave a slow forming smile. She greeted me... but not with a smile. She waved me to sit across from her.

"It looks like you had quite the predicament." She frowned.

I only nodded in response. I could cry like a little girl to her mom to kiss her bruises away but...

"But a foolish one. One that will not be easy to mend back together." She shook her head in disappointment. "I invited you up here so you can get your bearings together but I also wanted to talk to you about this matter."

"I know... but..." I stumbled with my words.

"Candance." She said sternly. "I seen the article. The thought of a marriage I performed myself... One that I approved of.. And one that I wished that went well... ended up in a scandal."

"I'm sor.. sorry but.." I tried to say.

"There were so many ponies that came here wishing you and Shining Armor success. I know that some marriages can end badly, but with you two after what I saw and I thought it was a sure fire thing. I thought that maybe once an alicorn could finally find happiness among the regular ponies..." Her voice saddened, "But I was wrong..."

"But you're not wrong Celestia." I said. "I just made a stupid mistake!"

Again her face turned sour, "And that you did. The meaning of marriage was supposed to mea..."

"I KNOW ALRIGHT!" I shouted, almost getting ready to blubber. "I don't know how many times I said this but I got drunk and made a stupid mistake!" I heaved, "Now Twilight Sparkle and her friends hate me! Not only that I screwed up Big Macintosh's life too! Ponies hissing at him accusing him of destroying a good marriage but that is bull! Shining Armor called me names and moved out. Now he won't talk to me to even let me explain or even apologize! I don't even know if

I'm pregnant or not!" Celestia just sat there. Not saying anything. Her face remained with the sour look.

I continued, "What's worse is that I'm getting called names by the ponies out in the marketplace. Photographers taking pictures of me at my worst. Some even saying we enjoy flushing their tax bits down the toilet! Every pony is mad at me! Twilight even threw me out of her library! I tried apologizing but it did no good! The only pony who did not try to bite my head off was Big Macintosh!"

Princess Celestia nodded her head. "Trust is not easy getting back."

I blubbered, "I'm sorry!"

Aunt Celestia stopped with her lecture and hugged me. There was not too many ponies from here to Ponyville that actually cared what I had to say but I'm glad it was my aunt. "I'm sorry too." She said and patted me on the back, "I was angry when I heard about this." She looked down with a sad look, "But I never wanted you to go unhappy." Tears were shed as I cried more and more. "Cadance?"

I looked up, still sniffing and hiccuping. "Y..yes?"

"How about staying here for a couple days?" She asked, "It will help clear your head."

"What about... what about Shining Armor?" I asked.

She frowned, "Well. If he wants to continue not talking to you then that is his problem. But if he comes around wanting to talk then take the chance. And if you still love him and he still loves you, then all should mend well."

"But what... what if he does not want to forgive me?" I asked again.

She replied with a simple, "His loss." She explained, "If he does not want to listen and you two end up going your separate ways then just know there is a big world out there for the two of you." With deep piercing eyes looking at me, she asked, "We're you unhappy during your marriage?"

I defended myself, "I was very happy with it!"

"We're you?" She asked again.

"I... I... uh." I lowered my head, "There were complications that... I was trying to work out."

"Just you? Or you and Shining Armor?" She asked.

I sighed, "Just me..."

She puckered her lower lip and nodded, "I see..."

"It's not that I... Well... Shining Armor and I sort have drifted apart in the romance as he would be all sweet the first few weeks then... it got a bit sour where he would go to work of course." I explained, "He would always over exert himself, then come home and flopping onto the bed. I tried give him a massage and encourage him but he just kept quiet. Its either work. Or he comes home smelling like alcohol or even some sort of fragrance. Plop down on the bed or play video games with his friends. He does not want to go anywhere with me. We also have been fighting about things. He has not even taken me out to lunch or dinner since after the wedding... And the days he does try to get sweet with me his work always ends up calling him and he has to go in."

Celestia only nodded as I continued to explain. The more I told her, the more I knew she was a bit disappointed. Then she came out and said, "Maybe we should turn in for the night. You had a hard day after all." I only nodded and went off to my room. Celestia explained that the bill was only sent out of anger and she'll take care of it no problem, she apologized for it as well. But also told me that if I wanted to get married again it had to be a sure fire thing. I looked up at the ceiling after I plopped facing up on the bed. The fancy designs of decorations pressed up against the finish. Going over the things in my head to what to say to Big Ma... I mean Shining Armor. Oh dear. Please forget that... Oh how I missed those strong red arms Shining Armo... Cadence his fur is white not red! Think straight...

How can I be thinking of Big Macintosh when my marriage is on the line with Shining Armor!


Face it Cadance... Your ability is like a double edged sword.