• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,764 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

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Chapter 9

Forbidden Fruit

By NocturneD

A month has passed since the separation. I should be relieved but I'm miserable. Miserable as I can be. I stayed in the castle and barely went outside for anything, maybe to the courtyard to spend sometime by myself. Crying to myself. Thinking to myself. Trying to remember when this all went wrong. But it was no use, it was never meant to be. Other than that I would just sit in my room and watch television, got tired of watching CSI: Manehatten and the Clopping Dead. Sometimes I would just sleep all day. Other times I would just spend time on the computer watching Ponytube of a laughing foal in his height chair. Or had a sudden interest in watching a movie on that site but could not because ninety percent of the stuff are crappy music videos of random footage with Linkin Park music over it. Most over rated band... Ever...

I would spend more days on my bed as my aunt Celestia and Luna tried to coax me to come out. I never answered, nor at least gave them the satisfaction of me wanting to recover. Just sitting in my room with the glow of the television screen filling every corner. News blaring about affair soon died down to make room for the next big thing. Hoity Toity having relations with his models. Personally, I thought the stallion was a homosexual with his gestures.

So probably around the thirtieth day, or was it the thirty one days? I have no idea. I just sat there in my messy bed. This time, aunt Celestia found a way to coax me to open the door and I did. We sat down at talked, saying it was not healthy to sit around and mope for the rest of my life in my room. She slowly maneuvered past all the random junk sprawled all over the floor from clothes to random accessories. She explained how there was a big world out there waiting for me to enjoy and she proposed for me to live in Ponyville for awhile. Wait. What? She could not be serious. Where all this horrible stuff happened? Slowly she eased me down and explained that it was just for me to spread my legs and get back on my hoofs.

Since all the hooey died down things should be easier for me. At first I refused and threw tons of blankets over my body to hide from my aunt. But she pulled them all off with an unhappy look. Saying I can sit around blubber all I want but it was not going to change anything. I listened anyway. Since Twilight Sparkle moved out of the library and was no longer being funded, it was free to use as long as I am willing to take care of it. At first it seemed horrible. Almost felt like a hermit crab moving into a shell that once belonged to another crab. But she explained further about the town needed some pony to help it thrive like what Twilight did with. I asked why didn't she just let Twilight stay and keep doing what she was doing. But of course the answer was not simple for aunt Celestia to say to me but uttered that she had her chance. I really did want to give Ponyville another chance since the last time I went was under horrible circumstances. I will get to see Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash... and even Big Mac. I nearly almost forgot about the red gentle giant.

It all seemed like a nice idea but I was still not sold on the idea. I knew there were still some bad eggs out there that were still mad at me and Shining Armor. But all aunt Celestia could do is tell me that the only thing to do is build a bridge and cross it. If not then they could just dwell in their own fits and pouts. But then aunt Celestia told me something. Something about Spike. The dragon that pretty much was friends with Twilight Sparkle through out his young life. Apparently Twilight was invited to come back home to her family and was allowed to bring Spike with her. Spike was confused on the matter but was very loyal to Twilight. They gave him a good bed. Treated him like a regular child. But then he heard about Shining Armor's relation to Rarity. Which set him off, only for him to be confronted by Rarity. He cried and asked why. Rarity broke the words down for him saying that she was a pony and he was a dragon. She cherished their friendship and would like it to keep it that way. Only that it was too much for Spike so he ran away and came back to the castle to cry. Twilight did try to get him back, but decided the life of royalty was better for him. She was going to go down a different path in life and hoped that Spike would one day join her again. Where was I during all this? Still being miserable in my room during all this as he finally came last week or two. Celestia did practically raise the little guy when young Twilight could not. Something fitting about Spike and aunt Celestia, almost like mother and child. I actually adored this thought. As much as Celestia wanted to give the whole mother angle a go, her duties would pull her back in.

So I was left with two options. Take care of Spike and sober up or go to Ponyville and try to regain the trust of the ponies back. Well in the end I ended up taking both. I wanted to turn my life around but yet did not want to leave Spike alone. Celestia could only spend so much time with him. So I agreed. And went to have a little talk with the baby dragon. When I found him he was in his room, decorated for a little colt filled with books, toys and games. But Spike. Was just sitting on his bed drawing pictures of his friends with crayons. Slowly I looked through each one. One of Twilight. One of Apple Jack. One of Rainbow Dash. The whole gang. Another was of them all together with a big heart in the background. He stopped and looked over at me, his eyes were only half open. Or at least looked dull. I complimented his drawings. I foal sat for some pretty talented foals back then that could draw pretty well. I asked if I could join him. With a monotone grunt, I figured that would be a yes. I started drawing along side of him various pictures. I tried to set the mood but all he churned out was drawings of his friends looking unhappy. The most upsetting one he drew was of him and Rarity along with a broken heart hanging above his head.

"Spike?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He still had his back turned to me.

"Did you really like Rarity in that way?" Again I asked.

He only nodded.

"Spike... I'm sorry." It made no sense but I apologized.

"For what?" He grunted.

"About Rarity." I answered.

He sighed and went back to drawing. "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why do you say that?"

"She always the one pony that would take the chance to get to hang with the high class." He reached for another piece of paper.

"Are you mad that she went?" I asked.

He stopped then shook his head, "Not really... If that's what she wants then who am I to stop her?"

"Did you tell her you liked her?" I asked, I stopped drawing whatever I was drawing.

"Er... Yeah sort of... I don't know how many times I dropped hints." Spike scratched the back of his head.

"Spike?" I looked at him, he finally turned his head. "You either told her or you didn't. If you did not tell her then it's one of those things that's going to bother you for the rest of your life not doing what you claimed you did. But if you did tell her and she rejected you kindly as you said. Then there really is not much you can do except be the best friend you can be."

"No..." He crossed his arms, "It's if your family has money then you're set for life."

I raised an eyebrow, "Now are you calling her a gold digger?"

"No..." He grunted.

"I think you just did." I smirked.

"Why do you care?" He asked, "Shouldn't you be mad at her too? Because it sounds like you're defending her."

I frowned. He was right, the little home wrecker really did hammer the final nail in the coffin. "Well. Yes, I'm still a bit mad at her." A bit? I asked my inner thoughts. Well let's see, that little home wrecker had a big flank that you would see in rapper videos along with being very well endowed of feeding foals... Not saying that hers are bigger than mine... Okay they're slightly bigger. Bitch... "But the important thing is if your happy with the person that you loved for along time and they find their opportunity to be happy. Would you want them to be happy too if it meant for them going away?"

Spike sighed. "I really liked her though."

"Well Spike." I put my arm around him, bringing his little head closer to my chest. Alright, bad analogy. "Life leads you down many forks in the road. You might pick up strangers along the way and then also lose some. But Spike if I can be honest with you. It's about letting go. It's never easy. Sure your first love makes you think is your true love but there are always others out there. Sometimes the person you love does not share the same opinions, likes or even dreams." I looked down at his green eyes. "Sometimes we must be steady and give up the things we desire the most... Even our dreams."

I felt his tiny arms wrap around me as he slowly hugged me. I slowly patted his head with my hoof gently. Poor little guy. Lost a family, a love interest all because of me. And now, my responsibility will be to help raise Spike like if he were my own. Could say I really bonded with him to think of him as a little brother... Maybe a long while if he becomes son. I like holding him, patting his little scaly back as if he were a baby. But I know out there, Twilight is crying for the lose of her companion, maybe regretting her mistake. Celestia did write a letter to Twilight saying if she wanted to talk to Spike she was allowed but it did not fair very well when Shining Armor was brought up. Spike detested that name and told Twilight he would never stay in the same house as him. Twilight went home defeated and prepared for enrollment to a college as one final gift from Celestia, a recommendation.

So in our last day at the Castle. I went over Spike's things seeing that he got everything he needed. He was so organized and even wrote out a check list. Still he felt a little hurt as he was still doing little things that he was used to do with Twilight. We took the flying chariot back to Ponyville and started unpacking. Spike already started moving stuff around to his liking but still he offered to move things to see how I see fit. He was such a good little assistant and how well we bonded the last couple of days. I got him a present that I went out and bought for him.

"Oh boy!" He held the giant wrapped box above his head. He laid it down and started unwrapping it. He gasped then screamed out loud like an excited child, "A PONYBOX 720!" He jumped around for joy.

I smiled at his excitement. "And Spike... I got you a memory stick as well. Just reformat it's used." I smiled wickedly inside. I nabbed that little memory card from the divorce. Shining Armor is probably tearing up his parent's house looking for it. While Spike set up his new game console to our bedroom TV, I couldn't help but smile. And smiled mischievously thinking of Shining Armor freaking out because of all those hours of data he put so much time into... Good bye Pony Fantasy 13... Goodbye Resident Pony 6... Good Bye Skyrim...

"Try playing your precious Ponybox 720 now the love of my life... Teehee..."