• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 5,764 Views, 161 Comments

Forbidden Fruit - NocturneD85

Cadance thinks her marriage as a fairy tale come true but all that comes to an end by her mistake

  • ...

Chapter 17: The Proposals?

Forbidden Fruit

By NocturneD

note: Long chapter ahoy! Oh also, the Crystal Kingdom in this story is way, way different from the canon Empire. Just to poke that out for you.

I had so much joy in the world the last couple of days. I just had a baby. I had family and friends come to visit. I made amends with past friends and family, they wished me and my baby boy success. What was even more surprising. My own grandma Io made an appearance as she sat beside my bedside making sure I was comfortable. She looked exactly the same as how I remembered her. Long flowing violet hair, white fur, the matriarch of the entire royal family.

"Are you alright Mi Amore?" She asked. Still the same grandma. She pushed some of my hair to the side to get a better look at my face.

I nodded. "Yes grandmother."

She smiled, lovingly as she nuzzled my cheek with her snout. I giggled as she asked, "So how does it feel?"

I figured I'd be a little smart with this, "The labor part or the whole mother thing?"

She smirked, "Both." We both chuckled.

But I frowned, "The labor part was like trying to shove an entire trailer through a tube sock..." Weakly, I smiled while looking back up at her, "But it was worth it."

"Yes..." She smiled. Eyes glistening. "It's always worth it. The love especially put into it. The years you're going to enjoy watching them grow. Make their own decisions. Start their own life."

This had me worried, sure my baby boy was born just a couple days ago. Did I have to think of him picking the right college yet? Let alone his pick of who he wanted to marry? I shook my head quickly to clear that thought. My grandma just laughed.

She asked, "Well. I take it the father is a very proud pony."

I turned my head away. This is what got me. "I uh... I don't know who the dad is."

"Oh..." Her voice trailed. "Isn't it the big red one out there?"

"I..." I cut myself off. "Remember I was married before?"

"Oh right... Right." She nodded. "So its between those two sexy studs?"

She smirked, "Mmmm..."

"Grandma!" I scoffed.

"What?" She shifted her shoulders. "I might be over three thousand but it does not mean I can't have a little fun. I bet that red one really knows how... to..."

I rubbed my elbow nervously, looking down at the teal sheets that covered my lower half of my body.

Her mood suddenly depressed, "Mi Amore... I'm sorry. I was brought up to speed by some of your friends out there and... Well..." She lifted my chin with her hoof, "I know it hurts baby. And life does not always turn out so great. I just want to let you know, if things don't go well. You can always come back home with me. You still have a place there if you want."

Huh... Going back to the Crystal Kingdom? I was supposed to back a year ago after my wedding with Shining Armor. Blah blah blah you already know by now. I was one of the potential alicorn children that was supposed to lead and rule over it. Not sure how its supposed to work now but I kept listening.

"It's up to you. I'm not forcing you." She said. "But for the father..."

"I sent away for a DNA test..." I laid down and turned away from her.

"Oh..." She said. "Guess those two really want to know then."

Slowly I nodded. Tears welding up. I was scared. I know its a bull shit call but why can't they just take my word for it?

"So... Did it come back yet?" She asked.

Indeed it did. The big envelop was on my nightstand the entire time we were talking. I tapped the nightstand just to show her. I did not have the courage to open it. Scared it might not be the one I want. Or the answers I might want and would have to consider a bigger life change. She asked if she could see. For curiosity reasons, why not. I let her use her magic and open it up. She was about to say the name, I just held up my arm to silence her. I was too scared.

"So... How do you plan on telling the father then?" She asked.

I crossed my arms and did not answer.

"Mi Amore?" She asked.

"Please..." I muttered.

"You want to be left alone?" My grandma asked.

I sniffed, trying to hold back my tears. I shook my head side to side.

"Having a hard time deciding what you want to do next?" She asked. "Whatever you feel is best for little Almata. I will stand behind you." She smiled, "Cute name too."

I nodded slowly. What was I going to do?

Just yesterday... I had a visit from Shining Armor along with his estranged daughter he had during our engagement. My baby boy was taken to the nursery hours before he came. First thing Shining did was pull up a couple of chairs and sat down. His daughter Sprite was holding flowers and handed them over to me. So beautiful, smelled great. Like her. The little blue alicorn, such a beautiful child. Hard to believe that they would consider her gift of being an alicorn a mutation. She was sweet and quiet.

"Thank you Sprite. They're lovely." I thanked her.

"We...lcome." She quietly muttered and fidgeted in her chair.

Shining helped her get back up into her seat. Chuckled as he patted her head and then turned to me. "Congratulations on the baby Cadence." He smiled.

I sighed. "Thank you Shining Armor. Thanks for visiting."

I blinked a few times. So did Shining. It was awkward.

"So... how are things back in Canterlot?" I asked.

"Oh great." He nodded, "Pretty much wiped out a lot of changeling activity lately around there after that whole attack in Manehatten and other places. Classes were a bit boring though once I got back. Tons of papers to write."

I shook my head and chuckled. "You always put others ahead of yourself."

He smirked, "That I do... Well let's see... Going to give Sprite here the year off before she starts magic pre-school. Parents are helping raise her along with Rainbow Dash still dropping in here and there. Twilight went back to being Celestia's student and become a teacher herself another way... Um..." He rubbed the back of his head, "My little sister just got proposed to a couple nights ago."

I could not help but smile. "To who?"

"Remember my former lieutenant when I was still captain?" Shining smirked. "Ghendi Kirin? Worked as my brother Vanishing Star's body guard before we met him. Joined up. Then I would sometimes whack him upside the head for looking at Twilight?"

Oh right. The lieutenant who had a crazy sense of humor. Did not like being called pipsqueak or being confused as a girl because of his size and long dark mane. But he was a really nice pony and treated us with respect.

"Well tell those two they have my blessing." I smiled. "So... How are things between you and Rarity?"

He frowned, scratched the back of his head. "Well. Rarity and I are kind of an understanding right now. She still wants to get some stuff done in her business and promised to think about it. I also wanted to get halfway done through college to even consider taking it to the next step."

I raised an eyebrow. "So... is it not going well?"

"Oh it's going well. It's just we're just both busy. We just want to keep it professional." He answered. "She's been cranking out dresses and fashion ever since the whole... well, you know." He frowned.

"How can I forget." I frowned. If anything, the whole affair between those two just boosted Rarity's popularity with her fashion. I could not believe that when I heard it for the first time, her work got popular while I was treated like I was scum. So unfair. Karma for you huh? "How is she with Sprite?"

With a quick response, "Oh very good. Even made her a few dresses." I looked at Sprite, her hind legs dangling off the chair playfully kicking slightly. "She made quite a few new friends here and there, but still she's pretty shy."

I let out a little yawn. "Sorry... Still a bit tired."

Slowly he nodded, "Oh right. Right."

"So... is there anything else you want to talk about?" I asked.

His eyes wandered.

"You're here because of the baby aren't you?" I nervously asked.

He sighed. "I would be lying if I wasn't."

"Well... Like I told a million times before. I have no clue." I frowned. Slowly sliding into my hospital bed further.

"Honesty?" He raised an eyebrow. "Look I just want to know this and wish you the very best if it isn't..."

"And if it is?" I turned over, my back facing him.

"Well..." His voice wandered, "It would not feel right for him to grow up without a dad."

That irked me. "Big Macintosh is willing to step in if its his." I simply put it. "Even if its not his, he wants to help and will understand my decision after I make it."

Shining Armor fell silent.


I turned my head, "Shining..."

If I did not know any better. I think he wanted to say he was sorry. But something urged me think he was crawling back.

"You don't need to sugar coat it. It's not fair to Rarity..." I told him... "No matter how much she really hurt me... I can't take you back..."

I turned over. This time his head hung in shame. I must have guessed right.

He sighed. "Even if its mine?"

"I don't know... That's what I'm trying to figure out what I want to do next." I told him.

He turned his head, "Say Sprite. You want to go out and see your auntie Dash?"

Sprite turned her head and nodded to him. Taking little baby steps off the chair she almost fell off. Shining caught her with his magic and set her easily on the floor. The sounds of her little feet pampering, she pulled the door open and went outside. But then our attention went back to each other.

"So what is your plan?" He asked.

My eyes wandered. "I don't know yet... Might go back to the Crystal kingdom."

"Even if its mine?" he asked.

"I don't know." I crossed my arms.

He asked. Chuckled a little, "What do you mean you don't know?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked in return, a bit agitated. "You got something good going for you. Why do you care?"

"Because I still care." He came out with it.

I froze.

"Why?" I shivered.

His lip scrunched a little to think for a bit, "Well... I will admit that we left on harsh terms."

"And that we did." I put it simply. "But Shining... Are you trying to propose we get back together?"

He fell silent. I knew he wanted to say yes, "Only if the baby is mine. I would take great honor in taking care of it. Starting that family you wanted."

"Like I wanted?" I scoffed. "And if the baby is yours?" I shook my head, "Shining... Maybe eleven months ago I would have jumped at the chance but now..." He frowned. "But now I moved on... You left me drowning in a sea of self hate and the ponies back then treated me like I was a pariah. When we were married... We agreed to love each other for better or for worse..." I continued, "When I needed you... You were never there."

He smacked his lip, "Well Cadence. Hate to hear that but... You weren't so great either when it came to being home. You had appearances to keep up I can understand that... But whenever I came home you weren't there either. Every night, I was hoping to come home to a loving wife, cooked meal on the table, happy home... There was only like... what? Four out of the few months we were married?"

I wanted to cry but I kept my head on straight. "Shining... let's just admit it. We're terrible for each other. We tried to make it work with what we had and never did anything to change it. Sure we made the most of it when I could finally pull you off of that stupid video game for once... Even if I got that I was not happy..."

He nodded, "I agree... We did nothing to change it and kept blaming each other. Never even sat down to talk about it."

Silence hit us again.

He let out a sigh, "Cadence... What you did... was like a wake up call to me saying that we were unhappy. I could not fill my duty as the husband you wanted me to be... but..." He sighed, "If you had not went and done the thing you done... I would have never found out about Sprite."

"Well... I'm glad you two are reunited. I'm sorry for Rain though... You pursued her and wanted to show her that you wanted to be back in her life. But now since I had my son... You see where this is going?" I asked him. "You might be repeating yourself. When we separated, my whole world collapsed around me. That must have been what Rain felt when you left her for me. Then you tried getting back with her after learning she had a kid. I..." I stammered, "I just can't let you do that with Rarity or with Rainbow Dash whoever you are with now." I was a little angry, "I had to work to get the pony's trust back and that was not easy. I virtually had no pony to rely on except for the Apple family along with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike and both my aunts. But I had to learn through trial and error, I took care of a library in the middle of the lion's den!" At this point, I was heaving. "I could not see how your sister could stand being there the way it was. But I managed to turn it around because ponies started to trust me when I offered to help. Soon the mayor was giving me other jobs, then soon ponies started asking for my help. My life started picking back up. And Big Macintosh..." I looked down at the sheets covering my bottom half. "He really helped me see straight that life was not always sunshine and rainbows. And life hits hard, if you let it keep you down then you lose at life. He told me I was a winner and I kept a positive mood on things and kept on going. And... I love him."

He broke a smile. "You're a lot stronger now. More determined." He breathed, "The past eleven months were not easier for me either. I should have been happy with what I had but... Between classes, Sprite and... joining a militia to combat threats in Equestria. Things got really confusing for me. I really want to teach but when threats like changelings and other creatures threaten us, I just can't sit and watch even if I'm no longer a guard. That's why some of the citizens and I formed the militia, we were tired of the royal guards only protecting Canterlot when places like Manehatten, Fillydelphia towns were in trouble. I want to believe the pen is mightier than the sword and still do... It's just that I had a lot of nights where I thought I did the right thing... I was miserable Cadence that night you walked in on me with Rarity. She helped me see that there was a world out there that needed help... But the more time I spent with the militia... the more lonely I got even if I made new friends, had my former lieutenant by my side. Even my sister was with me."

His head again hung in shame, "When I found Rain she... was drained of life and was about to be made into a changeling. I... well... Had to end her life as she laid there in misery, could not even move... I cried, said I was sorry for what I done and vowed to protect my daughter. Ghendi and Twilight waited for me to make my peace. Not long after that we found another queen trying to convert the children. We made short work of her, rescued Sprite... Then I said I wanted to go back home and continue my education. They understood and said I could come back anytime or needed any help." His eyes wandered, "Then when I heard you were pregnant. I freaked, thinking this could happen all over again."

I remained silent. Why does stuff like this always get to me?

"I'm real sorry you had to go through all that just to get your baby girl back. I'm touched you still thought of me... But you do realize... you might have poured out your heart even if the baby isn't yours." I said.

His eyes wandered. "I'm sorry. But I just want to make things right."


"No..." He said. "Trust me. I really should have put my wife before work and been there for her time of need. I was not even here for the baby and that's what tore me apart. Even if Twilight was in my place, I still have a good feeling." He sighed, "That's two births I missed. I was scared. Scared to what you had to say to me."

I just shook my head. "Shining. As much as I'm honored... How do I know this just won't happen again? When we could not make each other happy the first few times around?"

"Well... I'm a college student now and that leaves my schedule open a lot..." He put his hoof to his chin, "But then there is still the militia... and I was excu..."

"Shining... just..." I sniffed, "Just stop... please. I finally got things working right for myself."

"Cadence... I'm being serious here."

"I know alright." I wanted to shout.

He just sighed. "Well..." He pulled out the huge box he brought in earlier. "This is for you then. I had Rarity made it for you a couple weeks before the night you had with Mac. I put something else inside." Placed the box on my lap, with Rarity's story logo on the box. "Can I ask for one last thing?"

At least I could grant him one thing.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Can I just have one..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Just... one last kiss?"

I was petrified. I took a big breath. I don't even have an idea. What if Shining Armor was the father? He was offering to take me back. Part of me wanted to slap him. But another side just wanted to forgive him. I hated myself. Come on Cadence, what about Big Mac? He's willing to take care of you no matter what. Whatever you do Cadence... Don't...

"Okay..." I sadly muttered.

Why does my brain say one thing? Then my heart feel another? You're a Celestia damned moron.

Slowly. He got up from his chair and walked over to my side. His face closing in on mine. I was lurching my neck forward. And both our lips met. I should not enjoy this but... You know how you have that feeling when you kiss that special person you feel that fireworks are going off in the background? Well... Here its more like I was still in a meadow with the tall grass blowing. A little at peace. That same warm feeling I felt years ago and on my wedding day.. it was still there.

Finally we separated. He spoke and sighed, "Thanks Cadence... I'll remember that." Sadly he slid the box closer to me, "This is a gift no matter what decision you make... I'm willing." He turned away ready to walk out that door maybe for the final time. "Cadence... I'm really sorry... and thanks..." He let out a sad sniffle and turned away.

And with that. He left. Why do my emotions get the best of me? I should have just said no to him and make him leave. But instead I opened the box. Found a very beautiful dress inside. Many parts to it. The dress. The purse. Accessories. As well as a letter inside dated from last year, indeed a week or so before the affair.

Dear Mi Amore,

From the time we met. I never thought we would click but later I turned out to be wrong. We had some pretty good times getting to know each other. One of the happiest days in my life is when you said you said "I do". I would climb the highest mountain for you, swim the deepest channels just for you. But as of lately, things were not going so well. I came home to an empty home wanting my wife but really you were there trying to keep your royal duties while juggling to be a good wife. My work would keep me away from you, the thing that mattered the most for me. I'm sorry for all the times I ignored you, made you mad and made you cry. But with this gift I had a friend help me out with and she was grateful at the opportunity. I hope it will show you that I really do care. Though sometimes we fight, we never really talk about how we feel. Sometimes feeling like complete strangers. I just want to say; I'm sorry for everything... I love you for you being you.


Shining Armor

PS. I know my grammar sucks. But I mean every word of this.

I wiped my face clean. Just when I finally got over him. This crap pulls me back in. The dress was beautiful. It was a no brainer that Rarity made this for me. And I got drunk in front of her while she was just putting the final touches on it. Her work in pieces, she really wanted to please me. But once she saw me do the things I did at that party, she was shocked and felt awkward to even finish the project. But she did anyway. I recognized this last piece too, it was the exact thing Rarity was working on when I stopped by to try and make amends with her earlier those months ago. Shining Armor did care in those terrible months, of being over worked. He still cared. His joints ached he couldn't hold me. His mouth hurt so he could not say anything. His eyes were tired so I could not see his blue eyes.

"Oh my Celestia..." I teared up. "No... Please..."

All the pieces of the dress were laid out and put on the chair Shining used to be sitting on. I marveled at it. He cared. And still did. If this was some cheesy romance story I would have whisked myself from this hospital bed and threw myself in his arms. And ended happily ever after... Nope. I took everything out of the box and found one more letter, this time dated from a couple weeks ago.

Dear Mi Amore,

I know this is awkward. And I know I can never really make up for the stuff I pulled before we separated. But I just wanted to let you know, there was a part of me that never truly forgot about you. I was chasing Rain again because I found out she had my child years ago. I was miserable when Rain said she never wanted to see me again and withheld Sprite from me, I only got to know her for a couple of days before my little Sprite got ripped from my soul.

Rarity and I were supportive of each other and kept our relationship professional still to this very day. What she did for me, I will could never repay her. She gave me a reason to go out and go after Rain and Sprite before it was too late and lose them forever. Rarity did a very bold move that day and really represented her element greatly. She was very supportive of me going after my dreams, gave me a job to help tide myself over. Gave Twilight and me encouragement. Even Rainbow Dash. Then I realized something... Rarity just wanted me to be happy and she was willing to take a dive for some pony she was good friends with. Sure it seemed rash and bold, but in the end. Her business really flourished and gained popularity. No longer did she really have a lot of time for herself anymore, I realized it might be us all over again. So we agreed to keep our relationship mutual.

When I heard where the changelings were being a threat again. I panicked. Not only scared for the well being of Canterlot, but the entire nation of Equestria. But what really mattered to me, was the safety of my baby girl and her mother. I went back to Canterlot and begged the royal guard to help. Nothing moved them, I made a speech saying we were supposed to be dedicating all over our protection through out all of Equestria not just Canterlot. With that, my first members were my former lieutenant as well as my sister. Soon other guards followed and gave up being guards just to make sure every pony stayed safe. We fought and fought, I missed a lot of classes but it was worth it in the end. I found Rain, Sprite and other citizens in trouble. But... The hardest thing I ever had to do was put Rain down. Saying goodbye to a long time friend and a former fiancee; who's heart I broke. But I had to continue to find Sprite. And which I did and thankfully in time. I would have never forgiven myself if anything happened to her. With the queen down, I decided to quit and go back to school. Sprite would have to go under the care of my parents, I let Rainbow Dash have her visitation rights.

When I heard you were pregnant. It felt like I was repeating my past mistakes again. I asked you time and time again if it was mine. But you just told me you did not know and went off continuing your life. Seeing you finally happy, really put my own hoof in my mouth. With that, I just had to know. I could not let this happen again like what happened to Rain only with you. I can't stand another thought of a mare's hopes and dreams I crushed because of my foolishness. I heard you were in a relationship but then sometimes I heard not and it really stung me in the wrong way. Jealous? Maybe, hurtful. Yes but if you're happy then so be it. I have learned over the year about what being alone really was. Many of the other militia men told me stories about their wives and families. It really made me realize what I missed the most.

But I just want to let you know. I'm sorry. I never stopped loving you. I'm sorry I was such a lousy husband back then but if you could find it your heart to forgive me. Then it would really make me happy. But I also wanted to ask. I'm scared to even ask this, but I wanted to know if we could give it another chance? It would really brighten up Sprite having a mother. I will respect your decision no matter what...

And I want to come clean... I was scared of you. I was scared of our whole relationship, scared if I upset you that I would become a zombie again then leave behind other things. To turn my back on my family like the first time was the hardest things I ever had to do back then. I never want that to happen again, I know if we're honest to each other from now on. I'm sure this could work.


Shining Armor

PS. Does my grammar still suck? I will always cherish the happiness we gave each other.

PSS. Will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Shining Armor Sparkle? One more time?

My eyes watered even more. To my surprise, my old engagement and wedding ring was tapped to the bottom of the letter. I cried for probably an hour before my next guest arrived. It was Big Macintosh with gifts of flowers and balloons. And a nervous twitch on his face.

"Cadence?" He asked.

At this point. My face was a mess. I had everything Shining Armor given me back in the box along with the letters. Big Macintosh walked over to me and sat down, he pulled out a hankerchief and wiped my tears away.

"Cadence?" He asked in his southern tone. "Are you alright?"

I sniffed. "I don't know..."

Slowly he wiped my face clean, "You don't know huh? Maybe you're just tired."

I lied. "Yeah that's probably it."

"Well... I guess I can always come back later then." Mac told me. "Uh..." He blushed. "I stopped by to see the baby and he was still cute as a button."

How could I even talk to him after this?

It was almost like I cheated again. And agreed to it without alcohol in use.

"Did my little one cry?" I asked.

"Well he was a bit fussy before the nurse held him up to the window." He answered. "But then he calmed down."

I felt relieved. Big Macintosh really knew how to calm a situation. He was not a stallion of dominance but more of a hoofs on and really tries to things from both sides. That's what I liked about him.

"Cadence?" He asked.

"Yes?" My voice deepened a little.

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his head and blushed a little. "Well I just wanted to say... I really cherished the time we shared together in the past months." Then focused back to me, "You really helped Ponyville and my family out with your encouragement and organized charities... But um..." He blushed harder, "Since my return you really gave me motivation to go further in my hobby of art and one of my best drawings was of you as well as some entered in competitions. I won some and I lost some. You were there no matter what and said my art was great even if it had a red, yellow or no ribbon on it at all. We spent many nights together, talking about interests, food and customs. Apple Bloom really admires you, Apple Jack considers you like a sister and granny Smith is proud that you can rise above a shattered dream." He took a deep breath, "I know we met under confusing circumstances but I'm glad I met you. We helped each other in our time of darkness. And... I took a long time to think about this as well as thinking about the baby. Even if he is not mine... I still want to be part of your lives. And... I guess... What I'm trying to ask... Um."

"Yes?" My eyes widened.

He bent down and pulled out a little velvet box, "Mi Amore Cadence?"

"I..." I blinked, should be happy for the thought.

He gritted his teeth and still flustered, "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I held my hoofs to my face. Eyes watering again.

Memories flooding back to me. Of the time we shared together.

I remembered one evening where I encouraged Big Mac to take an art class down at the Ponyville art center to further his interest. Probably one of the biggest enjoyment the big guy ever had, like a little kid on the first day of school who is eager to play with all the toys and make new friends. He would go there for a class every Thursday night and work on various projects ranging from paintings to pottery.

He would get out around seven in the evening. I had the following couple of days off because of the holiday weekend. Mac and I were already dating at this time so I wanted to meet up with him and surprise him. We had a date that night and I was running a bit early. It was raining outside, go figure I decided to go and surprise him with an early greeting and it was raining. Good thing I had my umbrella and a spare just in case. I waited... And waited outside the art center. It started to rain heavier so I took shelter at the general store across the street. But unfortunately, the owner had to close early because he got sudden news of his daughter having a baby of her own. I just waited under the panels canopy. Water dripping heavy in front myself. I waited. And waited some more. I looked at the clock that was displayed on the store sign, seven ten already? I guess he was running late. Then it hit me, maybe he went home early because of the holiday coming up? Oh Cadence how could you forget? He's probably waiting at the library right now wondering where I am. I waited a bit longer...

A bit more. Seven eighteen. I sighed in defeat. And started to look at the puddle in front of me. My sad reflection staring right back at me. Like the destroyed bride from my dreams was trying to haunt me again. Darn this canopy, had holes in it where it was leaking onto my makeup. Ugh. I really wanted this night to be special, I had a present for Macintosh and obviously he told me he made reservations at a restaurant so popular it would have taken months to get a reservation on the dot. I looked at the clock again, Seven thirty two.


Guess I'll go home then.

A hoof stepped into the puddle. Splashing my sad image away.

"Looks like I found a little lost kitten."

I looked up. Big Mac all wet trying to conceal his art work within his jacket. He smiled down at me, his light brownish blond hair clung to his face.

I giggled and just smiled, "I thought you would have went home already."

"Nope. I apologize for being late. It was my turn to help clean up the supplies." He answered, but still felt bad about not calling.

"It's fine..." I forgave him and stood up.

"So was the library doing?" He asked. Obviously asking about the work he done with it but more importantly how I was adjusting to it.

"Oh it's doing alright. I closed early today though." I smiled.

"Ah playing hooky huh?" He smiled.

I used my magic to show him the umbrella I got for him as I unfolded mine.

He grabbed my shoulder, "No thanks..." And pulled me close, "I'll just stand under yours."

I was blushing and he looked down at me as we walked, "What's up?"

I giggled and shook my head, "Nothing. Just thinking about how handsome you are."

He smiled, "Ah now your teasing me huh?"

We both laughed and went onto a night of fun. Dressed up in our best clothes. Danced. Had dinner. Saw a movie. Held hoofs as walked. This was too good to be true. Never thought I would find myself finding love without the use of my special spells.

Another night. I invited Big Mac to stay the night at the library. Spike was sleeping in his bed as I was downstairs with Macintosh. I sat by the window looking at Luna's full moon while I posed for Macintosh to sketch my image. Thinking back at all the great things I enjoyed my life. Loved foal sitting and being a princess.

"Aren't you cold?" Mac continued to sketch.

I answered, "No... I'm fine."

The next minute he put the finishing touches. He turned it around to show me. "It's done. What do you think?"

I turned my head. It was really good. So much detail for a sketch and he really drew it from the heart. "It's lovely" I smiled.

He turned it back around, sighing, "So much could be done."

I walked away from the window. And laid down on the carpet in front of him. Posing almost laying face up. "No... It's wonderful my big daddy Mac."

He snickered. "That's a new one." Then he looked down at me, saw me as a beautiful goddess. Just laying there in front of him.

"I'm serious." I smiled.

Just then, he smiled and nodded. Then turned off the light. Only source of light remained was a small reading light that Macintosh was using to help him sketch better.

Now with him being on top of me. Looking down at me with passionate eyes.

"Ohh... Ohhhhhhh." I moaned lightly as he gently moved in and out of me.

He grunted and kept thrusting.

My legs flailing and my arms wrapped around his strong neck.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh." I moaned again in pleasure, encouraging the big red machine to go into over drive. "Baby I'm close!" I suddenly wrapped my legs around his waist. We released our love at the same time. I was breathing heavily. He was too. We caught our breaths.

He smiled down at me. Put his hoof to my cheek. "I..."

I reached for his hoof and placed it on my chest to feel my heartbeat, "Yes?"

He chuckled a little, "Feels like I'm dreaming..."

"You're not dreaming." I smiled, "You're not dreaming."

"That's good then..." He lowered his head.

Then kissed my neck, I gasped in pleasure, "Ahhhh..."

It only got better over time. Macintosh would devote his time to me. Come over to the library to do repair work or sometimes just to be sweet. Call me his little pink princess. I would pose for more for his art, must have drew like twelve pictures of me. All of them very touching. But each signified my progress leading up to the birth of my baby. He drew other things, even some action shots for comic books. But got rejected. But he kept his chin up. And did what he loved most. Drawing. Painting. No, he did not start slacking off on my account. He really was durable and a good multitasking stallion.

One week, the fair was in town. Rides. Games. Shows. Big flashing lights. The works. I was so busy helping organizing it along with Pinkie Pie I barely had time to enjoy it until the last couple of nights. I ate cotton candy, ice cream... Cotton Candy with ice cream on top of it. Nachos, funnel cake with loads of powdered sugar. Hey, I was eating for two. I played a few games and one myself a little key chain. While the cutie mark crusaders were trying to play a very rigged game to win the "good" prizes. Knocking over a tower of milk bottles should not be so hard right? After spending probably fifty bits and one hundred free game coupons, it was very rigged. Apple Bloom had one last ball and hit the carny in the face with it, the carny fell on top of the bottles and knocked them over proving they were glued together. Hey, rules say if you use a ball to knock down the bottles in anyway, you win. The crusaders walked home with the cheap limited edition radio which was a knock off of the name brand.

Big Mac played a few games as well. He broke the bell from the strong pony game while testing his strength. Soon I was walking home with a giant stuffed elephant on my back. A cute prize. But let me tell you a little something. A little cute secret that Spike doesn't think I know. I learned that he had a bit of a crush on me during our time together. I played up his little charm, he won me a few prizes as well. I awarded him with a kiss. To see the little blush on his face, it was adorable. But, he knew my situation. And accepted it. He was more grown up than I thought. Something that would make Twilight proud.

The more organized events I planned, the more I enjoyed them with Big Mac being by my side. Showing me the fun side of not being royal and how the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Over the course of the year. I stopped dressing up like I was royalty. I went off without the crown and necklace. More and more. I acted average. Though when Canterlot calls back I have to gussy myself up again. I got to say, its fun to mingle with the average ponies. I got invited to parties and had lunch with others. More confidence. Most ponies did not see me for the scandal anymore. No more hissing. Just hellos and goodbyes. Not "hey whore" or "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out now".

Aunt Celestia... Thank you for giving me this chance to redeem myself. And thank you Big Macintosh for giving me the encouragement to keep moving forward. Thank you every pony... Thank you...

Big Macintosh played his role in the responsibility. Making sure I was getting to my appointments and eating right. Putting together a crib and changing table in my room. Painting a little meadow on the wall over the baby's crib. Pinkie and Fluttershy contributed by adding smiling faces and animals to the meadow. Apple Jack made sure I was comfortable in my surroundings. Pretty much, when my water broke. There was mass panic. Well Pinkie had the mass panic. Big Mac and his sister brought me to the hospital.

First thing the nurse asked Big Mac is, "How long has your wife been feeling pains sir?"

He just blushed and mumbled over his words. Apple Jack answered everything while I remembered my breathing exercises. It was Big Mac by my side the entire time. He cut the cord. He held my baby.

And they say that nice guys finish last? Please... For what Big Mac has done for me, I'm surprised that girls are not lining up for him to be treated with respect like I was. But... he was big and shy, kept to himself. And I brought him out of his shell a little. Cracked the egg and got a gentle colt inside.

I'm sorry... I can't...

My eyes were watering up still. Big Mac raced to my side to dry my tears again. My big guardian angel, ready to pick me up whenever I fell.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head, my throat started to hurt from crying so much. "I'm not alright!"

"What happened? Are you sick? Do you need the nurse?" He asked, he was worried.

"NO YOU BIG IDIOT!" I cried. Tried to inhale as I could. "Everything is not alright!"

"Cadence...?" He stepped back.

I blubbered, "Shining Armor was in here earlier with his little girl Sprite."

Mac remained silent. His eyes scared, probably knowing what I was going to say.

"Shining Armor wants me to marry him again! Saying that he's lost without me." I cried. "He went through hell just to get Sprite back but had to put Rain out of her misery. He doesn't want it to happen to me either!"

He remained quiet.

"And that's what I wanted. I wanted him to love me without the use of my magic. Now he knows for real this time! Saying that he was wrong and learned a lot through out his travels, does not want to let things repeat themselves." I kept crying. My covers were soaked with tears.

He did not move.

I showed him the letter with the rings taped on the bottom. He read it, letting the piece of straw in his mouth twirl. The more I looked up at him, the more saddened he looked. He gave me back the letter.

And left the engagement ring on my nightstand. He let out a huge sigh. Looked at me, "This... This was for you... I'm sorry... I don't know why I even thought I had a chance..."

"Tell Shining Armor... To take very special care of Almata then." He faced away from me.

"But I didn't tell him anything yet!" I cried.

He slowly walked out of the room but looked back at me one last time...

"I would not have cared even if he was not mine." He let out a sniff. Obviously heartbroken, "I'll let you do what you want. But I'll keep visiting Almata until you made a decision." He slowly closed the door. Soon I was begging for him not to go, even if he was not in the room anymore.

"Macintosh?" I cried. "Mac? Please don't go..."

Why was this happening? You finally get something good in your life and something comes along and BUCKS IT ALL UP! Cadence. If you had a single brain cell, you would have cut Shining Armor off and told him to go back to Rarity and work things out. Is it because your guilty?


Huh? You're too stupid to think for yourself? You need a stallion making all your decisions for you?

Stop it...

Face it. You were always a wreck. You meddled in others lives and loved bucking with them. That's why you stole Shining Armor from Rain. And Rarity does it to you in return. Karma is a bitch huh? All you do is cry to make others feel bad for you. It's worked about a chalk full of times.


Come on Cadence. You're a big girl. Make up your mind. Shining Armor or Big Macintosh. One wants you back because he went through hell and basically had time to think while he was out protecting Equestria just to make sure your baby is born. If it's his. Or with Big Macintosh, a hard worker, true gentle colt, an artist, the one that would do anything for you to make you happy. Willing to devote his entire life to you! But he's a push over at times. Or... Why don't you just pick a corner and lay on your back for the rest of your life?


My inner thoughts really can get the best of me. Like those oozing ponies never left my thoughts. Like they were still grabbing onto me. I screamed and cried until the doctor and nurses came in to calm me down. I got a shot to relax my nerves. I almost worked myself into a panic attack. By at that time, I asked for a paternity test, Shining Armor and Big Macintosh would have to come in again to do it. Enough was enough...

"I'm sorry..." My grandma hugged me. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

I just kept quiet. Letting my grandma embrace me.


I'm so tired of this. All I did was cry.

"I'm ready grandma..."

I knew what I had to tell those two but I'm not going to let this destroy me.

Soon I was in the Hospital's board room because of my request. One side of the table was Shining Armor. His sister Twilight, their parents and close friends along with Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Rarity looked like she had not slept in awhile while Rainbow Dash had Sprite in her lap. The other side of the table was Big Mac with his sister Apple Jack and Apple Bloom. Granny Smith finally made the trip to visit Almata. I wish I could have seen her interaction with him. Next to her were Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Pinkie ready to blow streamers while Fluttershy kept pressing her hoofs together. My aunt Celestia finally arrived and sat down next to me while my grandmother was on the other side of me.

"All of you know why we are here." I spoke. "To discuss who is the father of my son..." I gulped. "I spoke to the two potential fathers and heard their proposals. Along with what they had to say on the matter." I lifted the envelope, "I did not look at this. But I just want every pony to know... I really appreciate their kindness towards me over the time we known each other."

They knew I was dangling a carrot in front of their faces.

So I came up with the biggest move of all.

"Like I said. I had two proposals but I also informed that you two did not care what decision I came to. Correct?" I asked.

Big Mac sighed, "Yup..."

"Yes." Shining nodded.

"Well... In this case the envelope." I held it up. Took a deep breath.

And lit it on fire...