• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 1- Big Bugmom Problems

Titans. That was a term that had quickly become the subject of debate extremely quickly among the population of Equestria. Which makes sense considering the recent events that had taken place over the past few weeks. One moment ponies were living their normal lives and committing to their daily routine, the next second they had their lives turned on their heads as one they witnessed individuals grow in size to unimaginable heights, towering over the landscape and towns.

They loomed above all. Mighty, unstoppable, and completely immune to magic. As evidence of what was seen with the colossal noble ponies of the upper class who had become large enough to hold the capitol city of Canterlot in the frog of their hoof, their humongous frames riveling that of the mountain the city had rested on. The elements of harmony, comprising of the six mares that represented a certain attribute acquainted to harmony, had even tried out their signature rainbow laser, their instant win card against the greatly enlarged Blueblood during that instance and it had done little more than tickle the titanic Prince.

The strongest weapon in all of Equestria had been reduced to nothing more than a joke in a span of seconds because of the gigantic ponies’ size and newfound resilience. It’s like comparing a mosquito bite to a shark bite. The former is so small you would bearly notice such a tiny prick on your skin, if at all. In contrast to the latter, whom is much bigger and if it was to bite you, you would definitely notice it.

Of course, with unstoppable power like the ones being presented and viewed for all to see and flaunted around for sport, it would make sense that somepony else would try and get it for themselves. Because after all, we can’t have a nice, quiet day in Equestria can we?

The Princesses still had the royal guards searching through the forest for any sign of the magic spellbook that had caused all this trouble in the first place. First the growth spell had been casted by Blueblood, allowing the ponies of the upper class to grow into giants, and after the spell wore out, it mutated due to it being activated for too long and was automatically cast again. This time shooting into the direction of Ponyville and colliding into Big Macintosh. An adult stallion who was already quite large to begin with. The mutated spell turning him into the largest being alive in all of Equestria in a matter of days, easily outclassing the nobles in size and power. Had he not possessed the loving and caring heart of gold within him, the kingdom would have certainly seen disastrous results from somepony that large. Thankfully everything had eventually returned to normal and after long last, the guards finally found the original campsite where the first growth had taken place.

Only to find it completely void of any magical tome full of size magic.

The guards practically tore the already squashed campsite apart as they despretly tried to locate the missing book. They rifled through the dark and tie-dyed cloaks left behind by the nobles when they originally met up, tore apart the campfire, and even searched the surrounding area three different times.


Where could the book have gone?” Many of them wondered as they completed another search through the forest. Maybe they got lucky, and some wild animals tore it apart and used the remains as nesting or something of the sort. That was the scenario many of them were hoping for. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. But after more searching and still revealing nothing, they had no choice but to call it quits and return to Canterlot to inform the Princesses of what had transpired. Hoping they would accept the excuse that some wild animals most likely ran off with the lost book and probably tore it up by this point.

But had the royal guards reached the campsite just a little earlier, they would have been there in time to stop the real culprit from making off with the spellbook.

The Queen of the Changelings Chrysalis.

She was currently on route back to her hive as she held the book tightly in her jaws, wincing a little as the book faintly sparked with energy from the wild magic from the growth spell.

At last, I have it!” She thought with glee, her eyes sparkling with mischief as flew over the grassy fields of Equestria “Soon, the ultimate power will be all mine!”

The beautiful green fields of Equestria soon began to vanish as the Changeling Queen continue to fly towards her kingdom. Soon, barren land and rocky planes was all that was visible to the eye as Chrysalis continued to fly south.

She winced again as another stray bolt of arcane magic bit into her cheek as the sight of her hive came into view. Her eyes narrowed as a plan began to formulate in her head.

Landing heavily on the ground at the hive’s entrance, Chrysalis strode forward with a purpose. Emanating power and authority every Queen should have (in her eyes) as she entered the darkened passageways. Almost immediately, she found herself in front of two armored Changelings. Both of them holding spears as they guarded the entrance.

The two of them bowed down deeply at the sight of their ruler returning

“Welcome back your highness,” one of them said

“How was your trip?” the other asked, leaning back up a little as he did so

“It was…quite informative,” Chrysalis replied, the book now suspended in the acid green glow of her magic as she looked it over, soaking in the details and observing the wild magic still present in the tome “But I shall inform the hive later about all that. For now, get me Chip and Chirp. I require their assistance immediately.”


“Almost done!” came a high pitched, joyful voice

“Yay! This has to be one of our best projects yet!” said another voice with excitement

The two voices, belonging to a pair of young Changeling twins named Chip and Chirp, looked on proudly as they continued assembling a large machine they had been tasked to work on by their mother, Queen Chrysalis.

Chip and Chirp were young among the ranks of the Changelings. Still hatchlings in fact. If compared to ponies and their ages, they would be around the same age as the fillies known as the cutie mark crusaders. But they never let their age slow them down in the hustle and bustle of the hive. Because among all of them, the two twins were easily some of the smartest creative minds in the entire hive. Ever since they were young, they had a knack for putting things together.

Chip was the older one of the twins by about twenty seconds after he had hatched. The little changeling looked like most of the other grubs in the nursery though he was born with a deformity in his left wing. Leaving it bent in an odd angle which unfortunately rendered him mostly flightless, though he was able to maneuver in the air for only a brief time period. Though he never let that stop him from having a positive outlook on life nor did that sully his always cheerful attitude.

Chirp was the youngest of the twins. Like his brother he was born in the nursery and shared many of the characteristics of the other changeling hatchlings. But unlike his brother, he did not possess the ability to fly, having to rely on his older brother carrying him in order for his hooves to leave the ground. But instead of his left wing being bent, it was his right wing. Chirp usually was the more silent of the two. It was no secret that he was a little shy around others, not unlike Fluttershy, though that wouldn’t stop him from having a conversation with another when prompted.

Queen Chrysalis usually kept them away from the usual activities of the hive because of their lack of mobility in their wings. Meaning that they can never get a role in the hive like an infiltrator or warrior. But, their mother had found other uses for their talents. Allowing them to continue to tinker away to their hearts content while she sporadically came to check up on them.

Chrysalis had come to them just a little while ago after she had returned from her journey to the pony lands with a strange book she had recovered. She said she would get into the details later but she needed them to find a way to siphon off the energy and magic being created by the book and stabilize it. So that way, the spells inside the book would be safe to use. A task that the two brainy hatchlings were eager to begin working on.

They pulled another large plate of metal from the scrap heap of various odds and ends they left in a corner. Machine parts they had both made themselves and some of it taken from pony civilization.

And what was it they were constructing you ask? They were constructing a ray gun, under the stern and watchful eyes of their mother and Queen.

Saying the last few weeks have been eventful at the hive and in the kingdom of Equestria was a complete understatement to say the least. Changeling spies posted all around pony towns and cities sent frantic reports back to the hive of ponies growing into gigantic titans. This news alone had stirred the hive into a frenzy. Things had eventually settled down after the growth spell had cancelled itself out on the Canterlot ponies who had become huge, leaving the changeling to believe this was some freak, onetime event. Only for the alarm to arise again as the changlings in the hive gave witness to another one of those pony Titans. Once so big he could be seen from the hive. And this had once again stirred things into a panic. The Changelings all had questions of how this happened and what this meant for the hive going forward.

Queen Chrysalis was determined to get answers, both for herself and for the wellbeing of her hive. So, at the first chance she got, she infiltrated Canterlot Castle herself, disguised as a maid and personally went to interrogate Prince Blueblood. One of the ponies that had first become a Titan.

The process was simple if she was being honest. Why, the dolt was even easier to put under mind control then Shining Armor was! “Not much going on in that empty head of yours,” Chrysalis had thought with a snicker as she finished putting Blueblood under her control. There was practically no resistance from him whatsoever. Though that did make sense considering she had ambushed Blueblood in his sleeping quarters. Apparently, he still slept with a teddy bear.

Once under her influence, Blueblood pretty much told her all she needed to know; Beginning with how he and his fellow nobles (with the exception of a Ms. Sturdy Step) all felt like they were being snubbed by the Princesses because they wouldn’t give them extra benefits for trivial things, so, in some insane attempt to get their attention and force their hoof, they all used an incomplete growth spell in a book that Blueblood had stolen from the restricted section of the royal library, grew into titans, and personally made their demands.

However, before they could get what they wanted the spell had worn off and they all reverted to their natural sizes and punished. Blueblood and his cohorts all had gotten scolded by the princesses, had to issue a public apology, and do community service to make up for any damage they had done. Blueblood himself getting personally punished by his Auntie Luna by being shrunken down for a whole day, trapped in a jar while she read Moby Dick to him as Nightmare Moon. The exception for the punishment ended up being Sturdy Step, because she had not really done any damage nor made any demands. All she had done was go from town to town and interact with her tiny fans because she was a professional boxer. So, her punishment was kept to a minimum.

The second time the event was triggered was when the element of honesty’s eldest brother, Big Macintosh, was hit from some leftover magical residue from Blueblood’s spell. Since the spell was incomplete and still partially active because the numbskull Blueblood never canceled the spell, a bit of the remaining magic had latched onto the nearest living being it could find, which happened to be Big Macintosh. However, this time the effects were different. The spell had become wild since it had been incompletely activated for so long, leaving the spell itself to become mutated. Sort of like how the inside of an apple turns brown when left outside for too long. You still get to eat the apple but it will taste slightly different. Such was the case with the mutated frowth spell. Big Mac had grown into a titan like the nobles, soon towering over the landscape and mountains, but he also gained a new ability; his earth pony magic had been amplified to a ridiculous degree.

He simply tapped his immense hoof and all the apples at his family’s orchard was ready to pick. He manipulated the old and dry wood in their barn and willed it to repair itself and fix the holes on the roof. Next when he was walking around the kingdom, he stopped to fix up all the damages the careless nobility had left behind. The kindhearted Titan even stopped to help some poor town who were struggling with their crops due to poor weather conditions. Another simple tapping of his foot and all the dried-up plants became green and lively. Though it was noted that anytime Big Mac used his newfound abilities, it would cause him to shoot up in size dramatically.

Eventually the Princesses realized that Mega Macintosh was not shrinking back down like the nobles did due to the mutated spell, so they managed to create a counterfeit shrinking potion and change Big Mac back to normal.

Ponies thought that was truly the end of it all but there has been rumors of a third mystery pony who has turned into a Titan. However, they only seem to come out at night. Ponies have reported occasional booming hoofsteps at night, seeing a gigantic silhouette looming outside cities, stepping over towns, and towering over mountains. There were even reports of the mystery Titan leaving behind a gargantuan hoofprint near a settlement in the middle of the night, but the next day it would vanish and a different hoofprint would pop up in a different location far away. Sometimes with a smiling face or inspirational quote drawn on the inside of the humongous crater.

So far nopony has stepped up to say it was them, but the fact that this mystery titan only seems to come out at night and nopony has actually gotten a good look at them, led many to assume this was all some very elaborate prank some jokesters are trying to pull off, to capitalize on the current events caused by the Titan craze.

A prank was the most likely explanation in Chrysalis’ mind. Why would any pony who was a giant want to keep it a secret? It didn’t make any sense in her kingdom conquering mind.

After she found out that the cause of all these titans was due to a silly little book, she grilled Blueblood on where it was. Chrysalis expected it to be in the castle under heavy security but was pleasantly surprised to find out that the royal fool just left it in a forest in a campsite he had squashed when he walked over to Canterlot as a Titan. It was practically begging to be stolen! The power to grow into an unstoppable giant was just within hoof’s reach! She just had to nab it and then conquering the kingdom will be child’s play. Thoughts of simply moving entire platoons of royal guards aside like they were toy solders and humiliating the Princesses and Mane 6 as she messes around with her size filled her mind.

Chrysalis was getting giddy at the easy win that would soon be in her hooves and couldn’t wait to get started!

After obtaining the book (which was left next to a pair of ugly tie-dyed cloaks for some reason) she then brought it back to the hive where she asked two of her children, Chip and Chirp to help finish the growth spell. A process that was surprisingly easy (which made Chrysalis wonder why it was not finished in the first place since it was so easy). There was one problem though, the book’s magic had been worn out due to the growth spell being activated for so long and was thus extremely unstable. Moreso than when it had struck Big Macintosh. The unstable magic that hit Big Mac had caused some unpredictable results. Though the wild magic had worked out in his favor that time, Chrysalis had no intention on experimenting on herself by casting unstable magic.

This is when Chip suggested that the remaining magic in the book could be transferred into a machine to keep it from becoming wilder and they could use a power source to stabilize it. Chirp then pitched in and said they could use some of the hive’s supply of love. After all, if love can power up a Changeling, there should be no reason as to why it wouldn’t work on the residue magic. Seeing as most of this made sense to her, Chrysalis agreed to the plan. Eager to grow into the next Titan and conquer the Equestria.

“And done!” Chip panted out, collapsing into a buggy heap at the base of the ray gun, his wrench falling out of his black hoof and onto the hive floor with a clatter. Another PLOP followed and Chirp found himself next to his twin brother, dropping his hammer in exhaustion. The two had been working non-stop for hours under the cold and calculating eye of Queen Chrysalis, who finally decided to speak after her long period of silence.

“And you’re sure this will work?” She asked her two children coldly, not taking her eyes off the large machine as she slowly walking around it, soaking every little detail of it. From the cylindrical shape of the base and body to the glowing pink container of love in the back, and lastly to the barrel with the rings attached to it, allowing the residue magic to mellow out and not overwhelm the subject when they blast themselves with the growth ray.

“You got it Mo-I mean your majesty!” Chirp said, hastily correcting himself as he scrambled up from the ground and bowing. “The magic in the machine will no longer be unstable because it has been combined with the love gathered from the hive!” Chip also got up from the crumpled heap he had found himself in and added “The spell is will no longer comprised of wild magic and won’t suffer from unforeseen side effects or mishaps!”

“Good,” Chrysalis replied, finally averting her gaze from the growth ray to her two sons as she stood in front of them “It would be highly unfortunate if the effects were to wear off while I was in the process of dealing with my enemies, like it did with those upstart upper class ponies. I would no doubt escape them, but make no mistake, I would hold you two personally responsible!” She hissed as she leaned down and glared at the two of them.

Chirp and Chip started sweating profusely “D-d-don’t worry your majesty!” Chip stuttered out as he nervously met his mother’s piercing gaze “I promise Chirp and I got the stabilization down to a T! It won’t give you any problems.”

Chirp nodded frantically as he listened to his brother’s explanation.

Chrysalis stared into their small eyes for a second longer before standing back up “Very well, I shall take your word for it. Fire up the machine immediately and use it me!” she announced as she walked to the front of the growth ray.

The two little brothers nervously looked at each other before scrambling after their Queen “Wait your majesty! Shouldn’t you wait? You know, just so we can make absolutely sure we got everything down correctly?” Chirp asked “You know, do some tests runs and stuff?”

Chrysalis turned around with an eyebrow raised “I thought you just told me you solved the stabilization issue?” she asked flatly “That is the only problem I wanted solved,”

“Well, we did but- “

“Then I see no reason why we can’t proceed if you have already delt with the only issue we were having. Now fire up that growth ray! We haven’t got all day!” Chrysalis exclaimed, cutting off Chirp and stomping a hoof.

Chirp and Chip’s ears folded down against their heads as they averted their gaze from their mother and nodded. Chip fluttered his tattered little wings, flew up to the ray, and pulled a lever down. The machine hummed to life and the end of the barrel began to glow, aimed directly at Queen Chrysalis.

This was beginning to garner attention as the rest of the changelings in the hive all gathered into the experiment room to see the spectacle. All of them had heard that their Queen was about to single handedly conquer Equestria.

“And while I’m gone, clean up this mess you two made!” Chrysalis said, pointing to the pile of scrap metal Chirp and Chip had left while they were building the growth ray.

“Ok mom…” Chirp said quietly as the ray reached the peak of Its power.

A bright orange laser blasted out of the barrel and hit Chrysalis directly in the chest. Chip watched as the growth ray exhaust all its magic, love, and power into the one blast. Everything directed into the Changeling Queen.

For a moment everything was still, not a single living being uttered a sound. The hive watched in bathed breath as they waited for something to happen.

And just as suddenly, a neon green glow suddenly engulfed Chrysalis like an inferno. She closed her eyes and hummed in pleasure as her form began to expand, rising towards the rocky ceiling.

And promptly smashed through it effortlessly like it was paper.

The Changelings present all screamed and scattered as rubble began raining down from the roof, flying in all direction. Chip grabbed his brother Chirp’s hoof and took flight. The two little grubs trying to fly out of the way as well but due to their inexperience with flying they had a much more difficult time navigating through the dust and rock. They didn’t even notice themselves buzzing straight into a large wall of thick, silky, turquoise strands, until it was too late, the two twins getting tangled in it immediately. The two were too disoriented to notice that strangely, the strands were growing larger around them while they were not.


With a tremendous BOOM! Chrysalis’ head burst out of the top of the hive in a shower of rock, dust, and changeling slime.

Chrysalis smirked and looked down at herself as the neon glow still surrounded her, allowing her body to continue to increase in size. Her head continued to rise through the opening, followed by her neck and torso. Chrysalis simply took a step forward and burst out of the hive, tearing away the entire front of it as her hoof landed on the ground with the THOOM! Completely flattening one of the dead trees underhoof.

And yet, she still wasn’t done growing yet as the ray’s power continued to serge within her. Bigger and bigger the colossal Queen grew. She looked around with a pleased expression as her surroundings diminished in size around her. The hive, once as tall as she was just a few seconds ago continued to decrease in height, lowering to her chest, then knees, and lastly as small as her hoof.

The now extremely tiny changelings timidly poked their heads out of their hiding places in the wreckage of the hive. The growth ray lay in ruins nearby, completely flattened after it had been unknowingly squashed by Chrysalis’s hind leg when she outgrew the hive. Chip and Chirp were nowhere to be found.

The drones, very cautiously, made their way to their goliath of a Queen outside. Extremely intimidated by her gargantuan presence as she towered high above them. Nearly half of the entire badlands was covered by her shadow alone. They almost fell on their backs trying to look up the dark black spires that were her chitin legs looming above. Only the underside of her massive muzzle was visible as Chrysalis looked out into the distance, strangely quiet.

The drone cautiously approached Chrysalis’ titanic hoof, it being so big they couldn’t keep it all in their field of vision.

Suddenly the air rumbled as Chrysalis’ immense shadow shifted high above them. The changelings directed their attention they sky. Their hearts dropping into their stomachs as they saw Chrysalis staring down, her attention directed onto them now though there was still no emotion on her face.

When suddenly, her expression shifted from unreadable to so joyful and happy, Pinkie Pie would be jealous.

“Awww! Everything is so tiny and adorable!” Chrysalis thundered with a teasing voice, her eyes sparkling with warmth and kindness, not unlike the same kind of kindness Celestia radiates when speaking to a loved one or her subjects.

At the sound of her voice, the drones all squealed in fear and darted back into the hive, going straight to their hiding places, their minds not registering what she had said. But as soon as it clicked, they all timidly looked back out at their gigantic ruler.

Chrysalis leaned down and lowering her massive head to where the hive was. The Changelings squeaked out in fear as the gaping hole in the hive was filled with the colossal, glowing green eye of their mother looking down at their diminutive forms, Chrysalis being so big now that her eye alone completely filled the area of the hive she had previously stepped out from.

“Awww, I didn’t mean to scare everyling so badly,” Chrysalis spoke sweetly to her tiny drones “Is anyling hurt? Momma can give you a big ol’ hug to make it feel better!”

The changelings look at each other in confusion. Why was their queen acting so…happy? Just a second ago she was dead set on conquering Equestria. Now she was absolutely humongous! so why wasn’t she stomping off to go flatten the kingdom?

“Ummm, y-y-your highness?” one drone timidly called up to the monolithic eye still staring at them “Why aren’t you…you know, heading out to take over Equestria like you planned?”

Chrysalis’ eye blinked, a mirthful look growing in it. Then suddenly, Chrysalis’ thunderous giggles filled the air and shook the ground, the changelings crouching down on the floor to prevent themselves from falling over from the shaking.

“Me? Taking over Equestira?” Chrysalis asked as she chuckled, lifting up one of her giant hoofs up to wipe a tear of laughter from her eye “Now why would I do a silly thing like that?”

“B-b-but you said that… once you became a Titan then you’d crush Equestira,” the same drone hesitantly reminded her

“Now, now, sweetie, perish the thought! I won’t be doing any of that,” Chrysalis gently reprimanded the little drone, getting back up to her hooves. One more looming over the hive. “Why would I want to conquer those adorable little ponies when we can be friends with them instead? No need for such pointless fighting when we can all be happy!”


“In fact, today is a beautiful day!” Chrysalis remarked, looking up at the clear blue sky, her snout nearly touching the clouds at her great size “I think I’ll go out for a little morning walk and say hi to our dear teeny-weeny little pony neighbors. Oh, I’ll be so happy to see the cute tiny smiles on their faces after I announce to them that I want to be friends with all of them!”

Chrysalis had a charming yet giddy smile on her face as she raised her gigantic hoof started to head out, the squashed tree falling from the underside of her hoof as she did do and back into her hoofprint. Chrysalis began to stride across the landscape, heading in the direction of Equestria when she stopped with a loud gasp of alarm.

The titanic Queen turned around, quickly dashed back to her tiny hive, the world trembling from her hoof falls. Chrysalis skidded to a stop in front of her miniature hive and brought her head back down to the ground again, her humongous eye peering in at her little changelings with deep concern.

“I almost forgot, all of you will be ok of I head out for the morning, right? We have stored love in the fridge if anyling gets hungry, ok? And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!” Chrysalis said lovingly.

The changelings blinked and looked around at each other. What were they, hatchlings?

Nevertheless, they nodded, “Yes your highness,” they said, much like a class answering their teacher together.

Chrysalis’ huge eye brightened with happiness “Wonderful! I’ll be back soon my adorable little sweetums!” she boomed.

And with that, the gigantic changeling queen stood back up to her full height and set off, the ground shaking with thunderous BOOMS! As she strolled across the tiny badlands. Chrysalis was prancing happily like a giant filly, sending even larger tremors across the ground as she left the hive and headed to Equestria.

Back at the wrecked hive, the changeling group still stood in the same chamber, blinking blankly at the space where their giant mother’s eye had just occupied, trying to figure out what in the world just happened.

“Is she…prancing?” a changeling named Pharynx asked, his leg holding his little brother Thorax close as they among the rest of the Changelings watched their jubilant Queen vanish over the horizon, all of them bouncing slightly from the shaking.

Noling wanted to answer that.

“Um, so, who’s going to clean all this up?” a lone voice piped up. Everyling looked around at the wreckage and the rubble left behind, truly a huge mess. “There’s only one way to settle this!” piped up another changeling. The others glanced at their comrades, eyes narrowed and tension beginning to rise as they prepared themselves. There was only one way to settle this. Like warriors.

All at once everyling quickly put their hoof to their nose and shouted, “NOT IT!” as quick as they could. Unfortunately, not everyling was fast enough.

“Ha! Too slow Wasp!”

“Awwww!” the poor drone named Wasp groaned. The other changelings cheered and dashed off in a cloud of dust, leaving unfortunate Wasp all alone in the ruined chamber to clean up, with the distant sound of more rocks crumbling to the ground in the background.

Author's Note:

Well...That didn't go as planned.

Chrysalis' latest scheme to turn into the next Titan seemed to have completely backfired! instead of conquering Equestria like she wanted she's...going to make friends with them? What's going on? Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?

Answers to come as the story progresses! Enjoy!

What's up everyone, how's it going? Hope you all enjoy the first chapter for the final Titanverse story. Looks like Chrysalis is about to do Twilight proud and make friends with all of Equestira and give them lots of love! But, maybe too much of a good thing is too much. A giant sized Chrysalis smothering everypony with love could be a little probamatic. And to make matters worse, the more love she absorbs, the bigger Chrysalis will get.

How will everypony deal with this...not so threatening threat? I don't know yet, but Equestria definitely isn't going to be ready for a titan sized, quirky, overprotective, and doting bugmom.

Also if anyone is confused at the mention of a third Titan in the flashback, it's just Big Mac. Having secretly kept his powers at the end of the previous story. And yes, he's totally trolling Equestria. He leaves a giant hoofprint in some random location in the middle of the night while he's on his walks, ponies see it the next morning, and come the following night Big Mac fixes the crater and makes another one in a different location. Glad to see he's having fun with his powers.