• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 4- Parental Guidance

Thimble Turner huffed and puffed as he loaded another bushel of cotton into a wooden cart. There. That made another two hundred. Fastening himself up to the yolk of the small, colt sized cart, he began to pull it out of the fields and towards his family house.

his life had taken a bit of an unusual turn over the past few weeks. His quiet and generally isolated lifestyle had been replaced by series of strange and fantastical events that left him with a new big sister and his family now in the limelight. It had all started off normally one day, with him coming back home from the market with supplies for his parents. But he could have never predicted what would have happened next.

The entire town had started shaking rhythmically. Everypony had thought that it was an earthquake. But with the frequency of the shakings, they all realized pretty quickly that wasn’t the case. And pretty soon they found themselves at the mercy of, not a natural disaster, but a pony. An impossibly large pony. A mare so large the mere sight of her couldn’t be contained in their field of vision.

Panting, he emerged from the fields and wheeled the cart along with all of its precious cargo over to the storage cellar that was built into his house. Where the subject of his thoughts was just pulling up, hauling with a much larger cart of her own. Sturdy Step was her name. At one point she was a national professional boxer, somepony that always made the headlines whenever she was in a match and had tons of merchandise. So of course, Thimble was a huge fan of her. Then one day Sturdy’s (now ex) coltfriend, Prince Blueblood, had invited her over to discuss a plan he and a few of his associates had been concocting. Something about using a growth spell to become giants. To which she ended up going along with the plan.

Thimble paused. Now that he thought about it, his parents and Sturdy haven’t really told him why Sturdy had decided to grow into a Titan. Something about telling him when he was older because it was personal to Sturdy. But he was grown up! He was almost 10!

He shook his head, but that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was after Sturdy had gone along with the plan, all the nobles had split up, each one left to their own devices to do whatever they wanted around the kingdom. It wasn’t like anypony could stop them. Sturdy was using that time to do an impromptu fan meet and greet. Supersized of course.

And of course, that was when he had met her when she had arrived at Oakenwood. Oakenwood was Sturdy’s first stop for the day and at the time she had not gotten used to her newfound power and might. So, she accidently swept up Thimble in her tail and unknowingly taken him along for the ride for the rest of the day.

Sturdy panted, whipping sweat from her brow as she deposited her cargo inside the storage celler. “Alright, that’s another load. How many are we up to now Law?” she asked.

Standing next to the cellar door was Sturdy’s parole officer True Law. He technically wasn’t supposed to help out while Sturdy was serving her community sentence, but he decided to make an acceptation and crunch the numbers for the plants they were bringing in because he knew the full story behind the noble Titans. You see, out of all of them that had become gigantic, Sturdy was the only one who hadn’t really done anything bad. There was no law against a pony becoming huge, and she never once put anypony in danger. She didn’t even cause any damage unlike the other nobles. Any damage she did cause she used her magic to repair. Really the only reason she was getting punished was because she was affiliated with the other nobles and willingly went along with the plan. Though the Princesses did show leniency towards her.

“We’re up to 420 bags of cotton now,” Law said as he flipped through the pages on the clipboard he was holding. Sturdy sighed in exhaustion and plopped down on her hunches “At this rate we’ll be done in, like, a million years!” she exclaimed with frustration.

“Yeah! What big sis said!” Thimble squeaked as he sat down in a similar manner next to Sturdy, earning a chuckle from Law and Sturdy.

“Don’t get me wrong kiddo, I’m happy your family has so many plants now. But yeesh! That other Titan kinda, really overdid it with how many plants he grew,” Sturdy said ruffling Thimble’s mane.

Law nodded as he set down the clipboard. “Well, I wouldn’t be so quick to judge. In a span of a day that single stallion managed to save not only the livelihood of not only your hosts, but the entire town as well. Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible for a Titan to do something like this. Because of all of the destructive power they hold, no offence Sturdy, when he first arrived I thought we were going to get squished or something. But instead, he gave the townsfolks another chance. I’d say that’s something to commend. It’s a shame we never got a chance to find out who he was or thank him,”

Thimble awkwardly looked off to the side. He alone found out the mystery Titan’s identity because only he managed to get a look at his cutie mark No one else had a clue as to who it was. The titan’s name was Big Macintosh. He was an apple farmer living in Ponyville that his parents had met only a few weeks ago. Ever since then, they’ve made regular visits to Ponyville to visit the Apple family and buy their famous apple products. Thimble even managed to befriend the big friendly stallion. But the real kicker to all this was the fact that Big Macintosh kept his powers. He isn’t public about it however, in fact, as far as the kingdom was concerned, he was perfectly normal. Though Thimble would occasionally see his mountainous figure out and about late at night enjoying an evening stroll.

Sturdy sighed as she glanced at Law “It’s no worries, Law. If anything, the only thing that sucks right now is all the plants we have to harvest. And the rest of the town too! The big guy really made the plants grow wild,” the boxer said

“Don’t worry Sturdy!” Thimble squeaked, scrambling to his hooves and puffing out his chest “We’ll be sure to get this done in no time!” he said.

Sturdy gave him a faint smile “Yeah, you’re right kiddo. Let’s get back to work.” She said. With a groan she slowly rose back up to her hooves and stretched like a cat. Sturdy yawned and cocked her head from side to side, loosening up her muscles “Alright, let’s go.” She said, grabbing her cart and hooking herself back up to it.

Thimble grinned and did the same to his mini cart, looking at Sturdy proudly ‘Let’s have a competition! Whoever harvests the most cotton by the end of the day gets to eat all the broccoli at dinner tonight!” he challenged

Sturdy smirked while Law stifled a giggle behind a hoof at the childish challenge “Alright squirt, you got yourself a deal. Just remember, when big sis beats you, remember this while you’re munching on a whole bowl of broccoli: always remember to eat your greens!” she laughed as the two dashed off back into the fields.

Thimble scurried back to his spot from before and began to once more, pick cotton at a rapid-fire pace “Gotta beat big sis so she’ll be the one with all the vegetables tonight!” he thought. The sun was now at high noon. At this rate Thimble was sure he could beat Sturdy before time ran out!

Or at least that was what he thought was going to happen.

About an hour later the little colt found himself absolutely pooped out. Exhausted from all the time he spent out in the field in the sweltering sun. He fell down on his belly with a squeak, splaying out his limbs in fatigue

Ok, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” he thought glumly as he stared up at the clear blue sky “Stupid cotton! Why’d there have to be so much growing now? I wish it could just pick itself.”

Thimble sighed, the odds of that miracle happening was pretty low. He knows sooner or later he’d just have to bite the bullet and get moving on those cotton plants for his parents so they could make more hats for the family business. Thimble gave a resigned grumble and slowly stumbled back up to his little hooves and feverishly continued to pick the fluffy cotton patches. Just wishing these chores could end so he could go play.

Now, given the past events that had been going on all day, it is safe to assume that Thimble’s wish may just get granted. The miracle he was hoping for was fast approaching the small and quaint town of Oakenwood. A rather big miracle. And she went by the name Queen Chrysalis.

“Nearly there now Chryssy old girl, nearly there!” The newly enlarged Chrysalis said to herself. Fresh from her impromptu break from her supersized tour of Manehatten, Queen Chrysalis had soon found herself back on her trek to Canterlot. She had been pleasantly surprised beforehand to find out that expelling the love she had absorbed earlier allowed herself to shrink. This allowed her to actually visit Manehatten while still maintaining a relatively massive height. Fitting for a Changeling like herself bearing the Queen status. She had been around the height of one of those Kaiju creatures from those books that she keeps catching her young twin sons Chip and Chirp reading about in their downtime.

And she was thankful that all it took was to reabsorb all the love in the air again to return to her Titan size, allowing her to traverse the country much more easily as she made her way to Canterlot.

Though I’m still contemplating what I should say to all of the ponies when I get there,” She thought “No doubt some of them are still cross with me after my previous visit to Canterlot. ‘Oh hi Celestia darling! So sorry about what happened at the wedding. Mind if we become friends now?”

Chrysalis rolled her mountain sized eyes and chuckled to herself

Ah yes, that would go swimmingly I’m sure,” she thought sarcastically to herself “Now what can I do to show that I want to be friends with them now?”

Chrysalis pondered this, lost in thought as she kept walking, not really paying attention to the ground.

Suddenly her ears perked up “I got it!” she said out loud “Hugs and cuddles! The tried-and-true method to making anyone your friend! That’s sure to work. And maybe a little game while we’re at it,”

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

Chrysalis froze at the noise reached her ears and slowly looked down, glancing around at the ground. There, right next to her hind hoof was a small village that she had nearly squished as she had walked by.

“Oh goodness! I’m so sorry little ones! I didn’t notice you down there!” Chrysalis cried out woth concern, leaning in towards the tiny village. The ponies down below began to scream and run around in a panic as Chrysalis’ gargantuan muzzle lowered itself from the sky towards them. Once Chrysalis set her snoot down on the ground next to the village, she began doing puppy dog eyes “Here, let me make it up to you!”

If ponies weren’t panicking before they sure were now. Queen Chrysalis withdrew her muzzle from the ground and lit up her horn. The signature green magical glow of the changelings surrounded the entire village. The flea sized ponies began to scamper around in a terror as their surrounds began to shake around like an earthquake. The town began to rise out of the ground, still on the chunk of earth it resided on, and supported by Chrysalis’ magic. It settled down onto her outstretched hoof, fitting on it neatly.

Chrysalis raised the town up to her eyes with a bright smile, not able to hear the confused screaming of the denizens down below because of how ridiculously huge she was, though she could fathom a guess as to what they were making a ruckus about.

“Awwww, it’s alright my little dears!” Chrysalis cooed “Did the big, scary, and powerful Queen frighten you? Don’t worry, I know the perfect remedy to this. Hugs of course!”

The ponies down in the village gulped as they watched the continent sized mare pull them into the worlds biggest hug. Their surroundings darkened as the sky above was filled with the image of Chrysalis’ black chitinous body.

All the ponies braced themselves for the inevitable collision, but it didn’t come. Instead, they found themselves pinned to a comfortably warm and surprisingly soft surface as Chrysalis gently hugged the village against her barrel.

The colossal changeling queen smiled as she kept up the hug for a good long while, even adding a slight rocking movement to it, before she carefully pulled the village back and held it back up to her eyes.

“There we go my little darlings, isn’t that much better?” She asked sweetly

Chrysalis was pleased to hear the squeaks of gratitude arising from the village as well as the sweet smell of love wafting though the air as well. An addition dose for her good deed which she gladly absorbed. Hey, it was given freely after all. Chrysalis set the village back down on the ground and waved them good-bye as she walked away. The village ponies watching in amazement amidst the shaking ground from the gargantuan queen’s hoofsteps as she departed.

Chrysalis’ nose flared as she sniffed the air, she could smell more love in the sky around her. Truth be told, she had actually been using it as a trail of sorts. As much as Chrysalis prided herself in being a fantastic queen with great tracking skills (as to be expected from a changeling) she had to admit, finding Canterlot from her size was a pretty difficult task. Even with the directions she had obtained from Manehatten previously. Because she was several miles tall, all of Equestria pretty much looked like a flat green field. With the occasional discolored protrusions in the ground that was usually a mountain, village, or city. And of course, the hair thin lines of blue that were rivers. Unfortunately, all of those things were slowly getting smaller the more Chrysalis got bigger. Luckily, she came up with a way to direct herself to Canterlot.

Though I must admit, I am quite proud for coming up with this strategy,” She thought, smirking a little “It’s quite simple. Since there is so much love in the air, it would make sense there would be more love in some places than others. Namely populated areas. And since I can smell it, as well as the fact that I know what most of the love in Canterlot smells like because of my time there, I should find it in no time!”

And that was her strategy for most of the time since leaving Manehatten. Follow the trail of love, get bigger and better while doing so, and make her way to Canterlot. It was a win-win for her!

But as she began to get close something happened. She was still sniffing the love in the air and following its trail when suddenly a completely different scent assaulted her nose, piercing though the sweet smell of love like it was pepper.

Chrysalis’ eyes shot open at the unexpected and unpleasant smell, her eyes watering and her nose wrinkled.

“A-A-ACHOOOO!!!!” She sneezed loudly, her thunderous voice echoed across the entire kingdom and shook the land. Ponies all over the Equestria were freaking out at the unexpected 6.0 magnitude earthquake. The clouds in the sky were split apart from her sneeze, even poor Cloudsdale got caught in the crossfire, getting blown away from receiving the blunt of it and getting blasted with Chrysalis’ hurricane grade sneeze.

Chrysalis sniffled and shook her head “My goodness that was unpleasant,” she muttered, collapsing on her hunches as she rubbed the tears from her eyes. Residents and structures within a 10-mile radius were bounced up into the air as Chrysalis’ rump slammed down on the earth, fracturing it beneath its weight.

What was that atrocious emotion I smelled? It definitely was NOT love. It seemed more like…anger perhaps? Accompanied by a portion of frustration and just a hint of exhaustion to worsen things,” Chrysalis thought, shuddering at the thought.

She looked around at her, examining her surroundings as she tried to pinpoint where that awful amalgamation of emotions was coming from. After a second, the giant queen zeroed in on what looked like another village right next to where she was sitting. Chrysalis snorted in a very equine like way out of frustration as she lowered her head towards the miniature town. “It would appear I have gotten a little too big,” she murmured. Absorbing and collecting love all day had really done a number on her. She was miles bigger than she had been originally when she left the hive, her power had skyrocketed into unfathomable heights, and she enjoyed every moment of it. Though now she was so big, this village looked no bigger than a few scattered crumbs on the ground.

I could make myself smaller by expelling some love inside me. But…I honestly don’t want too. It’s too much work to go around and eat it all again after I’m done. I know! Why not do this instead?” Chrysalis’ horn glowed green, and a magnifying glass appeared. Giggling, she took it in her magic and leaned back down, holding the glass to her eye as she examined the tiny ponies down below. “Funny, usually it’s the ponies using a magnifying glass to examine teeny tiny little bugs and their habitats. Talk about a role reversal. Now, it’s the queen bug observing a bunch of itty-bitty little ponies and their village,” Chrysalis chuckled to herself

She was able to spot hundreds of speck sized ponies all scurrying about. Some of them pointing up in the air as they watched the sky get replaced by a giant green eye looking down at them through a magnifying glass.

Chrysalis laid down to get more comfortable. She rested her head against one of her hoofs as she continued to watch the tiny civilization with a small smile. Though there was something odd about the town that she noticed. All over the town was an unusually high amount of greenery. Plants of abnormally large sizes were everywhere. Fruits were overflowing stands in markets, flowers were unusually large and plentiful, and the fields in farms were completely green because it was teeming with whatever was planted at each farm. She’d imagine for ponies as tiny as they are, all these greenery

Chrysalis ignored that for a second and focused. Trying to sense where those unpleasant emotions had originally come from. Maybe it was a pony just having a bad day. If that was the case, it was nothing a giant hug from momma Chrysalis couldn’t solve!

She zeroed in on the mix of negative emotions she had smelled before and began to trace it. Much like how she was tracing the location of Canterlot though smell alone. It lead over to a farm near the back of the village. There, Chrysalis could see three ponies there. A mare, a stallion, and a small colt. Though what caught her attention was the colt and the absolutely enormous load of cotton he was pulling in an undersized wagon.

Is…is he serious? He could strain himself or pull a muscle doing that!” Chrysalis thought, concern washing over her as she entered “mother mode”

“Excuse me? Little one? May I have a moment of your time?” Chrysalis asked the little pony softly, trying to not cause another earthquake with her voice while moving the magnifying glass over to where the tiny barn was.

Chrysalis saw the little colt jump up in the air in shock at the realization that he was being addressed. He looked up at the sky and spotted the humongous green eye in the sky. His eyes went wide. Chrysalis silently winced. She probably should have prepared herself for the inevitable fear the colt would feel when he saw her.

Honestly, I probably should have approached this better,” Chrysalis thought “Why, I should have-”

“Oh, wow miss! You’re really, REALLY big!” the colt squeaked out.

Chrysalis’ thoughts came to a crashing halt. She slowly blinked in confusion and focused back on the colt “Little one…are you not frightened of me?” Chrysalis asked uncertainly

“Nope!” the brown colt answered brightly “And my name is Thimble miss! Thimble Turner!”

“O-Oh, I see. Ahem, why are you pushing around such a heavy load of cargo Thimble? Surely you have somepony to help you? You’ll strain yourself trying to carry that much,” Chrysalis said with concern.

“Oh, I do have help miss!” Thimble said as excitedly as any child his age would “My big sis is in another part of the field picking her own cotton cargo. We’re trying to get most of the field done before the day’s finished!” Thimble watched as the giant eye behind the magnifying glass bugged out as Chrysalis registered what he was saying

“T-This entire field by yourselves?!” Chrysalis asked incredulously “But there’s so much. Here and all over this village. Where’s your parents? Surely, they can lend a hoof too?”

“Well today they couldn’t because-”

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” another voice yelled out.

Thimble and Chrysalis looked over to the side of the field to see two more ponies dashing over. One of them was a furious looking white mare with sky blue highlights in her mane and sporting a blue headband. The other one was a guard stallion who was looking up at Chrysalis’ eye with an apprehensive look on his face.

The mare jumped in front of Thimble Turner protectively and pointed an accusatory hoof up at the sky where Chrysalis was looking down at the village “You’re Queen Chrysalis aren’t you!” she yelled up at the giant changeling. Meanwhile Thimble poked his head out from behind her and stared up at Chrysalis with newfound wonder “Oh wow! So you’re Queen Chrysalis!” he said in awe.

“What are you doing here? Gonna try and harvest this village for its love or something mean like that?” The white mare asked

“Oh, dear heavens, of course not young filly!” Chrysalis recoiled a little “That could seriously hurt all of you dear little ponies if I drain love from this size,”

“When what are you doing here?” The mare asked.

“Oh, well, I was just passing by when I noticed a very unpleasant jumble of emotions. It was coming from this village. More specifically from this farm. So, I decided to investigate,” Chrysalis answered honestly “I saw little Thimble down there struggling with his cotton load and I was going to offer to help him,”

“Yeah right! You’re one of Equestria’s biggest villains! There’s no way you’d do something like that,” The mare hollered.

Chrysalis sighed “What’s your name young filly?” she asked.

The mare blinked, clearly not expecting that question “Oh, I’m Sturdy Step. You already know Thimble, and this is True Law,” she said.

“Well Sturdy, I can assure you that I harbor no ill intention to you, this village, or anypony else in equestrian anymore,” Chrysalis said “All I wish is for us all to live peacefully,”

“R-really?” The stallion named True Law spoke up nervously, though Chrysalis could smell a hint of hope sparking within him.

“Indeed my little ponies. My days of conquering is long over. So, I will ask again: Would you like me to help you and this entire village harvest your crops?” Chrysalis asked.

The trio thought it over. It seemed a little too good to be true; one of Equestria’s biggest villains just turning over a new leaf like this.

“I don’t know about this one guys,” Sturdy Step remarked as she snuck another glance up at the Queen’s colossal green eye in the sky.

“She seems genuine,” True Law said, looking up at her as well “Besides, by the looks of things she somehow became a titan herself. If she really wanted to do some damage or conquer Equestria don’t you think she would have done that already instead of wasting time here?” he asked.

Thimble nodded excitedly “You’re right Mr. Law! Let’s ask Miss Chrysalis for help!” he squeaked, dashing around the two adults.

“Woah there kiddo, slow down!” Sturdy called “Let’s not rush this decision just yet!”

But she was too late. Thimble got on his hind legs and began to wave up at the giant, trying to get her attention “Can you help us Miss Chrysalis?!” he yelled up to her “We would all really appreciate your help if you can help us pick all of these crops!”

Chrysalis smiled softly as Thimble’s words reached her ears “Of course dear,” she replied as she began to stand back up. Ponies all over the ground felt the ground rumble once more as the colossus rose to her hooves, towering over the small village. The ponies gulped. They didn’t realize just how big Queen Chrysalis was now that she was standing at full height.

“Now then, why don’t I do you all one better? How about I harvest the crops for everypony there?” Chrysalis said as she powered up her jagged black horn. A burst of green magic erupted from in and flooded over Oakenwood. Ponies watched in astonishment as their plants began to pick themselves from their fields. Apples are plucked from branches and neatly placed in baskets and levitated towards a food storage, flowers were picked and organized into type for a mare who planted them in her backyard to sell, and the cotton that Thimble and Sturdy were struggling with picked itself and was loaded up into the Turner family storage for hat production later.

The ponies on the ground burst into applause for the titanic queen as Chrysalis took a sweeping bow. Her mane brushing against the ground, uprooting trees and shrubs, and getting them tangled in her hair strands.

She giggled in embarrassment “Oh silly me. I guess I should be more carful next time,” Chrysalis said as she reached up and began to sweep the dislodged objects in her mane away, clearing it in no time. After she was done she leaned back down towards Oakenwood, giving the town a giant nuzzle before waving them good-bye. Thankful she was able to help out.

Pant, pant, pant


“N-Nearly there,” Chirp gasped out “We’ve almost reached mom’s mane!”

Chip nodded “Thank goodness! My legs feel like jelly!” he said

It seemed like forever ago that the two young changelings began their long trek across Chrysalis’s gargantuan back. After getting stuck in her tail when she initially grew, the two twins were on a mission to reach their mother’s ear and let her know she had been unknowingly carrying two tiny stowaways this entire time.

They had finally made some progress back when Chrysalis was in Manehatten when she shrank herself a little to explore the city. During that time the duo managed to make it to her back. But before they could progress further she grew back to her titan height. Now it meant reaching her ears would take much longer than it would have before.

“D-dang it mom! Stop growing!” Chip groaned in defeat as he watched the back of her head and mane get even bigger than before “You’re not making this any easier on us!”

“You know she can’t hear us, right?” Chirp said

“I know that! I’m just getting it off my chest,” Chip replied with annoyance.

But at long last, their patience was rewarded. They finally made it to Chrysalis’ mane. The twin brothers sat down on the “ground” to catch their breath. The two of them panting with exhaustion from the marathon they just ran to get here.

“Almost there,” Chirp gasped out between breaths “Just gotta climb mom’s mane and reach her ears,”

Chip slowly looked up at their next dauting challenge. The size of Chrysalis’ head seemed bigger than the biggest mountain known to pony kind.

“Alright, let’s get started,” he whimpered. Chip grabbed Chirp’s hoof and buzzed his wings, gaining a little bit of height in the air before his strength ran out and the two of them landed in the building sized turquoise hair strands

But as the two of them began their climb up, Chrysalis suddenly ducked her head down as she gave her bow to Oakenwood. Her mane swept across the landscape getting all sorts of debris inside it. Debris that unfortunately for our two hapless ‘lings had to avoid. Chip and Chirp yelped as full sized trees and bits of houses got tangled up in Chrysalis’ mane. The strands swinging wildly as their queen leaned back up.

“That was close,” Chip sighed, glancing off to the right where a pine tree was stuck between two giant hair strands.

But the young hatchling had spoken too early. A shadow fell over them, growing bigger each second. Curiously the two turned around, only to be met with the sight of Chrysalis’ Mountain sized hoof moving in towards them.

“EEEEEK!” they screamed and scrambled in place, trying to gain some height or drop down back onto her back. Anything to get away from the giant hoof. But it was too late.


Chip, Chirp, and the pine tree were all sent flying out of Chrysalis’ mane, effortlessly swatted away by her while she was sweeping through her mane for debris.

“AHHHHH! WE’RE GONNA CRASH!” Chirp wailed as he flailed his limbs uselessly, as if trying to swim in the air.

“Hold on!” Chip hollered. He angled himself in the air and spread his wings again, now using them as a sort of glider. Chip managed to make his way over to where Chirp was and grab his hoof. He pulled his brother close to him, not wanting to get separated if they do end up crash landing.

“Wait, I think I see something coming up ahead!” Chirp yelled over the rushing air.

“What is it?!” Chip shouted

“It looks like…water?”


Chip spluttered as he suddenly found himself very wet. He flailed his hooves for a second but managed to balance himself out enough to swim for the surface. He gasped for air as he broke through the water.

“Chirp? Chirp! Are you alright?” he called

“M’all right,” Chirp mumbled, his eyes rolling from the crash landing. Chip groaned “Lucky this water was here, huh?” he said with exhaustion “Speaking of which, where did we even land?”

“Halt! You’re under arrest!” a loud authoritative voice commanded.

Chip blinked his eyes weakly and looked around at his surroundings for the first time. Now he was able to make out the stone bowl like structure he and Chirp were in. As well as the dozens of ponies around them in a crowd staring at the two of them.

Oh, and the platoon of guards surrounding them as well.

Chips eyes widen as realization struck him. They got knocked though the air so hard they landed in a fountain.

In Canterlot.

Oh Horsefeathers,” Chip sighed as he and Chirp put up their hooves.

Author's Note:

Things are heating up even more now! Chrysalis has unknowingly knocked Chip and Chirp completely off of herself and sent them rocketing to Canterlot. And we know the Princesses are currently in a panic over what happened to Chrysalis. What will happen next?

Comment down below your predictions!