• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 2- Large and in Charge

Outside a home in a village a few miles away from the Badlands, an earth pony mare stood outside her home. She was standing up on her hind legs as she hung laundry outside on a clothesline in the early morning sunlight. Just one of the tasks she had wanted to get done before properly starting the day and going about her morning routine. After putting up the final blanket she dropped back to all fours, gazing at her accomplished work proudly and looked up at the beautiful sky as she admired the lovely day. A clear blue sky, gentle breeze blowing, and the sun’s warm rays shining down. “It’s quite a lovely day,” she thought.

But her morning musings would almost immediately come to a halt. Within a few seconds the mare began to feel the ground quake. Small pebbles were bobbing around on the ground in the midst of the strange rumbling, but the shakings only increased in their intensity. Several other ponies in the village began to notice as well. A few of them coming out of their homes as the rhythmic shaking got greater and greater, a few of the ponies were beginning to bounce around because of the shaking ground. And that’s when they finally heard it. The air reverberating with BOOMS.

It wasn’t long before a shadow fell over the village like a drape, the surroundings now completely darkened. Several of the ponies that were outside looked up at the sky in confusion. the sun was still out, so why was it so dark all of a sudden? What was the deal here?

Well, their answer came in the form of one mega sized bugmom passing by.

An absolutely colossal, black chitin hoof, bigger than the village itself, slammed down next to the settlement with a thunderous THOOM. Causing everything in the village, from the residents to the houses themselves, to tremble like it was a stack of blocks.

The ponies on the ground looked up in awe as they beheld the behemoth spire of black chitin. Towering above them like a living, breathing mountain. The owner of the gargantuan hoof looked down at the tiny settlement as she smiled pleasantly down at them.

“Good morning everypony! I hope you have a lovely day down there!” Chrysalis said kindly in her thunderous voice.

That was all the village residents managed to hear from the dark titaness’ powerful voice before her titanic, hole-filled hoof lifted its immense bulk from the ground, ripping out a chunk of the earth as it did so, and zoomed forward as the colossus continued her leisurely stroll across the kingdom, humming pleasantly as she walked. Chrysalis thundered away, blissfully unaware of the shaking ground the tiny inhabitants had to endure as she sauntered away.

Back at the village, everypony was completely frozen, trying to process what just happened as they gently bounced up and down from the fading, booming hoofsteps of the gargantuan royal changeling mare that had just walked by.

The earth pony who had just hung her laundry out to dry sat gob smacked on the ground, her mouth hanging open as her mind swirled with thoughts.

Did I just see a gigantic Chrysalis walk by, almost squash us, and then wish us good day?” she wondered, her brain almost short circuiting at the absurd situation. One of Equestria’s greatest villains is now thousands of feet tall and she just said hello to the village like they were good friends?!

She slowly turned her head to the side where she had a good view of the edge of the village. There, the mare was able to make out the massive hoofprint Queen Chrysalis had effortlessly left behind as she had walked by. It was gigantic! Chrysalis could have easily squashed the village and she probably wouldn’t have even noticed if she hadn’t been paying attention. She slowly turned her still shocked head back towards her laundry, which, along with the clothesline itself, had all fallen in a wreck amidst the shaking. The mare blinked a few times before shaking her head in defeat and wandered back inside her home “And this is why I should drink my coffee in the morning before I start my day.”

Queen Chrysalis, meanwhile, now many miles away, was still humming a pleasant and catchy tune as she walked across the miniature countryside. At her great height, her head nearly surpassed the height of the mountains as she towered high above the landscape. And the best part was? She could get bigger. Much bigger. Chrysalis could feel it. Like all changelings, she needs love to sustain herself and get stronger. And Chrysalis had a sneaking suspicion that if she was to devour more love then she would boost up in size exponentially.

I can already feel the ambient love in the air,” Chrysalis thought as she closed her eyes with a gentle smile. Equestria was already a quite peaceful kingdom, filled to the brim with happy ponies who live their lives and spent time with each other. And that alone had traces of love sprinkled all over the atmosphere and air. And now that she was back and bigger than ever, Chrysalis could easily feed off of it thanks to the massive boost to her natural abilities and magic because of her gigantic size, something no other changeling has previously been able to do.

That spell really had it’s perks,” she thought with a giggle.

Chrysalis opened her mouth slightly as her horn began to glow, and little by little she consumed the ambient love in her vicinity, taking care not to directly drain any of those adorable tiny ponies. Her eyes glowed pink as she powered up even more, fueled by more love. Once more, green energy surrounded her and within a few seconds, Chrysalis found her head peaking above the mountains. Her size increasing even more, already she was taller than the nobles had been initially.

Excellent!” Chrysalis thought happily as she lifted up her mighty hoof and examined the underside of it. Chunks of earth and rock rained down from her squishy sole into the mile wide hoofprint below. Her chitinous exoskeleton definitely looked stronger and glossier while the underside of her hoof remained soft and plush. “But I don’t want to go about stealing love. That would harm the poor little dears! If I want to get bigger then I will earn it properly myself,” She decided “What better way to show off to Equestria that I want to be friends than being the biggest and best self I can be!”

Chrysalis smiled as she resumed her pleasant morning stroll through the tiny kingdom. Occasionally, she would pass by a village, or a larger town. In these instances, the mega sized queen would pause her exercise and say a very happy and heart-felt “Good Morning little ones!” to the very miniscule equines before resuming her hundreds of miles long trek. The ponies all watching on in confusion as they received such a warm greeting from the villainess.

Chrysalis watched with some amusement as she witnessed just how frail the world was around her now as her power continued to increase. Her hooves easily broke into the planet’s crust like soft snow as she trekked across it, taking some pleasure in the feeling of the warm ground splintering underhoof. The civilizations she passed all bounced around from her hoof falls as her gigantic shadow passed over them like a living mountain. The ponies on the ground staring up in awe at the colossal Queen passing by.

But though she was being as kind and gentle as she possible could, like Celestia and Luna, Chrysalis did have a mischievous side that she was happy to indulge a in.

As soon as her height increased even more and her head passed the clouds, Chrysalis noticed a couple of unsuspecting Pegasi taking a nap on the clouds floating by her snout. A big toothy grin crept across the colossus’ face as she leaned down close to them. Her stadium sized nostrils flexed as a torrent of warm air buffered the tiny ponies. They looked around in confusion before noticing the humongous set of teeth behind them. And the absolutely gigantic form of one big happy bugmom grinning down at them playfully.

“Hiiiiiii,” Chrysalis purred

The Pegesi all squeaked out in fear and tried to fly away. Only to get swept up in a cloud of Chrysalis’ powerful green magic as she held the tiny group in her grasp.

Chrysalis giggled musically and nuzzled the miniature ponies against her warm cheek. “Awww! You’re all so adorable! Like tiny little plushies I can just snuggle up,” she joked as she gently set the group down on the ground by her hoof.

The ponies all looked at each other in confusion. They just got the biggest hug of their lives by none other than Equestria’s greatest villain. None of them know how to feel about that.

Chrysalis had a big smile on her face as she winked down at the group “Ta-ta little dearies!” she said as she raised a foreleg, daftly stepping over the tiny group as she made her way past them. The world around the ponies shaking from her steps as they watched Chrysalis disappearing over the horizon.

Now where should I go next?” Chrysalis wondered “I feel like, for all this time, all I have been doing is wander about aimlessly. I should probably think of someplace to head to because I know for a fact, I haven’t been to everywhere in Equestria yet,”

As she pondered the question, Chrysalis began to sit down so she could properly think this over. Her hind legs bending as she lowered her gigantic rear to the ground, setting it down with a tremendous THOOM! Narrowly missing a nearby village she had somehow overlooked. The speck sized residents all screaming in fear as they all scurried away from the squishy black masses that gobbled up the landscape after they had descended from the sky.

Nearby pony towns watched in awe and slight fear as they beheld the monolithic form of Chrysalis, who was now casually recline against a several thousand-foot-tall mountain like it was a chair. At Chrysalis’ current height, the ponies on the ground by her hooves were now even smaller than bugs to her.

But some ponies tried to take some solace in the fact that even though Chrysalis has somehow turned into another one of those Titans, she, for some reason just stomped by and gave everyone a cheerful greeting. So maybe she wasn’t planning on squashing them all or doing anything else horrible.


Everypony watched on in amazement as they saw Chrysalis lift one of her city sized hooves, small bits of land and trees falling from it, and began to nonchalantly tap it against her chin, deep in thought, as she continued to think about where to head next. They all winced as they heard each tap create a muffled BOOM! Registering as a huge shockwave to their tiny ears.

Let’s see, I left the hive, passed a few villages, cities, and mountains, and…that’s really it. Wow. That seems quite boring now that I’ve thought about this. I guess that was to be expected considering so much of the land looks flat and bare from up here. So where else haven’t I gone?” Chrysalis wondered, still gently tapping her hoof against her chin as she mulled over the subject.

Then it hit her.

Of course! I completely forgot about my former enemies! Oh, the little darlings will sure be in for a surprise when the get a load of me!” Chrysalis thought, excitement beginning to build. She covered her mouth with a hoof as she stifled a giggle at the thought of the shocked expressions on the Princesses face when they see her looming over the landscape. She definitely needed to pay them a visit. But who was closest? Chrysalis’ ears perked up as the realization struck her.

The nearest one was the newly revived Crystal Empire. Now the current residence of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor.

“Alright, it’s settled. I think I’ll pay a surprise visit to dear itty-bitty Shining Armor and Cadence first, I hear they just settled into their new Empire, then I’ll head out to Canterlot and say hi to those adorable little Princesses and the element bearers! I definitely need to give those adorable girls a giant-sized hug to make up for all the trouble I caused them in the past!” Chrysalis thought. A giddy feeling began to grow inside her as the titaness clamored back to her hooves, causing more earthquakes to shake the ground below her, to the dismay of the mite sized ponies.

Well, time to head out!” Chrysalis thought enthusiastically as she practically pranced off with excitement, leaving several sizable cracks in the mountain behind her where she had leaned against it. Passing through the little landscape with renewed enthusiasm, the tiny kingdom was treated to non-stop quaking as the energetic giant resumed her leisurely storm across the land.

In no time at all, Chrysalis felt the temperature around her start to drop, with snowflakes fluttering around her. But thanks to her newly gigantified self, the cold was hardly an issue for her.

Chrysalis soon spotted the crystal mountains as she approached them. She looked on with mild amusement as she noticed them trembling with each one of her mighty steps, practically shaking the snow off of the peaks. Though that didn’t stop the kindhearted Queen from catching the avalanche with her magic to prevent any damage to nearby settlements. Chrysalis soaked up the love and gratitude she received from the tiny ponies living in cottages in the mountains. She lowered her colossal head towards the civilization and lovingly nuzzled the tiny crowd that had gathered when they had saw her approaching over the horizon, thanking them as she was powered up even more. Shooting her up in size once again. Chrysalis watched the height of the mountains shrink in front of her increasing size as she bade the residence goodbye and continued to stomp her way to the Crystal Empire.

Though as she passed by the Crystal Mountains, which were now level with her barrel, she spotted a little speck traveling along in a straight line by her humongous hooves. Chrysalis blinked as she stopped and stared at it, trying to figure out what it was she was looking at. Which didn’t take long as her eyes lit up with delight as she recognized what it was.

Chrysalis was looking at the tiny form of the Friendship Express, packed to the brim with tourists as it sped on its way to the Crystal Empire, the new tourist destination.

she tittered at the sight. From her multi-mile tall perspective, the usually large train looked like it was the size of pebble. With even tinier ponies inside the train snapping pictures with their cameras and taking in the landscape. The snow, mountains, and the giant changeling looming above the kingdom outside.

Chrysalis looked down, an amused smirk on her face as her giant hoof landed next to the train, jostling its little form as the titaness continued walking forward, easily outpacing the tiny train with nothing more than a few casual steps.

She swiveled her head around and peered behind her. Shooting the gnat sized ponies she left behind in her wake a playful wink before resuming her walk towards her destination. The resonating sound of BOOMS! Shaking the world as she went.

The crystal empire was said to be a nearly forgotten about kingdom. Once it was a prosperous land a thousand years ago, though it soon became a figment of the past after it had been sealed in ice and banished along with its tyrannical ruler: King Sombra.

For years there had been nothing related to the empire. No news about it, no update, not even a whisper. So, it was quite a shock to everypony when it had suddenly reappeared once more.

This was, of course, immediately investigated by Twilight, her friends, and the newly married royal couple; Shining Armor and Cadence. They had run into a bit of trouble along the way, but ultimately, they had won the battle against the evil king of the crystal empire.

With the denizens now free from the tyrannical rule, they all needed to be properly integrated into the society of the modern world. The vote for who the next rulers were was almost unanimous among the populace. They all asked for Cadence and Shining Armor to take up the role as their next Emperor and Empress. And after much debate and discussion among the two, they agreed.

Now, weeks later, they were all doing everything they could to get the empire up to speed. From establishing relations with other kingdoms, to creating a guard force, and the basic needs of the ponies. Though there was still plenty of work to be done. some of the houses and structures had been wrecked in the scuffle against sombra while he bashed on the magic shield trying to get in and during his reign, leaving some families left to lodge in a temporary shelter that had been set up until it can be fixed.

The current rulers, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were currently up at the Crystal Castle, in the royal suite as they got their work done for the day. Shining Armor had just wrapped up court and was now back in his office going over paperwork for the guard and all the final check for the applications on the ponies that wanted to join the force.

In the office next to his, another one stood that was nearly identical. That one belonged to his wife, Princess Cadence. Though she didn’t manage the military (deciding to leave that up to Shining because his experience outweighed hers) she was more involved with the politics of the Empire and delt with the nobility and the later courts.

But despite that, even with the overloading amount of work they had to go through to keep the empire running and bringing it up to speed, they never lost a smile on their face as they went about their day helping out the ponies of the empire. Everything was peaceful after the fall of Sombra. And that peace was something the married couple wanted to maintain, for both the empire and their subjects.

…But who are we kidding? This is Equestria, there’s never a moment’s peace around here.

Princess Cadence’s ears perked up as she heard somepony knocking on the door to the royal suite. As she made her way over to it, the door to the secondary office opened and Shining Armor stepped out, drawn to the knocking as well. The two shared a quick nuzzle as they made their way over to the door.

Shining’s horn flashed with magic as the door handle turned, opening it up to reveal one of the new royal guards.

“Ah, good morning Private!” Shining said brightly to the guard.

The guard, a young stallion, fresh out of training, hastily threw a hoof up to his head and saluted “Sir!” he said in loudly “I have something to report sir!”

“Indoor voice please, dear,” Cadence said with a light giggle, which only intensified as she and Shining noticed an embarrassed blush forming on the stallion’s cheeks.

“S-S-Sorry your majesty,” he said timidly

“It’s alright Private,” Shining told his guard reassuringly “Just remember for next time, ok?”

“Yes sir,” he said “But I do have a message for you from one of the sentries patrolling the ramparts. They said to inform you that there seems to be several series of earthquakes that have intensified over the last few minutes. They’re not sure how strong it will get but they said to let you know,”

“I see,” Princess Cadence said “Thank you for letting us know dear,”

The guard nodded, acknowledging Cadence as he turned to Shining next to await his instructions.

“Tell everypony to stay under tables or chairs in an event of an emergency. Or take shelter in their cellars if need be. Since we don’t know how big these earthquakes will be it would be best for them to take shelter there,” he said

The guard nodded and threw up a crisp salute before scampering off to spread the word.

“Now that he mentions it, I have noticed a slight shaking,” Cadence told her husband as the two of them made their way back into the royal suite

Shining Armor nodded “Same. And I can feel it getting stronger,” he said.

But just then, one of the strongest shakings so far happened right there and then. Shining and Cadence were both bounced up into the air from its power and landed on their bed with an “oof!”

As they struggled to untangle themselves from the mess of limbs and blankets, they barely were able to register the faint sounds wafting through the air


Cadence managed to untangle herself first, falling to the ground with a plop! The entire castle, and possible even the entire empire was shaking now. Shining soon joined her on the ground after falling off the bed once he had extracted himself from the sheets.

Groaning, he shook his head to clear it as he shakily got back onto his hooves, helping up Cadence as well. But that was when he looked out towards the balcony and noticed something rather peculiar about the landscape in the distance.

It looked like an extra mountain had suddenly appeared.

“Uh, Cady? Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Shining Armor asked as he pointed out towards the horizon.

Cadence held a hoof to her head as she grimaced before turning her attention to where Shining was pointing. And subsequently felt her jaw drop as she beheld the sight of the extra mountain that had suddenly appeared.

The extra mountain was also moving

it was completely black, a stark contrast to the snow-covered mountains in the area. Not to mention it had a flowing turquoise mane

And it had four legs with holes in them.

And a jagged horn.

Shining Armor and Cadence stared on with horror growing in their stomachs as they put two and two together.

Walking towards the Crystal Empire, bigger than the mountains themselves, was the absolutely colossal form of the Queen of the Changelings. Chrysalis herself.

Chrysalis let out a happy hum as she stomped by the remaining mountains that was in between her and her destination. The Crystal Empire. She had grown substantially in the passing time as she fed off of all the love in the air.

The Crystal Empire was practically oozing pure, sweet love. Produced to perfection by the adorably tiny crystal ponies of the Empire.

Chrysalis stopped walking for a second as a playful smile overtook her, the mountains were now only as tall as her thighs. And analogy had just popped up into her mind, one that she personally found a little funny. The ponies of the empire had to maintain their love energy practically all the time, so it can be stored by the legendary crystal heart. That kinda reminded her of how bees stored their honey and kept it in their hive. The crystal ponies were the bees in this case, and the love was the honey. While she, Chrysalis, was the beekeeper coming to collect all the excess love while she paid Shining and Cadence a visit.

Chrysalis giggled at the mental image of her giant self, wearing a beekeeper uniform as she went from city to city, removing the excess love from them and putting it into a honey jar that she repurposed to say “love” instead and bringing it back to the hive.

She shook her head, while the idea of taking so much love was appealing, she had already made up her mind that she wasn’t going to hurt the ponies.

Not to mention all that love will go straight to my hips,” Chrysalis thought self consciously as she snuck a glance at her figure reflecting off the crystal mountains.

Nodding in satisfaction, she raised her gigantic foreleg and continued walking forward. The snow was almost completely shaken off the mountaintops as they all shook from power of Chrysalis’ hoofsteps. Ponies living in the mountains had already taken shelter as the gargantuan Queen casually walked by.

Now where could this ‘Crystal Empire’ be?” Chrysalis wondered as she stormed over the tiny landscape, snow covered trees were unknowingly squished as the giant walked by, with miles of land disappearing underhoof, only for it to be torn out as the monumental black chitin hoof lifted from the ground, leaving behind an enormous crater.

Chrysalis had never actually seen the Crystal Empire before, so she was quite curious as to what it looked like. Setting her hoof down once more, she paused and looked from side to side.

“Wherever could it be? Surely, it’s out here somewhere,” Chrysalis mused as she tapped her hoof on the ground in thought. A faint noise could be heard over the icy wind.

Great, now I’m hearing voices all the way out here,” she sighed “And why does it sound like squeaking-”

Chrysalis froze with wide eyes, her hoof raised mid-tap, before she slowly directed her attention to the ground.

There, laying helplessly next to the city sized crater she had made while tapping her hoof, was a rather shiny looking civilization. Complete with a tiny castle, tinier houses, and the tiniest little ponies, no bigger than multicolored specks from her perspective.

“Oopsie daisy!Chrysalis said as she withdrew her hoof, setting it down beside her. She walked closer, jostling the Empire with her strides until she was right in front of it. The villainess bent her knees as she crouched down in front of the downsized Kingdom. Her enormous face filling the sky above them.

“Sorry about that little guys!” Chrysalis said brightly with a toothy smile, her thunderous voice shaking the little empire “I barely noticed you all down there. Guess I’m still getting used to just how massive I am now, huh?”

Tiny squeals filled the air as Chrysalis’ skyscraper sized fangs loomed high in the air

The giant Changeling queen held a hoof to her mouth as she giggled pleasantly “Awww, it never ceases to amaze me just how adorable you all look down there. So tiny and cute!” she boomed.

But as the Titaness was busy cooing over the miniature residents of the Crystal Empire, there was a slight movement that caught her eyes atop one of the highest towers in the Crystal castle. Chrysalis turned her great head and spotted two tiny little specks on the balcony. One pink speck and one white speck.

Chrysalis’ eyes lit up as she recognized the familiar colors. But she wanted to know for certain if it was who she thought. It was so hard to tell when you’re bigger than a mountain.

She leaned forward and sniffed down at the empire, the smell of all the swirling emotions and scents filling her nose. You see, emotions all have very distinct scents to Changelings, and each one is unique to each pony. And Queen Chrysalis just so happens to be quite an expert on the new royal couple’s scent based on…prior experiences.

Chrysalis’s nostrils flexed, sending powerful winds cascading down on the tiny empire. The warm breeze swirled around the puny ponies as they all tried to keep their balance amidst the overeager Titaness’ sniffs.

“I thought so!” Chrysalis exclaimed happily as she got back up to her hooves, once more looming high above the miniature Empire “Hi down there dearest Shining and Cadence. I’m so happy to have gotten a chance to see you both again!”

There were a series of squeaks coming from their general direction, sounding a little bit angry. But Chrysalis could see past that. Their words may be a little angry, but their emotions told a different story. She could definitely smell the strong sent of fear in the air coming from them. Something that she was determined to alleviate.

Her horn lit up and the acid green glow of her magic surrounded not only the tiny couple, but the entire balcony and the platoon of guards that was with them. With a SNAP! Chrysalis effortlessly tore off the balcony and all the ponies on it as they were raised up to her gargantuan face.

Chrysalis winced “Maybe I used a little too much power there,” she thought as she floated the balcony chuck over to her “It’s so hard to gauge just how much I should use now. Everything’s just so tiny and fragile!” She could barely make out the faint squeaking of fear as her magic held them all in her grasp.

Smiling warmly, she gently dislodged them all from the floating balcony piece and nuzzled them against her city sized cheek. “There, there, little ones. See? There’s nothing to be afraid of,” Chrysalis said soothingly. She cupped her hoof against her chest and levitated the ponies onto the warm and squishy frog of her hoof, inclining it a little so they’d all slide up against her chest as she gave them the world’s biggest hug.

Chrysalis kept them there for a bit, even adding a little rocking motion as she further tried to comfort the frightened specks.

Down below, a few of the guards looked at their rulers in confusion as they were gently pressed up against the Titanic changeling.

“Umm, your highness? Are you sure this Chrysalis character is evil? She seems really nice,” one of the guards said as he gestured around him. The remaining guards around them were in a state of pure bliss as they practically melted into the warm and loving embrace of the colossal Queen.

Shining and Cadence had no answer to this. Literally everything Chrysalis was doing went against any previous encounter with her. She had gone from a cold and calculating ruler who had led an invasion to a mountain sized, doting, ultra-kind mare.

After a little while, Chrysalis gently levitated the tiny cast back onto the chunk of balcony she had accidently torn off. But thanks to her nearly unstoppable might, she was able to effortlessly repair the damage.

“Mmmm, there we go, good as new!” Chrysalis chirped happily as she leaned down again “Congratulations on the new Empire Shining and Cadence. I’m so proud of you two!”

Shining and Cadence just blinked in disbelief as Chrysalis’ words washed over them.

“This little kingdom is just adorable, and personally I think the aesthetic suits you two just fine. But I do have to say, why is your empire so dirty? I can see it from here. Look! Those little buildings are covered in dust and dirt. I know you two just got your empire, but you shouldn’t just leave it in this condition!” Chrysalis boomed, a look of righteous ire amassing in her colossal eye.

Cadence and Shining gulped and backed up a little as the mountainous form of Chrysalis leaned down further towards them. Her city sized snout, almost as tall as the entire castle, hovered just above the balcony.

“As a mother myself, I won’t stand for this. Honestly you two! You need to take better care of your home!” Chrysalis lightly berated them as she got back up on her humongous hooves, sending more tremors throughout the Crystal Empire.

“When did she become our mom?” Cadence grumbled to Shining, who just shrugged. But before he could respond, a shadow fell over the empire. The couple turned their attention skywards but quickly felt a jolt of fear shoot through them.

Lowering itself towards the Empire was the underside of Chrysalis’s colossal hoof. Panic burst out across the empire as ponies ran for cover while the hoof descended towards them.


Crystal ponies everywhere clung onto the nearest thing they could find as they experienced a sense of vertigo. Chrysalis’ hoof had effortlessly torn into the earth and simply picked up the entire Crystal Empire.

The giantess looked down with a bemused smirk at the little kingdom sitting innocently atop the chunk of earth she had plucked out of the ground. The tiny kingdom sunk slightly into the squishy underside of her hoof of she held it in her hoof's frog.

“Well now, I simply cannot just allow you two too leave your new Empire in this state. Appearances must be kept! So, this time I’ll just clean your little Kingdom myself,” Chrysalis thundered as her horn flashed once more. This time, Chrysalis magicked up an enormous handkerchief. She lowered it into a nearby lake and dipped it in, soaking up the water before raising it up above the empire. Ponies down below looked up in fear as the watched the colossal handkerchief lower itself towards the ground.

The gigantic handkerchief landed with a soft BOOM! On the ground before sweeping forward, guided by Chrysalis’ magic. Ponies all ran inside the safety of their homes and nearby shops in a panic as the city sized handkerchief passed over the tiny buildings, somehow not damaging them in the slightest.

Chrysalis hummed pleasantly as she worked, being as thorough and careful as possible. Any one of the tiny ponies that got swept up in her cleaning were instantly teleported into a nearby shop or home and safely out of harms way. One of the benefits of currently being the most powerful creatures in the world. Chrysalis could manipulate spells anyway she sees fit thanks to the extensive magic boost she received as a giant.

“Annnnd done!” Chrysalis said happily as she magicked the handkerchief away “Looks like this old empire was quite the fixer-upper huh?”

She chuckled as she lowered her gigantic hoof back towards the ground and gently set the Crystal Empire back into the crater, she had previously torn it out off.

“There we go little dears, good as new!” Chrysalis thundered proudly with a smile “Though as I recall, the Empire needs love to function properly, does it not? Well, thank goodness I’m here. Because I got plenty of love to give everypony. Chrysalis lowered her head towards the ground and opened her mouth.

Shining and Cadence looked up at the sky nervously. What was she planning on doing? Surely, she wasn’t going to eat the empire was she? Chrysalis was certainly big enough to do so. At her size the empire would be no bigger than a biscuit for her to snack on. But thankfully that wasn’t the case. The giant mare had other plans.

A stream of pink mist flowed from her mouth and engulfed the empire. All at once the ponies felt a sense of warmth and contentment flowing through them. The Crystal heart getting supercharged from the generous amount of love willingly given by the titanic Queen.

Chrysalis smiled warmly down at the tiny civilization by her hooves, positively bursting with joy at the sight of them thriving from the simple act of her giving them her love. It made her feel so fulfilled on the inside.

I think that’s my cue,” Chrysalis thought as a gentle smile began to spread across her face “I got to pay these adorable little ponies a visit, say hi to Shining and Cadence, clean up this old empire, and give the little ones a good amount of love to sustain them,”

The gratitude and love that the Crystal ponies felt for the Changeling Queen for what she had just done filled the air as it was absorbed into Chrysalis. Those on the ground watched in awe as they witnessed her grow even bigger than before.

Chrysalis looked down at the empire one last time, spotting the two royal specks still standing on the balcony. her eye filled the sky as she leaned down one last time towards the tiny couple “Now remember dears, take good care of your home and the ponies in it,” she boomed, her voice sending tremors through the air “These little dears will be relying on you a lot now. But if you ever need some extra support, please feel free to reach out to me. Mamma would be happy to lend a giant helping hoof!” Chrysalis giggled as she stood back up to her true, absolutely gigantic height “I’m sure I’ll see you two around sometime. It’ll be pretty easy for me to do visits from now on because I’m so big!”

Chrysalis chuckled as she raised a hoof and effortlessly stepped over the tiny empire on the ground, strutting away as she continued her morning stroll, her hips swaying as she stormed over the absolutely tiny Equestria. Sending tremors across the tiny land with each step.

Back at the Crystal empire, Cadence and Shining Armor watched dumbfounded as the Titanic form of Chrysalis walked away. The faint sound of THOOMS could still be heard as it shook the empire.

“S-S-Shiny. What just happened?” Cadence asked weakly.

“Honestly Cady, I have no idea. Do we even consider that an attack?” Shining Armor asked as he glanced at his wife “I was expecting the worse, but Chrysalis didn’t even do anything bad! She gave the entire empire love and even cleaned it. She even fixed all the buildings that were damaged or destroyed by Sombra. How did she even do that?! She only used a handkerchief!”

Cadence could only shrug as she tried to wrap her head around the situation.

“I-I’m going to send a letter to Canterlot and let Auntie Celestia and Luna know what’s going on. They’d definitely want to know that a Titan sized Chrysalis is walking around,” Cadence said in a dazed voice as she stumbled away to go grab ink and paper.

Meanwhile, now many miles away, Chrysalis thundered across the equestrian landscape with a bright smile on her face.

“Well, I’d say that went pretty well!” She thought cheerfully as she pranced about “Guess that means it’s onto my next destination then!

Chrysalis sighed contently as she continued her globetrotting stroll, relishing in her newfound freedom and newly acquired size and power she had just gained from the Empire. But unbeknownst to the Queen, there were two individuals that were extremely close to her who weren’t having nearly as much fun as she was.

“EEEEEEEK!” Chip squeaked in fear as the world around him shook and quaked. The little changeling grub held tightly onto a single strand of hair that was thicker than a house as it swayed from side to side. After Chrysalis had been hit by the growth ray and grew to absolutely gigantic proportions, the hive had started to crumble around them. Panicking, Chip grabbed his brother Chirp and flew blindly away, trying to escape the falling debris. Only to fly headfirst straight into Chrysalis’ tail, immediately getting tangled in it's strands.

Things only got worse for them as Chrysalis continued to grow, their surroundings getting bigger and bigger. Each one of the tail hairs getting bigger and heavier, restricting their wing movement. Now, the both of them could only dangle about helplessly as they were forced to endure the movement of their gigantic mother as she walked around. They could feel each one of her mighty steps, the power behind each hoof fall. And the tremors that shook their world as Chrysalis walked about.

“Chip!” Chirp hollered to him over the booming sounds of Chrysalis walking “We have to climb up Mom’s tail and try to reach her ears and get her attention! She’ll be able to help us!”

Chirp nodded, since they couldn’t use their wings this was the only option they had. Hopefully they could get her attention in time before she got too big, or worse, sat down again. The two young twins got to work as they began to scale the colossal strands of hair, all the while their colossal mother was blissfully unaware of them as she continued her morning walk across Equestira.

Author's Note:

Well, looks like Chrysalis is have fun now that she's bigger than ever. Though a lot of ponies are quite taken aback by this sudden change in behavior from one of Equestria's greatest villains. Meanwhile poor Chip and Chirp have to find a way out of the predicament they've found themselves in and must find a way to get their mother's attention, but it looks like that's gonna take a while without the use of wings.

What will happen next with Chrysalis? Well, let's just say she's gonna be having some fun next chapter and enjoying the perks of being the largest and most powerful mare alive. Next time, Chrysalis is going to be paying a visit to the big city and having a fun day out on the town as the world's biggest tourist as she makes her way over to her next destination.

Chapter 3- Colossal tourist Coming soon!