• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 5- The Coming Colossal Chrysalis Cataclysm

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Chip winced at the ominous sound of the guard’s metal hoofsteps as they were herded along. It sounded like a clock. Always ticking, like it was counting down to their doom when they went to go meet the Princesses of Equestria.

After they had been captured by the royal guards, magic suppression rings had been put on both of them and now they were held at spear point as they made their way to the throne room.

How did today end up so bad?” Chip wondered miserably as he and Chirp trudged along “All Chirp and I were supposed to do was come up with new ideas for inventions to build! That’s about as laid back as you could get,”

But ever since that morning, things just seemed to be spiraling out of control. First their mother had grown to a colossal size, at her request, accidently destroyed half of the hive because it became too small to contain her growing body, next the two of them had gotten caught in Chrysalis’ tail like two little dust mites, having to endure her earthshattering steps and swaying movements as she walked around like a living mountain, climb up her tail and attempt to reach her ears while they bounced against her rump and tried to avoid getting squashed every time she sat down, and third Chrysalis had unknowingly flicked the two of them straight into enemy territory right after they had finally reached her mane after several hours of climbing and running. Now, after all that had happened, the hatchlings found themselves being led towards the throne room to speak to Princess Celestia and Luna.

Eventually, after several uncomfortable minutes of silent walking, they finally reached the throne room doors. The guard leading them saluted to two more guards standing outside, a stallion and mare, which they returned. Wordlessly they nodded to each other and opened the doors.

“Follow me,” their escort said “And don’t try any funny business you two, or else I’ll bring you both straight to the dungeons,”

Chip and Chirp exchanged panicked glances “Y-y-yes sir!” Chip blurted out hastily.

“Good,” their guard replied and lead them into the throne room. Once the two young changelings entered, for a moment, their worries melted away as they gazed around in wonder and amazement at the throne room’s splendor.

The room was absolutely massive. A long fluffy carpet ran down the length of the room. There was an ivory interior decorated the walls, floor, and pillars all around them. As well as hints of gold highlights mingled in. Not to mention the beautiful glass-stained windows.

“Wow…” Chirp whispered “This is even nicer than mom’s throne room,”

But it wasn’t long before the two were bright back to their harsh reality.

Chip and Chirp found themselves standing before the base of the throne, and up on the dais was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, with the elements of harmony and a pudgy little purple dragon with green frills standing off to the side. The Princess of the sun had a hard, flat stare dominating her features as she glared down at the two changelings, causing the brothers to unconsciously huddle together while the Princess of the moon gazed at them with a calculating expression and a hint of…pity? Chip didn’t know what that was all about but he was hoping beyond hope it wasn’t because they were about to be thrown into the dungeons or something else unchangeling like.

“So, you two are the Changelings that caused a scene a little while ago, correct?” Princess Celestia asked in a frosty tone as she took a step forward.

“Y-y-y-yes your m-m-majesty,” Chip stammered out in fright.

Luna frowned as she noted Chip’s reaction “Sister, mind your tone,” she whispered to Celestia “They’re only foals.” But Celestia either didn’t register what Luna said or she didn’t care. The second she realized that Chrysalis was back once more, and this time as a titan, she had flown into a fit of unease. And Luna knew why: Celestia, in all her years of leading kingdoms, fighting monsters, dealing with nobles, had developed a slight fear of the Changeling Queen. After her humiliating defeat at Cadence and Shining’s wedding in front of her entire kingdom and then getting put into a cocoon and strung up like a piñata in the throne room, it was no surprise to the moon princess why her sister was acting uncharacteristically aggressive.

Celestia snorted with frustration as she slowly advanced towards the two brothers, spreading her wings menacingly and narrowing her eyes as she approached them “Then you will tell me immediately what I want to know. What is Chrysalis’ plan? Does she mean to attack Canterlot again and endanger my little ponies? Speak!”

Luna got up from her throne and quickly made her way over to where Celestia was. There was another reason why, in her mind, that Celestia was acting this way. The whole Titan fiasco. When it first occurred, the two of them, the elements, and all of Canterlot were utterly powerless to do anything against the Titans sized ponies. Leaving them to toy around with them as they pleased. Their magic had no effect, and their defenses were practically laughed at when the nobles attempted their coup. All it took was a few drops of giant sized hair gel to completely incapacitate the royal guards. In fact, as much as Luna hated to admit it, the nobles would have won and gotten what they wanted if it wasn’t for the fact that the spell ran out of power just as they were about to get their way.

When it happened again, the two sisters assumed the worst. Another Titan in Equestria? What terrible things could they wrought to the kingdom next? But to their immense relief, a letter from Twilight alleviated their worries. The new Titan was none other than the element of honesty’s eldest brother; Big Macintosh. And if their family reputation was anything to go by, such as their elder Mrs. Smith founding Ponyville, the adorable antics of little Apple Bloom and her friends in the quest to find their cutie marks, and Applejack’s role as the element of honesty, then it was safe to say that Big Macintosh was not going to be such a massive threat to the kingdom like the nobles had been. In fact, the gentle giant had been anything but threatening. He had gone on a globe trotting walk around the kingdom helping out anypony who needed it, if the spectacular reports from the mayors of Oakenwood and Manehatten were to be believed. It was also heard that he gave spectacular hugs as a Titan, something Luna thinks Celestia became a little jealous of hearing because now, every time a pony is about to leave day court she will always ask if they’d like a hug. As if she’s attempting to one up Big Macintosh.

Now, it appears the growth spell had kicked in once more. And this time it has struck one of their most heinous enemies. This combined with how Celestia feels about Chrysalis was definitely clouding her judgement on how to approach the situation.

“Sister let me take it from here,” Luna said as she stepped up in front of Celestia and gently edged her away from the two cowering hatchlings. Celestia huffed in frustration but nevertheless relented.

Luna stepped up in front of Chip and Chirp and held up a letter bearing the Crystal Empire seal in red wax. “This letter arrived from my niece and nephew in the Crystal Empire. In it, they detail some interesting events that had just taken place. They claim that your Queen had paid them a visit and that she was now the size of a Titan. And yet, despite her overwhelming size advantage and power she practically leaves no harm on them and leaves. Several accounts from the guards claimed she was kind even,” Luna said dryly “A characteristic that seems extremely out of character for her if the events of the wedding is anything to go off of. Interesting wouldn’t you say?”

Chip and Chirp clammed up, staring at the letter with wide eyes. Luna took note of their reaction silently and pressed on.

“Furthermore, one of our guards gave us a copy of todays paper written by the Daily Equestrian. And do you know what was on it?” She asked.

Chip shook his head frantically.

Luna floated over the paper towards the two twins and dropped it on the floor for them to read. Chip and Chirp looked on in shock as they saw their mother’s escapades in the pony city already photographed and printed on paper.

“Judging by the reports that have come in and Chrysalis’ current trajectory from the places she has ‘visited’ it is safe to assume she is on her way to Canterlot. So I’ll ask you again: What happened to her? Why is she acting like this? And what is her plan? Answer truthfully and I shall consider being lenient on your punishment,” Luna said sternly, glaring down at the hatchlings with her icy cold stare.

Chip and Chirp slowly looked up and the intimidating Alicorn looming over them and her much more intimidating sister behind her, as well as the elements and the potentially changeling roasting dragon further in the back. That along with all they had to endure the entire day finally building up to it’s breaking point.

And their floodgates finally broke.

“WE’RE SORRY!” the two cried out, throwing themselves down in the lowest bow possible in front of Luna.

“This is all our fault! Mom asked us to do this to her!” Chip bawled.

Celestia raised her eyebrow “what do you mean she ‘asked you’ to do this to her?”

“Mom came back to the hive with some weird looking book and asked us to extract the magic from it because she said it was unstable! She said she wanted us to do that so she can have the power all to herself and try and take over Equestria again,” Chirp added

Everypony and dragon’s eyes narrowed.

“But things didn’t go right!” Chip added on desperately “Something really bad ended up happening!”

“Yeah I’ll say,” Rainbow Dash piped up “Not like she’s thousands of feet tall now or anything,”

“That’s not what I meant! After mom asked us to extract the magic from the book and restabilize it so the magic wasn’t wild anymore, we transferred it into a machine we built called a growth ray and fired the magic into mom. All the magic in the book was drained into the ray when we did that and mom grew as tall as the hive,” said Chip

“Wait a darn second. Ya said that she was as tall as tha hive didn’t ya? Don’tcha lie ta us now cuz she’s way bigger than that,” Applejack said

Chirp opened his mouth to answer but leapt back in fright as Twilight popped up into view, pressing her muzzle against his, her eyes shining with glee as she brandished paper and a quill “Wait, did you say you and your brother stabilized wild magic? How did you do that? I gotta know! Working with wild magic is extremely difficult because it’s nature is always changing! Hey, even most scholars here are still theorizing how to work with it. Tell me how! For SCIENCE!”

A golden aura surrounded Twilight and gently pulled her away from the two hatchlings and back over to Celestia.

“Twilight, perhaps we should let them finish their story first and then ask questions later,” Celestia said, staring at her protégé with tired eyes as Twilight scratched away uselessly at the ground while she was being pulled away.

“But my knowledge!” Twilight wailed.

Chip and Chirp inched away from the knowledge starved and potentially feral purple pony, seeking refuge with Luna. The two little changelings peeking out apprehensively from behind her tail. Luna, sensing their destress, gently wrapped them in a warm hug with her wings “It’s alright you two,” she said “Please continue your story.”

The two brothers nodded “Ok, well, to answer your question miss, Mom really did start off that big. But we saw later that when mom absorbed ambient love in the air and given to her, not forcefully from ponies, it powered her up more and she got bigger. She kept getting bigger the more love she consumed,”

Celestia slowly nodded “Alright, that makes sense. At least she wasn’t stealing love from ponies either. But that doesn’t explain why she’s currently acting the way she is right now. You said that Chrysalis wanted to conquer Equestria didn’t you? She is in the prefect position to do that right now and yet all she seems to be doing is playing around,”

Chip nodded “I think that’s because me and Chirp accidently did that to her. You see, we needed a power source for the growth ray and we decided to use love to power it. Because love always energizes us changelings we thought the same thing could work. But Chirp and I think that when mom absorbed all the magic from the book, the love went into her as well, causing her personality to alter into what it is now,”

“Well thank goodness for that,” Rarity said “I can’t imagine the amount of ghastly things that evil mare would be doing right now if she was in the right state of mind.”

“I’ll say!” Pinkie exclaimed as she bounded around “I wonder who’s love was strong enough to do that to Chryssy?”

Chirp tweedled his hooves and eyed up the floor, not looking anypony in the eye “Actually, um, I think it was Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s love we used to power the machine. We used Alicorn love because we thought it would be stronger than normal pony love. The one we were using was taken during the wedding a few days before Mom got found out by Miss Twilight” he flinched as his response earned him a glare from the two rulers.

Celestia facehoofed “Well, I can’t say I’m pleased about this, but at least some good did come from that invasion,” she said with bitterness in her voice. Luna was nodding as well, part of her was still guilty she was asleep during the invasion but some side of her was relieved that her love was part of the reason why the kingdom wasn’t being held in Chrysalis’ hoof right now.

“Well, I guess that begs the question, how are we going to stop Chrysalis now?” Asked Twilight “If she really has all the book’s magic than there’s no way we can beat her. Chrysalis is invulnerable to all attacks, both physical and magical. Our elements won’t work on her, nor will any of our spells.”

Fluttershy sighed in frustration “If only Big Mac was still a Titan,” the small butter pegasus lamented in her meek voice “he could probably hold off Chrysalis for a bit while we figured something out. Oh, if that’s ok with him that is,”

“Yeah, it sucks that he ain’t big anymore! He could have really help out!” Rainbow Dash sulked “I’ll bet he could have become bigger than her in no time and save the day. Of course if I was the huge one I’d kick that evil buggy’s flank into next week!”

Applejack snorted “If yer tha Titan Dash we’d all be worried,”

Rainbow rounded her gaze over the Applejack “You got something to say cowpony?”

“Ah sure do ya big ol’ blowhard!”

Twilight sighed in resignation as Applejack and Rainbow Dash began to start up their usual arguing “I wonder what Big Macintosh is up to right now anyway?” she asked, glancing over at Spike who just shrugged

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres


Big Macintosh’s eye twitched as he laid down in bed, covers thrown over his body, a bag of cold water on his head, and a thermometer sticking out of his mouth All around him Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo were bouncing around in circles in his room. They were each wearing doctor coats complete with a stethoscope, reflex hammer, and a bunch of colorful band-aids.

And they had been going on like this for the past hour.

“Macky! Are ya up there?” Granny Smith’s voice wafted though the door “Ah made some of mah best homemade soup! That’ll cure that no good flu in a jiffy!”

“T-thank ya Granny,” Big Mac managed to cough out, glancing at the door which was opened slightly ajar. When he returned his gaze to his room, Big Mac nearly jumped out of his fur as he saw that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had all clambered up onto his bed and were all standing cheek to cheek on his chest looking down at him with unsettlingly large grins.

“Don’t worry big brother, tha Cutie Mark Crusader doctors are on tha case! We’ll get you back up on yer hooves in no time!” Apple Bloom exclaimed brightly “Right girls?”

“YAY!!” all three of them cheered again, Big Mac swore we felt his eardrums rupture

As swear, Ah’d shrink y’all an keep ya in a cup for tha rest of tha day if y’all weren’t so darn adorable. Even though y’all are noisier than tha ah cow trying ta take ah bath,” Big Mac thought.

Back at Canterlot Castle

While the other elements were busy trying to break apart Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s impromptu brawl, Celestia and Luna were conversing with several guards that had called into the throne room to debrief them on the Chrysalis situation, Chip and Chirp where just left standing awkwardly off to the side.

“So, do you think we can make a run for it?” Chirp whispered hopefully. Chip looked down dejectedly “No, there’s too many ponies in the room. Plus, we barely have any training with shapeshifting. We’ll get caught immediately.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Chirp said gloomily.

“But Chirp, hear me out. Maybe we should help the ponies just this once,” Chip suggested.

“Why? Mom said they’re all evil remember?”

“Yeah, but mom always comes up with a bunch of crazy plans and ends up saying some outlandish things remember? I heard one time mom said 1000 years ago water was bad for your health and taking baths was bad,”

Chirp snickered “Did she really? That’s hilarious.”

“Yeah, she totally denies she ever said that now, which is even funnier,”

Chirp giggled at the thought of their Queen getting so flustered over something as trivial as that.

“But back to the subject, we should help out the ponies and get mom back to normal. At least things can go back to normal for us. Then we can all go home and forget this ever happened,” Chip said. Chirp thought it over for a bit and eventually sighed “Fine, I guess you’re right. But how are we even going to do that? Mom has absorbed so much love all day. She’s pretty much unstoppable at this point. And immune to all attack, both physical and magical,”

“I’ve been thinking about that. What if we reverse engineer the growth ray we made? That way we can suck out the magic we put into her in the first place! It’s not a physical attack and it’s not a magical one either! It’s just science!” Chip explained excitedly.

“Yeah that could work!” Chirp exclaimed, prancing in place happily “Let’s go tell them!”

The two cautiously made their way over to where the elements were just pulling apart Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Honestly you two!” Rarity was saying “Starting a fight here of all places? In Canterlot? Near the NOBILITY? Oh, the horror! I can only imagine what horrid things they could be saying about us now!”

“Cool your jets Rarity! I was just giving little miss smug over here a piece of my mind!” Rainbow Dash said, glaring at Applejack, who in turn stuck her tongue out at her offender.

Chip and Chirp walked up to Twilight, who was watching the fight’s aftermath with disapproval in her eyes, and warily poked her side to get her attention. Twilight perked up at the sudden unexpected contact and looked down to see the two hatchlings staring at her expectedly.

“Oh, it’s you two. Is everything alright? OH! Are you ready to answer my questions on wild magic?!” Twilight asked excitedly as another bunch of papers and quill poofed into existence next to her. Twilight squeed and as she pranced around. Popping back up in front of the two young brothers with stars in her eyes again.

“Ummm, no Miss Twilight,” Chip said hesitantly (Twilight groaned in disappointment and poofed away her materials again) “We actually think that we have a way to change mom back to normal.

Twilight’s ears perked up as she heard his words “What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well, Chirp and I made the growth ray that turned mom into a Titan, right? All we have to do is reverse engineer it to remove the magic and she’ll turn back to normal.”

Twilight thought it over, tapping her hoof on her chin “I think this could work actually. Since you two have the knowledge on how the machine works, I don’t see why not. Let me ask the Princesses,” Twilight called over Princess Celestia and Luna and explained the two’s idea to them.

“I don’t know Twilight dear, this could be a trick. How do we know that they won’t simply infuse Chrysalis with more power? Or revert her personality to normal?” Celestia asked.

“We wouldn’t do that!” Chip protested “We want mom back to normal as much as you do!”

Celestia frowned and was about to reply but Luna beat her too it “Well, if you’re as truthful as you say, then Twilight, Princess Celestia, and I would wish to watch you two work on this machine. You can explain to us about each part and how it works while you’re putting it together,” Luna said, glancing at Celestia with a reproachful glint in her eyes.

Celestia rolled her eyes but nevertheless conceded. After all, they were short on options and were getting pretty desperate.

“Alright, you two tell me where the hive is,” Twilight said “I can take you two there via teleportation, help you get your machine, and teleport back so you can work on it.”

As hesitant as the two hatchlings were about divulging such sensitive information like where their hive was, they were left with little choice in the matter. Twilight’s purple aura surrounded the three of them and they all vanished in a POP!

The three of them reappeared in the ruins of the hive, Twilight looking around in awe “Wow, so you guys live here? This is incredible! Do you follow similar sleep patterns as normal insects that live in hives like bees? Or maybe you use a dance to communicate where you can find the nearest source of love? Oh, this is so exciting!”

But Chip and Chirp didn’t have the same reaction. Their ears drooped down as they looked around in dismay at the ruined remains of their home. Chirp sniffled “Does this mean we don’t have a home anymore?” he asked quietly “Mom practically destroyed it all when she outgrew the hive,”

“I-I don’t know,” Chip admitted quietly.

Skitter skitter

All three pairs of ears perked up at the sound. They looked around towards the shadows to where the sound was coming from. The three of them slowly made their way over. Peering over the edge of a small chasm they saw a lone Changeling working. Panting with exhaustion while toiling away at the bottom, trying to clean up the unfathomable mess around him.

“Is that…Wasp?” Chip asked.

The Changeling, Wasp’s ears perked up at the mention of his name and looked around, spotting the three of them at the higher ledges. “Chip? Chirp? Is that you?” The Changeling asked. He spread his wings and buzzed up to where the three of them were standing, touching down on the ground next to them, a big smile on his face “It is you! Oh, thank goodness! Everyling lost track of you after Queen Chrysalis used the growth ray and I was worried you might have gotten buried under all this rubble,” Wasp said as he lunged forward and pulled his two little brothers into a big hug.

The two brothers sniffled and tightly hugged Wasp back. At last, they were getting some peace of mind after the day they had. The two of them tearfully explained what had happed ever since and the events leading up till now. Overcome with emotion at their difficult day and now being captured by the ponies.

Wasp looked thoughtfully over at Twilight as Chip and Chirp finished retelling their story, who in turn was looking at the twin brothers in shock and pity as she heard firsthand what they went through today.

“Twilight Sparkle, is it? A pleasure to finally meet the mare who helped take down Nightmare Moon and King Sombra,” Wasp said, catching Twilight’s attention as he stuck out his hoof to her. Twilight blushed in embarrassment “Well, I can’t take all the credit for defeating those guys,” she mumbled. Twilight cleared her throat and shook Wasp’s hoof “And it’s a pleasure to meet you to Wasp,”

Wasp nodded “I assume you three have a reason for coming back here? No offense, but I highly doubt Princess Celestia’s student would come herself to the Changeling hive for a simple return mission,” Twilight nodded “Chip and Chirp here told me, my friends, and the Princesses that they can undo the effects on Chrysalis if they can reverse engineer their growth ray. I offered to bring them back so they can retrieve their equipment and the ray and we can take it back. Queen Chrysalis is on her way to Canterlot as we speak so we have to be fast.”

“Speaking of which, do you know where our ray is Wasp?” Chip asked his brother hopefully.

Wasp’s ears flattened against his head as he looked at the three of them sadly “I’m sorry everyling, but I don’t think your plan will work. Follow me please,” he said and beckoned them to follow him over to the side of the chasm. Twilight, Chip, and Chirp all exchange confused (and worried) looks as they followed behind. Wasp lead them over to one particularly large chasm and glanced back at them, pointed down at the bottom.

Twilight, Chip and Chirp all carefully made their way over to the edge and peered down. “Is that…” Chirp began.

Chip swallowed in fear “Yeah… I think it is,”

The chasm wasn’t a chasm at all. It was simply an extremely large hoofprint. Left behind by Chrysalis as she was outgrowing the hive. But to make matters worse, at the bottom of the crater, completely flattened like a pancake, was the remains of the growth ray.

“OH NO!” Twilight exclaimed, panic filled her voice as she looked down with dismay at the ruined device “Now what are we going to do?! All of Equestria is doomed! We’re all gonna be smothered by Chrysalis’ hugs! This is worse than when mom made me dress up in 20 layers of sweaters so I can go play in the snow!”

Strands of Twilight’s mane began poking out as she started prancing in place, panic gripping her heart at the thought of the multi-mile tall, unstoppable villainess hugging the hey out of the entire kingdom, the unintentional damage she could case just by her kindness, and her overwhelming and overbearing mothering. With Wasp trying (and failing) to calm her down. But while Twilight was having another lesson zero moment, Chip and Chirp continued observing their ruined growth ray. Silently Chip grabbed Chirp’s hoof and flew the two of them down to the bottom of Chrysalis’ hoofprint. Touching down at the bottom they began to inspect their machine.

“I have to be honest Chip, the damage isn’t that bad. It looks worse than it actually is. I think we can actually repair it and add the modifications to change mom back,” Chirp said.

“Yeah, I think I see what you mean. All the parts seem to be intact, just a few odds and ends misplaced but we can easily fix that up. Let’s tell Twilight and we can head back,” Chip said. One explanation later Chip, Chirp, Wasp, and Twilight were all standing around the squashed growth ray.

“So, do you think you can teleport all this back to Centerlot along with us?” Chip asked purple smarts. Twilight eyed up the contraption “It won’t be easy but I think I have just enough magic to transport all four of us and the machine,” she said

“Oh, actually I’m not coming along. I still have to finish cleaning up the hive,” Wasp said, taking a step back “I lost ‘not it’ and so I have to deal with this huge mess. I think everyling else went to throw a party or something because this was the first break they had in a few decades,”

“Ohhhh, so that’s why there’s noling else here,” Chirp said “Sorry you got left behind Wasp,”

Wasp waved his hoof “Ah don’t worry about it. It’ll do everyling some good to relax their minds and think about something other than Chrysalis’ revenge or love for once. Never been much of a party guy myself, so some time alone will do me good.” He replied dismissively.

Wasp then turned to face his two little brothers “Also, Chip, Chirp? I can taste your emotions that you’re feeling. Some trepidation with a hint of fear and anxiety. It’s all to do with being in the company of ponies, is that correct?”

The two slowly nodded their heads. Twilight taking notice and kneeled down in front of them, getting in view of their eye level. “Is that why you two were shaking so much? Are you afraid of ponies?” she asked.

Wasp nodded “They’ve been listening to a few too many of Chrysalis’ tall tales about your kind. After Mother’s failed invasion she was extremely bitter about entire situation as you can imagine. Lately it’s been eating away at her, almost to the point of obsession. I wouldn’t be surprised if the point of her obtaining the growth spell was her way of securing an easy win,” Wasp then turned back to his two little brothers “I don’t blame the ponies for being wary of us for what Chrysalis did, however, you should cooperate with them and rebuild this machine. Not only for them, but for us as well. Whether our queen wants to hear it or not, this unhealthy obsession she’s developed for revenge over a conflict she caused needs to stop. I understand that as of now she isn’t doing much harm but who knows if there’s a time limit on the amount of love she ingested when she was blasted with the ray. I’m sure the last thing we want is mom to be that size and she isn’t as cheerful and kind as she is now,”

Twilight shuddered at the thought “Don’t even joke about that. I don’t even wanna think about what it’s gonna be like for Chrysalis to play exterminator when she’s giant sized and we’re the bugs,”

Wasp nodded “Yeah, and that’s assuming Mother wants to stop at Equestria. At the rate she’s growing, she’ll eventually be able to walk over the continent in just a few steps and cross over to the next kingdom. She’ll be able to take over the world and noling will be able to oppose her. So don’t let me keep you three anymore. Head back to Canterlot right away and work on that machine. I’ll keep cleaning up here for our Queen’s plan eventually falls flat and she has to retreat back here,”

“What? You don’t think we can capture her this time?” Twilight asked challengingly. Wasp simply shook his head “Definitely not. She’s quite the escape artist. I remember her boasting about a time she got captured by all of you a few months after the wedding and she escaped with nothing more than a book,”

Twilight blushed and averted her eyes. She remembered that quite well. After all, she had been the one to give the Changeling Queen the book after she had been captured. Imagine everyone’s shock to find an empty cell and hour later and note left behind that said: Chrysalis rules, ponies drool and a picture of Chrysalis sticking her tongue out at them. She cleared her throat “Maybe you’re right,” Twilight mumbled. She turned around to Chip and Chirp, who were just emerging from their rooms with their tools and supplies for the ray, and called to them “Got everything you need?” she asked. The two brothers nodded. “Alright, I’ll teleport us back now,” she said. The three said their goodbyes to Wasp and vanished with a POP!

They reappeared in Canterlot Castle’s throne room along with the squashed machine and the brother’s supplies, catching the attention of all the ponies in the room.

“You’re back!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and shot over to them, the rest of the mane 6, Spike, and the Princesses bringing up the rear, with the gathered guards standing away in the back.

“Um, Twilight, is this the machine?” Spike asked as he walked around the flattened heap of metal “What happened to it?”

“Queen Chrysalis apparently stepped on it when she grew for the first time back at the hive,” Twilight replied, causing Luna to groan with exasperation “Curse that fiend. Of course, she’d do something like that to prevent anypony from turning her back,”

“Actually, mom did that by accident,” came Chip’s voice. Everyone turned around to see the brothers already hard at work trying to repair the machine. “She accidently stepped on it when she outgrew our hive. But don’t worry, Chirp and I should be able to fix it in no time,”

While they brothers were working Twilight gave everyone the rundown on what happened in the hive. “So wait, you mean to tell me that even some of the Changelings are with us on this?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight nodded “They want things to go back to normal as much as the next pony, surprisingly. I talked to this really nice Changeling named Wasp and he gave me the details on what happened and what we can expect. He did present me with a rather terrifying idea. We found out that the reason why Chrysalis is like this now is because she absorbed the love from the machine and that altered her way of thinking right? But what if it runs out eventually? And she turns back into her right state of mind?”

Celestia turned to look over at the brothers hard at work “Well, it looks like we have no choice but to trust these two and hope they can change Chrysalis back to normal before that happens.” She spoke solemnly “I can only imagine what sorts of heinous and nefarious actions that mare could be up too right now,”

“Now what do you have to say for yourself mister?!”

Chrysalis levitated a speck sized hydra up to her eye, giving it a stern glare. Down below by her hooves was Ponyville, with some of the buildings smoking, vendor stands smashed, and merchandise thrown everywhere. It looks like some of the beasts of the Everfree took advantage of the distinct lack of mane 6 in the town and decided to go and cause some havoc for their Saturday past time.

And they were really going to town on the place. All the ponies could really do was their usual: scurry around aimlessly while screaming like a bunch of eggs in a frying pan getting stirred up. The Hydra in particular was really keen on showing off its fearsome might as it stomped though the streets of the village. With the guards of the town completely ineffective against the beast it seemed all the Everfree monsters would have their run of the place until the mane 6 returned to Ponyville.

That is, until a mountain sized chitin hoof landed next to the town, attached to an even larger Changeling Queen. The houses, ponies, and monsters were all simultaneously bounced up into the air and back down from the impact of the titanic hoof. Needless to say, Chrysalis was less than pleased by why she was seeing. She quickly scooped up all the Everfree creatures, a colossal wave of her magic splashing down on the mite sized town like a tsunami. The ponies screamed and ran and the neon green magic tidal wave washed over them, only to blink in confusion as they found themselves standing right were they were, completely fine. The beasts on the other hand weren’t so lucky and found themselves getting a stern talking to by the gigantic queen.

The Hydra whimpered as it stared at the never-ending sea of green that took up it’s entire field of vision. Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed “What would your parents say about this? Acting like a bunch of foals gallivanting in the streets and stirring up a ruckus! You lot better say sorry right this instance!” she snorted, earning the beasts a strong buffering by hurricane like winds. Chrysalis levitated the Everfree monsters down towards Ponyville until they were suspended right above the buildings.

The monsters gulped and stared up at the imposing figure towering over the country. Chrysalis nodded encouragingly. The hydra, taking initiative, let out a sigh and a murmured grumble as it gave its apology to the small pony town. The other monsters following suite.

“There, now was that so hard?” Chrysalis asked sweetly as she levitated the monster back up and depositing them into her humongous overturned squishy black hoof. Her horn flashed green and Ponyville was instantly restored to what it was before. With her power growing even greater than before, Chrysalis even managed cleaned up the town. Making it all bright and sparkly. She then lowered her hoof down to the everfree forest and let the tiny monsters slide down and back into the forest.

“Remember you lot, be good from now on! I don’t want to hear that you’ve been causing trouble from now on, understand?”

All Chrysalis heard was an annoyed growl from the forest.

“That’s the Spirit darlings! Be good!” she said with a bright smile while she watched the speck sized monsters all scurry away. Chrysalis hummed pleasantly to herself as she raised her hoof and casually stepped over the dot on the ground that was Ponyville “Bye little dears! Stay safe now!” she said as she thundered away, the residents of Ponyville standing shell shocked over what just happened.

“That was Queen Chrysalis! The horror! The horror!” a lone voice pipped up.

And just like that the panic started all over again.

While most of the Mane 6 went back to conversing with each other, the Princesses were talking with the guards, Twilight went over to Chip and Chirp to ask questions. Something that got annoying fast to the two little grubs while they were trying to focus on their work.

“So how does it fire the laser? Does it all run on love? What about the wild magic? What secret is there to-”

“Miss Twilight can you please wait!” Chip exclaimed in exasperation “This is a very delicate stage we’re in. If Chirp and I mess up even one thing here we won’t be able to shrink mom back to normal,” he said

Twilight frowned “Fine. But sooner or later I want that explanation on wild magic. It’s so unknown! And chaotic! The fact you were able to get it under control is like calming Discord down. I gotta know how you did that!”

“Did someone page the king of awesome?” a disembodied voice wafted through the air. A portal opened up above the growth ray and out stepped Discord in all his chaotic glory “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, and I’m not left handed!”

Chip and Chirp ran away from the lord of chaos with an “Eeeep!” of fright, seeking refuge behind Luna again while Discord hopped off the ray gun and spread his arms widely.

“Discord! What are you doing here? And…what are you wearing?” Celestia asked, cocking her head in confusion. Discord was sporting a button up shirt with palm trees on it, square shaped glasses with a blue and red lens, and holding an enormous tub on popcorn under an arm, which he was munching on contently.

“Oh yes, sorry for the mild indecency, but you see I was in the middle of a movie session just now. I was visiting this place called Hollywood and met someone who makes movies there. He recommended some to me and I’ve haven’t been able to stop since!” Discord exclaimed in delight as he tossed his popcorn to the side. It hit the ground and exploded into flowers. “I think his name was Lucas. First name was, like, George, or James, or something like that. But some parts of the trip was a little weird though. Everyone there kept saying 'I love your Discord cosplay.' Whatever that means. Though of course, I just had to stop here by when I heard my name being called.”

Pinkie slowly raised her hoof “What’s a movie?” she asked.

Discord snapped his fingers and a flying saucer appeared. He hopped into it and began floating around, flying slow laps around the room “So, what’s the deal here? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you all were doing something right out of a 50’s science fiction movie.”

“We’ve run into a predicament. Chrysalis is back and she used the magic in an ancient tome to become a Titan,” Celestia replied, pausing to duck her head as Discord passed by on his UFO over her “These two changelings here believe they can use that machine over there to shrink her back down,”

Discord gasped and reappeared right in front of Celestia’s face upside down with a delighted grin “They’re building a shrinking machine? Right now? Oh, how marvelous! This is just like the time when Wayne Szalinski built one in the movie series I saw last night called ‘Honey I shrunk the kids.’ So, does it work yet? We can try recreating some of the scenes from the movie with you and your guards Celly! I know how much you like being large and in charge. The guards can be the helpless kids and you can be the giant parent sweeping the attic.

Celestia waved him off, an embarrassed, yet faint blush was heating up her face “I don’t understand half of what you’re saying Discord, but no, it doesn’t work yet. The foals over there were in the middle of fixing the machine up before you arrived.”

“Awwww phoey,” Discord moped.

“Can somepony tell me what a movie is?” Pinkie asked again.

But before anyone can answer her, everypony felt the ground shake. Then again, and again. Celestia and Luna shared a glance before hurrying over to a nearby window. Several guards, the Mane 6, Spike, and the two Changeling brothers all looked outside too. With Discord bringing up the rear as he looked out curiously. Outside, everything looked normal, but the shaking didn’t stop, in fact it was only getting more and more intense. Then, over out in the distance behind some mountains, a colossal, jagged, black spire began to rise into the air. Followed by an even larger face of a mare with flowing, silky turquoise hair. Chrysalis’s entire head started off at eye level with them, taking up the entire horizon, but with each step she took it rose higher. Everyone’s heads gradually looking up more and more until they couldn’t anymore.

“Huh, Chryssy looks different. New manestyle perhaps?” Discord asked dryly, breaking the shocked silence that had fallen over them.

“She-She’s even bigger than I could have imagined!” Luna exclaimed in alarm as she looked up at the country sized queen. Tearing her eyes away from the Titan with enormous effort she turned her gaze back to Chip and Chirp “You two! You must fix your machine post-haste! She’s almost here!”

Chip and Chirp yelped and scrambled over each other as they raced back to the growth ray and continued working on it with renewed vigor. Everyone else meanwhile couldn’t do anything but simply look outside in awe at the gargantuan mare striding across the continent.

“Wait!” Spike exclaimed “Since Discord is here now can’t he just turn Chrysalis back to normal?”

All eyes turned to Discord, who simply pointed at himself “Me? Well since you asked nicely, I don’t see why not,” he said and snapped his lion’s paw. There was a flash of magic that followed. Everyone turned to look back outside the window, but to their dismay, Chrysalis looked exactly the same.

“Huh, that’s never happened before,” Discord remarked as he looked at his lion paw in confusion. He shrugged and tried again with the same result. And again. And again. “What’s wrong Discord?” Fluttershy asked quietly, floating up beside him as Discord continued snapping his fingers in frustration. “Do you know why it isn’t working?” she asked.

Discord gulped “I…I think it’s because…Chrysalis has become more powerful than me at this point,” he said with a slight quiver in his voice.

There was silence. Then the room erupted into confused voices and questions.

“Dang nabbit Discord! What do ya mean ‘she’s more powerful than ya are?’ Don’tcha always brag about how powerful ya are? What’s tha deal now?” Applejack asked with annoyance.

Discord opened his mouth to explain but Twilight beat him to the punch. “Oh! Oh! I know!” she hollered and pranced around on her hooves. Twilight zoomed up to stand next to Discord and Fluttershy and began her lecture “You see, when somepony get’s hit by the growth spell then their magic and magic resistance increases a thousand-fold. When Discord says that Chrysalis has become more powerful than him then he means that she has become so huge that her magic and resistance grew along side her. No spell in the world can stop her now! Only the Changeling science behind that ray!” Twilight said with a smile, gesturing to Chip and Chirp who waved nervously at them.

There was a pause, then Twilight’s face morphed into horror “T-then if no spell will work on her, we might be DOOMED!!” she squealed in a panic, more stands from her mane were beginning to poke out. But before anyone could panic again, Spike coughed into his fist, getting everyone’s attention “Just a thought, If Discord’s magic won’t work on Chrysalis, then why not use it on somepony here to make them bigger? Big enough to slow down Chrysalis until Chip and Chirp can finish their machine,”

“Spike, you’re a genius!” Twilight exclaimed, pulling Spike into a hug and ruffling his frills.

“Hehehe I know,” Spike giggled happily “But who are we gonna send to slow down Chrysalis?”

“It shall be the royal guards,” Luna replied “We shall send as many as possible to slow down the Changeling Queen,” She said. Luna turned to the gathered royal guards behind her “Princess Celestia and I would go ourselves but we are needed here to prevent the populace from devolving into a chaotic frenzy. The elements are needed here as well to ensure with absolute certainty that the machine is completed. Which means the responsibility of safeguarding Equestria will fall to all of you once again. Do we have any voluenteers?”

“Oh! Oh! Me! Pick me!” a very excited mare in the front was waving her hooves wildly.

Luna pointed at her “You there, guard. Name and rank please.” She asked.

“My name is Sargent Sunny Days your highness!” the guardsmare said proudly, puffing out her chest and standing at attention. Sunny Days, a Pegasus, had a bright red curled mane with a very light cream colored coat and positively beaming from cheek to cheek. Her cutie mark was a sun over a flower, slightly covered by her golden armor.

“I’ll volunteer as well,” came another deeper voice. The guards stepped to the side to reveal the speaker. That being a guardstallion “Major Iron Mettle,” he said. Iron Mettle, a unicorn, was a strong built guard with a grey fur coat and white mane. He wore gold armor and had thee iron ingots stack up as his cutie mark. He was more stoic than his grinning counterpart but nevertheless stepped up in front of the Princesses.

“Anymore volunteers?” Asked Celestia but Discord cut her off “Actually princess, I only have enough juice in me to grow two ponies,” he said. Celestia raised her eyebrow “And why is that?” she asked “I’ve seen you turn all of Equestria into a chaotic no-pony land. Surely you have more magic for something like this.”

“Yes but I’m tired,” Discord said, stifling a yawn “I used a lot of magic to travel to Hollywood back and forth to rent out movies (“Seriously, what’s a movie?!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie) not to mention I’m still using magic in my dimension to keep my electric massaging chair warm and more popcorn in the oven. That’s all I can do for now,”

Celestia gritted her teeth “Fine. “Let’s just hope only two are enough to keep that evil mare at bay,” she growled. Outside Chrysalis had torn an entire city out of the ground and was busy snuggling it.

Discord nodded “Fine, fine, don’t get your bunny ears in a twist Tia, sheesh!” he said nonchalantly. The two guards followed Luna to the balcony, there she pointed towards the looming form of Chrysalis out in the distance “Buy as much time as possible. Keep her away from Canterlot you two,” she said

The two guards saluted “Yes ma’am!” they said simultaneously. Luna nodded and looked over at Discord, who grinned “Oh this is going to be so cool!” he said, dawning his 3D glasses again “This is just like the sequel to Honey I shrunk the kids!” and with the last remark Discord snapped his fingers, a flash of magic blinding all of them momentarily.

When they could all see again, they turned towards the balcony. Luna looked outwards and gasped. Filling her entire field of vision was a grey wall of fur. Iron Mettle’s hind leg. The two royal guards were now standing tens of thousands of meters tall! Nearly on par with Chrysalis’ size. Luna gulped as she watched the titan lifted his hoof, pulling it out of the crushed earth with a RUMMMBBBLEEE and took a step, setting his leg down hundreds of miles away from that single step, narrowly missing a nearby village. The two guards set off, walking across the landscape, leaving behind colossal hoofprints in the ground as they move towards Queen Chrysalis. Low, thunderous BOOMS echoed through the air as Equestria quaked under their mighty hoofsteps.

“Hey! What gives Discord? Chrysalis is still bigger than them!” Rainbow Dash pointed out. Discord grinned sheepishly “Well, I could only make them proportionally bigger. Not make them the same size as Chryssy,” he said.

Rainbow blinked owlishly “What?” she asked.

“Imagine Chryssy is her normal size right now. I could only make those two as big as they would be if Chrysalis was her normal size,” he said, grabbing a tub of popcorn out of thin air and reclining back “Two reasons. One: Chryssy’s power right now exceeds my own, so my chaotic spells are having a hard time battling through her ambient magic in the air. And two: it’s more dramatic this way. The underdog story of a lifetime!”

Celestia sighed but nevertheless looked out over the horizon where the two guards were approaching Chrysalis “Let’s hope you’re right,” she said softly.

Author's Note:

And here we are folks! Chapter 5 of Colossal Chrysalis! Things are really getting good now. Chrysalis has finally made it to Canterlot and the only way to stop her is though a little Changeling science. And even Discord makes an appearance, providing them with some time to work on the machine. What will happen next? Comment down below your predictions!

Also side note, the two royal guards that were selected were the same ones featured in the final chapter of Mega Macintosh. I finally gave them names and descriptions.