• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 6- Size Matters

Earthquakes could be felt reverberating through the ground for miles on end as the two giant royal guards made their way over to the Changeling Queen, who meanwhile was busy cooing over a city she was holding. The ponies in the city at first had been running around in a panic as they saw the gigantic black hoof reach down from the sky and scoop them all up. But a quick expelling of love from Chrysalis quickly calmed them down and stopped the mass panic.

“Awwww, look how adorable you all are!” Chrysalis gushed with delight at the chunk of ground in her hoof housing the metropolis. She leaned in and began nuzzling it and everypony there. All the ponies held in her hoof were gently pushed to the ground as the massive black muzzle lowered down and bombarded them with love. Chrysalis giggled and set the city down back into the hole she had torn in out of. With another steady stream of love being released from the ponies down below. It was a cycle, Chrysalis would send down love to calm down ponies and in return, the ponies would send up more love. Doubling the amount Chrysalis received initially.

But before she could consume the love in the air, Chrysalis heard a voice behind her. “Halt Queen Chrysalis!” someone commanded.

Chrysalis blinked. The voice didn’t sound high pitched and squeaky, like all the voices sounded like when she was a Titan. On the contrary, it sounded perfectly normal. With a bit of an echo like hers. She turned around and was greeted to quite an unexpected sight. Two royal guards from Canterlot were making their way towards her. But, to her great surprise, they were the same size as she was.

“Queen Chrysalis!” the larger of the two called out, a unicorn stallion with a charcoal colored coat, white mane, and wearing golden armor “My name is Major Iron Mettle. Cease your hostilities at once and come with us quietly! And if possible, cancel out whatever spell you may be using to make yourself big,” the aptly named Iron Mettle thundered as he levitated up a ring that cancels out magic, usually meant for Unicorns who were being too rambunctious, and the guard had to place them under arrest. The ring had been on Iron’s armor when he grew, and it grew along with him. Iron took a step forward, his gigantic hoof landing next to a nearby village, bouncing the homes and ponies into the air and back down again as he made his way over to the Changeling Queen, who was just staring at him inquisitively with a cocked head.

But just as quickly, Sunny Days jumps forward in front of Iron Mettle, landing on the ground with a tremendous BOOM! The entire country shook under the weight of the mare’s jump. The malleable earth cracked, leaving a small crater under Sunny. Even Canterlot mountain, now no bigger than a baseball to the three Titans, was starting to crack a little. Sunny, blissfully unaware of the casual damage, pointed her hoof towards Chrysalis dramatically with a big goofy grin on her face and shouted, “Halt criminal scum! The royal guards are placing you under arrest!”

Iron facehoofed with a sigh “A little quick to the jump there rookie,” he said tiredly “And watch the cities! You almost stepped on one!” Sunny flushed red with an embarrassed grin as she raised a hoof and looked down to examine the landscape, apologizing profusely to the unfortunate city that had almost fallen underhoof “Oh gosh! I’m soooo sorry little guys!” Sunny exclaimed frantically. But while their attention was focused on the ground, they failed to realize Chrysalis had walked up to them. The two of them yelped as they felt two strong hooves pull them into a hug.

Chrysalis smiled as she hugged the two guards, who were both squirming in her surprisingly strong grasp. “I don’t really know what’s going on, but I’m happy that you two are here!” she squealed giddily “It’s been a little lonely being the only big ‘ling around, but now that you’re both as big as me we can have some fun now!”

Iron’s grip faltered on the suppression ring he was holding in his magic as Chrysalis squeezed the two of them tighter against either side of her in happiness. The colossal ring fell to the ground with a loud bang! Entrapping an entire city within the diameter of its circular confines. The residents of the city all screamed as they were launched up into the air from the impact. When the dust cleared, they all looked up in awe at the colossal circle of metal surrounding their city. Completely trapping them inside the diameter of the gargantuan ring. But to make matters worse, all of the ponies within the city suddenly began to feel a wave of nausea hit them. Unicorn magic stopped working, pegesi stopped hovering, and earth pony strength gave out. With the gargantuan magic suppression ring surrounding the city, its effects were affecting everything caught within its boundaries.

Back above, Chrysalis suddenly let go of the two guards. While they were panting and wheezing from her iron grip, Chrysalis pranced leisurely over to a small grey lump protruding out from the ground. Canterlot mountain. The denizens below all screamed and ran around in a panic as the underside of Chrysalis’ black, holed, hoof blotted out the sky above and lowered itself down towards them. It dug into the earth and as gently as could be, lifted up the entirety of Canterlot mountain onto the sole of her squishy hoof. Chunks of dirt as big as buildings fell back down to the wide gash left behind in the ground as the mountain was held up. Everyone that was in the castle and the town respectively ducked down to the ground as the winds rushed past them and they were all lifted up into the air as they were held up to Chrysalis’ eye.

Inside the castle, everyone took several steps back as the entire horizon in front of them was replaced by Chrysalis’ beaming face, her toothy grin on full display as she towered high above them all. “Awww look at this! An itty-bitty mountain as big as a pebble! How cute!”

Discord whimpered as the full force of her voice boomed down at them. Normally, only a disappointed Fluttershy is enough to frighten him. But this? This was a close second. Especially since this wasn’t a situation, he could just snap his fingers out of. Some of the castle walls even cracked under the pressure of her voice. Chip and Chirp squeaked in fear amidst their repairs, tumbling to the ground as everything around them shook. Chrysalis meanwhile lit up her horn amidst the chaos she was unaware she was causing and encased the mountain inside a glowing green sphere of magic.

“W-What is this?” Luna squawked in alarm as everything around them was bathed in a green hue. Her answer came soon enough as Chrysalis’ voice boomed all around them once more. Chrysalis turned to address the two giant guards who had finally gotten their bearings. They shook their heads, sharing a brief glance between them before they located Chrysalis. Their eyes widened in alarm as they noticed what she was holding in her hoof.

“Let go of Canterlot right now witch!” Iron Mettle thundered authoritatively, his voice shaking the entire kingdom.

“YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!” Sunny added, flourishing her arms around wildly.

But Chrysalis, in her pleasant state of euphoria and ecstasy of love overflow, pleasantly smiled at the pair and chirped out “How about us new best friends play a game? A nice fun game of keep away! I’ll have the ball and show off my balling skills befitting a queen, and you gotta get it back!” she said with glee.

“That’s not a ball lady! That’s a mountain filled with thousands of tiny ponies! And the Princesses! And the elements! And Discord…for whatever reason.” Sunny cried out (“What about me?!” Spike hollered, clutching onto Celestia’s throne as the mountain rumbled around in Chrysalis’ grasp. “Well, at least I’m included for once,” Discord said proudly, poofing on a medal that said number one draconequus on it).

Chrysalis tossed the “ball” into the air, causing everyone inside the magical sphere to scream in terror, and began bouncing it off her holed leg up and down, shooting the two guards a playful wink and smile, sticking out her tongue at them. Inside the castle everyone tumbled around from the titanic movements of the giantess. The thrones flew around, decorations were skewed about, and ponies, dragons, and changelings alike were scrambled like eggs. Thinking fast, Twilight cast a spell on the shrink ray to keep it in place and not get tossed around, and Discord surprisingly, came to everyone’s aid by turning the floor and walls into pillows for them all to bounce off of.

Back outside, Iron and sunny both made a lunge for Chrysalis, only for her to gracefully sidestep them, tossing the mountain ball into the air and catching it on the tip of her black chitin snout like a seal. Sunny and Iron meanwhile both crashed to the ground, churning up tons of earth and creating their own mountains of dirt as they skidded along the ground. Regular sized ponies on the ground screamed and ran away in terror as the two Titans slid closer and closer to them and their towns. Only for a neon green barrier of magic to engulf them and their towns all together.

“Really now you two. It’s no fun if the little ones are put in danger like that,” Chrysalis chided, her horn glowing brightly with her trademarked green magic.

Iron grumbled and got back to his hooves, helping up Sunny while he was at it. “Alright rookie I think I have a plan,” he whispered to her. Sunny’s ears perked up “I’m all ears boss!” she said loudly and saluting, shattering a few windows in the process. Iron rolled his eyes at her over enthusiasm before leaning in and whispering into her ear “We’ll flank her rookie. I’ll go in front of her and distract her and you go in from behind and try to get Canterot back!” he said.

Sunny nodded and crouched down on all fours and crawled away on her belly. Iron facehoofed. It was super hard to be sneaky and covert when you’re currently taller than mountains. Chrysalis stared at Sunny as she slowly crawled away, leaving behind humongous creators in the ground “Is…Is she alright?” she asked curiously.

“Uhhh yeah she is! Nothing suspicious going on here!” Iron said quickly, moving in front of Chrysalis and drawing her gaze over to him “Now hand over that mountain Chrysalis!” Chrysalis just giggled and began bouncing the ball on her snout again “That’s part of the fun deary. You have to get it from me first,” she said, her old cheerfulness coming back as she tossed the ball from her muzzle into the air once more and onto her back, now bouncing Canterlot mountain around on her rump. Iron growled and made a lunge for the mountain. Only for Chrysalis to gracefully sidestep the guard as he flew past her and crashed onto the ground behind her. He tried again and again and again but to no avail. Each time he made an attempt to grab Canterlot Chrysalis would always seem to have a way to avoid him.

And of course, there was always the near misses. Nearly every time Iron Mettle made a grab for the mountain and missed; he would fall careening over one of the tiny settlements. But even more embarrassingly, he was caught by Chrysalis of all ponies by her magic and carried away safely from the civilizations. All while she was still bouncing the mountain ball on herself.

“Now, now deary, I did say to be careful of the little one!” Chrysalis said with a frown “The game is no fun if they’re in danger,”

“I agree. So how about we stop putting them in danger and just hoof over that mountain!” Iron Mettle demanded.

“But I can’t! We haven’t finished the game yet!” Chrysalis said brightly, once more bouncing the mountain on her snout.

“Oh yes, we have. Rookie! NOW!”

From behind Chrysalis, Sunny Days leapt forward, forearms stretched out as she dived forward, aiming straight for the ball.

Yes! Finally, we can get the capitol and Princesses away from this villain!” Iron Mettle thought triumphantly.

Only for Chrysalis to duck at the last second.

Sunny yelped as she flew over Chrysalis’ head had crashed onto the ground with a tremendous BOOM! Skidding on the ground and sliding towards Ponyville. “Sunny watch out!” Iron cried as he ignited his horn. A pale white magic swirled around it as he prepared to levitate the Titan sized Sargent away from the tiny town. Only for a familiar green glow to surround the entirety of Ponyville and uproot the entire town from the ground. Chunks of dirt and earth fell to the ground as Sunny slid underneath the town and away from it. Chrysalis set Ponyville back down after Sunny had slid by.

“What did I just say?” Chrysalis demanded. She stopped bouncing the ball and held it in her hoof as she frowned down at the two guards on the ground “Be careful of the ponies! If you two can’t be careful then I’m going to have to put you two in time out for all the damage you’re causing,”

“It’s not like we’re trying to cause any damage.” Sunny protested from her spot on the ground. Meanwhile, inside the castle, everyone groaned as they groggily got up from their spot on the ground. Well, everyone except for Chip and Chirp, who had stuck themselves to the ground using their changeling slime. Somehow, someway, amidst all the shaking and chaos, they were still able to continue repairing the shrink ray.

“Uhhhhh…” Rainbow Dash moaned from her position on the floor. She poked her head up and looked around, seeing the crumpled forms of the rest of her friends, the Princesses, Discord, and the guards all sprawled around the pillow covered throne room. “Did…did that really just happen?” she asked out loud.

“Which part? Tha part where we got tossed around like Winona’s dang bouncy ball, or tha part where we got bounced around on Chrysalis’ big rump like a couple o’ fleas?” Applejack asked as she retrieved her hat and placed it back on her head. “Both,” Rainbow replied weakly “Thank goodness Discord put down all these pillows all over the place,”

“Not just here, but all over Canterlot too,” Discord said, popping out from inside a plant vase and brushing himself off.” Spike turned over to Chip and Chrip “Please tell me it’s almost done. Your mom is going to squish everyone in Canterlot at this rate!” he begged.

“Nearly there!” Chirp wheezed out “We just gotta recalibrate the size modulator so mom can shrink. If we use it now, then she’ll get even bigger!” Discord gulped and peered outside the window timidly, quickly ducking back at the sight of the colossus “Yes, I feel like that would be a very bad idea. The last thing we need is for her to start playing around with the planet like a marble. Let’s just shrink her back down quickly like the baby in Honey I blew up the kid,”

“How long will that take?” asked Celestia, jumping down from the ceiling after she got launched up there. “A couple of minutes,” Chip answered. He pulled off a panel on the side of the shrink ray and pointed to a small bar inside it. The bar was slowly filling up with a cherry red substance. “We call this a loading bar. It’s changing the size sequence from grow to shrink. When it reaches the top then the ray is ready. If we shoot it now then we’ll have to start the sequence over, so it can’t be rushed!”

Celestia sighed in frustration and facehoofed “Of course it wouldn’t be this easy,” she muttered to herself as she watched the two hatchlings get back to work.

Back outside, however, it was a different story. It seemed like Chrysalis’ patience had finally run out. She was just too good at playing keep away. And the guards, not so much. Chrysalis snorted in frustration as her powerful magic held both Iron Mettle and Sunny Days aloft in the air, the two of them wiggling and flailing helplessly in her grasp “Honestly you two, I’d say you landed yourself into a heap of trouble! Look at how much you’re scaring all the ponies! And how scary you look stomping around so close to them like that. I have no choice but to put you two in time out!” Chrysalis announced, her horn glowing brighter.

“Hey wait! You were doing the same thing! Doesn’t that make you a-” whatever Sunny tried to say, she never got a chance to finish. As soon as the blinding green magical charge around Chrysalis’ horn reached its apex, she unleashed it. The beam of magic engulfed the two guards, and, in a flash, they were reverted back to normal size. They gulped in fear as they were levitated up to the gargantuan changeling queen’s eye as she looked down at them sternly “You two will be put in time out for the time being until you can learn to act properly!” she said and without further ado, teleported them back into the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

“What happened?!” Princess Luna shouted as she ran up to the two guards. Iron Mettle and Sunny Days were picking themselves off the ground wincing in pain “I thought the two of you were holding off Chrysalis?!”

“We were. But she overpowered both of us Princess,” Iron said solemnly. “Yeah! She made is small again too!” Sunny whimpered “Well, it was fun while it lasted,” she said to herself. Discord meanwhile simply looked shocked “You mean she overpowered me? ME?! The lord of chaos and movie critic extraordinaire? Why this is an outrage! And a pretty concerning if I’m being honest,” he said.

“What are we going to do? Queen Chrysalis isn’t going to stop anytime soon, and the shrink ray still isn’t done loading up yet!” Twilight panicked, frantically pacing around the room in a circle, skittering around nervously. Even a few strands of her mane were beginning to stick out. “Uh oh, she’s having a lesson zero moment again,” Pinkie whispered to Applejack, who just looked at her in confusion.


Twilight finished rant was greeted by the sound of complete silence. She opened her eyes and looked around at everyone deadpanning at her “Or…she could just put us down and not play with the mountain at all? Squee!”

Chip blinked and leaned over to whisper to Chirp “Is this what all ponies are like?” he asked. Chirp just shrugged. Chip turned his attention to the gathered ponies, baby dragon and draconequus “Ummm, I have an idea,” he stammered out “Chirp and I can go up to the roof and try to distract mom while you guys keep an eye on the shrink ray. Once its done booting up all you need to do is push the button in the back and it’ll return mom to normal size,”

“HA! As if! How do we know you won’t just try and ask for Chrysalis to squish us all?” Rainbow Dash asked accusatorily, pointing at them with a glare. “You don’t,” Chip said bluntly. Rainbow clammed up immediately. “As it stands, we’re really the only ones who can probably get through to her. Hopefully. She’s just gotten too playful with you ponies and she probably won’t take any of you seriously. But if she saw us then she’d most likely stop for a little bit to actually talk to us. Maybe long enough for the shrink ray to finish calibrating and in time to turn her back to normal.” Chip responded.

There was silence. But eventually Celestia spoke up “As much as I’m hesitant about this plan. It looks like we don’t have much choice in the matter. The two of you will go to the roof and try to get Chrysalis’ attention and distract her while the rest of us finish getting your contraption ready for use,” she said. Chip and Chirp nodded. They followed Luna as she lead them away to the roof while the rest of the creatures stayed behind in the throne room. Rumbles occasionally shaking is as they were still held in the frog of Chrysalis’ hoof.

Back above, Chrysalis was busy looking around, trying to think of her next fun activity. We’ll she had plenty of ponies around her now that she was smack dab in the middle of Equestria. Why not throw a dance party? She could conjure up some gigantic foods and drinks for everyone and break down on the dance floor right now for them all to see. But before she could carry out her next plan, Chrysalis began to hear some very faint squeaking. She blinked and looked around. Was that somepony trying to communicate with her?

Her ears caught wind of the sound once again and it directed her muzzle to the tiny chunk of mountain she was holding in her hoof. Chrysalis leaned down and squinted, just bearly able to make out two extremely tiny dots dangling on the highest spire in Canterlot castle.

CHIP? CHIRP?” She boomed “IS THAT YOU?

Author's Note:

And here we are, after 4 months we finally have an update! Sorry for the wait, the next chapter will be the final chapter for the story. Chip and Chirp have finally made contact with their continent sized mother and the shrink ray is in the process of booting up. Hopefully it can complete it's sequence before Chrysalis decides to play around with Canterlot again and potentially disrupt it. Or even worse, break it again! I plan on starting that soon so the wait won't be so long. Thank you for your patience everyone! Also, below are pictures of Iron Mettle and Sunny Days. Done for me by Vanilla Beam
