• Published 6th Jul 2022
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COLOSSAL Chrysalis - BottleH2O

Queen Chrysalis wants to become the next Titan and conquer Equestria. but like all her plans it goes wrong. When she becomes huge, there will be big side effect, Chrysalis will become as kind and caring as the Princesses and set loose on Equestria!

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Chapter 3- Colossal Tourist

To say that the city of Manehatten had been through it’s fair share of trouble throughout the last few days had been an understatement to say the least. Just a few weeks ago, the city had been visited by four of monstrously sized ponies.

The first of these gigantic ponies was named Enterprise pursuit. He was a middle-aged unicorn stallion as well as a Centerlot noble who sported an extremely thick black mustache, a dark gray coat and black mane. He often wore a light grey suit vest with gold highlights. As well as a gold pocket watch attached to a golden chain that was nestled in one of the vest pockets. He even wore an expensive golden monocle on his right eye. Enterprise’s cutie mark was a pile of bits. He owned a vast number of stores and factories that made carts, normally the ones stallions pulled in big cities.

The second one of the titans was the supermodel named Lily Shine. She was also Enterprise’s wife. Lily had a cream coat and a styled, wavy orange mane. Her cutie mark resembled a Lily on its stem. Much like her husband, the unicorn was pretty tall as well. Probably a product of her occupation. She shared a friendly rivalry with Fleur de Lis. She was extremely kindhearted and caring to all, though, she was known to be a little bit of an airhead and kind of ditzy at times. Maybe it ran in the family because that was how she described her second cousin Ditzy Do who worked as a mailmare in Ponyville.

The remaining two titans were named Jet Set and Upper Crust. The husband and wife were part of some of the highest ranked nobles in Canterlot. Alongside other famous names such as Fancy Pants, Fleur-de-lis, Blueblood, and Count Caesar. Jet Set was a famous business pony that had a company that made carts. Some of the more popular ones that were pulled by ponies or the self-driving ones. His wife, Upper Crust, owned multiple chains of hotels all across the Equestria, though most of her income came from Canterlot because of all the tourists who came to the capital to visit.

When they arrived at the city, they only had one goal in mind: to romp around however they pleased and without a care in the world. Ponies had to constantly run out of the way of their building sized hooves as they slammed down on the streets and sidewalk, tearing out enormous chunks of it as the Titans flattened everything in their paths. After the giants had left, leaving behind tons of destruction in their wake, the poor populace had to scramble to try and fix the damages to their once proud city.

Ponies were shaken to say the least from the events. Just the thought of a normal, everyday pony becoming as large and powerful as some ancient monster from legend was terrifying to say the least.

The idea of titans had frightened the populace greatly. So, when another one had come by, they, rightfully so, were scared. But luckily it didn’t look like history would be repeating itself. This time the Titan in question was an extremely large country stallion by the name of Big Macintosh. Residents found out later that he hailed from the town of Ponyville. The same town that the elements of Harmony lived in. And what he did to the city was nothing short of a miracle. He had somehow managed to restore the entire city to its proper glory after it had been ravaged by the nobles. And he even managed to make some new improvements to the city as well.

The ponies there had cheered for Big Macintosh by the time he had finished fixing up the city. As he had departed, they had watched him get even bigger. This was due to a mutation in the growth spell that had been casted onto him. When they had next saw the country apple stallion, enormous wasn’t even enough to describe him. Looming well over thousands of feet tall, he could poke his head above the clouds, sweep aside entire cities with a hoof if he wanted, a smush whole mountains into dust. Somepony that unfathomably huge would surely spell disaster for not only Equestrian, but the whole world, right?

Wrong. In fact, all Big Mac did was act about a pleasant as can be. Albeit he was feeling pretty playful as he too took full advantage of his size. The first thing Big Macintosh did when he returned to Manehatten was scoop the entire city out of the ground. The thousands of Ponies that were held in his gargantuan hoof couldn’t fathom what the giant was planning to do. Flick them away like pests? Squish them? Eat them?

Nope, they were all wrong. The first thing the gigantic stallion did was simply give all the ponies a huge hug, fit for a Titan such as himself. It was then ponies truly trusted Big Macintosh. Despite his colossal size he was still as kind and gentle as can be. And the ponies’ trust for him remained even after he was turned back to normal by the Princesses and Element bearers.

But now there is another Titan on the rise, and she is making her way over the Manehatten at this very moment.

Queen Chrysalis blinked as she looked down in confusion and cocked her head to the side. Laying innocently by her humongous chitin hoof was a city.

A city?” She thought, bewildered “I was sure this was the way to Canterlot. Oh dear, I’m not lost, am I?”

Chrysalis huffed, puffing her cheeks out in disappointment. She looked around at the surrounding landscape, but it did little to help her find any sort of direction. Everything was so tiny from her height it all looked practically the same!

Well, what does one do when they’re lost? Ask for directions of course!” She thought brightly. Chrysalis looked back down at the tiny mystery city thoughtfully. “Though, this city is awfully small. I doubt I’ll be able to hear anypony at all when they’re talking to me, even if I lay on the ground and stick my ear right next to them,”

Down below in the ‘tiny mystery city’ otherwise known as Manehatten, the citizens were in an absolute panic. One minute they were all peacefully enjoying their day and the next, Equestria’s greatest villainess casually strolls up to their city. And she’s over 20,000 feet tall. Ponies were panicking in the streets, bumping into each other as they senselessly ran about, screaming their heads off, fearing what Chrysalis might do to them, their terror echoing through the streets.

Chrysalis meanwhile frowned and wrinkled her snout as she contemplated her predicament. she couldn’t hear the ruckus in the city at all, they were too tiny. “So, what to do?” she wondered as small airship buzzed by her nose. Suddenly an idea hit her. Chrysalis knew she got bigger and more powerful every time she absorbed love. So, will it work in reverse? She had felt a little bit different after she had given her love to the Crystal Empire so they can be sustained and thrive. However, she hadn’t given it much thought because immediately after she had gotten such a massive power boost from the Crystal Ponies’ love as thanks for her taking care of their home. Hence her massive size now.

Well, it’s worth a shot,” Chrysalis thought with a smile as she closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and lowered it closer to the ground. A stream of love, in the form of pink mist began to flow out from her and floated down towards the ground. She didn’t really have a specific place to send all this love. All she could hope for was that it would help as many ponies as possible.

Down below, the ponies gasped as they saw Chrysalis open her mouth and began to lower her head.

“S-S-She’s gonna eat us!” one random mare screamed out, restarting the panic all over again as the shadow of Chrysalis’ head covered the entire city. None of the ponies were prepared for the wave of pink mist that would wash over the entire city seconds after, engulfing everything and everypony in sight. For a moment there was silence as the pink mist lingered. Then, it slowly dissipated. The ponies blinked and looked around at each other in confusion.

“W-We’re alright?” somepony asked hesitantly, sneaking a glance at the gargantuan Queen looming above.

“I suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy inside!” a nearby stallion exclaimed

“Yeah same!” came another voice “that was weird, we were all panicking and running around because of Chrysalis but I don’t feel scared anymore!”

The mayor of Manehatten, who had been in the crowd as well looked up at the sky curiously “Speaking of Chrysalis, what was she even…OH MY GOODNESS!” he shrieked as he gazed up to where Chrysalis had been. And the dramatic change that had followed.

While Chrysalis was busy releasing some of the love stored inside of her, she opened her eyes to reveal a sight she had been hoping for. She was slowly getting smaller!

Chrysalis sighed in relief “Thank goodness that actually worked. It would have been pretty difficult to talk to the little ones if they’re all as small as microbes,” she giggled. Chrysalis watched the city by her hooves steadily get larger until finally she stopped shrinking. The tallest skyscraper visible just came up to her barrel.

She looked around at her new surrounding pleased “Not too shabby if I do say so myself. I’m still pretty big, but not too big. Just big enough to interact with everypony and see the town,” Chrysalis thought. She smirked a bit as she took in the view “Besides, what kind of gal would I be if I didn’t stop to spend some time in the big city?” she giggled to herself.

Chrysalis sniffed the air, a pleased look forming on her face “Not to mention all the ambient love is still swirling around in the air. I can always reabsorb it and grow back to my full size from before after I’m done here,” she thought.

Turning her attention to the ground below she was now able to make out the small forms of the dozens of ponies that littered the streets of the city. All of them were gazing up at here with wide eyes. There didn’t seem to be any fear in them though, instead it seemed to be more…amazement? Chrysalis didn’t really understand why considering everywhere she had gone before had reacted with some fright in one way or another, but hey, she wasn’t going to complain.

“Uh, hi little guys,” Chrysalis raised a foreleg and waved it awkwardly, a wide toothy smile plastered on her face “How’s it going down there?”

“Ummm…H-Hi Queen Chrysalis,” one pony said hesitantly


Oh my goodness! They sound absolutely adorable!” Chrysalis thought with delight, her eyes sparkling at the spectacle.

“Ms. Chrysalis?” The mayor of Manehatten began hesitantly “May I ask what you are doing here…?

Chrysalis fixed her gaze on him with a bright smile (causing the mayor to backpedal a few steps) before answering “Oh, I just thought I’d stop by and ask for some directions.” She spoke

“Directions?” the mayor implored

Chrysalis nodded her great head “Yes, you see I was on my way to Canterlot to say hi to the Princesses and I seem to have gotten lost. Could you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?”

The mayor blinked before nodding slowly “W-Well, this city is Manehatten so all you’ll have to do is continuing heading east and you’ll eventually reach it,” he said

Chrysalis brightened as she heard the response “Really? Thank you so much dearie!” she said sweetly.

“Y-y-you’re welcome your majesty,” the mayor stammered out

“Though, now that you mention it, I don’t think I’m ready to leave just yet,” Chrysalis said as a grin began to overtake her.

The mayor felt his blood run cold for a second “Why not?” he asked fearfully as he gazed up at the titan, the reality of her potentially cataclysmic size settling in again in his eyes

Chrysalis gazed around excitedly “Well, it’s not too often I get to simply stop and enjoy myself considering I spend most of my time running my hive. So, I think I’d like to spend some time sightseeing,” she said, “It’s not every day a Queen such as myself gets to go to the *giggle* big city and simply enjoy herself,”

The residents thought it over. Well, putting aside the fact that Equestria’s biggest villainess was now over a couple hundred meters tall, Chrysalis hadn’t really done anything bad since she arrived. In fact, she had been about as polite as they come! It wouldn’t hurt to give her a chance. They had done the same to the Titan sized Big Mac and things had turned out for the better. Besides, giving others a second chance and befriending them is something the Princess Celestia always talked about. Something she had reminded the nation about when Princess Luna had returned from her banishment on the moon.

The crowd looked at each other in contemplation before turning their attention back up to the gigantic changeling queen. A resounding cheer pierced the silence as they shouted their approval to Chrysalis, who grinned at the response. She was definitely going to enjoy her time here.


The ground and buildings themselves trembled and shook as the colossus strolled her way around the city. Various ponies still inside the buildings watched as the gigantic mass of black pass by their windows, bathing them in shadows. Some would even get the occasional scare of their view outside being obstructed by Chrysalis’ huge acid green eye peering inside the building, filled with mirth.

Chrysalis giggled as she leaned back up after she had looked inside another building, waving down to the ponies inside merrily.

Now where should I go first?” She wondered as she gazed around at her surroundings, taking in the sight of the now chest high buildings. Internally she was relieved, expelling the vast amount of love inside her had certainly helped in her side mission of simply relaxing in the city. At least now she could actually interact with everything around her while still maintaining her now signature size.

A metaphorical lightbulb appeared above her head. Since she was in a city as notable and special as Manehattan, why not go around to all the tourist attractions and see them for herself? They are the wonders of the city after all and the main attractions.

Chrysalis nodded her head, a goofy grin adorning her face as she stomped off down street. The ponies down on the paths fleeing from the road as she stormed down the road, each hoof as large as the street itself.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry little ones!” she called down to them “I’ll try to be more careful walking around,”

And she remained true to her word. A few ponies were stumbling around amidst the shaking from her hoofsteps a few tumbled to the ground, not being able to find their footing from the constant quaking.

A concerned look came over the colossal queen as she noticed them sprawled on the ground. Quickly lighting up her horn, a cloud of her signature acid green magic surrounded those who had fallen like a bubble. The ponies she had picked up instantly felt a strong feeling of warmth and safety. As if Chrysalis was projecting her love and care into the magic itself as she carefully picked them up and gently set down on the sidewalk.

The ponies Chrysalis set down on the ground got to their hooves, still a little dizzy from the vertigo as they shook their heads to clear it. As soon as they did a shadow covered them. They looked up in shock as Chrysalis lowered her huge head down towards them.

“I’m so sorry my dears! Are you alright?” she asked, giving them puppy dog eyes.

“Uh, yes your highness!” one of them called up to her “Thank you for your help!”

Their response was a gigantic buggy snoot being gently pushed in front of them as Chrysalis tenderly nuzzled them. “I’m just glad you’re unharmed,” she said sincerely as she stood back up to her full giant height and continued on her way. A small smile forming as she felt a buildup of love forming behind her in the air emanating from the ponies. She thankfully absorbed some of it, rising in height a little.

Chrysalis soon found herself in the Bridleway Theater District. And the place was absolutely bustling with activity. Here she could see ponies and other creatures of all shapes and sizes (“Though not nearly as big as me!” Chrysalis thought with a giggle) going to and fro as they went about their business. Some were eating at restaurants while others simply sat at cafes talking to friends and loved ones. Soon her massive presence had become known. By now everyone knew Chrysalis meant no harm as they had already seen her shrink down from her Titan size to her current height. They simply smiled and waved at the gigantic monarch, who was all to happy to return the favor happily.

Continuing on through the Theater District Chrysalis soon came across an open field performance in session. There on a nearby field was a live play of Romeo and Juliet in progress! There was a stage built on the grass and around it was a crowd of ponies. Deciding to treat herself a little, Chrysalis laid down on her stomach and folded her forelegs neatly as she watched the performance. Through her emotion sensing abilities, she could see just how much heart and soul these talented actors and actresses put into their craft. Emotions on full display as they reached the climax and ending of the play. Everypony stomped their hooves as they applauded. Even Chrysalis got in on it, tapping her huge hoof on the ground, causing everypony to bounce up in the air and back down as the ground shook.

Once that was done, she got back up and continued on her way. Saying goodbye to the Theater District. Her eyes were set in front of her. There was one location that she had been eyeing up ever since she decided to stop by in Manehattan. The famous mare stature standing proudly on its little island. Chrysalis grinned as she saw it. This will definitely be a good spot to take some pictures.

There were already tourists milling about on this island. They were all appreciating the sight in front of them. The stature was given to Equestria by a foreign nation several decades ago after Princess Celestia had given them much needed aid after an economic collapse. One day they pulled up to Manehattan harbor when the princess was visiting and gifted her and the entire nation the statue. Ever since then it’s been sitting proudly on an island off the cost of Manehattan. Ponies were scattered about the base of the statue reading about its history, some Pegasi were in the air snapping photos of the statue, and others were inside the crown area taking in the view from above.

One filly with her parents inside the crown was using the binoculars inside to gaze out at the city ahead. But her eyes fell on a rather peculiar sight. Walking though the ocean towards them like a giant monster from a movie was Chrysalis. Immediately those present on the island became aware of the behemoth heading towards them.

Chrysalis waved over at the ponies “Oh don’t mind me dears! I’m simply just another tourist as of today wanting to see the sights,” she said. Chrysalis stepped onto the island, causing it to shudder under her weight. The ponies buckled their knees as the ground shook, nearly making them loose their footing as Chrysalis approached the statue.

“So, this is the famous Mare Statue,” she remarked giddily as she slowly circled it, each one of her heavy steps causing it to jostle around, bouncing around the ponies inside it. After she finished inspecting it Chrysalis walked back over to the front of it and threw her foreleg around it like she was giving it a hug. She even tilted the entire statue and the base it was on towards her and rested it on her side like it was nothing.

“Woah!” some of the ponies inside cried out as they felt the structure shudder and groan from the sudden weight and shifting position

Chrysalis’ horn glowed green and a gigantic instant camera poofed into existence, held aloft by her magic as she floated up to her. She smiled wide and clicked the button, snapping a photo of herself holding the now fun sized mare statue. Chrysalis giggled as she watched the photo print itself out. She gently released the statue and set it back straight as she took the photo in her magic and examined it.

“Now this will do nicely for my scrapbook,” Chrysalis said as she poofed away both the camera and photo. As she was leaning back down to peer into the statue’s crown, some of the Pegasi form earlier floated up to her face, calling up to her and trying to get the colossal queen’s attention.

“Your highness!” one of them called out “Down here!”

Chrysalis blinked and looked down, spotting two mares wearing press hats.

“Hi Queen Chryalis, we’re from the Daily Equestrian. Is it ok if we get a quick picture of you to publish in our article of you visiting our city?” one of them asked, buzzing around her face.

Chrysalis blinked, then smiled “Well of course you can girls! Just be sure you get my good side!” she said playfully to the two of them.

As the two reporters got into position they watched as Chrysalis open her mouth and began to reabsorb some of the ambient love she had expelled out into the air. With their mouths agape they watched her grow even more until the statue in front of her became no taller than a figurine. She was now standing taller than the island, the tip of her horn just bushing the lowest clouds in the sky.

Chrysalis smirked mischievously as she reached down to where the green statue was. Ponies on the ground dashed away as they watched the colossal black chitin hoof lower itself from the sky and grasp the entire statue. Effortlessly tearing it out of the ground, leaving behind a large crater where it had been.

The two mares from the press stared up in shock as Chrysalis raised the statue up to the heavens where her massive head was. They gulped as she looked back down at them “Ready when you are!” Chrysalis boomed joyfully.

The two press mares shared a glance before flying up even higher, trying to match Chrysalis’ new size. When they finally reached her colossal face Chrysalis got into position. She sat back on her hind legs in the ocean, the water level barely passing her legs, and struck a silly pose. She had one eye closed as she winked at the camera, stuck out her tongue playfully, and held up the mare statue. Even the ponies inside got in on the action, some of them poking their heads out from the crown and waving at the camera while others were hoisted by Chrysalis’ magic and set down on her muzzle and in her mane.

The members of the press giggled and began to snap away. The ponies and changeling occasionally switching up their poses as they did so.

“Thank you, Queen Chrysalis! I think we got enough!” one of the mares called up to her. Chrysalis smiled as she levitated the ponies that were on her back into the statue. “You’re welcome my dear. I was more than happy to help. Good luck to the both of you writing your article. I know you’ll do a good job,” she said encouragingly. The pair thanked her and shot off back to the mainland.

Chrysalis meanwhile was checking over to make sure everypony was safely back inside the statue before lowering it back down towards the ground. The ponies still standing on the island scattered again away from the growing shadow as the gargantuan hoof began to grow on the grown as the titanic owner of the hoof set down the statue as easily as one would set down a coin.

“There we are little one, wasn’t that fun?” Chrysalis asked sweetly. The ponies inside the statue cheered as they all leaned out the openings and waved up to the enormous changeling. Chrysalis looked down happily at the response before turning her attention to the sky. It was nearly high noon.

Horsefeathers, looks like I’ll need to get going soon if I’m going to make it to Canterlot,” She thought disappointed. Chrysalis gazed back out at the city, sad that she had to leave it behind so soon. There was still much she didn’t get a chance to see yet. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t come back,” She thought, her ears perking up again “I can always come back some time later and see the rest of the city. Maybe I’ll take the rest of my babies with me too. They’ve all worked so hard for the hive. They definitely could use a vacation.”

Nodding to herself Chrysalis stood back up out of the water after waving goodbye to everypony on the island and began to head back to Manehattan. Now that she was much bigger than before she had to be extra careful where she stepped. With the buildings now only coming up to her ankles she carefully navigated around the city line and back out towards the outskirts. Once there Chrysalis waved goodbye to Manehatten, promising to come back and visit again at some point. The ponies all sent their gratitude towards the Queen which Chrysalis was all too happy to absorb, along with all of the rest of the ambient love she had expelled from herself earlier. Once more rising back up to her full Titanic size.

“Goodbye Manehatten!” Chrysalis thundered, her voice shaking the ground “I’ll be sure to drop by again sometimes!” And with that, using the instructions that the mayor had given her, she resumed her path towards Canterlot where the Princesses, Mane 6, and Spike were waiting.

Chip and Chirp were not having a good day. It had started off alright, with them hanging around in their rooms in the hive coming up with a bunch of new ideas of stuff to build, but it quickly went downhill from there. First, they came up with a love vacuum invention, then a changeling cloning device, and even a flying cart. But that had all been cut short when their mother had returned from the pony kingdom again with a mysterious book. Suddenly they found their relaxing morning being dedicated to extracting all the magic from the mysterious book and diverting all of the power into a ray.

It wasn’t long until one of the drones in the hive stopped by to check in on them. He had said that the book that they were experimenting on was the one responsible for all the recent sightings of the pony titans that they had seen stomping around Equestria. Titans so big that they could be seen from the hive. The two of them still shuddered in fear as they recalled just how big that red earth pony with the apple cutie mark had become. They were afraid that he’d come over to the hive and get revenge on the changelings for what happened at the Canterlot wedding. But thankfully that didn’t happen. But the drone told them that Queen Chrysalis wanted them to build a ray that would derive all the magic from the book safely into her.

And there’s only one reason why she would order them to do that. Their Queen wanted to become the next Titan. After a few hours of painstaking labor, they finally finished the growth ray. Only for their mother to use it almost immediately, outgrow the hive entirely in a matter of seconds, and be completely unaware to the fact that her two young sons were trapped in her tail heir while she grew. Tangling them up in hair strands the size of tree trunks when she left the hive. However, as the day dragged on, much to their chagrin, their mother only seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger each passing moment. Initially Chip and Chirp’s plan was to climb up the hair strands and try to get up to Chrysalis’ ears so they can let her know they were there. But things only kept getting harder as their Queen’s size increased more and more. A single hair strand, once as big as trees were now reaching the same size as a building.

“EEEEEK!” Chirp squealed out as the strand he was on swayed from side to side from the titanic steps of their mother. Chip wasn’t fairing much better. It was nearly impossible for them to use their wings and fly due to how close together each strand was. And their goal of reaching the top of the tail only seemed to be getting further and further away the more Chrysalis kept getting bigger. But they eventually got a lucky break. They were only a quarter of the way there. Yet somehow inexplicably they saw Chrysalis getting smaller.

“What’s going on?!” Chip called out to his twin brother

Chirp looked lost in thought as he contemplated the potential reasoning for this. “I think I got it!” he said “I think mom figured out that the more love she absorbed caused her to get bigger. Sort of like adding fuel to a fire. The love she’s taking in is adding to the love that caused her to grow. That’s how she’s been getting bigger. Mom must have realized that if she released that love from her body then she’d be able to shrink back down,”

They soon realized however that even though Queen Chrysalis was getting smaller, she was still very much a giant. Though thankfully the hair strands they were on weren’t as overwhelmingly big anymore and they were able to see their surroundings.

The two brothers looked around at their new location “Why do you think mom came to the pony city?” Chirp asked

“I don’t know,” Chip replied with confusion “But I’m not going to waste this opportunity. Mom’s smaller now. We can totally climb up her tail now. Maybe now we can get her attention and she can take us back to the hive!”

Chirp nodded enthusiastically and the two resumed their climb with renewed vigor and hope. Covering much more ground than they were before thanks to Chrysalis’ greatly reduced size. After a little while they noticed that Chrysalis didn’t seem to actually be destroying anything or conquering Equestria like she had said she was going to do originally. In fact, the way she was acting almost seemed…friendly?

“Hey Chirp, does mom seem off to you? She’s been acting weird ever since she got zapped by the ray,” Chip said

Chirp nodded “I noticed that too. But I’m not entirely sure yet why she’s acting like this. Maybe she really enjoys being huge?” he suggested.

Chip rolled his eyes “You’re probably right. Mom’s already the biggest Changeling in the hive, she has the biggest and most important rank, maybe now she just wants to be the biggest in the world,” he giggled.

After a little while later they finally reached the base of Chrysalis’ tail. “Finally!” the two of them cheered, prancing around in place happily. After so long trapped on those ridiculously large hair strands, they were finally past them. But of course, the celebration didn’t last long.

The world shifted suddenly as they felt Chrysalis move again. She was now at the Mare statue, taking in more love so she can grow back to bigger heights for her photoshoot in the Daily Equestrian. Chip and Chirp watched in shock as they saw Chrysalis’ form begin to increase in size once again. But to make matters worse, the ground beneath them, Chrysalis’ back end began to shift vertically as she began to sit down after she picked up the Mare statue so she could pose for a picture with it.

Chip and Chirp squealed in fear as they began to slide backwards. Chip grabbed Chirp’s hoof and took to the sky. But due their inexperience of flying as well as the added weight they didn’t stay airborne for long. Chrysalis sat down in the ocean with a THOOM! Sending a shockwave of water rippling away from the impact zone. And with a squeak of fear, the two tiny brothers fell down seconds after. Bouncing harmlessly off of Chrysalis’ tail dock and into the water with a Sploosh!

They surfaced, spluttering water from their mouth.

“Are you ok?” Chirp asked


The two looked up as they were casted in an immense shadow, staring up at the back of their ten thousand foot tall mother towering high above them as she sat down in the ocean for her impromptu photoshoot.

“I can’t see what mom’s doing up there,” Chip sighed as he treaded water “she’s too big,”

“Yeah,” Chirp said with exhaustion “We should hurry and swim back over to her tail. That way when she gets back up, we don’t lose any ground. It’d suck if we have to climb back up her tail again. Or even worse, she leaves without us and we get captured by the ponies.”

Chip nodded and the two swam back over to Chrysalis’ tail. They thankfully reached it just in time as she begun to get back up.

“Hurry!” Chip squeaked and he grabbed onto the base of the tail, with Chirp following suite.


As Chrysalis got back up the air around the two tiny hatchlings shook rapidly, causing them to struggle to keep their grip. But thankfully they managed to do so. Their mother now beginning to make her exit from Manehattan.

Chip sighed in relief “Looks like that’s over. All we have to do now is run across mom’s back, climb her mane, and reach her ears. Looks like it’ll be smooth sailing from here!” he said

But just as he said that Chrysalis reabsorbed the rest of the ambient love around her. Restoring her back to her Titan size. The length to run across her back changed from the size of a city block to the size of the entire badlands.

Chirp looked on at their new challenge with exhaustion “It was going so well…” he groaned as the two of them began their long walk across the smooth black chitin and towards the colossal mass of green mane that loomed several miles away. Trying to keep their balance as the powerful steps of their mother sent shudders along their living terrain.

Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, and Princess of the sun was having another average day. She begun her day doing her morning routine as per usual. Waking up at 6 in the morning so she can raise the sun and say good morning to her sister. After taking a relaxing bath she brushed her mane, tail, and fur before donning her crown and regalia and headed down to the dining hall.

Blueblood was already there, eating his food quietly while finishing up some paperwork. He looked up when he saw his aunt enter the dining hall “H-H-Hi auntie,” he stammered out before ducking back down behind the mug of orange juice.

“Good morning Blueblood,” Celestia greeted warmly as she took her place at the head of the table “Did you sleep well my dear nephew?” she asked gently. Ever since the Titan incident and Blueblood’s subsequent punishment by the hooves of Luna he had become far more timid and frightened of both of them. Celestia was getting worried. He usually now just kept quiet, did his work in silence, didn’t leave the castle, barely ate, and for the most part seemed to go out of his way to avoid both her and Luna. Luna in particular. Celestia tried to talk with Blueblood to see if she could do anything to help or see if he simply needed somepony to talk too but every time she tried Blueblood would make up some excuse to leave.

“I-I did,” he said hesitantly

“I’m glad to hear that,” Celestia said sincerely. The two were quiet for a bit, Celestia simply eating her breakfast in silence while Blueblood feverishly continued to write on his papers.

“May I ask what you’re working on Blueblood?” Celestia asked as she nibbled on another bite of red velvet cake.

“O-Oh, it’s just t-t-the tax reform papers. I’ve b-been going through some of the older o-o-ones and putting in some better policies to suggest later. Reduce the taxes of lower income households and maybe try to bump up the taxes a little on the ponies that could chip in because they have the e-extra b-b-bits. Like the nobles,” Blueblood said.

Celestia raised an eyebrow “Wouldn’t that mean you’d be increasing taxes on yourself?” she asked.

“W-well yeah. But I figured I might as well do what I can to help,” Blueblood said “I-I-I wouldn’t want to not pitch in or anything. Being a noble means I have to try and be better than that,”

Celestia didn’t say anything as she sipped her tea but internally, she felt a spark of pride. It seemed that even though Blueblood’s outer mannerisms may have changed his inner ones has changed as well. He was genuinely trying to make things better in his own way.

The door to the dining hall opened and Luna walked in holding a teddy bear in her magic. “Good morning sister!” Luna called as she took a seat and called the waiter over.

“Good morning Luna,” Celestia said.

Luna placed her order to the waiter before turning her attention to the right where Blueblood was trying to not be noticed as he ducked lower towards his papers.

“…Blueblood,” Luna said stiffly with a nod

Blueblood squeaked as he hurriedly collected his papers, quill, and ink and shoved them into his bag. “G-g-g-good morning, Auntie Luna. Sorry I can’t stay long I just remembered I have something important to do, bye!” he practically scampered off.

Celestia sighed “He didn’t even finish his food,” she said.

She called over a waiter “Please have Blueblood’s breakfast sent up to his room,” she said. The waiter nodded and did so. Celestia sighed “Poor thing was about to go hungry again.”

Luna raised an eyebrow “Any reason why Blueblood hasn’t been eating properly?”

“If I had to guess, Blueblood is punishing himself for the whole titan incident. He hates the fact that he allowed the company he kept to influence his thoughts on how he views others. Looking down on the common pony like much of how the nobility does today. He’s completely isolated himself from all the nobles he used to talk to and rarely leaves the castle. Though I’ve noticed he’s been trying to change and add several laws to aid our little ponies who are less fortunate than others. He’s been doing a very good job of that. Though I will have to eventually speak to him about his silent self-proclaimed punishment. It simply is not healthy,” Celestia said

Luna rolled her eyes “If the brat wants to punish himself over what he did then I say let him,” she muttered “1000 years ago and he would have been severely disciplined for his actions. What care have we for something he is willingly doing to himself?”

“This isn’t 1000 years ago Lulu,” Celestia said giving her younger sister a reproachful glare “And regardless of his past actions we cannot simply stand by and let our nephew do this to himself. It is not good for his health, and it would be completely irresponsible on our parts for not doing anything. We’re his aunts Lulu! His family! And right now Blueblood needs our help. We should set some time aside in the future to talk to him and offer him some help. And you need to talk to him as well. I’m certain you’ve noticed how jumpy he’s become around you because of your punishment. You should have a chat with him and maybe he’ll find it in his heart to forgive you.”

“I don’t care about his forgiveness,” Luna muttered as she shoveled another spoonful of pasta into her mouth


“Fine! I’ll talk to him! Happy?” Luna asked

Celestia exhaled heavily “Yes. Thank you, Luna. I know you’re still angry for what happened, but you can’t keep holding that anger forever. It isn’t good. The last time you did something like this I ended up having to banish you for 1000 years,”

At this Luna’s ears flopped down “Yes sister,” she said solemnly.

Celestia leaned over and nuzzled Luna “You won’t be alone sister. I’ll be right there too. We both can confront this problem together to bring our family back together,” she said

“Thank you, Tia, I’d like that,” Luna said with a small smile.

But as the two of them broke apart and resumed eating, the door to the dining hall burst open and a guard ran though.

“Your highnesses! You need to see this immediately!” he said panicky brandishing a newspaper

“What is it my little pony?” Celestia asked kindly as she took another sip of tea

“We just received the latest copy of the Daily Equestrian, and you won’t believe what’s on the front page!” The guard said levitating the paper over to the royal sisters.

Celestia took a glance at the front page. Her eyes skimming the title and picture before spitting out her tea in shock. All over Luna.

“Tia!” Luna wailed “My fur! I just did it!”

But Celestia didn’t reply, her eyes were fixated on the front page. There, plain as day was a picture of Chrysalis. But that wasn’t all. She was the size of a Titan now, posing for the picture while holding the famous mare statue in Manehatten in her hoof like it was nothing more than a toy.

“Uh, Luna? we have a problem,”

Author's Note:

Chrysalis decided to have a little bit of fun while she made her temporary detour in Manehattan. All the while Chip and Chirp finally scaled the gigantic tail wall, only to be met with another impossibly huge challenge. And it looks like the Princesses were finally made aware of what was going on. The ponies at the Daily Equestrian really work fast. Chrysalis is back on her way to Canterlot. What will happen next?

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience on waiting for the next chapter. This one was a bit of a challenge to get out due to a mixture of IRL stuff getting in the way as well as my first taste of writer's block. But I do want to finish the story before the year ends so I will do my best to make that happen. Also people may be wondering why I specifically added in that bit at the end with Blueblood and the Princesses. Minor spoilers, this will be expanded on in a future story. And of course with some size related shenanigans. Enjoy the chapter and let me know in the comments what your predictions for the next one will be!

Peace out!