• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,717 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

  • ...

Dawn of a New Journey

A magical land that has recently made many technology advancements, and is now in the Digital age.
Our story began in a really weird year,
No really. More unusual than when Discord got free, and he wasn’t even the cause this time.
Flash floods, Earthquakes, and Storms that not even the princesses could control.
My name is Twilight Sparkle.
Along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, we were taken to a new world.

One that until recently, we had no clue existed.


In a campsite not far from Ponyville, seven friends were busy setting up for a nice picnic.

Well, at least, six friends were setting up for a picnic. The seventh one was sitting in a tree snoozing.

She was a light blue Pegasus with an unruly rainbow colored mane and tail. On her flank was a rainbow colored lightning bolt. Needless to say, her name suited her.

"RAINBOW DASH! GIT YER FLANK DOWN HERE 'FORE I BUCK YOU OUT OF THAT TREE!" an orange pony with a blonde mane and brown Stetson called up, visibly annoyed at the blue Pegasus.

"In a moment AJ." Rainbow called down. "As soon as I finish my na-" She didn’t finish the sentence as Applejack turned around and kicked the tree, dislodging its guest.

"How about now?" the earth pony teased as Rainbow tried to get her bearings.

A few feet away, a small purple dragon with green spikes and a white unicorn with a perfectly styled purple mane were watching the scene with mild amusement as the two ponies began to argue.

"Well, I guess it’s an official gathering now that Applejack's knocked Rainbow out of a tree..." Spike said, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Y-yes darling, I can say it just isn't a picnic until they go at it at least once." Rarity said, starting to lose her calm composure as they started hoof wrestling.

"As funny as it is to watch those two fight," a purple unicorn with a lighter purple mane with a pink stripe in the middle of it interrupted." Could you guys please help? My magic has been acting up ever since all the strange activity started."

The three ponies and baby dragon sighed and went back to doing what they were doing before, except for Rainbow who went towards a pink pony and a yellow pegasus who were setting up around the table area.

"Hey Pinkie! Got anything I can do to help?" Rainbow asked the pink pony (obviously...).

"Nopie dopie! Fluttershy and I have it covered. In fact, while the author was distracting the audience and just putting in a bunch of filler, I got my party cannon and finished up what Twilight was trying to do!" Pinkie said as if nothing was wrong with what she just said.

"Er....right." Rainbow said with a bad poker face.

"Anyway, we should hurry before that Doozie my Pinkie Sense keeps picking up happens." she said as her back legs began twitching uncontrollably.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed as the twitching moved up to her upper legs, making her float in the air in a slightly comical fashion. "I just hope it isn’t a hydra again..."

"Yeah, or another Chocolate flood in Neighpon..." Twilight noted with minor annoyance.

"Yeah," Spike sighed with a sigh as he thought of the aftermath and the stop in the pocky shop they had there. "That was awesome."

Everypony except Pinkie rolled their eyes. "Still, I don’t believe it’s not Discords doin all this stuff." Applejack said as she took a sip from her apple cider.

"But the princesses told us that he's still in that statue, and even with all the chaos that’s been going on, not even a crack has appeared." Spike replied, biting on an amethyst.

"Can we not talk about all the weird crap that’s been going on or Discord?" Twilight asked, visibly annoyed. "Let’s just enjoy this as much as we can before-"

Before we continue, there’s a law of the universe I should tell you about known as Murphy’s Law. The paraphrased version of which to avoid me talking utter nonsense being that if you say something bad is about to happen, it usually will within 3 to 4 seconds.

Today, it responded in 2.

A single snowflake floated gently onto Twilights muzzle, which caused her to look up.at the sky, and noticed it was becoming notably darker. And colder. In the middle of summer.

"Nevermind." she said as the snow began to fall faster. "Let’s get the Elements so we can rainbow the storm."

"You forget Egghead," Rainbow interrupted, flexing her wings. "I’m the Weather Captain! I can easily take care of a little snow storm!" as she said this, she began flying for the storm clouds.

Unfortunately for her, the statement she made fell into the Murphy trap. As if in challenge to the little pegasus, the 'little snowstorm began to get a bit larger and wilder, while flashing with lightning. Seeing this caused her to stop her ascent and forced her to head for the ground.

"Soooo, they're where we left em after we got back from Neighpon right?" she asked sheepishly.

All around the area, ponies began running (or flying in the pegasi case) for shelter as the small snowstorm became an unusually strong blizzard.

"Well, at least we know what the doozy was about." Rarity said in the shelter of the gazebo they had run under. Although her magic wasn’t up to its normal standard, Twilight was able to cast a small shield that kept most of the snow from coming under and Spike had lit a table on fire to keep them from freezing.

"S-s-s-sorry Rarity! Bu-bu-but that’s not the dooAH-CHOO!" Pinkie tried to say. Being herself, she just had tried to play in the snow before it got too serious. "Sniff...that’s not the doozy..."

By now, it had become impossible to see through the intense winds, which only served to puzzle the others. "Ok, if that’s not the doozy, then what is!?" Spike asked.

"DdddDont know.... But it’s one heck of a Doozy," Pinkie stammered out, taking a sip of chicken soup she had pulled from seemingly nowhere.

Soon, the Blizzard subsided, and the ponies ventured out to see if anything was horribly wrong, which luckily for them was not.

"Oh my gosh, I hope the animals are okay..." Fluttershy whispered more to herself than to the group.

"They should be fine." Twilight said as they started for Ponyville. "Remember, Celestia told us to be prepared for anything. Hopefully, Mayor Mare had an early winter wrap up in mind."

As they walked, they began hearing a high pitched sound.

"Great..." Rarity moaned. "First I have to walk through all this snow without my new boots, and now I’m beginning to hear things."

"Yer not the' only one." Applejack chimed in. "Minus the boots of course." she quickly added

"Is it just me, or is it getting louder?"

"Oh yeah! Now I hear it too! Wait! Ear flop, kneejerk, itchy back! And look! It’s a rainbow too!"

Sure enough, a beautiful array of rainbow lights had appeared in the sky. If not for the high pitched whining sound, it would be a sight to behold.

"It’s an Aurora!" Twilight said, entering full on egghead mode. "Those rarely ever appear this far out due to how difficult it is for the Crystal Ponies to send south!" Twilight said, remembering the adventure they had recently returned from.

"Which makes this weird. We weren’t told about any Aurora happening anytime soon. And it’s the middle of summer! Why would one be going on now?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the strange activity all around Equestria?" Spike chimed in.

"Not maybe." Applejack cut in. "Most definitely is more like it. Ah have a feelin that somethin along the lines of what happened everywhere else is about ta-"

"TWITCHA TWITCH! TWITCHA TWITCH!" As soon as Pinkie said 'twitcha', everypony began panicking.

You see, Pinkie had many senses like this. A random body part (or parts in the case of the doozy she had been feeling all day,) would do something, and then something would happen, like her Ear flop, Knee Jerk, and Itchy Back would mean a beautiful rainbow as about to appear. The sense that was happening now was her twitchy tail, which meant something was about to fall near them. Twilight had many bad encounters with that one.

This time what fell was unusual, even for a pinkie sense. A bright light shone through the Aurora in the sky before splitting into seven different rainbow colored lights that sped towards them before it disappeared.

Being in a somewhat open clearing, the ponies and baby dragon quickly ducked and covered their heads before the objects impacted just feet away from them.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked as the steam from the impact holes cleared.

"Ahm fine."

"Same here twi..."

"My mane has seen better days, but I'm otherwise ok darling."

"Why does this always happen when I hang out with you guys..."

"Wowzers! That was fun! Let’s do it again!"

"Fluttershy?" Spike asked. "You okay?"

"Y-yes. I’m okay Spike. Just a little shaken up" Fluttershy said as she shakily got to her hooves.

"OK, that had to be the doozy." Twilight said as soon as everypony said they were okay.

"That wasn’t it either Twilight!" Pinkie said as she looked in the surprisingly small holes that the meteors made. Twilight decided to look at the hole near her to see what the meteors could have been, muttering something about murder and pink ponies. Just a few inches away from it, a violet shaft of light came up from the hole.

The other holes also began to make similar lights, although each one had a different color. Applejacks was orange, Rainbow's was blue, Rarity’s was white, Fluttershy's was yellow, Spikes was purple, and Pinkies was...pink. In the light was some kind of object.

"Ooooh, shiny..." Pinkie said as she looked the strange object.

"Wut are these?" Applejack asked.

"It kinda looks like a watch..." Spike said.

"Well, let me check them out with my magic before w-PINKIE NO!"

Twilight tried to stop her, but as Pinkie touched her light with a hoof, it immediately became a pink sphere then flew around her outstretched leg before attaching itself to form a strange device around her foreleg. Now that it wasn’t hidden in the glow, they noticed its design was almost like a slightly larger i-hoof Nano watch, only about 3 and a half inches long from top to bottom, with a light blue color around its screen, with yellow arrow looking designs on either sides.

"Hey guys! It’s not dangerous! Go ahead and grab your...um....thingy!"

Seeing that nothing bad happened yet, they went ahead and reached out to grab the strange device. They soon noticed that each one had a different coloring, and each one had its respective Cutie Mark on it with the arrow design, except for Spikes, which understandably had no Cutie Mark where the others were.

"Eh...could look a little cooler." Rainbow said while looking for a power button.

"I'd say they look expertly designed, they match our color scheme well." Rarity said while admiring said coloring. "It could lose the design surrounding the Cutie Mark, but otherwise, it’s perfect!"


"Fluttershy, what’s wrong!" Applejack asked the shy Pegasus. She got her answer as her device started to make a beeping sound, catching the normally calm earth pony by surprise. "What in tarnatation is wrong with this thang!" she asked as she picked it back up.

Soon, everyponies was making the same beeping noise, confusing them even more. To make matters worse, it was getting louder with each beep.

"GAH! Twilight, do something to make them stop!" Spike asked the unicorn, covering his ear hole before remembering the device was around his wrist.

"I'm trying, but I can’t concentrate with all that beeping!" She said, her mane starting to show signs of stress. At that point, Pinkie gave a surprised yelp as her body went out of control, before it just stopped.

"Uh Guys....its here."

The beeping suddenly sped up dramatically, almost becoming a single high pitched tone, before the ground split open, and surprised the grounded ponies and baby dragon as they fell down the abyss, screaming in terror (or enjoyment in Pinkies case). Seeing their friends fall, Rainbow and Fluttershy rushed to try and grab them before two things happened.

One, an intense pressure pushed them down quickly before they could register what happened.

And two, as they passed the top of the crevice, the ground closed up, engulfing them in darkness.

“Uhh… how hard did I crash?” a dazed and confused Rainbow Dash said to no one in particular.

“I don’t know, you just came from nowhere and nearly smashed into that tree.”

“Spike, is that you? Tell me….was it awesome?”

“Uhh, no. And my name isn’t…”

“Whatever, OW! Wait, since when were you blue? Oh well, it’s probably the concussion I have talking.”

“Um, miss, you are a miss right?” the blue Spike asked.

“Spike, we’ve known each other a while, and you know I hate being called ‘miss’ anything. It makes me feel old.”

The blue spike had had enough. “MY NAMES NOT SPIKE! IT’S DEMI- VEEMON!”

It was at this point that Rainbow noticed a few things about her surroundings and the person she was talking to. For the most part, Spike had fingers, something he made a point of teasing the ponies of whenever they had to hold something. The little blue thing did not have fingers, more so stubby little hands. It also looked more like a rabbit of some kind than a baby dragon. And then the forest area she was in looked like something out of a Daring-Do Future book.

“WH-What? What is this place? Wait, you said your name is Demi-Veemon right?”

“Yeah! And may I tell you that you are the weirdest Pegasusmon I have ever seen.” It said with a cute smile.

“Pegasus what now?” Rainbow asked. “Well, I am a Pegasus pony, but my name is Rainbow Dash. You might have heard of me! I did the Sonic Rainboom!” She said with a fair amount of confidence.

“Sonic Rainboom? Is that your signature attack? That sounds cool, even if you forgot the mon in your name Rainbow Dashmon.”

“It’s just Rainbow Dash, you don’t add a mon in my name.”


Meanwhile, a certain purple unicorn and a pink earth pony were walking with two passengers on their back.

So let me get this straight, your names are Gummymon and Kokomon?” Twilight asked the light brown puppet thing on her back.

“Yup!” the green puppet creature replied from Pinkies back. “I’m Gummymon, the oldest, and she’s my little sister Kokomon!”

“I-it’s only by a few milliseconds…” Kokomon replied shakily.

“Hahaha! She’s just like Fluttershy!” Pinkie said while hopping up and down. Surprisingly, Gummymon didn’t seem fazed by her hopping, like her pet alligator gummy back home. “Hey Gummy 2, I can call you that right because I have a pet alligator back home named Gummy and saying Gummymon all the time would take a lot of time to type out, why haven’t we seen anything like you two in the Everfree Forest before?” Pinkie asked.

“Everfree Forest?” Kokomon didn’t seem to like the sound of it. “W-w-what’s the Everfree Forest?”

“It’s a Forest that doesn’t work like the rest of Equestria, the weather and animals take care of itself, it’s almost always dark in it, and it has lots of monsters.” Twilight explained, glad that they weren’t in the Everfree.

“Huh…that sounds like the Dark Ocean…except a lot dryer.” Gummymon replied. ‘Well, at least with the almost always dark with tons of monsters part.”

“Y-yeah.” Kokomon said. “Whoever heard of controlling the weather? I haven’t even heard of any Digimon Being able to do that.”

“Digi-what now?”


In another area of the forest, a similar conversation was at the same spot.

“It’s short for ‘Digital Monsters’, you of all people should know that.” A pink blob creature was saying to Spike.

“What are you talking about?” the baby dragon replied to the blob, who’s name was Koromon, “I’ve never seen or heard of a Digimon, and I live in a library with a bookaholic!

“Spike…” Rarity began.

“Hey, she is my sister, kind of…” Spike replied.

“You have a sister? I thought Gummymon and Kokomon were the only digimon to get siblings.” A yellow fox kit said from Rarity’s back.

“Well, I would think she would be more like a mother than a sister since she hatched him,’ Rarity said to the fox kit. “But, Spike says that it was Princess Celestia who raised him and Twilight was like a sister before he moved to Ponyville.

“You know Viximon, Gummymon and Kokomon aren’t the only sibling digimon! Prince Apollomon and Princess Dianamon are siblings." Koromon said to the young fox Digimon

“True, but Gummymon and Kokomon are the only ones we know in pers-.”

At that moment, everything turned way too quiet. Koromon and Viximon suddenly jumped in front of Spike and Rarity in a defensive position.

“V-Viximon? What’s wrong dear?”

As if in answer, an earthshattering roar pierced the air.

“That’s what wrong.”


There were six smells he was unfamiliar with, followed with six more he knew well. It appeared they hadn’t learned their lesson the last time, and this time, they brought friends. He would eat well today, starting with the one who was close to him.

It was time the small children learned not to play in Allomon’s forest.


“W-w-w-w-what was that Tokomon?” Fluttershy said in the tree branch to the small white creature on her back.

“Uh oh, looks like old grumpzilla’s up and about.” Tokomon replied.

“Grumpzilla? Who’s that?” she asked.

Well, let’s just say that we should hurry out of here before-“

The same roar echoed through the forest again, this time, accompanied by two screams of terror.


“Wanyamon! C’mon Fluttershy, we gotta go save em!” Tokomon said to the Pegasus.

“Fluttershy stopped shaking and looked towards the location of the scream with a look of confidence on her face. “R-right!”


Meanwhile, Applejack was trying to catch her breath under a small alcove. Next to her, a small blue mix between a cat and a dog was cautiously keeping a lookout.

“Okay Wanyamon, what in tarnation was that?” Applejack whispered loudly.

“That was Allomon. He normally lives a bit further in, but it looks like he took this area for himself recently.” Wanyamon replied.

“Well great, We’re stuck hidin from an overgrown lizard in some forest I don’t even know about, an all mah friends are probably…Oh hayseeds.”

Wanyamon turned around slowly to see what applejack was looking at, just in time to see a large set of teeth move near his position.

“Crap! BUBBLE BLAST!” as he said it, a stream of bubbles came from his mouth towards the approaching rows of dagger like teeth. Applejack was about to ask what shooting bubbles would do when the owner of the teeth let out a pained roar as several bubbles popped inside its mouth. Now that it was distracted, Wanyamon darted from the hiding spot, and Applejack followed, after giving it a swift kick to the knee, though whether or not she actually did damage didn’t matter to her, considering that it was at least twice as tall as Celestia was, and looked like a dragon wearing buffalo attire. If it were any other time, she might have stopped for a moment to laugh at how ridiculous it looked, but she knew better, especially as it turned towards them and gave chase.

“Just what were those bubbles anyway, cuz I think he didn’t like it one bit!” Applejack said as she maneuvered through the trees, slowing down only to pick up Wanyamon.

“They were made of acid. I thought it would at least make him leave us alone for a little while.” As he finished his explanation, Allomon’s head tilted back a bit. “TURN RIGHT! TURN RIGHT!”

AJ had hardly turned before he moved his head forward. “DINO FLAME!” A torrent of flames blazed down the direction Aj had been running only seconds prior. Feeling the heat from the flames, she was glad she moved in time. She then noticed a small shadow above the dinosaur’s head.

“Hey ugly!” a familiar voice called from above the Dino’s head. It had scarcely looked up when a rainbow blur slammed into its face. “Next time you try to barbecue my friends, I’ll hit ya even harder!” Rainbow said as she floated next the orange earth pony.

“Rainbow! Where’d you come from?”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Demi Veemon interrupted, “but we have an angry dino to deal with!”

Allomon had had enough. It was one thing to get hit with the bubbles, but to get hit by a thing that weren’t Digimon to begin with, that was the last straw. “That’s it small fry, you’re all toast!”

“Wait did that thing just-“

“DINO CRUSHER!” As it said that, it leaped into the air towards the group, intent on squishing them like the bugs they were. What it did not expect was a large purple bubble to appear above the Digimon and ponies. It barely had time to blink before it was flung back like a ping pong ball towards the hillside.

“Girls! Run now!”

Wasting no time, the Pegasus, earth pony, and Digimon ran towards Twilight and Pinkie.

“Pinkie, Twi! Good to see ya! Who’s the two digi-watsits on y’all, and Rainbow for that matter?”

“Applejack, I don’t think this is the time for introductions.”

‘Yah, I’ll hold a party later, but we have a grumpy grumperson to worry about right now.”

Allomon rose up and roared in anger. It never had it this bad with the small group of in-training level digimon before. Maybe it was the weird Unimon’s and Pegasusmon’s that were with them, as Unimon’s were Champions and Pegasusmon’s were Armor level like him, but that couldn’t be as none of them had attacked save for the small orange one with the hat.


“Here he comes y’all!”

Allomon ran towards them, picking up speed. He would need to pick them off his feet and head, but at least they would be ready to eat.


A glowing purple rock hit just behind where his ear would be, releasing some kind of spore-like substance. His vision blurred for a moment, but it was enough for him to veer to the right and run into a nearby tree, knocking it down.

“Sorry we’re late, but as my new Unimon-“


“Rarity says 'a woman is always fashionably late.'” Viximon said to her friends. Next to her were Rarity, Spike, and Koromon. Along the way, they had met Fluttershy and Tokomon (And had to carry Fluttershy a little ways due to surprising her as they rounded a corner.)

“Well, being fashionably late almost got us killed, but good to see you anyway.” Demi Veemon said. It then looked at Koromon and Spike. “Hey! You met an Agumon! I bet he can help us beat-“


“Ha ha ha, too bad for you pipsqueaks… you might have lived just a bit longer.”

“Um, did the big scary dinosaur just talk…?” Pinkie asked.

“Let me answer that…DINO FLAME!”

Twilight quickly jumped in front of the others (much to Kokomon’s distress) and made a shield. Unfortunately, her magic still seemed to be acting up, as she could still feel the intense heat, as well as smell something burning.

“Guys! We gotta help her!” Demi Veemon called out. All seven of the baby digimon ran around the barrier that Twilight had made, which looked paler than before, a few cracks starting to appear in it.

“All together now!”

“BUBBLE BLAST!” Seven sets of bubbles came at the blue dinosaur, surprising it enough to cut off its gout of flame. “He’s distracted! Let’s get him guys!” Before they could go off to attack Allomon, a purple aura appeared around them and moved them back to the ponies’ side.

“A-Are you crazy! You’ll all be smashed flat by that oversized lizard.”

“Viximon, while I appreciate you distracting that big brute for us, you don’t need to go toe to toe!”

“Trust me on this Koromon, its not a good idea to attack a fire breathing lizard head on.”

“Same here Demi Veemon. I do have to admit, that was pretty cool, but it would be a lot cooler to live!”

“Tokomon, that was very brave, but its like everypony else says, we cant beat him.”

“Now Wanyamon, and all you other Digimon, we’ve just met, but we like yall, and don’t want ya to become little piles of ash just fer us.”

“Girls wait!” Pinkie gave a serious look at Gummymon. “Do you think you can beat it?”

“Do I think we can-I know we can! C’mon Pinkie, just give us the chance to do it!”

“Do you Pinkie promise?”

“we don’t have fingers…”

“No! It’s a special promise that cant be broken. EVER. Do you promise?

“yeah! No doubt!”

“Cross your heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye?” she asked, doing all the motions.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick digi-noir in my eye!” the Digimon said.

“Whats Digi-noir?”

“I'll give ya some when we survive!” Gummymon said, floating towards Allomon. The other Digimon followed suit, preparing to give it the fight of their lives.

A sudden flash of life from the devices on the ponies wrist caught Twilights attention.

“Huh? Hey the devices are…” she then felt something. It was similar to the spark of friendship, but different. Then she noticed, the Digimon began changing shape, going from simplistic to something more.

“Kokomon Digivolve to…Lopmon!”

“Gummymon Digivolve to…Terriermon!”

“Demi Veemon Digivolve to…Veemon!”

“Wanyamon Digivolve to…Gaomon!”

“Tokomon Digivolve to…Patamon!”

“Koromon Digivolve to…Agumon!”

“Viximon Digivolve to…Renamon!”

The seven Digimon now had vastly different looks.

Kokomon had changed to a brown rabbit with pink stripes. Gummymon had gone throught a similar change, but was white with green stripes.

Demi Veemon was bigger, and had more developed limbs, as well as a yellow V on his forehead.

Wanyamon was vastly different now, and looked like a blue dog with red boxing gloves and a red headband.

Tokomon had become orange on his top half, and his eyes had become more expressive, as well as getting a pair of batwings where his ears were.

Like Wanyamon, Koromon had become vastly different from what he was, and now looked almost like Allomon, but was about Spikes size with red bands on his claws.

Viximon had also changed, becoming taller than the other digimon, almost as tall as Princess Luna, and had purple sleeves on her hands with a yin yang mark on them.

“Let us handle it!” Gaomon said while pounding her gloves together.

“I take it you guys don’t spit out acid bubble no more?” Aj asked.

“Does this look like a bubble to you? PEPPER BREATH!”

A small ball of flames shot out of Agumon’s mouth and hit Allomon on his underside, making it give out a grunt of pain.

“I can still shoot bubbles…kind of. AIR SHOT!” Patamon inhaled, and then let out a dome of air at the scorch mark Agumon had made, causing Allomon to back up.

“Let’s do it Lopmon!” Terriermon called to his twin.


“DOUBLE TYPHOON!” The twin digimon grabbed each other’s ears and then spun around, whipping up a small tornado and then slammed into the blue dinosaur.

“So we’re going physical? V-HEADBUTT!” Taking advantage of Allomon’s position, Veemon head butted him pushing him back a little bit more; however, Allomon grabbed him before he could hop back out of range. ”Uh...little help guys?”

“Sure thang, ROLLING UPPER!” Gaomon used Veemon’s body as a stepping stone to give a fierce uppercut to the underside of Allomon’s head, causing it to lift a little in the air.

“My turn. DIAMOND STORM!” An indeterminable amount of ice shards formed in front of Renamon’s body, then began rushing at Allomon, raising him up a bit more.

The Allomon was spent, as the Ice shards stopped, his unconscious body crashed onto the forest floor with a thunderous thud.

“That was Awesome you guys!” Rainbow called out to the Digimon.

“What happened though? First you guys were all small and cute, now you’re all bigger and cooler looking. Except Patamon, he still looks kinda cute.” Spike asked.

“We Digivolved.” Agumon said.

“Yeah, we went from Baby to Child level.” Lopmaon said, floating over to Twilight’s back using her ears.

“Fascinating! Spike, please tell me you packed my quills and parchment!”

“Twilight, Celestia got you a laptop for your birthday…”

“Oh, right.” Twilight said sheepishly as she pulled it out.

As she began typing, Allomon opened one eye. “grrr… I AM NOT DONE YET!” suddenly, Allomon rose up, prepared to finish off the ponies and Digimon.

"FLAME FIST!" A large gout of flames hit Allomon in the chest, knocking what was left of his energy out.


Twilight looked back to see a large blue dionsaur like man with red flame inspired armor standing next to-"Shining Armor? what are you doing here!"

Shining walked towards the group and nuzzled his little sister. "I was about to ask you the same thing. but seeing those Digivices on your legs, I can guess why."
