• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,719 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

  • ...

Kyubiimon Pt.2

As the group walked along the trail, Renamon sensed a presence.

"Hold up. Something’s following us."

The Ponies and Digimon immediately went on guard, scanning the area for trouble.

"Um...does anypony feel like there's more than one something...?” Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe because it is. “A voice said from a bush close to her.

"Oh thank....EAAH!" Stepping out from the foliage were three fiery looking cats, each one with murder in their eyes.

"Well well, looks like we got some lost little ponies..." one with a scar across one of his eyes snickered.

"Mmm, let me get the little lizard. I bet he's nice and juicy."

"Hey! You want them, you gotta get through us first!" Veemon said, pounding his fist together.

"Oh my! A little Child level Digimon wants to fight! What ever shall we do?" one pantomimed with a damsel of distress voice. "Ha! Like you'd be a challenge runt! You’d barely do for a toothpick"

"Ok that does it! No one gets away with cha...no um...well, no one gets away with making fun of me! V HEADBUTT!"

The three Digimon jumped away from Veemon's attack, causing him to strike a tree instead.

"You got guts kid, let’s see what they look like! WILD NAIL!" the first one's claw was engulfed in flames as it slashed at Veemon.

Before the attack could connect, Veemon was pulled away in a magenta aura. "What were you thinking!? You can’t win three on one, you'll have to strategize." Twilight reprimanded.

"Ok, how about this, Digimon attack!" Veemon cried.

"I; have to let you down Rarity, you’ll only slow me down." Before she could protest, Renamon dropped Rarity, and then jumped in the air. "Dodge this! DIAMOND STORM!"

Sending the attack flying at her opponents, they barely registered a blue blur coming at them as they dodged.

"GAO RUSH!" the barrage of punches connected, sending one flying into another.

"Augh! Get off me weakling!" the Digimon told its companion.





The next barrage of attacks came from Terry, Velvet, Agumon and Patamon, each one teamed up with another Digimon to take down the other two cat like Digimon.

"So, ya wanna give now, or continue getting your butts kicked?" Spike asked.

The three Digimon growled angrily, but then began to grin. "How about the part where the pack tears you all apart?"

"What pack?" Rainbow asked. As if in answer, four more of the Digimon jumped out from the bushes, leaping to their companions.

"I think it’s that one Rainbow." Pinkie said. "Um Terry, now would be a good time to evolve."

"Yea, it’s Gargomon time! TERRIERMON EVOLVE...."

Nothing happened. "Eheh... let’s try again! TERRIERMON EVOLVE...uh oh."

"Let me try! Lopmon Evolve ...uh guys, we can’t evolve."

"Pfft ha ha ha ha! Get a load of this! The widdle wabbits thought they could evolve on command. What a riot!" one of the new Digimon snickered.

"What’s next? Gonna try and get big. Go ahead, it means more for u-"

"HOWLING BUSTER!" A ball of blue flames suddenly engulfed the Digimon that was talking, leaving only its egg.

More soon followed, causing the small pack to turn tail and run.

"Yeah you better run!" Rainbow called after the fleeing Digimon.

"A loud mouth shouldn’t suit you here, pony." a voice said from behind them. Turning around, the group saw their saviors, a group of three wolf like Digimon covered in light gray-blue stripes.

"Hey, those are Garurumon!" Gaomon told the ponies. "Man it’s good to see-"

"RENAMON HOW COULD YOU!' an ear piercing shriek rang through the air.

"I told you I’d have to drop you, so it’s not my fault you fell in the mud." Renamon shot at her partner.

"When you tell a lady you're about to put them down, you put them down, not DROP THEM IN THE DIRT LIKE AN OLD BAG OF APPLES!! No offense Applejack." Rarity, her back and mane now covered in mud, yelled at the yellow fox.

"Ahem. You should worry about your coat later pony, those Lynxmon will be back soon with more from their pack." The bigger Garurumon of the group told them.

"Wait, there's more!?" Spike cried.

"Yes. A lot more. You should be glad that it was just a scouting party and not a hunting one."

"Great, now we have a pack of overgrown flaming cats to worry about! I can barely handle one that not on fire and a lot smaller!"Rainbow yelled.

"In any case, why are you all here? I take it from the Devices on your legs that you are the Chosen Ones?" A female sounding one asked.

"Yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle, my friends and I were sent here from-"

"Yeah yeah, we didn’t ask for introductions, we asked why you were here. The Garuru Village doesn’t need any help."

"We weren’t coming to help you!" Rainbow interjected, before being pulled back by Applejack.

"Whoa there partner, why don’t you let the big folk talk things over." Aj told the blue Pegasus. "We don’t mean no disrespect, but we just comin to see if y'all seen Babamon around."

"Sorry, we haven’t seen her."

The group all sighed. It seemed this mission wouldn’t be as easy as they thought.

Why don’t you all come with us?" a Garurumon asked them. "It’s getting late, and it wouldn’t be a good idea for you all to be travelling back to Primary Village in the dark."

"Thank you. We can figure out what to do in the morning." Twilight said.

As they followed the Garurumon, Rarity and Renamon continued their 'discussion'.

"You should be more careful! What if they don’t have a bath!? I might be covered in this muck until we get back home to Equestria!"

"I don’t see the big problem. Its only dirt, it won’t kill you, unlike most of the things here."

"That the thing. What if this dirt won’t wash off! I’ll be spotted for the rest of my life! Do you know how hard it is to work with brown spots with my hair color!? It’s nearly impossible, and it wouldn’t work for me!"

"Ugh, you’re so....ARGH!" with a growl, Renamon leaped up to the tree tops, following the group from there.

"Humph. The nerve of her. And I had just thought of a name for her before she dropped me." Rarity fumed.

"Rarity, y'all shouldn’t be like that. Ah mean, she did help keep us from becoming someponies lunch." Applejack told the white mare.

"I know, but still, she could be just a bit more sympathetic. It’s not easy having my color scheme."

"Ya don’t say..." Aj deadpanned.

As Renamon reached the front of the group, Rainbow decided to ask her something. "So what’s up with the marks on your gloves?"


"Are they supposed to be some kind of super here symbol or something?"

"...it’s Yin and Yang."

"Yin and Yang?"

"It's a symbol of spiritual balance, of har-"

"Boring, going to talk to the Garurumon now." with that, Rainbow flew up to the wolf Digimon, leaving a slightly ticked Renamon to fume at the nerve of some ponies.

As they arrived, a group of Garurumon met them at the village gates.

"So this is the village?" Rarity asked, looking around at the buildings. "It could use some work."

"Rarity... you shouldn’t do anything to antagonize our hosts." Renamon warned.

"I wasn’t antagonizing, I was making constructive criticism."

"Whatever. Just try to keep that big mouth of yours shut."

Biting back some choice words, Rarity trotted past the fox with her nose in the air.

Moments later, they had made it to a slightly more decorated hut.

"I'm sorry, but Babamon has not been to this village." a scarred Garurumon with slightly darker stripes said sadly."We knew she was coming, but we've had no word of her since we sent for her.

"Oh, I see. Do you have any idea what may have happened to her?" Twilight asked

"We have no idea. Unfortunately, we've been too busy trying to keep the Lynxmon away from our village to fully investigate." he said.

"That’s another thing. Lynxmon don’t normally make large packs, but from what your scout party said, they have a large pack somewhere close by." Gaomon noted.

"That is true. It may have something to do with the Armor Empire."

"Armor Empire?" Twilight was confused. "My brother has an empire here?"

The Garurumon Elder gave a slightly puzzled look; Velvet quickly explained that Shining Armor was Twilights brother. "Oh no, this has nothing to do with your brother or his Digimon partner."

"The Armor Empire is led by an unknown Armor Digimon, and it seeks to have Armor Digimon as the rulers of the Digital World."

"This is all that we know, in any case, you are welcome to stay here, just as the Gabumon for whatever you need."

"Thank goodness, now I can get this muck off of me!"

Renamon gave a small snort of disapproval.

"Is there something you want to say, Renamon?" Rarity glared.

"Yes...elder Garurumon, is it possible to change your partner?"

"Hmm...No, I have never heard of such a thing. Usually, Partners complement each other." he sighed.

"What? You mean to tell me this little stuck up horse complements me!?

"Well, at least I’m not some..."

"She couldn’t get her hooves dirty if her life depended on it."

"Renamon..."Rarity warned.

"To be frank, this girl does not deserve to be-"

"Renamon, anata gōman jāku o damare!" Rarity yelled.

The room fell silent after that, before Rarity began to speak again. "Don’t think you can just insult me however you please. A lady doesn’t argue, but don’t make me start with you fox...ketsubetsu." and with that, Rarity trotted away to take a bath.

Comments ( 19 )

FINALLY! after rewriting the Garurumon's attitiudes, im finally done with part two!. as for why Rarity switches to Japanese, you'll have to find out next chapter. until next time!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha! Get a load of this!"

Dr. Eggman is that you? :trixieshiftleft:

Also Digimon Adventure has returned to the U.S. airwaves on Nicktoons every week night at 8 p.m.


2830100 dude, most of the girls are incredibly slightly on the mentaly unstable side:pinkiecrazy:, i'd be stupid not to get to that at some point.

2832997 Lets see here Rarity gets hurt Spike accidentally makes Agumon go Skullgreymon on the idiot who did that as for the others I don't know but Lopmon and Agumon have arguably the most dangerous dark sides in the group

2833013 one, lopmon doenst even go anywhere near her nomal line, and two, what makes you think agumons going to go that way, or that rarity would hurt spikes feelings as such?

2833298 Okay first of all whoops forgot about the error evolution and second I'm saying Rarity is the one getting hurt and we all know how spike feels about that :pinkiecrazy:.

2832997 slightly confused as to Twi's error evolution... though with the berzerk-aspect of it, it makes perfect sense. So.. start as lopmon, evolve to sorcermon... knowing her magical alignment, her ult and mega levels would be magical right? On the same vein as Sakuyamon and Kuzehamon (the dark digivolution of Taomon.. not sure I spelled it right.) Though considering her previous raipdash moment in a fight of rage and her magical future as an alicorn herself... maybe something along the lines of the digimon sovereigns, or some such. Ah well... something to puzzle over.

2849386 ult =slightly magical, meg=...not saying anything.

3122358 one of my favorite authors like my story...EEEEEEEE IM SOOOO HAPPY!:pinkiehappy:

Somepony give me a translation for Rarity's japanese please?

3264100 she said (Shut up you stupid jerk) i had to use google translate, as i dont know how to speak japanese outside a few phrases.


I'm sorry but victorygraymon needs to be a thing here

5171689 funny you should mention that. Victory Greymon does appear. well, he would have. the stories been cancelled for some time now.

5173116 i wouldnt do a full no, I may come back to it someday.

What was it Rarity said?

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