• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,719 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

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Kyubiimon pt.1

"So...why are we doing this instead of staying at primary village again?" Terry asked Twilight.

"Well, Jijimon told us to look for Babamon Becasue she has'nt contacted him in a while." Twilight replied.

"Not only that, but our partners are also the Digidestined. If they were to stay at the village until the Legendary 4 could help, they wouldn’t be doing their duty to the Digital World" Velvet added.

"Yeah...I’m still tryin to come to grips with it." Spike said.

"Well, we'll be with you guys the entire way, so you don’t have much to worry about."Agumon told the baby dragon.

"Well, almost nothing." Fluttershy whispered. "What if we run into Allomon and Tyrannomon again?” she asked.

"Yeah, and?!" Rainbow said from a cloud she was riding with Veemon. "If those two come back we can just have Terry and Velvet Digivolve again, at least until Veemon here evolves."

"I bet I’ll be the coolest one out of us all! Maybe I’ll even skip a few levels and just go to Ultimate!" Veemon exclaimed, before almost falling from the cloud.

"Well I don’t know about you all, but I just hope that the Garuru village has a bath. I can feel the dirt trying to get stuck in my fur."

"I really don’t see how, considering that I’ve been carrying you since we left the primary village..." Renamon told her partner.

"And you should be proud, especially since you're only a Child." Rarity complemented.

Sighing, Renamon thought back to what Jijimon had told them after Terry and Velvet had devolved back to normal.

"Well well, it seems that you are a very special group of young mares." Jijimon had said.

"Yeah well, you know..." Rainbow grinned. "This is nothing compared to what we do back in Equestria...it’s still pretty cool though!"

"Ya know Rainbow, a little humility doesn’t hurt once in a while." Applejack told the pegasus.

"Jijimon, what did you mean, special group?" Renamon asked. "I mean, they did tell us that they were the Elements of Harmony in their world, but..."

"Elements of Harmony? These six?" Jijimon asked.

"And I'm Twilights number one assistant." Spike added.

"Well that just confirms it. Lopmon..."

"Velvet Dawn now sir." Velvet corrected the old Digimon.

"Ah, a name! Very nice, but anyway Velvet, do you remember the tale that has been passed down for years?"

"Yes sir! It was from long before the Legendary Four came to the Digital World. It said that in a time where Darkness threatens two worlds, and if it wasn’t stopped, both would face eternal darkness."

"That sounds similar to the tale of Nightmare Moon..." Twilight said.

"Ok. So anyway, both would suffer many catastrophes before ten lights known as the Digidestined would come to bring Harmony back to both."

"So in other words," Gaomon said, "You six and the Legendary Four are meant to save the world!"

"Not quite Gaomon." Jijimon told the blue dog. "The Legendary four are excellent ponies, But none of them is one of the lights told of in the story."

"So we have to find at least three other ponies to help." Applejack reasoned. "But seein' how we're all here in this world, Ah don’t see how we can do it."

"Maybe not, but I believe my wife could help you all with that."

"Wait what!" Spike exclaimed. "You mean all this time, we could have been asking her for help!?"

"Sorry, but you did say that Shining Armor wanted you guys to stay here..."

"That doesn’t matter now." Twilight said, stepping forward. "We have a duty to Equestria as the Elements to keep it safe."

"Yay! Looks like it’s time for a super big adventure!" Pinkie was beginning to bounce from the excitement.

"Well...um...I guess since the worlds are depending on us. And there must be so many cute Digimon we could meet too..."

"That’s the spirit Fluttershy!" Patamon said.

"Well, I’m with Pinkie here!" Rainbow said with a flick of her mane. "Besides, if Spitfire sees that I saved this world too, I would definitely be in the Wonderbolts."

"Your world is a nice change of pace from the farm. Ah guess Sweet Apple Acres will be fine without me for a bit."

"Well...so long as I don’t get dirty too often, I suppose this is in my best interest." Rarity agreed. "Not to mention I may get a few more ideas for dress designs."

"Wonderful. Now I have a favor to ask. My wife Babamon went to the Garuru Village a few days ago, but I haven’t heard from her."

"So ya want us to go check on her, right?" Gaomon asked.

"Yes, in a sense. But if something is amiss, you can take care of it. One last thing, Velvet?"

"Yes Jijimon?"

"You said that you evolved to Sorcermon, am I correct?"

"Um...yes...what wrong."

"Many things actually. For one, your species normally don’t evolve to Sorcermon, so you may have Error Evolved."

"E-Error Evolved?" Fluttershy stammered.

"It may be nothing, but please, keep an eye on her Miss Sparkle. I wish you all good luck on your journey."

Renamon's gaze had drifted to the brown rabbit now. 'I hope it is nothing like Jijimon said.' Renamon thought.

"So if you don’t mind me asking, could you tell us what's the deal with Error Evolving?" Rainbow asked her partner. "It doesn’t sound too bad."

"Well, Error Evolving is a pretty recent event, but it rarely ever happens. Sometimes, Digimon evolve to the wrong thing, and at first it was just a minor problem." He began

"But then, a few months afterward, one Error Evolved Digimon went berserk, and it took a lot of Digimon just to stop it." Agumon continued. "So now we have to be careful if a Digimon does Error Evolve."

"Well, lucky for us I didn’t feel like I was about to lose control." Velvet said, thinking about what would have happened if she did go wild while they were fighting Tyrannomon and Allomon. "But maybe it’s different for us since we evolved to protect our partners."

"Now that you mention it...I did feel a weensy minsy teensy weensy bit of a tug when Terry evolved to Gargomon." Pinkie said.

"Well, if it helps keep us safe...I don’t mind sharing some of my energy...as long as you don’t become really scary Patamon." Fluttershy squeaked out.

"But Fluttershy look at him!" Pinkie said, popping up next to the flying mammal Digimon and holding him to the pegasus' face. "How can something so cute become super duper terrifying?"

"Well I guess not Patamon."

"Please put me down."

As the group laughed at the pink mare's antics, a pair of yellow eyes began to eye them from a bush. The creature they belonged to flashed a toothy grin. It had just found its way into its boss’s good graces.