• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,718 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

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Evolution is Magic(and Fun!)

“Shining Armor! What are you doing here!?” Twilight asked the white Unicorn stallion.
“I was about to ask you the same thing Twiley.” Shining Armor asked his little sister. “And I see you guys have gotten Digimon partners too.”
Twilight took a look at her friends and their Digimon. “Well, I wouldn’t call them partners just yet, but I believe they’ll end up being good friends to have here in the ….whatever this place is. Koko, I mean Lopmon, you never told us what this place is exactly.”
“It’s the Digital World.” The Flamedramon that had come with Shining Armor said. “It’s good to finally meet the little sister my partner has told me about. My name is Flamedramon, Captain of King Apollomon’s Guard. ”
“Wait, Captain Flamedramon of the Sol Guard!?” Veemon said while bouncing up to the flame armored Digimon. ”As in the one who went with several other digimon to save the Digital world 6 years ago?”
“Digital World? Twilight, did you mess up a spell?” Pinkie interrupted.
“Pinkie…my magic was spent. Even if I could, I doubt I could do anything WHEN THE GROUND PULLS YOU INTO A DIFFERENT DIMENSION!” she yelled, knocking Terriermon off of Pinkie Pie’s back with the force of her voice.
“Magic?” Renamon asked Rarity.
“Yes, Twilight and I can, or rather usually can, perform magic. We’ve been using it nonstop to help keep Ponyville from falling to natural disasters.”
“Well in any case,” Shining began “You guys are in the Digital World now.”
“And it seems you guys have already bonded with Digimon of your own.” Flamedramon said.
“Yeah that’s cool and all, but how are we supposed to get home?” Rainbow asked.
“In case you fergot, Equestria kinda needs us right about now.” Applejack added.
“Why not ask the caretaker at Primary village.”
“Yeah! Jijimon should know what to do.” Agumon agreed.

“Are we there yet?” Spike asked Agumon.
“Nope. We still have a ways to go”
After leaving Allomon’s Forest, the group headed south towards Primary Village. Shining Armor and Flamedramon had gone in a different direction from the others.
“We have something we need to do. You guys head home.” Shining Armor said
“If Jijimon doesn’t have a way for you guys to get home, stay there and wait for us to come back.” Flamedramon had added.
“I wonder what Shiny and Flamey had to do?” Pinkie asked Terriermon.
“I don’t know…maybe the Digital World is in trouble again.” Terriermon said.
“Well anyway, since your name isn’t Gummymon anymore, I can’t call you Gummy the second. I have to figure out a nickname for you-NO WAIT! I need a nickname for everyponies Digimon!”
“Let’s see, your name is Terriermon now, so that’s easy! I’ll call you Terry! And your sister’s name is Lopmon…hmmm.”
“Pinkie, its fine, I don’t need a nickname.” Lopmon said.
“What are ya talkin bout Lopmon!” the newly christened Terry said. “It does get kinda old calling us by our name, I mean, there are hundreds of Terriermon’s in the Digital World, what if we go into a village full of us?”
“Well I don’t know about you two,” Veemon said,”But I’m fine with my name.”
“By the way, I meant to ask, why did you all change shape?” Twilight asked the Digimon.
“You mean Digivolving?” Renamon asked the purple pony.
“Yes, that.”
“I can’t tell you much about it, except that it’s something that just happens sometimes.” Gaomon said.
“Well, that’s a pretty weak explanation.” Rainbow said while trying to grab a cloud to lounge on.
“Well what do you expect? We’ve only done this twice.” Gaomon snapped.
“And it’s not like we can do it whenever we feel like it.” Veemon added. “All I know is that it happens with time or when we’re in a tough bind.”
Rolling her eyes, she then turned to Patamon. “So Patamon, can you fly with those things?”
“Yeah, watch!” Patamon began flapping his wings as best as he could. Slowly but surely, he began flying….about a foot above Fluttershy’s head.
“Heh, watch me!” Terry called to Patamon. Inflating his ears, he began to glide over to the orange monster, before landing on Fluttershy’s back. “See? Lopmon can do it too.”
“Well ah reckon most of y’all can do that, can ya?” AJ asked the Digimon.
“Nope, I don’t think I’ll be flying anytime soon.” Gaomon said. The other four Digimon nodded along with her. “Besides, ah prefer to stay on the ground.”
“Hang on. You didn’t have an accent as Wanyamon, why get one now?” Twilight said, noticing that Gaomon was beginning to talk like her orange friend.
“Ah don’t know.”
“It’s because she has bonded with her partner.” A voice said from behind a bush, causing Fluttershy, who was the closest, to freeze up and fall over.

Meanwhile in the clearing, Allomon finally came to. “Urrg, what happened…? I remember that those brats from Folder Primary Village were trespassing with some strange creatures…!”
Remembering what had happened caused him to roar with frustration. “THOSE LITTLE PUNKS! NO ONE MAKES A FOOL OF ALLOMON AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!”
“Well, it looks like someone did make a fool of you, brother.” Turning around, he saw a red dinosaur with green spikes going down its back. “I thought you were the baddest Digimon on the entire island?”
“I am Tyrannomon, just because a couple of In-Training punks decided to have a few annoying Ponies help them evolve on me doesn’t mean anything’s changed.”
“Ponies? As in the same kind that helped the legendary four six years ago?”
“Well, from what I can tell, they aren’t the same; there are six this time, along with some stunted purple Tyrannomon as well. Flamedramon did come to their rescue though, so I bet one of them's related in some way.”
“You dunce! You know that He wanted to know when the ponies would arrive!”
“Calm down idiot.” Allomon said. “It wasn’t the Legendary Four, and judging from those tracks, I’d say Flamedramon and the white Unicorn were on their way to Server, meaning He doesn’t have anything to worry about.”
Tyrannomon nodded his head. ”So what about the new ones? What if they’re the ones who will threaten Him? Should we do something about it?”
Growling lowly, Allomon turned to the other set of footprints. “Well, they did embarrass me, so why don't we go kill fourteen birds with fire?”