• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,719 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

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Evolution is Magic(and Fun!) pt.2

“I’m very sorry miss. I didn’t mean to surprise you.” The strange Digimon, now sporting a large read lump on his head, said while bowing towards the group.
“Oh its fine…I’m sure you didn’t mean to.” Fluttershy told him.
“In any case, I should probably introduce myself.”
“Yeah, unless ya want another lump on yer head.” Applejack told him.
“Aj…” Gaomon pleaded.
“No Gaomon, she’s right. Ponies and dragon, my name is Jijimon. I’m the protector of Primary Valley.”
“He’s the one who took care of us before you guys came here.” Agumon told the ponies.
“Speaking of taking care of you all, Veemon I’d like to have a word with you.”
“Hehehe, busted.” Rainbow told her partner.

“So Mr. Jijimon, do you have a way to get us back to Equestria?” Twilight asked the elderly Digimon.
“Well, I’m very sorry, but I don’t know any way for you all to get back to Equestria.”
The ponies let out a small sigh of defeat. “So we’re stuck here! Oh this is THE…WORST…POSSIBLE THING!” Rarity cried out in a dramatic fashion.
“…Did you have to do that Rarity?” Renamon asked her partner.
“Yes. Don’t get me wrong, this world’s giving me a whole slew of ideas for dresses.” Rarity told her. ”Especially your fur design, I’m thinking of at least ten dresses from that alone!”
“What about my brother Shining Armor? How did he know about this place?”
“Oh! You’re Shining Armor’s little sister?” Jijimon asked Twilight.
“Yes. And I have never heard of the Digital World before today, let alone about my brother visiting it.”
“Yeah, if Big Mac had been here before, Ah would have heard about from him.” Aj nodded.
“Big Mac? As in Big Macintosh? Actually, he has been here.”
“Wait time out!” Spike said. “Just who all have been to the Digital World aside from us?”
“Well, I only now of the four hero’s.” Jijimon said.
“Shining Armor the Unicorn.”
Big Macintosh the Earth Pony.
“Spitfire, the Pegasus.”
“Spitfire too!” Rainbow said, sitting up from her napping position. “That’s so cool!”
“Miss Dash, please don’t interrupt me!” Jijimon told the Pegasus, bopping her on the head with his staff.”
“Ahem. Where was I? oh right, and Cadence, the Alicorn.”
“Wait? Cadence was here too!? How can that be!?”
“Well I don’t remember exactly,"jijimon started ",but those four came here years ago. I am an old man after all.”
Twilight sighed. ”Oh well, just another thing I’ll ask Shining when he gets back.”
“In the meantime, why don’t you all show your new friends your homes so they’ll have somewhere comfortable to sleep.”

“Well you guys, if you’re gonna be here, you might as well get to us a lot better.” Terry told the ponies.
After hearing the fairly disappointing news, the group was in the center of the Primary Valley Park. Various Fresh and In-Training Digimon were bouncing around them, making the best of a relatively nice day.
“That’s a good idea Terry! Can we go first? Can we, can we, can we?” Pinkie asked the small monster, punctuating each ‘can we’ by asking at a different angle each time.
“Why not? Go ahead.”
After a quick yay, Pinkie cleared her throat. “Weeelll…”
“Here we go. You might want to tune out for a bit Veemon.” Rainbow told her partner.
“Why, she’s just gonna-“
“My name is Pinkie pie and I’m gonna tell you guys…”
“All about your pony friends, and our little baby dragon.”
“Spike, why is she-?”
“Don’t ask Agumon. I learned not to a looong time ago.”
“First is Twilight Sparkle, as smart as she can be! But don’t let anything stress her out or she will go crazy!”
“That was two times!” Twilight defended.
“Next we have Rainbow Dash, she even faster than The Flash!”
“You got that right.” Rainbow said proudly.
“But unfortunately she really prone to crashing.”
“Rarity can show her stuff,”
“Spike darling, are you alright?”
“And Spike sure wishes she wou-“
“Heehee, sorry. Fluttershy is really shy but kind and Applejack can knock you in the eye.”
“Pinkie, are ya just sayin random stuff that comes to mind about us?
“And as for me I’m really fun, and sometimes I even talk to the-“fortunately, Twilight finally used her magic to switch Pinkies mouth for a zipper, much to the enjoyment of the small digimon who had gathered to hear Pinkie.
“What?” she asked the party. “I’m sure you guys were getting tired of it.
“I thought it was fun.” Terry told everyone else. “Hey maybe I should-“
“Sing and I’ll knock ya into next week.” Gaomon threatened.
“Anyway, I’m Gaomon, I evolved from Wanyamon.”
“And I’m Patamon. I might have wings, but I’m not a very good Flier.”
“Hey, you and Fluttershy already have something in common!”
“Oh no, its fine. I don’t mind, really.”
“My turn! I’m Veemon, and I’m going to be the next leader of the Sol Guard!”
“I am Renamon. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“My my! You’re awfully polite. A far cry from your earlier form.” Rarity complemented the fox Digimon.
“Me next! I’m Agumon. Well, at least I think I am.”
“You think?’ Spike asked. “What does that mean? You said your name when you all changed.”
“I know, but I don’t look like any Agumon I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s probably nothing.” Terry told Agumon. “Anyway, you wanna introduce yourself along with me Lopmon?”
“Sure Terry.”
“Alright, I’m Terry, a Terriermon!”
“And I’m Lopmon.”
“We’re both siblings.”
“So who’s older?” Twilight asked.
“Lopmon actually. I’m just more outgoing than her.”
“It’s Terry, Loppy.” Terry corrected the brown rabbit.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Terry did have a point earlier when we first met you guys.” Patamon interrupted.
Now taking notice of all the other Digimon hopping around, the Equestrians noticed that several of the small digimon around the park were just like their own partners when they first met.
“Well, I’m sure we’ll think of names eventually.” Rarity said. “By the way Renamon, is there a bath nearby? I’m absolutely filthy from all the adventures today.”
“That’s just fine, we should probably head for our partners homes. Hopefully, Shining Armor will be back to take us home tomorrow.” Twilight told the group.

Author's Note:

The next part should come before my birthday (if i can get away from sims 3 long enough.), so stay tuned for the end of the episode.