• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 2,718 Views, 81 Comments

Ponimon Adventure - KaijinZero

the ponies become champions of the digital world

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Evolution is Magic(and Fun!) pt.3

As the ponies and baby dragon got to know their Digimon better, Allomon and Tyrannomon were getting close to Primary Valley.

“So, Which ones will you get?” Tyrannomon asked his brother.

“I figure I’ll kill the Gaomon since he had the gall to hit me as an In-Training level, and then I’ll take out the orange pony that was with him.”

“Then I get the rest?”

“Nah, we’ll find a way to split them evenly. If we have to, we can just cut a pony down the middle.” Allomon said, chuckling at his joke.

Tyrannomon joined in the small laughter, smashing a marker showing the way to the village down with his tail as he passed it. Just behind it, a Motimon was cowering behind a small bush.

‘I have to warn Jijimon and the others.’ He thought frantically. Luckily, they were taking a longer route to Primary, which would give him time to get there before them.

“What I wouldn’t give to have evolved by now…”

“Are you absolutely sure!?” Jijimon asked the young Motimon after he had made it back to the village.

“I’m absolutely positive! You don’t see two big Digimon like that and imagine it.”

“Wait, so that dino we beat earlier is coming with his brother! I should throw a party!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Uh Pinkie, last time we saw Allomon, we were beating it pretty badly.” Terry told his partner.

“And if he’s anything like Shining Armor, this Tyrannomon won’t be too happy with us.” Twilight told the pink pony.

“So what do we do?” Rainbow asked the party.

“We should get everyone to the Hiding Cliff.” Jijimon told them.

“Alright, let’s get a move on before they get here.”

Despite a quick bout of panic from the low level Digimon, the escape plan was moving smoothly, mostly thanks to Applejack’s herding and Twilights organization skills.

“C’mon y’all, keep it steady now!”

“You’re pretty good at this Aj. Where’d ya learn all this from?” Gaomon asked as she helped a Botamon.

“Ah live on a farm back in Equestria. We do a lot of things, and one of ‘em is herding.” Aj beamed.

“She saved Ponyville from a stampede one day!” Rainbow said while flying overhead.

“Really… that’s pretty cool.” Gaomon said incredibly impressed.

“One question though, what’s a stampede?”

Several minutes later, a scream was heard from the back of the village.

“Looks like big uglies are here, let’s go Veemon!” Rainbow said taking off towards the screams original location.


“Y’all heard the mare!” with a Yeehaw, Aj took off after Rainbow and Veemon, followed by Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy. By the time they caught up with her, Dash and Veemon were already facing Allomon and Tyrannomon.

“So, you ready for round two big guys?” Veemon taunted the two dinosaurs.

“If you thought you beat me last time, you must have forgotten about the help you had from Flamedramon.” Allomon growled.

“Besides, Allomon’s an Armor Level, and I’m a Champion level, what can a group of Rookies and Ponies do to us?” Tyrannomon taunted.

“This! V-Headbutt!” Just before connecting with the red monster, Tyrannomon simply sidestepped

“Pitiful…WILD BUSTER!” using his claw, he smashed the blue dragon to the ground.


“Don’t worry none Rainbow, he’ll be just fine. But it’s my turn now you big bully!” Gaomon declared.

“Well c’mon then puppy!”

“Grr….WILD HOWLING!” Gaomon let loose a powerful bark, hoping to catch Tyrannomon off guard. Unfortunately, she forgot about Allomon.


Stopping, Gaomon barely dodged the sudden attack from Allomon.

“Forget about me already? I’m honestly hurt.”

“Whoa nelly…We’re gonna need backup…” Gaomon said, getting up to go help Veemon against the red dinosaur again.

“I think you’re right Gaomon…” Renamon agreed. “Fluttershy, Patamon, you two should go get the others.”

“Yeah right let me at em!” Patamon began. “I’ll-hgufrblm!” Unfortunately, what he was going to say was cut off by Fluttershy grabbing him in a hug.

“Um, ok. I mean, it’s not like we could do anything to them” Fluttershy admitted, glad to be able to get away from the fight. “Let’s go Patamon.”

“Grr...Fine…but when we get back, I’m gonna turn the tide, just you guys watch!”

As they flew off, Allomon attempted to intercept them, But Renamon and Agumon jumped in front of him.

“Oh no you don’t! SPITFIRE BLAST!”


With both of their attacks moving at him, Allomon had no choice to jump away from his prey and turn to face the two rookies facing him.

“Yeah! You show em Agumon!” Spike cheered.

“Don’t cheer yet Spikey Wikey, Allomon’s not down yet.”

As Agumon and Renamon took on the blue dinosaur, Gaomon and Veemon weren’t faring well against Tyrannomon, mostly due to the fact that they really didn’t have any ranged attacks, while Tyrannomon had his fire breath.

“Darn! If only they could hit from a good distance, they could probably knock him out in no time!” Rainbow complained.

“No use bellyachin, we should try to help them.” Aj said as she tipped her hat up.

“Alright! I’ll distract him, you, Gaomon and Veemon should gang up on him once I have his attention.”

As they made the plan, Veemon slid right in front of them after receiving another punch from Tyrannomon.

“Please tell me you guys have something in mind?” he asked.

“Yeah! Just do as AJ says!” with a battle cry, Rainbow took off towards Tyrannomon.

Seeing the blue pony headed his way, he shot a gout of flames at the Pegasus. Seeing that he was doing exactly what she wanted, she went vertical so he wouldn’t see her friends mustering for his back.

Meanwhile, Renamon and Agumon were barely holding their own against Allomon. While they did have ranged and close attacks to take him on, he was a lot faster than they were, and most of their attacks were missing.

“Will you hold still!?” Agumon cried out in frustration as another attack missed.

“Will you? DINO CRUSHER!”

Just before he hit Agumon, a blue aura surrounded Allomon, holding him in the air.

“W-What is this!”

“Magic darling,” Rarity replied “and I suggest that you and Renamon take your shot now that I have him, because I can’t hold him for long.”

“Alright! Ready Renamon?”

“Let’s do this! DIAMOND STORM!”


“And…hang on a moment… “


Hearing his crush shout at him, Spike immediately shot out a small burst of dragon fire. As Rarity let Allomon go from her magic, he met all three attacks at once in the chest. Meanwhile, Tyrannomon was watching what was going on as he tried to blast the blue Pegasus out of the sky. He knew what she was planning, but he wanted her three friends to get close to him. As he saw his brother get sent flying a few feet away from him, he decided he was done playing with the small fry. Turning around, the would be ambushers and decoy saw that the plan didn’t work and that they were about to get fried. Or so they thought. In an instant they saw a brief lavender flash, and then saw a confused Tyrannomon turn around to their new position.

“Whew, nice timin Twi…”Applejack thanked her unicorn friend.

“Huff, don’t thank me yet…that took a lot out of me…” Twilight panted.

‘Great…more small fry.’ Tyrannomon thought to himself. “Allomon get up! We’re gonna take them out in one fell swoop!”

Rising to his feet, Allomon shakily looked at his brother, knowing what he wanted to do. “Fine…but don’t blame me if there’s nothing left of them after this.”

“Are they doing what I think they might me doing?” Terry asked Lopmon. “’Because if they are, I’m suing!”

“DINO FLAME HURRICANE!” the two dinosaur’s grabbed each other’s tails and began spinning, and soon a flaming cyclone had formed where they stood.

“Hang on guys!” Rainbow called out, grabbing Veemon before he could go into the vortex. Applejack quickly made a lasso and threw it at a nearby tree, with Gaomon holding her tail for dear life. Everyone else tried various ways to keep from going into the spinning wall of fiery death.

“Let me try something!” grabbing Twilights back, she turned around to face the wall of flames. “BUNNY BLIZZARD!” as the ice shard made its way to the tornado, it melted, and then evaporated before it even made a difference.


“Lopmon, let’s use the bunny typhoon!” Terry suggested.

“That’s perfect!” Rainbow called from above them, flapping furiously as she tried to fly away from the attack. “I can’t get close enough to counter their rotation, but you guys might be able to!”

“Hang on! It might not work! If anything, we could be drawn closer to the – Yikes!” dropping low to the ground, she narrowly dodged a signpost that had come up from the ground. “To the flames, and you saw what happen to her first attack! If super cooled ice won’t work, then what do you think will happen to anything else that gets close!”

“In case ya haven’t notices, we’re losin’ ground here!” “AJ yelled.

“We’ll be barbecued ‘fore we even think of anything!” Gaomon noted.

Seeing he friends argue, Pinkie rushed to them and raised her hooves up. “We won’t solve anything like that! We’ve got to- uh oh I forgot physics hate me…AHHH!” she didn’t finish as physics took hold of her and she began flying towards the tornado. Twilight and Rainbow Dash tried grabbing her, but they wasn’t prepared for how fast she was moving and were also grabbed by fates cruel winds. One by one, the ponies and their digimon partners were dragged closer to the tornado of flames.

“Twilight don’t let go!”

“I won’t Pinkie! Just…hold…onnngh….” Twilight’s magical exhaustion finally caught hold of her and she passed out, losing her grip on Pinkie and Dash.

As the two ponies flew towards their doom, their partners looked at each other.

“What now Terry!? “

“We gotta Digivolve! It’s the only way!”

“You’re right! We can’t let our partners die like this!” Lopmon agreed as both her brother and herself began glowing.

As the two digimon began glowing, the devices on Pinkie and Twilights arms screen began to flash the words 'Evolution'.



The light around them intensified to a blinding level for a brief moment before fading to reveal two new forms, one looked like a larger Terriermon wearing heavy denim jeans, a bullet strap, and what could only be described as guns where his hands were, holding both Twilight and Pinkie Pie under his arms.

“T-Terry, is that you? Omigosh, you evolved again!” Pinkie exclaimed. “But…what are you now?”

“I’m Gargomon now.”

“Terry…you evolved?” Twilight, her body deciding that now was a good time to come to, asked. Then suddenly becoming alert, she noticed that her partner wasn’t on her back. “Wait where’s Lopmon!”

“Right here twilight, and I’m not Lopmon anymore…” another Digimon said a few feet away. “DROWNING AQUARIUS!” as the former Lopmon said this, a torrent of water came from a small staff that had a snowflake protrusion on the top of it, smashing into the fiery vortex and throwing Allomon off balance, stopping it. “I am Sorcermon.”

Taking a look at her partner, she saw that unlike Terry, who had changed relatively little, she had gone through a more substantial change. She was now vaguely human shaped, wearing a white suit with a white cape that covered most of her face. A white hat that reminded her of Trixie somewhat was on its head, and it had bright yellow hair.

“That’s impossible…” Allomon said. “You only just became Rookies! How can you guys be Champion level already?”

“We got power from our Partners.” Gargomon said simply. "And when you guys threatened them, we could feel that we could evolve.”

“But we are Digimon! The Supreme Fighting Beings! What you said goes against everything Lord-“as Tyrannomon protested, Gargomon leaped from his position just under the red dinosaur monster’s girth.

“You talk too much, ya know that? DUMDUM UPPER!” pointing its right arm up he began firing bullets at Tyrannomon’s lower jaw, knocking the Digimon onto its back.

“Grr...You little punks! It doesn’t matter how many times you evolve, we’ll still destroy you! DINO BLAZER!” blasting his flame at Gargomon, he failed to notice Sorcermon leap up until she was behind him.

“Too slow, CRYSTAL BARRAGE!” gathering ice energy in her staff, Sorcermon pointed it at Allomon, blasting him towards his brother. Seeing the blue armor digimon coming his way, Gargomon leaped out of the way to his sister’s side as Allomon crashed into Tyrannomon.

“Ready to give up? Don’t answer that, you are but you don’t know that.”

“Now to send you guys away from Primary Valley…” grabbing her staff with both hands, it began glowing brightly. “BLIZZARD ILLUSION!” From its tip, a mighty blizzard began to blow. Focusing her attention towards the two dino’s, she directed it to blow them towards the horizon.

"Yeah! And don't come back!" Veemon shouted at the two skyborne Digimon.

With the two evil digimon gone, Sorcermon and Gargomon began to glow again, shrinking back into their Rookie forms.

“Aww, I thought I got to keep being a Champion.” Terry whined, only to receive a surprise hug from Pinkie.

“Silly Terry, you’re still my Champion! When we get back to the Village, I’m gonna throw you and Dawn a ‘We Digivolved and kicked Dino butt’ party!

“Dawn?” Lopmon asked. “Are you talking about me?”

Walking up to her partner, Twilight picked her up and put her on her back. “I don’t know… do you like it? I was thinking if calling you Velvet.” she admitted.

“What about Velvet Dawn, darling?” Rarity asked, trotting up with the rest of the group.

“Nah, you need something 20% cooler than that, because as Sorcermon, you were awesome!”

“No, I like that name.” Velvet Dawn said, smiling at how natural it seemed to have a name other than her species name.

“That’s great! But now I need a name for Agumon. Hmm let’s see, I can’t call you Spike because that’s my name…” As Spike pondered a name for his partner, everypony else began thinking of names as well.

Just above them, out of their line of sight, a figure had been watching the fight below, taking note of what was going on.

“So these are the new Digi-Destined… don’t look like much, I could take em apart in moments…if they weren’t Celestia’s attack ponies.” The figure said to itself. “No matter. They won’t be a threat to me in the long run. They will all meet their end.” With a flourish, the figure turned away, revealing a light blue back hoof.

Author's Note:

Who is this mysterious figure that was watching our heroes? And what does it have in store for the Digital World? The story continues…

after you guys vote for who evolves next, Gaomon or Renamon.