• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 579 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

Weclome to Cantelot City Part 1

One sunny day, a dark blue SUV was driving along a road. In the car was a middle-aged man and woman, and in the back was a teenage girl.

"How much longer, Dad?" the girl asked.

"It won't be too much longer, Twilight." her father told her.

The girl was named Twilight Sparkle, she was 16 years old, and in front were her parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light. They were moving to a new city when her mom got a job offer. This means the family had to pack up, leave their home, and start all over again. Of course, moving to a new place was never easy, but it was harder for young people. Twilight was going to have to start over in a whole new town, go to a new school, and have to make new friends. That last task would be a difficult one for Twilight, she's was kinda a loner.

"Hey, Twilight." called a voice.

Twilight adjusted her glasses, and looked down. It was coming from a pet carrier, and inside was her pet puppy, Spike.

"What's up, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"How much longer till we get there? It's getting cramped in here."

"We'll be there soon, boy," she replied.

Now it wasn't normal for animals to talk, but something had happened to Spike to cause him to talk. A couple of years ago, Spike and Twilight were playing in the park. Twilight threw a stick for him to fetch, and Spike ran after it. As he looked for the post, a found something interesting. It was a little patch of glowing light in a bush. Being a curious puppy, Spike decided to investigate. The thing that was glowing was a kind of sparkly purple dust. He sniffed it, and some of the dust went up his nose. He sneezed and shook his head.

"Spike, you okay?" Twilight called.

"I'm okay," Spike said back.

That completely surprised the two. Twilight hurried over to Spike, and Spike hurried up to her.

"Spike did you just talk, like a person?" she asked him.

"I...I think I just did." Spike replied.

Twilight quickly took Spike home and told her family. At first, they were completely shocked how a dog could suddenly speak like a person. But eventually, they got used to Spike being able to talk, and they decided that it was a magical thing that had happened. They decided to keep Spike's ability in the family because no telling who'd
want to get their hands on a talking dog. About an hour later, the family saw a city in the distance, and they saw a sign. It read, "Welcome to Canterlot City".

"We're here," informed Twilight Velvet.

Twilight looked out the window at the big city.

"Wow." she breathed.

Canterlot City seemed so much bigger than their old home. After a while, they drove into a subdivision and arrived at a purple house.

"Well, here we are girls, and Spike. Our new home." Night Light declared then all of them got out of the car, and Twilight let Spike out of his carrier.

"Finally!" Spike cheered, as he ran around happily.

"Any idea when the moving truck will get here?" wondered Twilight Velvet.

"I'll give them a call. In the meantime we should pick out our rooms," said Night Light.

While her parents went up to the front door, Twilight looked around. It seemed like a nice neighborhood, perhaps things wouldn't be so bad.

"Twilight, are you coming?" called Night Light.

"Coming, Dad. Let's go, Spike."

She went inside, and Spike followed her.

The house was spacious, and Twilight and Spike went upstairs to pick out their room.

"Hey, let's try this one," Spike suggested, referring to a door.


Twilight opened it, and they went inside. The room was pretty big, and had a closet, and a window.

"This room seems nice." Twilight observed while Spike sniffed around the room, and then spoke.

"Smells nice too."

Twilight looked out the window and saw she had a nice view of the neighborhood.

"Mom, Dad, I picked out my room," Twilight called to her parents. Her parents went to her and looked around.

"Nice pick Twilight. I just got off the phone with the movers they'll be here in a couple of hours." Night Light informed.

"So what'll we do until then?" Twilight wanted to know.

"Well your bike's on top of the car, why don't you and Spike do some exploring," suggested Twilight Velvet.

"Sounds good to me." Spike piped up."I guess a bike ride could be fun."

Outside Night Light got her bike down from the car, and after putting her new home address in her phone Twilight and Spike was off. Spike rode in the bike basket, while Twilight pedaled down the street.

They left the subdivision and rode into town. There were some stores and other businesses.

"Canterlot City seems pretty nice," observed Spike.

"Yeah, maybe I'll like it here," Twilight told him.

As they rode, they came across what looked like a diner, with the name Sugarcube Corner on it. Suddenly, she saw someone leaving out the door, and she quickly stopped her bike. A teenage girl with curly pink hair looked at her with wide eyes.

"Uh...hi?" Twilight told her.

The other girl didn't say anything but just ran off.

"Okay, that was weird," Spike said.

"You got that right." she agreed, and they went on.

Things were going well, as they rode down the street, but suddenly Twilight felt something weird. She stopped, got off, and checked her wheel.

"What's the problem?" asked Spike.

"I ran over a nail, and now the tire's flat."

"Well look where we stopped," Spike mentioned.

Twilight looked up and saw she was at a car garage.

"Well it's not exactly a bike place, but it'll do."

She took her bike in and saw many workers working on cars.

"Uh, excuse me, could someone help me?" Twilight called out.

One of the workers told her to wait for a little bit, but then another voice called out to her.

"I can help ya."

Twilight looked to her side, and saw a girl with blonde hair and a cowboy hat.

"Uh, thanks. Do you work here?" Twilight wondered.

"No, but I do know how to fix a tire."

"Thank you, my name's Twilight Sparkle by the way."

Suddenly the other girl grabbed her hand and began shaking it hard.

"Well, howdy do to you, Twilight. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Applejack."

Applejack then let go of Twilight's hand, and she struggled to settle it down.

"Nice to meet you too."

Then Spike barked.

"Oh, and this is Spike, my dog."

"He's a cute little fella," Applejack said, petting Spike's head. "Now come on, let's get this tire fixed."

She took them to the side and borrowed a couple of tools.

"So I haven't seen you around here before," Applejack observed. "Well my family just moved here," explained Twilight.

"You did, well then welcome to Canterlot City. While you're here you gotta meet my folks."

"Oh, that's not necessary..."

But Applejack had already called them over. An older woman, a teenage boy, and a young teen girl came.

"This here is my big brother, Big Mac, my little sister Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith."

Big Mac waved, and Apple Bloom and Granny Smith said, "Hello".

"Hi," Twilight said, nervously.

"Well, your bike's all fixed," Applejack informed.

"Thanks, well we better be going now."

"Hope to see you again," Applejack called, as Twilight pedaled away with Spike.

"Well, they seemed nice," Spike mentioned.

"Maybe a little too nice," Twilight replied, shaking her arm.

As they rode the sidewalk, they heard something behind them. Twilight turned her head and saw someone speeding towards them. She tried to
move out of the way, but too late, and she was knocked to the ground, as was her bike, and Spike.

"Spike you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine. What happened?"

"Hey, are you two okay?" wondered a voice.

Twilight looked up and saw a teenage girl with rainbow-colored hair on roller skates.

"Yeah, we're okay."

"I'm sorry. I was kinda in the zone and wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

She helped Twilight up and got her bike standing again.

"It's okay, it was just an accident," Twilight assured.

"You're not from around here are ya?"

"No, how'd you guess?"

"You were giving off that newbie vibe. I'm Rainbow Dash."

"My name's Twilight Sparkle and this is my dog, Spike."

"Great to meet you guys. Hope to see you around again." Rainbow Dash told them, and she skated off.

"Well, I guess we should keep on going."

Twilight put Spike back in the basket, got back on and rode off. After a while, they stopped for a little break. Twilight looked down at her clothes and noticed they were a little dirty from her fall. Suddenly something caught Spike's eye.

"What's up, Spike?"


Twilight looked, and saw they were in front of a store called Carousel Boutique.

"Yeah, this store does look like it has some nice clothes," Twilight replied, looking through the window.

"Not the clothes I'm talking about her," Spike explained.

Inside the store, a teenage girl with purple hair was hanging up some clothes. Hearts formed in Spike's eyes, and he quickly jumped out of the

"Spike, where are you going?" Twilight asked, hurrying after him.

Spike ran up to the front door, waited for someone to come out, and then ran inside.

"Spike get back here!" Twilight hissed.

Spike ran up to the girl, and barked happily. The girl turned around and saw Spike sitting there.

"Oh, hello little one. How'd you get in here?" she asked him.

"Spike." Twilight quickly went over and picked him up.

"I'm so sorry, he just got away from me."

"That's quite all right, darling. Maybe he led you to the right place. I'm Rarity and welcome to Carousal Boutique. I can see you're here for a fashion change."

"Oh, I'm not here to shop," Twilight told her.

"But then what happened to your outfit?"

"Oh, well it was just a little accident. I just came to get Spike, and I'll be gone."

"But I insist I show you our latest shipments."

Rarity then led Twilight away, and Spike followed. There were great varieties of shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, and other accessories.

"You have great stuff, but I don't have any money to buy anything, sorry,"
Twilight explained.

"Oh, well do come back when you have some." Rarity told her.

Then she and Spike left the store.

Spike was still in a love-sick daze as they left.

"Wasn't she amazing?" he sighed.

"Slow down there, Romeo. You're a dog, she's a human." Twilight told him.

The next place they ended up at was a park.

"Now this looks like a peaceful place," she observed.

"Smells like a great place," added Spike, sniffing the air.

As they peddled across the park they heard some chirping. They looked, and saw a teenage girl with light pink hair, feeding a bunch of birds. She seemed to be talking and singing along with them.

"Wow." Twilight breathed.

She pedaled closer, but some of the birds saw her and flew away in fright.

"Wait, come back." the girl urged.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare off your birds." Twilight told her.

"It's okay, I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose.”

"I didn't. I'm Twilight, Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Fluttershy." the girl whispered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"My name's Fluttershy."

"One more time?"

"My name's Fluttershy," Fluttershy said loud enough.

"Nice to meet you."

Suddenly Fluttershy's eyes fell on Spike, and they widened.

"Oh my gosh, aren't you adorable?" she gushed at the puppy.

She petted his head and scratched him behind his ear. Spike looked like he was in heaven.

"You sure are good with animals," Twilight observed.

"Thanks. Uh, I have to go now bye."

And Fluttershy hurried off.

"Odd," said Twilight.

"Well, she certainly knows what spot to scratch," Spike mentioned.

Soon they went back home and saw the moving truck was there, and movers were unloading furniture from the truck and bringing it into the house.

"Well, at least our stuff's here," Twilight said, as she parked her bike, and got Spike out.

When they walked inside, Twilight saw a familiar guy talking to her parents. The guy turned around and smiled at her.

"Hey, Twily."

"Shining Armor!" Twilight squealed.

She rushed up to him and threw her arms around him. Shining Armor was Twilight's older brother and Twilight Velvet and Night Light's oldest child. He had come to Canterlot City after graduating college and had a job working at another school in the city.

"Your brother thought he'd come and welcome us." Twilight Velvet explained.

"It's great to see you," Twilight told him.

"Hey, what about me?" Spike piped up.

"(Chuckles), it's good to see you, Spike." Shining Armor said, as he knelt and petted him.

"So how was your bike ride?" wondered Night Light to Twilight.

"Was fine, ran into some interesting people."

"Speaking of which. We got an invitation today." Twilight Velvet mentioned.

"An invitation, from who?"

"A nice girl came by and invited us to a welcome to the neighborhood
party tomorrow."

"What'd she look like?"

"She was around your age, and had curly pink hair."

"Oh boy," Twilight whispered, as she looked at Spike.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

AU Twilight Sparkle

AU Rainbow Dash

AU Applejack

AU Pinkie Pie

AU Rarity

AU Fluttershy