• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 580 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

Sleeping Out

Twilight had been in Canterlot City a whole month now, and she wasenjoying herself. She adjusted to her new house, school, and classes. Best of all, she was hanging out more with her new friends.

In the hallway, the girls were hanging out between classes.

"I got great news ya'll." Applejack informed.

"What is it?" asked Fluttershy.

"This weekend Big Mac's is gonna visit Granny Smith's cousin, Goldie Delicious and Apple Bloom's going on an overnight field trip with herclass. So I was thinking we could have a sleepover at my house."

"A sleepover? That's another name for slumber party!" squealed Pinkie.

"Sounds awesome." said Rainbow Dash.

"Sounds like a wonderful soiree." added Rarity.

"What do you say Twilight, you comin'?" Applejack wondered.

"A sleepover...uh I don't know." Twilight told her.

"Come on, Twilight. It'll be fun." encouraged Pinkie.

"Well, it does sound like fun. I guess I'll go."

"Great. Be sure and tell your parents and I'll have Granny Smith give them a call." Applejack told her.

"T will."

Then the bell rang, and the girls went to their classes. When school was over, and Twilight was picked up, she told her dad
about the sleepover.

"A sleepover at Applejack's?" asked Night Light.

"Yeah, can I go?" Twilight asked him.

"We'll see."

Once they were home, Twilight hurried inside and up to her room.

"Spike, I'm home." she announced.

Spike who was relaxing in his doggie bed, jumped up happily.

"Hi, Twilight. How was school?" he asked her, running over to her.

"It was good, and guess what?"


"Applejack invited me to a sleepover at her house."

"Sounds like fun. Can I go too?" Spike wondered.

"(Chuckles), first I have to find out if I can go." Twilight told him.


After Twilight Velvet came home, Twilight told her about the sleepover. Then Night Light and Twilight Velvet talked about it, as they were getting ready for bed.

"I think it would be good and fun for Twilight to go." Night Light mentioned.

"Yeah, plus I got a call from Applejack's Granny, and she said, that everything would be fine at her house." Twilight Velvet replied.

Then they got in bed, and went to sleep. The next day at school, Twilight hurried to find her friends. She found them sitting on the school steps.

"Hey girls. Good news, my parents said I could come to the sleepover." she informed.

"That's great." said Pinkie.

"Yeah, what fun is a sleepover, if our newest friend can't come?" Applejack mentioned.

Then the bell rang, and the girls went inside and agreed to discussplans at lunch. All through her classes, Twilight had a hard time payingattention. This would be her first sleepover, ever. What sort of things happened at them?

Would she have to do anything to prepare for it? When lunch came, she sat with her friends and they began discussing plans for the sleepover.

"So what the dealio with this party, Applejack?" asked Pinkie, ready to write the stuff down.

"I'll be supplying most of the food, but do you think you could bring some cupcakes?" Applejack told her.

"You got it."

"Rainbow Dash, could you bring your game station?"

"No prob." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Rarity you can bring some fashion magazines and makeup for us."

"I'd be happy to."

"Fluttershy can you pick out a movie?"


"Hey, Applejack I was wondering something." Twilight piped up.


"Would it be all right if I bring Spike. He wants to come."

"Sure you bring him, I'm sure Winona would like to meet him." Twilight smiled at hearing that.

Once school was over on Friday, the girls agreed they would go home, pack their bags, and go to Applejack's house.

"I'll see you guys there." Twilight called to them, as she went to her dad's car.

At home, Twilight packed her pajamas, extra clothes, toothbrush, hair supplies, sleeping bag, and a couple of books.

"I can't believe it, Twilight. Our first sleepover." Spike told her.

"Me neither." Twilight replied.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm a little nervous, what if I can't fit in at this sleepover?"

"Don't worry, they're your friends. And you'll have a good time." Twilight smiled at her pet.

"Twilight, are you almost ready?" called Twilight Velvet from downstairs.

"Just about, Mom." she called back.

She put her bag over her shoulder, and grabbed her pillow.

"Let's go, Spike."

And the two went downstairs.

Twilight Velvet drove Twilight and Spike out to Applejack's house, and she noticed her daughter looking out the window.

"Excited?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mom. Though a little nervous."

"It'll be fun."

Soon they arrived at Applejack's house.

"You can always call me or your father and we'll come pick you up." Twilight Velvet mentioned.

"I'll try and hold on, Mom." Twilight replied.

"Come on, let's go." urged Spike.

Twilight collected her stuff, and got out of the car. They went up to the door, and Twilight rang the doorbell. A minute later the door opened to reveal Granny Smith.

"Ah, hello, Twilight." she greeted.

"Hi, Granny Smith. Spike and I are here for the sleepover." she told

"Well come on in. The girls are up in Applejack's room." Granny Smith invited.

Twilight waved goodbye to her mom, and went inside as Twilight Velvet drove off. She and Spike went upstairs, and found Applejack's room.

"Hi, guys." she greeted, going in.

"Hey, Twilight. Glad you made it." Applejack told her.

"Now the fun can really start." Rainbow Dash added.

"I'm here too." Spike informed.

"Hi, Spikey Wikey." greeted Rarity, as she scratched his ear.

Spike sighed happily as she did so. Suddenly, they heard barking and in came a collie dog.

"Hey there girl. Spike meet my dog, Winona." Applejack introduced.

"Hi, Winona." Spike said.

Winona sniffed him, and barked happily.

"Now let's get this party started." declared Pinkie.

At first the girls watched TV, and then when the sun started to go down, they changed into their pajamas.

"Your pajamas are lovely, Twilight." complimented Rarity.

"Thanks. So what do we do now?" Twilight wondered.

"Anyone up for some video games?" Applejack suggested.

"I'm game." Rainbow Dash piped up.

"You guys go on, we'll watch and wait for the pizza to arrive." Fluttershy said.

"Right." Twilight agreed.

They watched the two play their game, and Rarity decided to pull of one of her fashion magazines.

"That's a nice dress." said Fluttershy, as she observed a picture.

"Yes, you'd look great in it." Rarity told her.

"Yeah, and you guys are doing great." Twilight piped up.

"Thanks." said Rainbow Dash.

"I'm getting hungry, when's the pizza getting here?" Pinkie wanted to

Before anyone could say anything, they heard the doorbell rang.

"That'd be it now." Applejack replied, pausing the game.

The girls rushed downstairs, along with Winona and Spike.

Help yourself girls, and be sure to save a couple slices for me." Granny Smith told them.

"No problem, Granny." Applejack promised.

"Let's pig out." Pinkie declared, grabbing a plate.

Soon they began pigging out on pizza, cupcakes, and soda.

"Hey, can we get a couple slices?" Spike whispered.

Winona barked also.

"Here you go, guys." Twilight told them.

She gave Spike a small slice of cheese pizza, and was about to give one to Winona when she suddenly stopped.

"Hold on there, partner." Applejack warned.

Twilight froze in her tracks.

"You can't give Winona that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It just looked like she wanted a slice." Twilight

"She can eat pizza, but you gotta take the pepperoni slices off. It doesn't always agree with her."

"Oh, all right then."

Twilight took the pepperoni pieces off, and gave the slice to Winona.

After they were full they decided to give each other makeovers.

"This is always my favorite part of sleepovers." squealed Rarity, as they headed back upstairs.

"Of course it is, Rarity." said Rainbow Dash rolling her eyes.

"Makeovers, I can do that." Twilight thought.

Up in her bedroom, the girls soon had curlers in their hair, and green masks on their faces.

"Aww gee, we could pass as monsters in a scary movie." Applejack observed, looking in a mirror.

"You got that right." agreed Pinkie, and she playfully growled.

"Well girls time to take these masks off." Rarity told them.

They went to the bathroom, and washed it off, but Twilight accidentally got Fluttershy's pajama top wet.

"Sorry, Fluttershy."

"Oh, it's all right Twilight." Fluttershy assured.

Then they applied makeup to their faces, and did their hair.

"There we go, how do I look?" asked Rainbow Dash, as she finished brushing her hair.

"You look great, Rainbow." complimented Pinkie.

"I'm just about finished." Twilight piped up.

"If you want it to hold up, use this hair spray." Rarity offered, giving
her a can.

Twilight took it, shook it up, and sprayed her hair. But the fumes filled the room, and made the others cough. Twilight blushed.

"Sorry, so sorry."

And she quickly hurried out of the room, Spike got worried for his girl, and followed her.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" he asked her.

"This sleepover is turning into a disaster." she told him.

"No it isn't." Spike comforted.

Just then the other girls came out to her.

"Twilight are you okay?" asked Fluttershy.

"Why'd you leave?" wondered Pinkie.

"I'm just trying to make this slumber party perfect. But I almost poisoned Applejack's dog, got Fluttershy's shirt wet, and choked you all
with hairspray."

"So what?" Rainbow Dash wanted to know.

"Yeah, why you keep makin a fuss over nothing?" added Applejack.


"Go on darling, tell us." urged Rarity.

"This is actually...my first slumber party." Twilight confessed, rubbing her arm.

The girls gasped.

"You've never been to a slumber party before?" asked Pinkie.

"No, and I was trying to make it perfect, because I didn't want to mess it up. And lose you guys are friends." The girls looked at each other.

"Twilight, we don't care if you slip up a little." Rainbow Dash told her.

"Yeah, we besides we know you can't be perfect." added Fluttershy.


"Yeah, besides what matters at parties is having a good time." mentioned Pinkie.

Twilight looked at them, and she began to smile.

"Thanks, guys."

"So whaddya say we get back to havin' fun?" Applejack suggested.

"Yeah." everyone cheered.

Soon they were all back in Applejack's room, going through the magazines, eating little cupcakes, and talking happily.

"So you enjoying your first slumber party now, Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"You bet." Twilight replied.

"I'm enjoying it too." Spiked piped up.

He was currently relaxing in Winona's doggie bed with her.

"You know what we should do right now?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"What's that?" wondered Rarity.


Rainbow grabbed her blue pillow, and threw it at Rarity.

"Hey, you're going to pay for that."

She grabbed her pillow, and hit her with it. Soon all the girls were running around, laughing, and hitting each other with pillows.