• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 580 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

Adventures in Baby Caking

School had just ended, and Twilight and her friends were heading home.

“Well that was quite a day." said Applejack.

"I'm ready to head home, and chillax on my bed." Rainbow Dash piped up.

"I'm gonna jump right into studying for the science test." Twilight informed.

"What are you gonna do, Pinkie?" asked Fluttershy.

"I have a shift at the Sweet Shoppe." Pinkie explained.

"Another one, darling?" Rarity wondered.

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Cake need my help now more than ever. See you tomorrow."

And she hurried to her job.

When she got there, she went to find Mr. and Mrs. Cake.
"I'm here." she informed, as she went back.

"Hello, Pinkie Pie. Thanks for coming in." Mr. Cake told her.
"It's my pleasure."

"We could use the extra help, especially now." added Mrs. Cake, as she put her hands on
her very swollen stomach.

"Any idea when the big day is?" Pinkie asked.

"The doctor says it'll be any day now." Mrs. Cake replied.

So for her shift, Pinkie took orders, brought out the food, and cleaned up. By the time she
finished, it was late.

"Anything else you guys need help with?" Pinkie offered.

"Oh, no thank you Pinkie." Mr. Cake told her.

"We've got everything under control."

"Besides, you're ride's here." informed Mrs. Cake.

It was true, Igneous Rock Pie was in his car to pick up his daughter.
"So he is. Well I better be on my way then. Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Cake."
"Goodbye, Pinkie." they both said.

And with that Pinkie left.

The next day at school Pinkie told her friends about Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

"They must be so excited." Twilight said.

"They are. I can't wait to meet their new little baby." Pinkie squealed.

"I wonder whether it'll be a boy or a girl?" thought Rainbow Dash.

"Who knows, it's 50/50." Applejack told her.

"All I know is they wanted to be surprised." informed Pinkie.

"Perhaps we should get them a gift." suggested Fluttershy.

"That's a great idea Fluttershy." agreed Rarity.

So after school, the girls stopped by the store and each bought a box of diapers.

“Are you sure we couldn't have gotten something more...exciting?" Rarity wanted to know.

"Diapers are a practical gift, Rarity." Fluttershy told her.

"Besides, every baby goes through a lot of diapers." added Rainbow Dash.

When they got to the Sweet Shoppe they saw that it was closed.

"That's weird." observed Twilight.

Just then the owner of the shop next door stepped out.

"You looking for the Cakes?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." answered Applejack.

"Well they're at the hospital. Mrs. Cake's time came sooner than she thought."

"Oh my gosh, the baby's coming! We better get to the hospital." Pinkie Pie squealed.
"Wait, we better tell our parents where we're going first. Don't want them to worry."
Fluttershy mentioned.

"She's right." agreed Twilight.

And they all went to their homes, and informed their parents.

After getting permission they took the bus to the hospital. Once they got there, they went
in, and up to the reception desk.

"May I help you girls?" asked the receptionist.

"We're here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cake." Twilight told.

"They're in the maternity ward, 3rd floor, room 213."

"Thank you." replied Pinkie.

The girls went up in the elevator, and as they were walking down the hallway, they ran into
Mr. Cake.

"Girls, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"We heard that the baby was coming so we came. Did it come yet?" wondered Rainbow

"Yes, Mrs. Cake is taking a nap right now, and I was just on my way to the nursery. Come
on, I'll show you."

The girls squealed, and followed him. Down the hallway, was the nursery. Through the large
glass window they saw all the babies in the plastic cribs wrapped in either pink or blue
blankets and wearing pink or blue hats.

"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy." thought Rarity.

"You guys must be so proud." Twilight told Mr. Cake.

"We are."

"So which one is it?" Pinkie wanted to know.

Mr. Cake went inside, and went by a crib.

"Here's our son, Pound Cake."

He uncovered a baby boy with dark brown hair.

"Aww." the girls gushed.

"And here's our daughter, Pumpkin Cake."

Then he uncovered a baby girl with orange hair. The girls were shocked.

“Twins, you had twins!?" Pinkie asked in disbelief.

"Shh, the babies are resting." a nurse told her sternly.

"Sorry." Pinkie replied, blushing.

“We found out months ago, but we decided to keep it a secret." Mr. Cake explained.
"Congratulations." Applejack said.

“Looks like you're going to be needing these." Rainbow Dash informed, holding up her box
of diapers.

"Just what we need."

“And we've got more." added Fluttershy, and she and the others held up their boxes.

A month later, the Cakes were back at the Sweet Shoppe and Pound and Pumpkin Cake
were just as cute as ever. Pinkie enjoyed playing with them, and they enjoyed playing with
her too. One day she stayed after her shift was over to give Mr. and Mrs, Cake a hand.

Pound and Pumpkin were sitting in their high chairs, and Pinkie was playing a game with

"Where's Pinkie Pie? Here I am." she cooed as she covered her face with her hands, and
showed herself,

The twins giggled.

"Thanks for staying behind, Pinkie." Mr. Cake told her.

"It's no problem, Mr. Cake. I love playing with the babies."

"We really do appreciate it." added Mrs. Cake,

Just then the phone rang.

"T'll get it."

And Mr. Cake went to go answer it. After being on the phone for a while, he came back out.
"Honey bun, we just got hired to cater a party at city hall."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, the party's on Saturday."

"Congratulations you guys." Pinkie told them.

Then Pinkie Pie had to go home.

From that day, Pinkie helped the Cakes with their baking, and playing with the twins. Then
on Saturday morning, the Cakes got all the food packaged and ready.

"Whew that was a lot of work." said Pinkie.

"Thanks for your help, Pinkie." Mrs. Cake told her.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the babies cooing from the baby monitor.

"Sounds like the babies are awake." Pinkie observed.

"(Gasps), the babies I completely forget." Mr. Cake gasped.

"You didn't get a sitter for them?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"I'm sorry, I was so distracted."

"Don't feel bad, I did too. But we better see if anyone can be available on short notice."

"I could do it." Pinkie offered.

But the Cakes didn't hear her. They got on their phones and called almost everyone they
knew; but no one was able to do it. The Cakes even called Pinkie's friends, but Twilight had

to study, Applejack had chores, Rainbow Dash had soccer practice, Rarity was working, and
Fluttershy had to spend some quality time with her pet bunny, Angel.

After getting off the phone, they looked at Pinkie Pie, and she looked at them with hopeful
eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked at each other nervously,

"Uh, Pinkie do you think you could babysit for us?" Mr. Cake wondered.

"I suppose I could...but I'll need to check my schedule first."

But of course, Pinkie gladly took the assignment.

"Now Pinkie are you sure you can handle taking care of two babies?" Mrs, Cake asked.
"I can handle it."

"But this time you're not just playing with them for a short while, you're going to be taking
care of them for a couple hours by yourself." Mr. Cake clarified.

"I can take care of them, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, honest."
She gave them the scout's honor.

"Okay, now the bottles and food are in the fridge, diapers are in the nursery, the emergency
numbers and the babies' schedule are on the fridge." informed Mrs. Cake.

"And if there's a real emergency you can call us at city hall." Mr. Cake added.
"Got it."

After closing up the Sweet Shoppe, and kissing their babies goodbye, they left.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Pinkie called.

"We'll be back in a few hours." Mr. Cake called back, and with that they drove off.
Pinkie went back in, grabbed the schedule off the fridge, and went to the nursery.
"Let's see, play, snack, bath, then bed. Seems simple enough." she read.

She went into the nursery, and saw the babies in their cribs.

"All right, babies, Pinkie Pie's in charge now."

When Pound and Pumpkin Cake saw that their parents weren't around anymore, they began
to cry.

"Oh come on don't cry."

But the babies kept crying. She tried to play peekaboo with them, since that always made
them laugh, but it didn't. Then she tried tickling them, and holding them.

"Come on guys, you never cry like this. What's wrong?"

She set them down, and tried to get a toy for them, but ended up tripping over her feet,
and falling to the floor. She groaned, but then heard giggling.

"(Sighs), well at least they stopped crying."

Then she took them to the kitchen to get them some food. She placed them in their high
chairs, and looked in the refrigerator.

"Okay babies, I hope you're in the mood for some yummy mashed peas."

She filled two baby bowls with the mashed peas, and set them on the high chairs.

"Now open up."

She tried to put the spoons in their mouths but they wouldn't open.

"Come on now, open the tunnel for the train."

Pumpkin Cake opened her mouth, and Pinkie put in the spoon, and Pound Cake did the

"See? It's good."

But just as she was about to do it again, both babies hit the spoons and caused Pinkie's
face to be covered in peas. She wiped them off and tried to feed them again, but some
spoonfuls they ate others they flicked.

By the time they were done eating, Pinkie's face and shirt was covered in mashed peas.
"Okay, that went well. You two wait here while I get cleaned up."

Luckily she always brought a spare shirt to work just in case. After washing her face and
changing her shirt, she went back to taking care of the babies. She took them back up to
their nursery, and let them play.

As she let them play, she sniffed the air, which smelled awful, and it was coming from the

"Time for a diaper change."
She grabbed the supplies, then put the babies on the changeling table.
"Okay, let's get you two changed."

But it wasn't as easy as it looked, Pound and Pumpkin kept wiggling around, and the smell
wasn't pleasant.

"Come on now, just stay still for a minute."

She tried to take off the diapers, wipe them down, powder them, and put the new ones
one. It took a few minutes, but she managed to do it.

"(Sighs), there. Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

She lifted up Pound Cake, but his diaper slipped off, and Pumpkin Cake wiggled out of hers.
Pinkie just groaned.

After re-diapering them, she was getting a little tired, but the babies wanted to play. Pinkie
watched as they played around in their cribs.

"Hopefully it'll be your bedtime soon." Pinkie sighed.

Then her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" she asked answering it.

"Hey, Pinkie." Twilight was on the line.

"Oh, hey Twilight, what's up?"

Pinkie stepped out of the room for a while to take the call. After five minutes, Pinkie came
back into the nursery, to see the babies crying again.

“Aw what's wrong now?"
Then she smelt that smell again.
"Again? (Sighs), well it's time for your bath anyway."

After grabbing the supplies she needed she took the babies to the bathroom. Since they
were too small for the regular tub, Pinkie had to the sink.

"Okay, Pound Cake you first."

She then picked him up, placed him in the water and started to bathe him. But as she did,
Pumpkin began to feel left out, so she started fussing.

"Just a second, Pumpkin. I'll be with you in a minute."

As soon as she finished washing her brother, she tended to Pumpkin. Once they were both
clean, it was time to put them down to bed.

"Okay, guys go to sleep."

But the babies didn't just go to sleep.

"All right, Pinkie Pie. You can do this."

She sat in the rocking chair, and rocked them both, It seemed to take forever but after a
while she looked down and saw them both asleep. After carefully putting them in their
cribs, she went downstairs, and relaxed a bit.

A while later, Mr. and Mrs. Cake came home.

"Pinkie Pie, we're back." announced Mr. Cake.

"Shhh. The babies are sleeping." Pinkie informed.

"They are?" asked Mrs. Cake,


And she led them upstairs to the nursery. The twins were still sound asleep in their cribs.
"Pinkie you did a great job." Mr. Cake complimented.

"We had no idea you could be so responsible." Mrs, Cake added.

"Oh, thanks." The Cakes then looked at each other.

"Pinkie, how would you also like to be our go to babysitter from now on?" offered Mr. Cake.
That stunned Pinkie.

"Uh, I don't know..." she replied unsure.

Just then she heard the babies cooing. She went over to the cribs, and saw that the babies
were smiling in their sleep, they looked adorable. Pinkie smiled sweetly. "I'll take it." she
told the Cakes.

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