• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 580 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

Part of the Elite

One morning, Rarity was sound asleep in her room when she was awakened by the sound of her alarm clock. She slowly pulled off her sleep mask and turned off the clock. She sat up, yawned, stretched, and got out of bed.

"Morning, Opal," she said.

A white cat with a purple bow in her fur woke up and looked up at her owner. She grabbed her clothes, and hair supplies, and went to the bathroom. As she did she ran into her dad, who was just coming out of it, only wearing a towel.

"Morning, Rarity." he greeted.

"Morning, Father." Rarity replied quietly.

It grossed her out when she saw her father only in a towel. When she got to the bathroom, she showered, brushed her teeth, got dressed, and did her hair. When she went downstairs with Opal behind her, she was meant with an interesting smell.

Once she walked into the kitchen, she saw where the smell was coming from. Her mom and sister were cooking breakfast. Her mom's cooking was fine, but Sweetie Belle's wasn't so much.

"Morning, Rarity." Cookie Crumbles told her, as she got some waffles out of the waffle maker.

"Hey, Rarity want some eggs?" Sweetie Belle offered.

But the eggs were burnt and not very appealing.

"No thanks, Sweetie Belle."

Soon Cookie Crumbles put out a breakfast buffet on the table. While the rest of her family dug in, Rarity kept her meal light. She picked out some toast, berries, and a couple of pieces of sausage.

"Are you sure that's all you want Rarity?" Cookie Crumbles asked.

"Yeah, you need some meat on your bones," added Hondo Flanks.

"I'm fine, thank you. Besides I'm going to have to leave soon for work." Rarity replied.

"More for us then," said Sweetie Belle, as she bit down on a syrup-drenched waffle.

After finishing her plate, Rarity left the table, grabbed her purse, and went out to her car.

At Carousal Boutique, Rarity was folding some sweaters and blouses. Then she looked up and saw a couple looking around, so she went up to them.

"May I be of any assistance?"

"Yes, I'm Jet Set and this is my wife Upper Crust. We're looking for some nice evening clothes." the man told her.

"Of course, right this way." Rarity instructed.

She led them to two sections, evening wear for men and evening wear for women.

"Yes, these are perfect thank you," said Upper Crust.

"It'll be perfect for the grand opening," added Jet Set.

"Grand opening for what?" asked Rarity.

"A brand new restaurant that's opening, it's supposed to be very high class." Upper Crust explained.

After picking out a nice dress and suit, the couple paid and left.

"(Sigh), if only my parents could be high class like that." Rarity wished.

The following day at school, Rarity was hanging out with her friends, talking about their families.

"I wish my family could be a little more...classy." Rarity told them.

"But Rarity your family's a hoot," said Applejack.

"Yes, yes, they are nice. But you don't have to live with them 24/7."

"No one's families are perfect, Rarity," Twilight replied.

"But if they love you that's all that matters."

"I know, but still."

"Girls, girls, girls." called a voice.

Pinkie was hurrying towards them.

"What's up, Pinkie Pie?" questioned Rainbow Dash.

"There's a new restaurant opening in town, it's supposed to be fancy and high class."

"That sounds interesting." Fluttershy piped up.

"I remember two customers told me about that, but they didn't say what it was called." Rarity mentioned.

"We can check it out after school," suggested Twilight.

"Sounds like fun." Rainbow Dash said.

Once school was out, the girls went into the city. They soon found the new restaurant, and it certainly was classy. The building was tall and white, and in gold letters was the name of the place, which was called
"Fancy n Free".

They went inside and it was so elegant. The floors were marble, crystal chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling, the waiters and waitresses wore elegant uniforms, the tablecloths were white and cloth, and classical music played in the background.

"This is amazing." gasped Rarity.

"Thank you very much." replied a voice.

The girls looked over and saw a man wearing a suit, monocle, and neat blue hair.

"This place is pretty impressive. Who owns it?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"That would be me, Mr. Fancy Pants."

Then he walked off to attend to some of his workers.

"Oh my gosh, that was the Fancy Pants." Rarity squealed quietly.

"You know him?" asked Fluttershy.

"He's a very famous businessman in Canterlot City, I've seen him in my

Suddenly, there was a crash. It startled the girls, and they went over to the source of the sound. It turns out that a waiter was putting away some wine bottles, but one slipped and fell, and now Fancy Pants' suit was covered in red wine.

"Mr. Fancy Pants, I am so sorry," he told his boss.

"(Sighs), it's all right, but now I need to find a new suit."

"But sir, where are you going to find a new suit on such short notice?" asked a waitress.

"Hey, Rarity you work at Carousal Boutique, maybe you could help,"
Twilight suggested.

"Oh, I don't know." Rarity said.

"Come on, you're great with fashion." Applejack encouraged.

"Go." urged Pinkie, giving Rarity a little push.

"Beg your pardon, Mr. Fancy Pants?" she asked.


"I happen to work at Carousal Boutique. And I'd be happy to help you find a new suit."

"Hmm, Carousal Boutique? Is it a good store?"

"Oh, yes, we have the best."

"It's true," added Fluttershy.

"Hmm, well what is your name?" Fancy Pants wanted to know.

"Rarity, sir."

"Well, Rarity. Which was to this Carousal Boutique?"

And so Rarity and the girls took Fancy Pants to the store. There she helped him find a suit to his liking.

"Well what do you think, Mr. Fancy Pants?" Rarity wondered as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Hmm, this suit is very nice. Good materials, comfortable, and stylish. I'll take it." Fancy Pants declared.


She rang him up, and he paid for the suit.

"Thank you, Miss Rarity. You're a real miracle." Fancy Pants told her, as he got ready to leave.

"Oh, it was my pleasure, Mr. Fancy Pants."

"I'd like to thank you with a free dinner at my restaurant for you..."

Rarity couldn't believe her ears.

"...and your family."

Then she really couldn't believe her ears.

"Here's a special coupon. I look forward to seeing you there."

Then Fancy Pants left.

"Congratulations, Rarity," said Pinkie.

"Yeah, you and your family get to eat at that new restaurant for free," added Twilight.

"My family...at a fancy restaurant?" Rarity asked herself.

She could imagine it, her parents using the wrong manners, and her sister is a little sloppy.

"Oh no." she groaned, burying her head into her hands.

That night Rarity sat on her bed with Opal, looking at the coupon.

"Oh, what am I to do, Opal?"

Opal just meowed.

"I want to go to Fancy n Free, but with my family. I can only imagine the humiliation."

Just then there was a knock at her door.


Sweetie Belle opened the door and poked her head in.

"Rarity, Mom says it's time for dinner."

"Oh, I'm coming."

She got out of bed and left the room with Opal following her. Before Sweetie Belle could follow, she saw something fall off Rarity's bed. She went to pick it up and put it back, but when she saw what it was she grew excited.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Rarity had just sat down at the table.

"Hey, Rarity, when were you going to tell us you got a coupon for a free dinner?" asked Sweetie Belle hurrying downstairs with the coupon in her hand.

When Rarity saw the coupon she gasped.

"Where did you get that?" she wanted to know.

"It fell off your bed."

"Give that to me, right now."

The two began to fight over it.

"Girls, stop that now," ordered Cookie Crumbles.

The two did so.

"Now, I'll take that."

And with that, she took the coupon from them.

"Why Rarity, when did you get this?"

"I got it today."

"Got what today?" wondered Hondo Flanks coming to the table.

"Rarity got a coupon for a free dinner at a new restaurant." Sweetie Belle informed.

"Sounds great, how'd you get it?" Rarity sighed and then explained
how it had happened.

"That's our girl, always helping others," said Hondo Flanks, happily.
"Thanks." Rarity replied.

"So when would you like to go?" Cookie Crumbles wanted to know.

"Uh, I'm not sure if you'd want to go, the food's different, and it
may not be a place you'd enjoy."

"Now Rarity, we're not one to back out of an invitation. Besides we'd
love to try a new place." Hondo Flanks said his daughter.

Soon the three were looking forward to going and began talking
excitedly about it. While Rarity just quietly groaned.

"So what do you say we go there this Saturday evening, Rarity?" suggested Cookie Crumbles.

"(Sighs), it's fine."

"It's going to be the worst night of my life." Rarity told her friends.

"Rarity, I think you may be making this bigger than it is," Twilight told her.

"Yeah, it's not like it the end of the world or anythin'." agreed Applejack.

"It's going to be the end of my world. My family's going to be like a fish out of the water at Fancy n Free."

"But what is the worst that could happen?" Pinkie wanted to know.

"They end up embarrassing me with their jokes, manners, and behavior."

"You know, Rarity if you're that worried about it, why not just tell them?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"That could work." Fluttershy piped up.

"You know, that could work," said Rarity, getting an idea.

So that evening, she called her family for a meeting.

"I'm glad you all came," she told them.

"What is it, Rarity?" asked Cookie Crumbles.

"I think you all need a little help before we go to Fancy n Free."

"Help?" asked Hondo Flanks.

"It's just that...Fancy n Free is a real high-class place. You have to
dress and act a certain way."

"What's wrong with the way we are?" Sweetie Belle wanted to know.

"Nothing at all. It's just you want to make a good impression right?"

The three looked at each other.

"That's true, and so you start your teaching, Rarity," said Cookie

Rarity smiled at hearing that. So for the next couple days, she helped her family prepare. She taught them which utensils to use for each course, taught them proper manners, and helped them find the right clothes to wear. Finally, after working hard, they were ready. So on Saturday evening, the family made their way to Fancy n Free.

Rarity was the first one out of the car, and she looked great in her cute purple dress with the rhinestones on the hem.

"We're finally here. Coming, everyone?"

The rest of the family slowly got out of the vehicle. They looked like
they felt uncomfortable in their new clothes. Hondo Flanks tugged at
his tie, and Cookie Crumbles gently tapped her hair which was in a bun.

Then a valet came up to them.

"Park your car?" he asked.

"Sure," replied Hondo Flanks, and he gave him the keys.

As the valet drove the car away, the family went inside. The rest of the
family beside Rarity was taken aback at how the place looked.

"Welcome to Fancy n Free, may I help you?" the hostess asked.

"Ah, yes. Table for four please." Rarity told her.

"Right, this way." With that, the hostess led them further inside and found the table in a nice spot.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly."

"This is a very nice place." Hondo Flanks observed.

"Yeah, it is high class," added Cookie Crumbles.

"I hope the food is good." hoped Sweetie Belle.

Then the waiter came, gave them their menus, and took their drink orders. They all ordered spring water and took a minute to look over the menus. After ordering their entrees, they waited patiently. However, Rarity noticed that things seemed a little frigid.

"So Rarity, Sweetie Belle...how have things been going at school?"
wondered Hondo Flanks.

"Things are fine." Sweetie Belle answered.

"How about things at work, honey?" Cookie Crumbles wanted to know.

"Things aren't too bad."

Rarity began to feel a little uncomfortable, so she excused herself to the powder room.

Inside, she looked at her reflection.

"This should be a great night. So why doesn't it feel like it?"

She left the restrooms and headed back to the table. As she did, she saw other patrons in the restaurant and they were having a nice time talking, laughing, and eating. And they weren't trying to be all proper and prim either.

That's when she realized it, even if her family was a little sloppy and loud, that's what made them, and she loved them.

"Everyone, I have to tell you something," she said, once she got back to the table.

"Something wrong, Rarity?" Cookie Crumbles wanted to know.

"Actually yes. The way you're acting, it's just not you." Rarity confessed.

The rest of her family looked at her surprised.

"I'm sorry I tried to change you all. But...you're just not the same, so from now on just act like yourselves."

They breathed a sigh of relief as Hondo Flanks loosed his tie a little, and Cookie Crumbles took her hair out of its’ bun. When their food arrived the family dug into it, while minding their manners.

"This is good," said Sweetie Belle, as she ate.

"You got that right, Sweetie Belle." agreed Hondo Flanks.

Then Mr. Fancy Pants came over.

"Good evening, Miss Rarity." he greeted.

"Hello. Mother, Father, Sweetie Belle this is Mr. Fancy Pants, the owner
of Fancy n Free."

They all greeted him.

"You have a lovely daughter." Fancy Pants complimented.

"Thank you," replied Cookie Crumbles.

"And you Rarity have a lovely family."

"Yes, I do, Mr. Fancy Pants. Yes, I do." Rarity said proudly.