• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 579 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

  • ...

A Night To Remember

One day at school, the girls were in class when the morning announcements came on.

"Good morning students." Vice Principal Luna's voice came over the intercom.

It was the usual morning announcement stuff, then she said something that got the students' attention.

"Also we'll be having our annual fall formal dance in a few weeks. If you want to sign up for anything to help out visit the office. Thank you, and have a nice day."

The students began to chatter excitedly.

"Must be a school dance." whispered Twilight.

"It's not just a dance, it's one of the best dances of the year." Pinkie told her.

Then the teacher calmed everyone down, and started the lesson.

When class was over, Pinkie rushed out of the classroom, and hurried towards the office.

"She's in a hurry." Twilight observed.

"Of course, she is." said Applejack, walking up to her.

"Whenever there's a dance or something Pinkie likes to sign up to help out and decorate."

"Are you gonna help out too?" Twilight asked her.

"Yeah, I provide some of the refreshments. Along with Granny Smith."

"Hmm, maybe I could do something." Twilight thought.

"If ya wanna I say go for it." Applejack encouraged.

Twilight grew more thoughtful. Would it be fun to help out with the dance?

As the day went on, Twilight learned the rest of her friends were looking forward to the dance, and for different reasons. Rarity was looking forward to helping decorate and buying a new dress. Rainbow Dash was exciting for the big soccer game that was held in the day of the dance. And Fluttershy was looking forward to listening to the music and

"It sounds like this dance will be a good time." Twilight told her friends, as they were in the hallway.

"It will be." Pinkie replied.

"Are you going to go to the dance, Twilight?" wondered Fluttershy.

"I think I'd like to. This would be my first school dance."

"Man, you're reaching a lot of milestones lately. Your first slumber party, your first dance." Rainbow Dash listed.

"(Chuckles), yeah, lots of new opportunities. Maybe I could even help out."

"Just go up to the office, I'm sure Principal Celestia will have a job for you." encouraged Rarity.

"Maybe I will."

At the end of the day, before leaving Twilight paid a visit to the principals’ office. She slowly opened the door, and peeked in. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were going over some papers.

"Um, excuse me?" Twilight piped up.

"Twilight Sparkle, hello." Principal Celestia greeted.

"Do come in." added Vice Principal Luna.

"I was just stopping by to ask about the fall formal." Twilight informed, going in.

"Oh, are you interested in helping out?" Principal Celestia wondered.

"Probably. What kinds of things need to be done?"

"There are so many things." told Vice Principal Luna.

The two began listing the different tasks.

"There's decorating, catering, music coordinator, clean up crew, and the organizational coordinator."

"That organizational coordinator job sounds interesting." Twilight said.

"Luckily for you no one's signed up for that job yet." Principal Celestia

"What would I do for it?" asked Twilight.

"You make sure everyone's doing their job, that things are getting done, make sure things are running smoothly, and make sure the groups are corresponding with each other." Vice Principal Luna informed.

"Sounds like my cup of tea." Twilight told them.

"Then the jobs yours. Come by tomorrow morning before class, and we'll give you a list of things to do." Principal Celestia said.

"Great." Twilight replied smiling.

When she got home, Twilight hurried up to her room.

"Spike, I'm home." she announced, going inside.

Spike, who was relaxing on Twilight's bed quickly perked up at the sound of her voice.

"Twilight you're back." he said.

He jumped off the bed, and nuzzled her.

"Miss me?" she asked, petting his head.

"Yeah. How was school?"

"It was good. And guess what?"

"The school fall formal is coming up, and I'm gonna help out with it."

"Fall formal, is that like a dance?"

"Yep, I'm the organizational coordinator."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm in charge of making sure everything is running smoothly."

"That sounds right up your ally."

"I know."

That night at dinner, Twilight told her parents.

"That's nice." said Night Light.

"I'm glad to hear you're participating more at school." added Twilight

Twilight smiled at her parents’ approval. The next morning before going to class, Twilight stopped by the office
to get her list.

"Here you go, Twilight the fall formal list." Principal Celestia told her, giving her a clipboard with a piece of paper on it.

"Let's see, food preparation, decorations, music, tickets numbers."
Twilight read.

"Do you think you can do it all?" wondered Vice Principal Luna.
"I'll certainly try."

"We know you'll do a great job. You better get to class now." Principal
Celestia said.

And Twilight did so. Her first class went well, and when it was over, Twilight decided to get

"Okay, first on the list is checking on the food preparation and

Since Applejack and Granny Smith were working on it, she decided to talk to her. She found her in the cafeteria with Granny Smith.

"Hey, Applejack, hi Granny Smith."

"Howdy Twilight. What's up?" Applejack asked.

"I'm the organizational coordinator for the dance, and I came to check on the food."

"So we report to you huh?" Granny Smith wondered.

"Uh, yeah I guess. So how's the food going?"

"So far so good." Granny replied.

"For drinks we'll providing fizzy apple cider and apple pastries."
Applejack informed.

"Is that's all that's being served?"

"No that's just we're providin' personally. Other things will include cupcakes and veggie sticks."

"Got it. Thanks for the information." said Twilight, and she wrote that down on the clipboard.

After her next class, she went to talk to Pinkie about the decorations.

She found her walking In the hallway.

"Hey, Pinkie." she called out.

"Hi Twilight, I heard you're helping out with the dance too." Pinkie said.


"That's fantastic, anything you need to know?"

"How do you plan to decorate the gym, and what's the theme of the dance?"

"Well since it's the fall formal, the theme is gonna be autumn. There's gonna be brightly colored leaves, pumpkins, hay, all that stuff."

"And how's all that coming along?" Twilight wanted to know.

"So far so good. I'll also be getting cupcakes for it."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I work at the Sugarcube Corner. So my employers Mr. and Mrs.Cake are going to donate some." Pinkie explained.

"Good to hear."

And Twilight wrote that all down.

Over the next couple days Twilight checked on the different things for the dance, things were going fine, but then she ran into some bumps.

First it involved the food, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were having an disagreement.

Twilight discovered this when she found them arguing in the hallway.

"I'm just saying we don't need that many cupcakes." Applejack said.

"You can never have too many cupcakes." Pinkie protested.

"Whoa, guys, what's going on here?" Twilight wanted to know.

"Pinkie wants to order 15 dozen cupcakes, we don't need that many."
informed Applejack.

"This is a big school, what if we run out?" defended Pinkie.

"The school ain't that big."

"Please guys there's no need to fight." Twilight told them.

But before she could say anything else the bell rang, which meant it was time to go their next class.

"Oh boy. I'm gonna have to find a way to fix this." Twilight told herself.

During her next class, she decided to ask Rarity and Rainbow Dash for advice, but they were having a little argument themselves.

"Rainbow Dash, Rarity, what's going on?"

"Rainbow Dash wants to wear her soccer uniform to the dance." Rarity informed.

"It's not a bad idea. After winning the soccer match it'll be a sign of
victory." Rainbow Dash defended.

"The fall formal is a formal dance. So no sports uniforms."

"Girls, please."

Twilight quickly got in the middle of them.

"There's no reason to find I'm sure we can figure out a solution."

Then the teacher came in, so the solution would have to be put on hold. And the problems just kept on coming. Some of the people in charge of the music couldn't agree on what songs to play. Some wanted to change the theme, and they didn't know how many tickets to order. And since Twilight was the dance's organizational coordinator everyone came to her with the issues. Every time, she told them that she will handle it.

School couldn't end fast enough for Twilight, and when the final bell rang she hurried out of the school. Once her dad pulled up, she quickly got into the car.

"Hey, sweetie, how was school?" Night Light asked.

"Dad...can we just go home?"

Night Light was a little surprised, but drove back home nonetheless.

In her room, Twilight paced around.

"What to do, what to do?" she asked herself.

Spike came into the room, and was surprised to see her pacing like

"Twilight, what's wrong?" he questioned.

"There are lots of issues with the dance planning. Decisions aren't getting made, people can't agree on things, and everyone's arguing."

"That's not good."

"And I'm the dance's organizational coordinator, it's my job to make sure everything goes smoothly. And so far I'm doing a terrible job."

She plopped down on her bed, and put her head in her hands. Feeling sorry for his girl, Spike jumped onto the bed, and nuzzled her. Twilight looked up, smiled a little, and petted his head.

"Thanks, boy. But I need to find a way to make this work, or I'm gonna disappoint everyone."

"You can do this Twilight. You're the most organized person I know." Spike encouraged.

Twilight thought about it, and then it came to her.

"You're right Spike. I just need to focus on one problem at a time. And I know just where to start."

She quickly grabbed her cell phone and made some phone calls.

A while later, she was on her bike pedaling to the Sugarcube Corner. When she went inside, she saw all her friends there.

"Guys, thanks for meeting me here." she told them.

"What's going on, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy.

"We really need to talk about the dance. I'm facing a lot of problems that need to be resolved, and I need your help."

Twilight told them all the problems she had to settle, and some of the girls looked sheepish.

"I guess some of that's my fault." Applejack confessed.

"Yeah, me too. Sorry we made your job harder, Twilight." Pinkie added.

"And I guess we didn't help much either." replied Rainbow Dash.

"Indeed not." agreed Rarity.

"It's okay, guys I forgive you. But now I need your help to get this all worked out."

First Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie went back to talk to the Cakes about the number of cupcakes the dance needed.

"Well usually in the past we've made about nine dozen cupcakes." Mrs.Cake told them.

"And that usually does it." added Mr. Cake.

"So that's what we'll order, any objections girls?" Twilight wanted to know.

"Nope, sounds good to me." Pinkie told her.

"I'm game." Applejack agreed.

Then Twilight settled the issue between Rainbow Dash and Rarity. She suggested Rainbow Dash could wear her uniform the during the day and wear an evening dress in the evening. They agreed on that.

Soon the other problems got resolved. The got the committee to keep the autumn theme, helped them figure out how many tickets to order, and figure out which songs and music to play. After a few weeks It was now the night of the dance.

They all decided to get ready at Twilight's house.

"You did great in the soccer match today, Rainbow Dash."
complimented Fluttershy.

"Thanks, we Wondercolts really beat those other guys." Rainbow Dash

"I'm so excited, your first dance, Twilight." Rarity told Twilight, doing
her hair.

"Me neither." she replied.

Outside her room, Spike scratched at the door. "Come on guys, let me come in." he whined.

"Okay, Spike." Rainbow Dash said, as she walked to the door. Rarity quickly stopped her.

"Are you crazy, we're getting ready in here." she hissed.

"Uh, Rarity, Spike's just a dog." Applejack told her.

Rarity sighed, and allowed Rainbow Dash to let Spike inside.

"You'll take lots of pictures of the dance right? I wanna see what happens." Spike told them.

"Don't worry, Spike. We'll be sure to get some." Fluttershy assured.

"It's gonna be blast." squealed Pinkie.

Once they were all in their dresses, had their makeup on, and hair fixed up they went downstairs. All their parents and Granny Smith gushed and took their pictures.

"We I better get ya'll to the dance." Granny Smith told them.

"You girls have fun now." Bow Hotfoot told them.

"Granny Smith, are you sure you'll be okay driving them?" wondered Mrs. Shy.

"Don't you worry, I've been driving for years. Besides we gotta go now, Big Mac and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are waiting."

The girls said goodbye, and all piled into a bus Granny Smith rented,
and went to the school. When they all arrived, the dance was in full swing. Colorful lights filled the room, music was playing, and everyone was having a good time.

"Let's join the fun!" squealed Pinkie, and the girls scattered into the

Soon everyone had blended in and was having a blast especially Twilight. She ate cupcakes and drank fizzy apple cider with Pinkie and Applejack. Danced and listened to music with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

And admired other girls' dresses with Rarity.

"This dance is amazing." she told herself.

"It really is." said a voice.

Twilight looked behind her and saw Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna wearing nice dresses.

"You did a good job of being the dance's organizational coordinator."
complimented Luna.

"Yes, we're very proud." added Celestia.

"Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without my friends." Twilight told them.

"Hey Twilight come on, we're gonna take pictures." called Pinkie.

"Okay, I'm coming."

And off she went.