• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 580 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic - StarBlader

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Weclome to Cantelot City Part 2

That night, Twilight and Spike settled down for bed in their new room.

"Well, this wasn't too bad for a first day here," Spike told her.

"No, but I'm wondering about this party though," Twilight replied.

"Hey, it's a party it'll be fun."

"Yeah, real fun. Goodnight, Spike."

Both of them got in bed, Spike got in his doggie bed, and Twilight turned off the light.

The next morning, Twilight Velvet and Night Light took Twilight to her new school to meet with her new principal. She would be attending Canterlot High School, and she hoped she could make a good first impression on her new principal.

They all waited outside the principal's office, and Twilight kept fidgeting in her seat.

"Twilight, please calm down." urged Twilight Velvet.

"Sorry, Mom. I'm a little nervous."

"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll you fine."

Then the secretary told them the principal would see them now. The three went inside the office and saw two women waiting for them.

"Hello, I'm Principal Celestia, and this is my sister." the taller woman introduced.

"Vice Principal Luna." the slightly shorter woman said.

"Hello, I'm Night Light, this is my wife, Twilight Velvet. And this is our daughter, Twilight Sparkle." Night Light introduced.

"Hi," Twilight replied.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you," Celestia said, holding out her hand.

Twilight shook hers, then Luna's. They all sat down, and Twilight Velvet gave Principal Celestia Twilight's transcripts and papers from her last school.

"Hmm, these transcripts look great, and so do Twilight's other papers. She seems like a good student."

"Thank you," Twilight replied.

"We look forward to having her as one of our students,” Luna told them.

"You'll be starting tomorrow, right?" Celestia wanted to know.

"Yes; Lams"

"We hope you'll enjoy your first day tomorrow," said Luna.

"Thank you."

Then they all left and went back home.

Later in the evening, the family and Spike got ready to go to their welcoming party.

"I'm very excited, aren't you Twilight?" said Night Light.

"I guess."

"Don't be nervous, honey. It'll be a great opportunity to meet our new neighbors." Twilight Velvet told her.

Twilight knew her mom was right. After a while of driving, they came to where the party was being held, which was at a community center that sort of looked like a barn.

"Here we are." Night Light declared as he parked the car.

They all got out and went inside. There were people already there, some even Twilight and Spike recognized. When the girl with the curly pink hair spotted them, she rushed up to them with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, so glad you made it. And it's great to see you again," she said, and took Twilight's hand and shook it.

"Yeah...and you are?" Twilight asked.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, and you must be Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, how'd you..."

"Your mom told me."

Twilight looked and her mom, who just smiled.

"And what a cute little dog you have." Pinkie gushed as Spike barked happily.

"Thanks, his name's Spike."

"Come on, you gotta meet your new neighbors." Pinkie then dragged
Twilight away, with Spike following them.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet went to go meet the other adults. Pinkie took Twilight over to a table, and the other girls she had met the previous day were there.

"Oh, hey. It's you all again." Twilight observed as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy stood before her.

"Howdy Twilight. I was hoping to see you again." Applejack told her.

"Look like we're gonna be neighbors. Awesome." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's wonderful." Rarity added.

"Are you going to Canterlot High?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Yes, I am. I start tomorrow." Twilight answered.

"Great, that's where we all go." Pinkie squealed.

"Oh," said Twilight.

"Hey, Rarity." called a voice.

Three younger girls, one of them was Apple Bloom came over. One girl had short pink hair and the other had long purple and pink hair.

"Ah, Twilight, meet my little sister Sweetie Belle." Rarity introduced.

"And this is Scootaloo," added Rainbow Dash.

"Hi." greeted Sweetie Belle.

"Nice to meet you," Scootaloo added.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Twilight told them.

Spike barked to get their attention.

"Oh, and this is Spike."

"Aww, he's adorable." Sweetie Belle gushed, as the three girls got
down to pet him.

While Spike enjoyed being petted, the girls decided to get something to eat at the refreshment table. On their way there, they saw three other teenage girls sitting at a table.

"Oh, Twilight, these are my sisters. Limestone, Maud, and Marble. Girls this is Twilight." Pinkie introduced.

"Hi," said Twilight.

"Hey," replied Limestone.

"Hi," said Maud.

Marble just waved. Near the refreshment table, a teenage guy with blonde hair in a bun was on his phone. He looked up and smiled.

"Hello, ladies. And this must be the newbie," he said.

"Uh, Twilight, this is my younger brother, Zephyr Breeze." Fluttershy introduced.

"It must be a pleasure for you to make my acquaintance, Twilight," Zephyr told her.

"Uh, hi," Twilight replied.

"Don't worry, he's always like this." Rainbow Dash whispered to her.

"Rainbow, there's no need to whisper about me."

Rainbow Dash just groaned and rolled her eyes. Meanwhile with the adults, Night Light and Twilight Velvet met the parents of the other
girls. They met Applejack's Granny Smith, Rainbow Dash's parents, Windy Whistles and Bow Hotfoot. They got acquainted with Rarity's parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, and Fluttershy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shy. And they met Pinkie's parents, Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz.

When the party was over, everyone left.

"Well, they seemed very nice." Twilight Velvet mentioned.

"Yeah, great folks." agreed Night Light.

"I suppose," replied Twilight.

"I thought they were pretty nice." Spike piped up.

"I think you'll like the other girls, Twilight. You just have to give them a chance." her mom told her.

"Okay, Mom."

The next day, Twilight woke up and got ready for her first day of school. After having a good breakfast, she went back up to her room to get dressed.

"There, now I'm ready," she said, as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Spike uncovered his eyes and smiled at her.

"You look great, Twilight." he complimented.

"You think so?"

"I know so." "Twilight, it's time to go." Twilight Velvet called from

"Well here I go, Spike. Wish me luck."

She bent down kissed him and petted his head.

"Good luck, Twilight. And when you get back I wanna hear all about it."
Spike told her.

And Twilight left.

Twilight Velvet drove her daughter to school, and all the way, Twilight kept playing with her glasses, fidgeting, and clinging to her backpack.

"Relax, sweetheart. Things are going to be fine." "I hope so."

When they got there, Twilight said goodbye to her mom and got out. As she watched her mom drive off, Twilight realized she was on her own Now.

"Howdy, Twilight." called a voice.

Twilight looked to see, Applejack.

"Oh, hi."

"Nervous about your first day?"

"A little."

"Well, the day may be scary and it may not turn out the way you expect, but it'll be okay."

"How do you know that?"

"It's the truth."

Then the bell rang, and Twilight went with Applejack inside. After picking up her schedule from the office, Twilight went to her new locker. It was in a decent spot and had enough space from her neighboring locker.

Once she was done there, she closed the locker and tried to leave, but she couldn't.

"What the..."

She looked back and saw that her skirt was stuck in the door.

"Oh, come on," she complained.

She tried to open the locker again, but because of her position, she couldn't do it. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, the bell rang signaling that it was time for class to start.


She turned and saw Fluttershy.

"Here let me help you. What's your locker combination?"

"12 left, 1 right, then 3 left again." Fluttershy put in the combination and opened the locker.

"Whew, thanks," Twilight told her.

"It was no problem, come on we better get to class," Fluttershy replied. And they did.

Twilight's first classes went well. She had English and science, and now it was time for math. As she was on her way there, she accidentally bumped into a man, who she assumed was a teacher.

"Oh, I'm very sorry, sir," she told him.

"Hmm, I expect students to watch where they are going." he sneered and then walked away.

Twilight, just hurried to her next class. When she walked in she was met with a familiar face.

"Twilight, over here!"

It was Pinkie. Twilight smiled nervously and went over to her.

"I saved you a seat right here, by me."


And she took her seat next to Pinkie and waited for the teacher to come in. But when he came in, Twilight froze. It was the man she bumped into in the hall.

"Oh no," she whispered.

"Good morning, students." he greeted.

Then he noticed Twilight.

"Oh, you again. I don't recall you being in this class."

"Uh..." Twilight replied quietly.

"She's new, sir," Pinkie explained.

"Ah, a new one huh? Well, that explains a lot."

Then he went to the chalkboard.

"Don't worry about Mr. Cranky Doodle. He can be a little grumpy sometimes." Pinkie whispered.

"Cranky Doodle?" Twilight whispered back.

"Okay, let's get started." Mr. Cranky Doodle announced.

After class, Twilight and Pinkie left together.

"Well, that was intense," Twilight replied.

"I know math can be, but you want my advice on how to deal with tense situations?" Pinkie offered.


"You just gotta laugh."


"Yeah, I mean our teacher's name is Mr. Cranky Doodle. (Giggles)."

Twilight then cracked a little smile, and began giggling along with her.

Later that day, Twilight took a break in the restrooms.

"Okay, Twilight so far so good," she told herself.

She took out some lip balm from her backpack and took off the cap. Suddenly it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.

"Oh, come on," she complained.

"Hi, Twilight. Is something wrong?" asked another voice.

It was Rarity.

"Oh, hi Rarity. I just dropped my chapstick."

Twilight bent down to pick it up, but Rarity stopped her.

"Oh, no no no. You can't use that now."

"But I need something for my lips, they're really dry."


Rarity reached into her purse and pulled out a tube of lick balm.

"Gee, thanks."

She put some on and gave it back to her.

"You can keep it."


"Now I insist. Besides I have plenty of others."

"Well thank you, Rarity."

At lunch Twilight was in line, getting her food.

"I wonder if this school has good food?" she asked herself.

The menu that day consisted of baked ziti, which looked good. As the lunch lady scooped some onto her plate, the lady also placed a small slice of apple pie on her tray.


She looked up and saw Granny Smith.

"Granny Smith?"

"A little something to welcome to by." Granny Smith told her smiling.

"Thank you," replied Twilight, smiling back.

As she left the line, she looked around for a place to sit. Then Rainbow Dash came up next to her.

"Hey, Twilight. How's your first day going?" she asked.

"It's going fine. I just need to find a place to sit."

"Don't worry. I'll sit with you."



As they looked around for a seat, something caught Rainbow Dash's eye.

"Oh my gosh," she whispered.

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"The Wondercolts have a spot open at their table."

"The Wondercolts?" Twilight wondered confused.

"They're the school's soccer team. I'm on it, but the upper-class men are great players."

"Well, if you want to sit with them I understand."

Rainbow Dash looked at the empty seat, and then back at Twilight.

"No, I said I'd sit with you, and I'm sticking to it."

Twilight smiled at hearing that. They managed to find an open table, and soon Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity came to sit with them. As they ate and talked, Twilight found herself enjoying their company.

After a couple more classes, school was over. While walking out,

Principal Celestia stopped to speak to them.

"Hello girls." she greeted.

"Hello, Principal Celestia." the girls replied.

"Twilight Sparkle, I just wanted to see how your first day was."

"I enjoyed my first day here. And I made some friends."

She turned to the others, who smiled.

"They've been honest, kind, made me laugh, generous, and loyal."

"I'm glad to hear that. Those are real elements of friendship and harmony." Principal Celestia told her.

Then they all left the building and talked some more until Night Light came to pick up Twilight. Spike who was in the car with him was so excited to see Twilight, he jumped out of the car.

"Spike come back." Night Light called.

But he ran up to Twilight and jumped into her arms.

"(Giggles), hi Spike."

"Hi, Twilight," he said.


The two turned, and they saw the rest of the girls behind them.

"You dog just talked," whispered Applejack.

"Am I dreaming?" wondered Pinkie then pinched herself, and it hurt indicating she wasn't.

"Shh, I can explain, but keep it down," Twilight told them.

They huddled together and Twilight told them about Spike's ability to speak.

"Wow." awed Rainbow Dash.

"It's nice to meet you all again," Spike told the girls.

"It's incredible," said Rarity.

"And amazing," added Fluttershy.

"So Spike got to talk from magic huh? Seems like you have some
magic in you." Applejack told her.

Twilight smiled at that.

"Twilight, it's time to go." Night Light called.
"I'm coming, Dad," she called back.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Twilight." the girls told her. And Twilight left with Spike.

On the ride home, she told her dad about her day.

"Sounds like you had a nice first day." Night Light told her.

"Yeah, the schools and the students seem nice."

"I saw you already made some friends."

Twilight thought about it, and smiled.

"Yeah, I did make some new friends."