• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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Rod's Revenge

When Enfield awoke it had become dusk, for all he knew that could have been a few minutes to him. He felt the side of his head and could feel a bruise, he pulled his hand back in pain and tried to sit up, only to be kicked down again.

“Don’t even try it,” one voice said.

“Does this guy have anything interesting in this bag?” another asked.

“Shut up you guys,” a third said, “The Boss is coming.”

Enfield’s vision was blurred, and the fact that it had gone dark did not help him see who his attackers were but once he was able to see, he would try and get his stuff and escape. Or at least shoot them. Enfield lay still as he let his eyesight adjust until he could finally see clearly. Three boys were standing over him, one was trying to open his backpack. A fourth walked over, the newcomer had a sort of stagger to his walk.

“Good work getting this guy,” a slurred and salivated voice said.

“Do we get our goods now?” the first boy asked.

“Not yet, Assassin Ninja One,” the leader said, “You will eventually.”

“Oh dammit is that you, Rod?” Enfield asked. The only reply was a sort of disgustingly bubbly laugh.

“No, I’m not Rod,” the leader said.

“It is you Rod,” Enfield said propping himself up, “I recognize that voice after I beat the owner of it to a bloody pulp.”

“Shut up!” Rod shouted, sending saliva everywhere.

“You sound much worse than you did before,” Enfield said, “And it sounds like you still didn’t hit puberty.”

“At least I’ll still be alive in the next hour,” Rod said.

“Any good reason to kill me?” Enfield asked.

“There are a million billion reasons,” Rod said, he turned to his accomplices, “You three stay here, I’ll deal with James.”

The three assailants nodded and tried to open Enfield’s bag. Rod stood over Enfield, pinning him to the ground.

“You see James,” Rod said, “A lot of people want you dead, and I really want you dead. There may be a large reward for your capture or death but what I want is something that money cannot give me, a nice feeling of revenge.”

“I know a thing or two,” Enfield said, “Like the time you broke my treasured sword because you tried to sword fight with it.”

“It was a stupid thing,” Rod said, “You should be glad that you got rid of it, but that’s not what I want to kill you for.”

“Well, why do you want to kill me?” Enfield asked.

“There are so many reasons!” Rod said, “I think the first reason is the day you made fun of me when we first met. You mocked me and made me look like a fool.”

“You went and pissed in the pool,” Enfield said. Rod ignored him.

“The second reason is a little more interesting,” Rod said, “That day you tried to steal my books. I really wanted those books, and you took them away from me and I wasn’t allowed to have them anymore.”

“They were in a box on the side of the street,” Enfield said, “I wanted a few more books and your own mother said it was okay that I take them.”

“Another good reason was the day you constantly killed me in Halo 3,” Rod said.

“Can’t think of anything to say except that you are bloody awful at that game,” said Enfield.

“One of my favorite reasons to kill you is what you did to me that one day two years ago,” Rod said.

“Which one was that?” Enfield asked sarcastically.

“The day you did this to me,” Rod said as he pointed at his body braces.

“I had a damn good reason to do that,” Enfield said darkly, “You attacked my daughter.”

“Who?” Rod said with a laugh, “That stupid purple haired girl?”

“Her name is Scootaloo!” Enfield yelled.

“Whatever,” Rod said, “The real reason I want to kill you is the fact that you never became my friend.”

“You still haven’t given that up?” Enfield asked.

“I won’t until you say yes,” said Rod.

“I’m not going to say yes,” said Enfield.

“Then you die,” said Rod.

“No, I have a daughter to take care of,” Enfield said.

He pushed Rod off of him and lunged at him. Rod managed to grapple Enfield and they ended up struggling on the ground. Enfield hammered Rod’s face with punches.

“Assassin Ninjas! Attack!” Rod shouted.

The first of Rod’s allies grabbed Enfield’s shirt and tried to pull him off Rod. Enfield span around and delivered several powerful strikes to the first attacker, sending him the ground wheezing. The second attacker swung the plank of wood at Enfield, Enfield dodged it and hit him in the neck. The second attacker dropped and didn’t move. The third attacker had Enfield’s combat knife and was swinging it wildly, Enfield kept having to jump back to avoid the blade. He waited until the attacker had it far behind his head and then Enfield kicked him in the side of the head, knocking him out.

“Too easy,” Enfield said.

But before he could react, Rod tackled him and was now trying to strangle him. In two years Rod’s strength had increased along with his weight, Enfield had a hard time trying to get Rod off him. Rod kept squeezing his neck, Enfield was starting to turn red.

“Look’s like your daughter won’t be seeing you again,” Rod said.

Enfield tried to push Rod’s face away from his, he couldn’t stand his laughter. Rod was finally going to exact his revenge on Enfield, he laughed harder as he felt the life drain from his nemesis. But that was cut short when he felt a long, thin sharp object pierce the arteries in his neck.