• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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Confrontation and Confession

Dave almost choked on his own breath when he heard those two words being spoken by the figure.

“James?” Dave said in a fearful whisper.

The figure slowly turned to face Dave, hidden under a hood and a hat. The figure pulled his hood down and Dave was looking at the face of his former son.

“Hello dad,” Enfield said.

“Uh, uh,” Dave stammered and backed up as Enfield stepped through the door.

“So where is she?” Enfield asked flatly.

“Who?” Dave said, quaking with fear.

“Mum,” said Enfield, “Where is she?”

“H-honey,” Dave said as he called his wife over.

“Hold on, let me just put the oven on,” Katherine replied, “You should fix this thing Dave, I think the gas might be leaking.”

She flicked the oven switch on and then went to join her husband.

“What is it, Dave? Katherine said, she saw her husband standing agape and looked over to what he was looking at. She also saw Enfield and almost fainted.

“James, is that you?” she asked.

“Yes, it is me,” Enfield said.
Dave and Katherine slowly backed up as Enfield entered the house. Dave was slowly panicking as his former son came toward him with the look of vendetta the crossed his face.

“Look, James, we know why you’re here,” Dave said fearfully, “You’re angry, you’re upset.”

Enfield pulled his 1911 out of his belt and pointed it at the two cowering adults.

“And you have a gun,” Dave said slowly, “Clearly we’re in no position to negotiate.”

“You should have thought about that on the day you left me and the girls,” Enfield said.

“James we didn’t mean it,” Katherine said.

“I don’t think you are lying, I know you are lying,” Enfield said.

“We did so to cover up everything,” Dave said, “There’s more to this than you think.”

“I know you were controlling my life,” Enfield said.

“Do you know how though?” Dave asked, he instantly regretted saying that. Now he knew that Enfield would be asking questions about his secret past.

“No,” Enfield said, “Do tell me.”

“Dave, why did you say that?” Katherine hissed.

“He won’t know anything,” Dave said, “I’m not going to stoop to his level.”

A shot rang out and Dave collapsed, clasping his knee which was shooting blood out of a single bullet hole. Enfield aimed the gun back up at his former parents.

“I thought it would be ironic if I brought you down to the level I was on when you abandoned me,” Enfield said, “Now talk, or else.”

Dave grunted and sat up, trying to look Enfield in the eye, not easy when he was on the floor and with only one functioning knee.

“Fine, you want to know,” Dave said, “You’ll hear everything you want.”

Enfield lowered his hostile gaze but not his gun, he wanted to make sure that they didn’t try and escape. Katherine was too petrified to move, afraid that the son that had once loved her was now turning the gun against her.

“So are you going to tell me about what you did, or are you just going to writhe around on the floor?” Enfield asked, no remorse or guilt detected in his voice. Dave managed to stand up and prop himself against the wall.

“I’m a CIA agent,” Dave said, “I’ve been the one who was manipulating your life.”

“Okay,” Enfield said slowly lowering his 1911, “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Well believe it sonny!” Dave said, “I’ve been setting up those life situations to kill you, it wasn’t all coincidence. It was all planned.”

“I don’t get it,” Enfield said, “How are you capable of being in the CIA? You were born in Newcastle, you told me.”

“I was born in Newcastle,” Dave said, “But I moved to the US before you were born, soon I married your mother and we had a nice life for about ten years. My wife however wanted a baby, I did as well after some thinking, I thought it would be better for the both of us to have a child.”

“So why did you breed me in a tube?” Enfield asked.

“It’s simple really,” Dave said, “Your mother didn’t want to have to go through all the pain to spawn you, she wanted a much easier way. We got a hold of your grandfather who had a few friends who were working on growing people in tubes from four birth parents and managing to give them abilities that were linked to dominate traits. This worked out when I had a few close friends give me a child that would follow in my footsteps, but I knew after a few weeks that it was a mistake. My wife wanted to get rid of you but you were too liked by the rest of our meager family.”

“And from then on you tried to make my death either an accident or a murder,” Enfield continued.

“Precisely,” said Dave, “Everything we did somehow wasn’t able to kill you, not Manny, not the rebellion, and especially those ninjas.”

“Wait,” Enfield said, “You mean the Ninjas at the Enforcer Compound that attacked me on the training mission?”

“They weren’t the guys you were supposed to fight,” Dave said, “We just fixated a little something more challenging. I am impressed how you beat them, but disappointed that you killed Agent West along with a lot of good soldiers.”

“Don’t change the subject,” Enfield said, gritting his teeth and pointing the gun at Dave. A small white box caught Enfield’s attention when he raised the pistol. He looked over at it and picked it up.

“I didn’t know you smoked,” Enfield said to Dave.

“I took it up after you brought those girls home,” Dave said, “I knew that the only thing that would stop me from killing them was a cigarette.”

“And you were the one who told me how bad smoking could be,” Enfield said shaking his head. He popped the top off the cigarette box and examined the contents, he pulled one cigarette out with his teeth and back up to the mirror to see what he looked like. Enfield nodded in approval as he saw his more militarized side show itself.

“Lookin’ good,” Enfield thought. He saw movement out of his peripheral vision and pointed the gun back at Dave and Katherine.

“So now what?” Dave asked.

“Well I never did get this far,” Enfield said as he took a lighter from the table, “All there is to do is to settle the score.”

“So you’re going to start smoking now?” Katherine asked.

“No, I thought it would fit the situation,” Enfield said as he took the now lit cigarette out of his mouth and held it between two fingers.

“Your making a mistake, James,” said Dave.

“Isn’t this funny?” Enfield asked, “You try and erase a mistake and now the mistake came to erase you. Can you feel the irony?”

“James please, don’t be like this,” Katherine begged.

“You left me for dead,” Enfield said, “I have every right for revenge.”

“James, listen to me,” Dave said, “You put the gun down right now and you will wait for the police to arrive. Katherine, get the phone.”

Katherine went to get the telephone off the wall but was halted when Enfield shot a wine bottle off the wall. The bottle shattered and the alcohol soaked the floor and coated the phone, shorting it out.

“James!” Katherine exclaimed.

“No-one else is coming,” Enfield said, “It’s just you two, me and my gun.”

“You disappoint me, James,” Dave said, “You used to put things behind yourself and move on, why not now?”

“Easy,” said Enfield, “Because I want to get rid of something first.”

The smell of gas started to fill the air, Enfield sniffed and then formed a plan. He turned and started to leave, he reached the front porch when he heard Dave.

“So is that it?” Dave shouted, “Are you now going to walk away after all that?”

“Yep,” Enfield replied.

“James!” Dave yelled, “You get back here right now!”

Enfield turned back around and pocketed his gun, he gave one look at his former father and pointed at him.

“It’s not James anymore,” said Enfield, “It’s Brit, Brit Enfield.”

Enfield took the lit cigarette and flicked it through the open door, the embers landed on the spilt wine and combusted. The then door ominously shut and a fireball shot out from the windows and a thundering room rang out. Enfield turned and walked away from the burning wreckage, as he brushed the ash of the house off himself only one thing ran in his mind.

“Damn it, I wish I had a camera,” he thought. And with that, he left, not giving anything he just did a second thought.