• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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The Reunion

“Can I see him?” another voice small said.

“James is here?” a confused Kelly asked.

“You have to be joking,” Uncle Isaac said, “James has been…missing for the past two years.”

“No I haven’t!” Enfield yelled.

“He’s in there if you want to see him,” Nan said, “Oh, he’s also has his daughter with him.”

“A daughter?” Uncle Geoff asked.

“I’ll take the little ones to see him first,” said Aunt Cher.

The door to the living room opened slowly, Enfield put his PDW-R down and awaited his family to enter. Aunt Cher and two small children, one boy and one girl entered the room.

“James?” Aunt Cher said.

“You know it,” Enfield replied.

“James!” the girl said.

“Hey Babs,” Enfield said standing up. The girl ran over and hugged Enfield around his waist, Enfield crouched down and returned the hug.

“This is impossible,” Aunt Cher said, “They said that you were, well-”

“Dead?” Enfield asked coolly.

Auntie Cher nodded. Enfield let go of his young cousin and saw the other cousin holding Auntie Cher’s hand.

“Hi Kenneth,” said Enfield, “Wow, you’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you.”

The young boy slowly slid behind Aunt Cher. Enfield sank down even lower.

“Come on,” he said softly, “No need to be shy.”

The young child came from behind Aunt Cher, walked over to Enfield and stared at him.

“Hi,” Kenneth said quietly.

“Hey there,” Enfield replied.

Kenneth jumped on James and hugged him, giggling happily.

“Who are these two?” Scootaloo asked.

“My cousins Barbra and Kenneth,” said Enfield, he sat up and managed to pry Kenneth off him.

“You’re bigger than mummy and daddy say you are,” Barbra said.

“It’s been two years since I last saw you,” Enfield said.

“Where were you?” Kenneth asked.

Before Enfield could reply the rest of his family entered, most of them looked shocked and confused but Kelly looked incredibly happy. Enfield could tell because she had tears in her eyes. He knew why they looked confused, they thought that he was dead.

“James?” Uncle Isaac asked.

“Did you miss me?” Enfield said standing up. Kelly didn’t reply, she just rushed forward and hugged Enfield.

“I did,” she whispered.

“Where have you been?” Uncle Charles asked.

Enfield didn’t reply right away. He wormed his way out of Kelly’s grip and lifted up his shirt, showing them the bullet scar from the round that tore through the right side of his abdomen.

“Dead, and still recovering,” Enfield replied.

“How did you get that?” Uncle Geoff asked.

“You might want to sit down, this is a very long story,” said Enfield.

The family sat down, eager to hear Enfield’s story. Enfield started with the start of the summer where he found the Crusaders and followed up by telling them about the summer where he took care of the girls. Enfield started the story with start of the summer vacation, then to the trip to North Carolina, to the trip to South Dakota. Enfield also told his family how he managed to get into the Enforcers and what happened on his first mission. He finally ended with the day he found out that his parents were not his true parents and how they abandoned him and the Crusaders. Enfield was starting to get slightly upset but Scootaloo cuddled up to him and he managed to finish the story with his final stand against the Guardians and the Enforcers. He went on to tell that after he recovered he settled in Ponyville and started a new life, trying to forget what happened.

“There is one thing I really want to know, James,” Uncle Charles said, “Where does Scootaloo, or whatever her name is, come into your life?”

“Simple,” Enfield said, “I adopted her, she’s my daughter.”

“That’s fantastic news!” Uncle Isaac said.

“Yeah, I did it because I felt bad for her,” said Enfield holding Scootaloo with one arm, “She had no family, no home and was living in a box. I couldn’t just sit by and let her live like that.”

“Thank you dad,” Scootaloo said.

“I’ve just realized something,” said Enfield, “Now that you’re my daughter, everyone here is also your family too.”

Scootaloo’s eyes shot open at this comment. She looked at everyone in the room and smiled, Auntie Cher was the first to stand up and hug her, then Barbra and Kenneth followed, soon the entire family was crowded around Scootaloo.

“I’ve never been so happy in my life,” she said.

“She’s really cute,” Auntie Cher said.

“She reminds me of my sister,” Uncle Geoff said.

“I really like her hair,” said Barbra.

“Is she our cousin now?” asked Kenneth.

The mist of being in a new family really got to Scootaloo, she never had a family for her entire life and within one day, she had aunts uncles and cousins. Within a few seconds Scootaloo broke down and started crying.

“Oh bugger she’s crying,” said Kelly.

“Did we say something to upset her?” Uncle Charles said as she patted Scootaloo on the shoulder.

“Nah,” said Enfield, “Those are tears of joy, she never had a family before.”

Scootaloo was still shedding tears but she kept a tight grip on Kelly.

“Don’t cry cousin Scootaloo,” Barbra said.

“Can we cheer her up?” Kenneth asked.

“Go ahead, she needs it,” Aunt Cher said.

Without warning Barbra and Kenneth jumped on Scootaloo and started tickling her. Scootaloo was knocked to the floor and trying to get up but the two young kids kept her pinned to the floor as they tickled her, trying to stop Scootaloo from crying.

“Get off me,” Scootaloo said between laughs.

“Okay now, let her up,” said Enfield.

The two helped Scootaloo back up on her feet and hugged her. Scootaloo hugged them back, feeling much happier.

“I think this calls for a celebration,” said Uncle Geoff.

“A celebration for what?” asked Uncle Isaac.

“Two things, one for James coming back and the other for him becoming a father,” Uncle Geoff said.

“I’m in for it,” replied Enfield.

“So where can we celebrate?” asked Kelly.

“The same place where any English person would go to celebrate,” Uncle Geoff said, “To the Pub.”