• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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An Impromptu Decision

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. A look of shock and confusion gave away the question she was about to ask.

“Why do you want to go back?” she asked.

“Primary reason is because I want to see my family back in England again,” Enfield said opening the door and pulling his greyhound out of the way so Scootaloo could enter, “Second reason is I have to find my parents.”

“Why do you want to see them again?” Scootaloo asked darkly.

“I just want to see them once more and figure out a little something about my life,” Enfield said, “Just so you know, it’s not going to be all ‘how do you do?’. It’s going to be a little more personal than that.”

Scootaloo stood behind him, looking rather confused. She shook her head and followed Enfield up the stairs to her room where a small bag was sitting on the bed, ready to be filled for the trip.

“You take whatever you need,” Enfield said, “Don’t go overboard, we’ll only be there for a few weeks.”

“Dad, how are we going to go back to Earth?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well I went to talk with Twilight and she’s been working on a few spells that might help us,” Enfield said.

“Can she open up a door back to Earth?” Scootaloo asked.

“Maybe but she said it’s not all too stable,” Enfield said.

Scootaloo tossed a few pieces of clothing in her bag and stopped.

“We can’t go back looking like this,” Scootaloo said doubtfully.

“What do you mean?” asked Enfield.

“I mean we can’t go back in this form,” Scootaloo replied.

“Relax,” said Enfield, “Zecora managed to whip up a little something that could help us.”

“What did she make?” asked Scootaloo.

Enfield went to his bedroom and returned a few minutes later with a few small bottles of a semi-clear liquid. The strange liquid seemed to move on its own inside the bottle almost like mercury. Enfield gave one to Scootaloo and put another in her bag.

“This here is a combination of Poison Joke and Hearts Desire,” Enfield said as he popped the top off the bottle, “Me and Zecora have been testing it for the past several days. Me being the guinea pig of course.”

“Does it work?” Scootaloo asked nervously.

“It didn’t until I added a little something,” said Enfield.

“What did you add?” asked Scootaloo.

“Just something that I cooked up,” Enfield said, “Do you remember the dandelion and burdock soda I made?”

Scootaloo relaxed and watched her dad raise the bottle to his lips.

“Word of advice,” he said, “I wouldn’t watch.”

Enfield swigged down the entire bottle and waited for the change. He felt nothing at first then the twisting feeling at the pit of his stomach started, he hunched over and moaned. The second phase started when he could feel his legs morph and his internal organs shift. Scootaloo shielded her eyes and covered her ears to avoid seeing Enfield transform and hear his screams. Three long minutes passed and Scootaloo decided to open her eyes, she slowly looked up and saw her dad in his original human form twirling his 1911 on his finger. Weirdly, he was dressed in a red hoodie with a white t-shirt along with jeans and black sneakers.

“Good to be back,” he said. Scootaloo was in shock, she hadn’t seen her dad in human form since the day he was almost killed, lying in front of her in a pool of his own blood.

“Dad, is it really you?” Scootaloo said slowly.

“Yep,” said Enfield, “I’ll say that I’ve never felt so good since, well, ever.”

“You’re your old self when we escaped Earth?” asked Scootaloo.

“Still sixteen in human years,” replied Enfield.

Scootaloo slowly walked over to Enfield, she only came up to waist height she looked up and Enfield knelt down.

“You’ve still got that scar,” she said.

Enfield touched the side of his face that had a small scar running under his eye from the day he almost got blown up. He never tried to think about it after Bob committed suicide but the pain still was stuck in the back of his mind.

“I might have all of my old scars,” Enfield said.

“The one’s you got from trying to help me Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell?” Scootaloo asked. Enfield nodded and handed her one of the bottles.

“Your turn,” he said softly.

Scootaloo took the bottle and pulled the top off, she slowly went to sip it but stopped and looked up at Enfield.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll be here.”

Scootaloo grinded her teeth and swallowed the entire contents of the bottle in one gulp. She didn’t know what it would feel like to be changed once more but once the twisting feeling started, she passed out from the excruciating pain.

“Hey Scoot,” a distance voice said, “You feeling okay?”

Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes. Even though her vision was blurred she could see Enfield sitting next to her. Scootaloo tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Enfield.

“Easy girl,” he said, “I really don’t want you to be moving until you regain motor functionality.”

Scootaloo’s vision had now fully returned. She turned over and was glad to see that her dad was sitting at her bedside, Enfield had set her down on her bed after her transformation so she could recover. She rubbed at the side of her head and brought her hand into her view, her transformation had been a success, she had a hand along with fingers. Scootaloo slowly sat up and mover her arms around, trying to regain familiarity of how she used to function as a human.

“Am I a human again?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well either that or you’re dreaming,” Enfield said.

“How would I know?” asked Scootaloo.

“Easy,” Enfield said, “If you were dreaming you wouldn’t feel this.”

He poked her in the ribs and Scootaloo shifted.

“Yeah, I guess there’s that,” said Scootaloo, “How do I look?”

“Exactly the same when I first found you,” Enfield said.

Scootaloo sat up and took note of what she was wearing. She had the same orange t-shirt and purple sweat shorts and sneakers from the day Enfield had helped the Crusaders. Scootaloo sat up, pulled her shoes and socks off and moved her feet around.

“That’s it, just take it slow,” said Enfield.

“This feels so weird,” Scootaloo said wiggling her toes.

“I know,” said Enfield, “I kind of had to learn to walk on two legs again after I was first transformed.”

Scootaloo slowly slid off the bed and tried to stand up, she almost lost her balance but Enfield grabbed hold of her hand and managed to guide her. Scootaloo didn’t like being taught how to walk but she had no choice after she was turned into a human. Enfield helped her go down the stairs and into the living room where he told her to wait until he found the bags hat they would be taking back to Earth.

“Where’s Twilight?” asked Scootaloo, “Isn’t she supposed to open up the portal or whatever to Earth?”

“She got my letter, she’ll be here,” Enfield said from upstairs.

Scootaloo shrugged and pulled her shoes and socks back on and waited for her dad. While she did she tried manipulating several objects on the table. Her eyes fell on an empty box and several pieces of Styrofoam strewn across the table, Scootaloo picked up the box and turned it over. On it read; Skybuster 250 Rocket.

“Dad,” Scootaloo shouted to Enfield, “How did you send the letter?”

“I just improvised with a little something I found in the closet,” Enfield replied, “I bloody hope Twilight brings it back.”

Heavy banging rang trough the door. Scootaloo jumped and span around.

“Enfield!” Twilight’s angry sounding voice came.

“Be there in a minute,” Enfield said as he thundered down the stairs with a pair of bags over his shoulder.

“Open up, Enfield!” Twilight shouted.

“What is it?” Enfield asked through the door.

“You sent this, thing through my window,” said Twilight.

“Oh, sorry about that,” said Enfield, “Did you get my letter?”

“Can you open the door at least?” Twilight asked.

“I hope you’re ready for a shock,” replied Enfield.

Enfield very slowly opened the door to face Twilight. Her expression went from annoyed to stunned in an instant, she dropped the rocket she was holding.

“Enfield,” she stammered, “You… you’re…”

“Back to my old self?” Enfield asked casually.

“I haven’t seen you as a human since the day you ended up here,” Twilight said.

“It’s a bit strange being like this again but I’ll manage,” Enfield said as he scooped up the rocket, “Like my delivery system?”

“It’s kind of dangerous,” said Twilight.

“But it’s much faster than standard delivery,” Enfield said.

Twilight stood outside the door, still fascinated with Enfield’s transformation.

“Are you going to come in or not?” Enfield asked.

Twilight stepped inside and was greeted by Dart. Enfield explained the secret experiments that he and Zecora had set up to see if they could create an elixir or potion that could change him into a human. He said that after several fruitless attempts and failures, they finally managed to make a brew that could shift Enfield’s form. Twilight argued that form changing was impossible without powerful magic, Enfield replied with the fact that he and Zecora used several magical plants to make the drink. Enfield tested it and was restored back to his old human self, the only downside were the scars from his final stand. Just as Enfield tossed Scootaloo her bag, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell entered Enfield’s house.

“Whoa,” Apple Bloom said, looking at Enfield, “Kind of brings back memories.”

“Just the good ones,” Enfield replied.

“So you’re actually going back?” asked Sweetie Bell.

“My dad said that we had to so he could see his family,” Scootaloo replied, slinging her bag over her back.

“Well let’s hope you don’t get shot up again,” Applejack said jokingly.

“It’s okay, I have a machine pistol in my bag,” Enfield replied.

“So you want me to take care of Dart?” Fluttershy asked.

“And are you going dressed like that?” Rarity said, commenting on Enfield’s apparel.

“It’s casual and warm,” Enfield said, “First place we’re going to is England.”

“Where are we going, dad?” Scootaloo asked.

“To the south of England to see my grandmother,” Enfield asked. He turned to Twilight.

“I trust that you have the spell to open the Rift,” he said.

“It’s not fully stable but I can get it to open and close at will,” said Twilight.

“Perfect,” Enfield said.